The UnBenghazi

It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.
No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

We have been in a quasi-war with Iran for many years, maybe decades.

It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
If democrat marxists hadn’t played Vietnam and had Bush not acquiesced and had Obama the Marxist ideologue not surrendered it probably wouldn’t have been such a problem.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
We aren’t so much. That’s Pravda take you’re referring to. We need to maintain a police presence just as we do in American ghettos.
It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
If democrat marxists hadn’t played Vietnam and had Bush not acquiesced and had Obama the Marxist ideologue not surrendered it probably wouldn’t have been such a problem.

Nothing has changed under Trump.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaining a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.
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What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaing a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.

When did "Conservatives" start believing in massive debt to be the world police?

When are you going to start paying for this stradjety as opposed to expecting the future generations to do so?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaing a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.

When did "Conservatives" start believing in massive debt to be the world police?

When are you going to start paying for this stradjety as opposed to expecting the future generations to do so?
We wouldnt have any debt if democrats wouldnt bitch about fighting dirty. Furthermore, we sure as fuck shouldnt be rebuilding anything. We should fire bomb their cities, then leave. War could be very cheap, if we didnt have bleeding heart liberals.
That sounds emotionally satisfying, but before deciding how to respond, it would be a good idea to remember why we are there and what we are trying to accomplish and how this or that response would effect the success of the mission.

The worst thing you can do, is show weakness. It doesn't matter what the mission is, if they don't respect you.
If the mission doesn't matter, why be there at all? Force protection is necessary, but if we create too many dead bodies it will be counter productive and the mission fails.


If they respect you, you can engage in the mission. If they don't respect you, it doesn't matter what your mission is.
We don't need their respect, we just need to protect our personnel and property, and we are doing a good job of it. Just to be safe, 100 marines have been brought in already, 750 are on the way and as many as 4,000 more may be moved there. With loads of fixed and rotary aircraft just minutes away, the US already has sufficient power to repel any further attacks, but if we kill too many Iraqis, the mission will have failed.

Iran is crafty. They sent Iraqi militia that are loyal to Iran to attack us, so when we struck back, we killed Iraqis, not Iranians and now the Iraqis are furious at us and the Iraqi government has to try to distance itself from us. Part of the mission is to maintain Iraqi sovereignty to contain ISIS and Iran, but if we kill too many Iraqis in the process, the mission will have failed. In effect, Iran has been using our superior military power against us. To put it another way, the more these Iraqi militia respect and fear our power, the greater Iran's influence in Iraq becomes.

Right, but until they respect us, then it will be utterly impossible to protect our personnel and property. Benghazi is proof of that.

We went around Libya, thinking we were doing all this good stuff, and never confronted the militias. Because we didn't want any bodies on our hands.

But these groups don't respect care bear hugs, and candy cains. They respect power.

It doesn't matter how many marines you have on standby if they never shoot one of these barbarians crashing the gate. They are going to keep doing it over and over, until they get blood, or we make them bleed.

When the backup consulate was being attacked in Benghazi, the local security, kept backing down. They retreated, and retreated. The attackers kept pushing unopposed, until the set the place on fire, and killed Stevens.

You know what would have stopped them? Shooting back as soon as they jumped the wall.

My point to you is.... if we do not establish this respect... they will keep attacking us until we end up having a blood bath.

Better to kill a few dozen people now, than to wait until we have a thousand people swarming our embassy, and we have to slaughter hundreds.
The only thing Benghazi proved is that Hillary Clinton is one of the most incompetent people in the Universe. From the start the intent in Benghazi was to destroy the embassy and kill or capture the people. What happened in Iraq was just an angry gesture; no one was attacked and only minimal damage was inflicted on the compound. Americans don't shoot angry demonstrators either in the US or elsewhere in the world.

In Iraq, the problem was political, not military. The embassy was within a green zone that was normally secured by Iraqi special forces, but for some reason, the Iraqi special forces did not try to stop the Iranian backed militia from entering the Green Zone. So who would you shoot? The militia the Iraqi special forces allowed in? The Iraqi special forces who let them in? The politicians who did not order the Iraqi special forces to stop them? Do you want to shoot them all?

