The unimaginable ignorance regarding U.S. government


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump

I don't think this is at all limited to any political affiliation. Americans in general seem to think of the president as having more power than he does. To be fair, the president does have quite a bit of influential rather than direct power. Still, regardless of party or political leaning, people give presidents more credit and place more blame than their actual power deserves.

To speak to the specific point in the OP, while the president does not legislate, the president does have influence regarding what legislation is proposed or passed.
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump

The left ?

Save your sanctimonious speech for the right wing . Ya know , the ones who constantly act like the judicial branch shouldn’t exist .
To speak to the specific point in the OP, while the president does not legislate, the president does have influence regarding what legislation is proposed or passed.
But constitutionally he absolutely shouldn’t. Just because we morphed into this mess doesn’t mean it’s ok.

The president’s job is to lead the executive branch. Nothing more.
Save your sanctimonious speech for the right wing . Ya know , the ones who constantly act like the judicial branch shouldn’t exist .
How do you figure? I’ve never heard a single conservative claim that the judicial branch shouldn’t exist.
To speak to the specific point in the OP, while the president does not legislate, the president does have influence regarding what legislation is proposed or passed.
But constitutionally he absolutely shouldn’t. Just because we morphed into this mess doesn’t mean it’s ok.

The president’s job is to lead the executive branch. Nothing more.

Where does the Constitution say anything about the president not having influence?
To speak to the specific point in the OP, while the president does not legislate, the president does have influence regarding what legislation is proposed or passed.
But constitutionally he absolutely shouldn’t. Just because we morphed into this mess doesn’t mean it’s ok.

The president’s job is to lead the executive branch. Nothing more.

Where does the Constitution say anything about the president not having influence?
In the part that says legislation is the responsibility of the legislative branch.
So he’s just a figurehead? I can live with that. I mean, I wish he would stop tweeting, but as long as he isn’t – oh wait. What about all those quiet little executive orders he’s been signing into existence. Where do they fall, within the confines of him being a figurehead.
To speak to the specific point in the OP, while the president does not legislate, the president does have influence regarding what legislation is proposed or passed.
But constitutionally he absolutely shouldn’t. Just because we morphed into this mess doesn’t mean it’s ok.

The president’s job is to lead the executive branch. Nothing more.

Where does the Constitution say anything about the president not having influence?
In the part that says legislation is the responsibility of the legislative branch.

The president can influence the legislative branch and still leave the actual legislating up to them. Influence is not the same as having the power of legislation. So no, the Constitution does not say that the president cannot have influence over the legislature.
So he’s just a figurehead? I can live with that. I mean, I wish he would stop tweeting, but as long as he isn’t – oh wait. What about all those quiet little executive orders he’s been signing into existence. Where do they fall, within the confines of him being a figurehead.
can you please show me how you were worried obama was doing this also? or is this only because it's trump now that it's wrong?

trump so far, 58.
List of executive actions by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

List of executive actions by Barack Obama - Wikipedia

now a bulk of trumps are to overturn obama but yes, he's on a fast n furious pace also. *IF* this is being misused by either President then we need to care about the actions being done / abused, not who is doing it and if we like it, it's ok.

that's how we get into this crap to begin with. my guy can do things your guy can't, neener neener.
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
Be my guest. If you have a point to make then make it. Don’t be lazy and ask me to do it for you
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
Be my guest. If you have a point to make then make it. Don’t be lazy and ask me to do it for you

Third graders see my can’t?
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Trump has left broad economic policy to his Goldman Sachs crew, legislation (such as health care) to House Speaker Paul Ryan, and administrating the government to Jared Kushner.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
Be my guest. If you have a point to make then make it. Don’t be lazy and ask me to do it for you

Third graders see my can’t?
Yeah you are disagreeing with P@triot and saying that the president does hold legislative power because he is the one that signs or vetos the legislation produced by congress into or out of law. I agree with that point, which you very inarticulately tried to make. Next time trying making a clear point and not giving out homework assignments
The left still hasn’t figured out that the federal government has three distinctive branches and that all three have vastly different responsibilities. The left truly believes that the President of the United States “controls” the nation much like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq or Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Let’s think about this logically for just a second. Since President Trump is in the executive branch, and Paul Ryan is in the legislative branch, President Trump is constitutionally required to “leave legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan”.