In Benghazi, the compound was located in a remote area with little local security available and the closest US forces to be called for relief were 7 hours away in Germany. In Iraq, the US compound was located in a presumed secure area and US military assistance was minutes away. In Benghazi, the compound came under heavy automatic weapons fire and mortar fire; in Iraq, no shots were fired and the protesters never went past the reception area when they broke in. It was just an angry gesture by an Iranian backed militia, probably directed by Iran that took place in the context of a political tug or war between the US and Iran for influence in Iraq. Appropriate measures have already been taken to make sure this doesn't happen again. 100 Marine have already been sent to the area to patrol the perimeter of the Green Zone so that the militia will not be allowed to walk in again, and another 750 soldiers have been sent to Kuwait as a rapid response team if needed. Up to 4,000 could be quickly sent if needed. In addition, Apache gunships and US fighters are minutes away if needed. If these conditions had existed in Benghazi, no one would have died there.
They don't get turned over to ice, they are let go before. Nice try to deflect though.

Why should a city waste the time and go to the expense simply to have ICE release them?

ICE official: 108,500 undocumented immigrants released in the last three months
Not criminals.

I thought the argument was that all illegals are criminals?
They are when they enter the United States. But I'm talking convicted criminals including murderers.

You are just making crap up.
No I'm not, you need to get your news somewhere other than CNN.
Americans still support their government’s military interventions and condemn those against it as traitors.

Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
If democrat marxists hadn’t played Vietnam and had Bush not acquiesced and had Obama the Marxist ideologue not surrendered it probably wouldn’t have been such a problem.

Nothing has changed under Trump.
Did I say it did? He certainly hasn’t surrendered to muslim terrorists nor democrats.
Americans still support their government’s military interventions and condemn those against it as traitors.

Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
If we decimated them, why are we still there spinning our wheels?
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaing a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.

When did "Conservatives" start believing in massive debt to be the world police?

When are you going to start paying for this stradjety as opposed to expecting the future generations to do so?
We wouldnt have any debt if democrats wouldnt bitch about fighting dirty. Furthermore, we sure as fuck shouldnt be rebuilding anything. We should fire bomb their cities, then leave. War could be very cheap, if we didnt have bleeding heart liberals.

Really matters none what you think we should do. All that matters is what we do. With that being the case, you didn't answer the question.
No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
If democrat marxists hadn’t played Vietnam and had Bush not acquiesced and had Obama the Marxist ideologue not surrendered it probably wouldn’t have been such a problem.

Nothing has changed under Trump.
Did I say it did? He certainly hasn’t surrendered to muslim terrorists nor democrats.

Trump continues to say we need to leave. He just doesn't have the balls to do so.
Why should a city waste the time and go to the expense simply to have ICE release them?

ICE official: 108,500 undocumented immigrants released in the last three months
Not criminals.

I thought the argument was that all illegals are criminals?
They are when they enter the United States. But I'm talking convicted criminals including murderers.

You are just making crap up.
No I'm not, you need to get your news somewhere other than CNN.

That is a cowardly response.
Americans still support their government’s military interventions and condemn those against it as traitors.

Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
No it’s blow back for actions taken by our military, and entirely expected.
Killing terrorists is what I like.
So, those people demonstrating outside the Empire’s embassy are terrorists deserving death.

Why have some Americans become so bloodthirsty?
Because cowards like you invite death and your kind should be locked in a cage with a muslim with a butcher knife.

Said the person sitting behind a computer........
Just like you are, hypocrite traitor.
Anyone who opposes the warmongering oligarchs, is a traitor. WTF!
Why are we where? In Iraq? We no longer conduct miltary raids there, nor do we have many people there. I imagine we have more military personell in Germany than we do in Iraq.

Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaing a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.

When did "Conservatives" start believing in massive debt to be the world police?

When are you going to start paying for this stradjety as opposed to expecting the future generations to do so?
We wouldnt have any debt if democrats wouldnt bitch about fighting dirty. Furthermore, we sure as fuck shouldnt be rebuilding anything. We should fire bomb their cities, then leave. War could be very cheap, if we didnt have bleeding heart liberals.

Really matters none what you think we should do. All that matters is what we do. With that being the case, you didn't answer the question.
Youre blaming republicans for something democrats also do. Obama did plenty of "world policing".

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