Until the left is taught the U.S. Constitution, they will continue to perpetuate this type of insanity.

The Generals Have Won Their War With Trump
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
Be my guest. If you have a point to make then make it. Don’t be lazy and ask me to do it for you

Third graders see my can’t?
Yeah you are disagreeing with P@triot and saying that the president does hold legislative power because he is the one that signs or vetos the legislation produced by congress into or out of law. I agree with that point, which you very inarticulately tried to make. Next time trying making a clear point and not giving out homework assignments

NEGATIVE...and I’ll decide how I choose to make a point.
I agree with P@triot
The responsibility to legislate lies with the legislative branch. His point made is clear. One could hold the POTUS responsible for either signing or vetoing a Bill...but NOT for framing or authoring a piece of legislation.
Simple shit...allow yourself to let it be simple.
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?

Link us to the spending bills that King Onegro refused to sign....we won’t hold him “responsible” for any of those. TA-DA!
Be my guest. If you have a point to make then make it. Don’t be lazy and ask me to do it for you

Third graders see my can’t?
Yeah you are disagreeing with P@triot and saying that the president does hold legislative power because he is the one that signs or vetos the legislation produced by congress into or out of law. I agree with that point, which you very inarticulately tried to make. Next time trying making a clear point and not giving out homework assignments

NEGATIVE...and I’ll decide how I choose to make a point.
I agree with P@triot
The responsibility to legislate lies with the legislative branch. His point made is clear. One could hold the POTUS responsible for either signing or vetoing a Bill...but NOT for framing or authoring a piece of legislation.
Simple shit...allow yourself to let it be simple.
Haha, perfect you decide how you make your point, please by all means. I’m just telling you that you do a piss poor job at it.

Yes congress writes the laws but they don’t get enacted into law without the presidents signature. Just like a CEO isn’t down in the factory making the car parts and ordering the inventory, but he is the one that decides what his company produces. It’s a similar situation in Washington. The president sets the agenda, he outlines what he will and won’t sign into law. He is very involved in the legislation process and operations of this country. You’re silly to try and argue against that
So he’s just a figurehead? I can live with that.
No sweetie...he is the actual head (of the executive branch only)
What about all those quiet little executive orders he’s been signing into existence. Where do they fall, within the confines of him being a figurehead.
Executive Orders (as well as Presidential Memorandums) are 100% constitutional so long as they apply to the executive branch only and do not instruct the executive branch to violate law. And thankfully, all of President Trump’s Executive Orders have met those criteria.
You are correct patriot. I’m curious given what you just said in your op, do you not hold Obama responsible for frivolous spending and nearly doubling our debt like I hear many on the right claim? The power of the purse after all is controlled by congresss is it not?
I absolutely do hold Barack Insane Obama responsible. And I will explain to you why.

1. Like all progressives - he truly believed that President of the United States meant “ruler”. He engaged in highly unconstitutional actions on a weekly basis (such as the outrageous “DACA” - which egregiously violated federal law).

2. Since the left believes that POTOS = Supreme Ruler, his party treated him as such. What ever he told Dumbocrats in Congress to do, they did. The few that dissented where threatened. The few left after that who didn’t cave were bought (see the “Cornhusker Kickback” and the “Louisiana Purchase”).

3. Because Obama believed himself a dictator with unlimited power, he acted like it. When Congress (who is supposed to control the purse strings) wouldn’t give him the money he wanted (after Republicans took over), he would just spend anyway and put it on the tax payers tab.
Yeah you are disagreeing with P@triot and saying that the president does hold legislative power because he is the one that signs or vetos the legislation produced by congress into or out of law.
Exactly. Veto or sign. He doesn’t vote on legislation. And he sure as hell isn't supposed to write it or influence representatives.

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