The Unintended Criminal

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Unintended Criminal

When fools and madmen criminalize rational thought, then every sane man becomes a criminal by default. Perhaps it was indifference or even outright apathy, but whatever caused the deafening silence to perpetuate itself in this nation, and rational people to go along just to get along, has done a masterful job thus far.

Even in the delusional faux utopia many convinced themselves they were living in, there were a handful of voices warning of the consequences of our silence, but they were quickly muzzled, marginalized, or branded some sort of extremist hater who refuses to come into the glorious light of progress and innovation, content with clinging to God and guns alike, believing they will somehow slow the tide.

Those who ought to have stood with the trumpeters of truth and trumpeted the truth themselves, instead found reasons and means by which to distance themselves, and make themselves seem more embracing and tolerant of the sin being warned against, not wanting to be mistaken for an ally or friend of someone who would dare speak such divisive words as repentance or holiness.

I realize that to the casual Christian, my words might sound bitter, but I assure you I am not. There’s no energy for bitterness anymore, I fear, just a sadness that blooms ever wider like a bloodstain from a gunshot wound.

We did our best. We tried our hardest. We preached until our throats were raw, and warned until we were speaking to empty pews, and left wives and sons and daughters behind for the sake of the Gospel and in the hopes of awakening a slumbering nation, and all we have to show for it are achy joints, bad backs, and a gnawing question in the back of our minds if any of it was really worth it.

Not only was love mistaken for intolerance and truth mistaken for divisiveness by most, soon, it seems, those still clinging to truth will be branded criminals because they refuse to put on the muzzle.

Even now I’m still getting the ‘what if’ e-mails from well-meaning individuals who just don’t want to see how hard the hearts of most have become, and how unwilling to repent they are.

In their quest to sin guilt free, even a most beautiful truth such as grace has been perverted and bastardized by supposed Christians to mean that because of it, because of grace, we can do as we will, when we will, with no consequence or repercussion.

We keep bulldozing the path and making it ever wider, without a thought to what God has to say, without an ounce of remorse or introspection, because we love our sin more than we love Him and that is the defining characteristic of the modern day church.

There it is, simple and clean. We love sin more than we love God, and we make concessions for our sins to the detriment of God’s holy Word time and again, because the self is our idol, and the pleasing of the self is of paramount importance.

If only a heart broken and stripped of pride can truly understand what God counts as important and necessary, then before we can place a single foot on the right path, God must break us asunder and strip us of our pride and hedonism. If this does not occur, then He has left us to the desire of our own hearts, and this above all ought to be ample reason to humble ourselves into the dust of the earth and heap ash upon ourselves.

The church isn’t ready for what is coming, not by a longshot, and when being a follower of Christ becomes a criminal act, far fewer individuals will claim to be followers of Christ. At least then we will know the true believer from the pretend.

Whether in this life, or the life beyond, those who have perpetrated the chaos we are seeing from within the church itself will be held to account, for nothing done in open or in secret goes unseen, and the God we serve is a meticulous record keeper.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.,+12:00+pm&printer_friendly=1
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If you are asking for clarification? Sure, Woodie.

Recently I was reading Joshua 7 as a friend of mine had mentioned to me that fornication is common in their church as well as on the altar. They have people living in unrepented sin leading worship. I am seeing this in more and more churches and wondered what is the Lord going to do concerning this as I know judgment is coming but it is also coming to the church for the false prophets / teachings - the sin abounding - the lack of love inside the church for the Lost, for those outside the church as well as those inside. It is truly astonishing once God opens your eyes to it. So this person came to my house the other day and said the Lord wants me to share with you something he gave me. It is in Joshua 7.

This person had told me that they believed the Lord was giving them Joshua 7 specifically and that the Lord had told them this was for their church. I told the person this is not only for your church but for all of the easy going churches in America and throughout the world who teach a wide road gospel / false gospel and leaving off holiness, repentance, prayer.. the narrow path Jesus told us that leads to heaven.

The modern church is comfortable in their sin because they have been taught by false teachers that there is no such thing as the judgment of God for them anymore... they have crossed over. Repent for what? They are in the "promised land" of wealth and prosperity here on earth ( or on their way! ) The teaching from these pulpits is God is not judging anyone who is a Christian, once saved always saved, live however you like and you will still get heaven in the end. Just be sure to tithe off your full check ( not after taxes ) and give liberally to the church. God only sees that you are saved, he no longer sees your sin. Nothing to worry about.. it is all taken care of.

That is not the truth though. You see, in Joshua 7 Joshua and the people are defeated in a battle and cannot stand against the enemy. Joshua realizes they are in big trouble, he turns to God and gets on his face before him. The Lord says to Joshua, Get up! What are you doing on your face? Israel has sinned and they have transgressed the covenant which I commanded them, for they have even taken the accursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissasembled.... and they have put it even among their own stuff! - Joshua 7: 10 - 11

Then God tells them: Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they were accursed, neither will I be with you anymore unless you destroy the accursed from among you. Joshua 7: 12

So Joshua does all that God tells him to do and then God identifies who among each tribe and family have been stealing, taking what doesn't belong to them and hiding it.. and as God identifies them Joshua confronts. See how he confronted Achan in Joshua 7: 19.

Once these ones are brought out they are put to death. See Joshua 7: 25 and when God's camp was cleansed of these people - the Lord turned away from his fierce anger.

So now we are in the 21st century and once again we have sin in God's camp. We have people within the church - even on the altars and they have hidden their sins and the preachers have hidden their own sins such as stealing what belongs to the people and putting it in their own homes - as well as the worship leaders living in fornication and adultery, every kind of wickedness that could go on and like Eli some of the parents in the congregation know full well about their children on the altars who are living in sin while leading worship on the altar and are sinning against the Lord.. but the new gospel is we shall walk in Love and not "judge anyone" and we'll all eat together in fellowship, take communion at the altar and no one wonders why the body of Christ is sick.

So the day comes when God uses the enemy to bring judgment on these ones ( See video America will fall - Dumitru Duduman ) and then the Christians who were really living holy lives and would have no part of it are spared because God is not doing anything by random happenstance but rather all things are in Gods hands from start to finish.

Note* The wicked are God's sword. Psalm 17: 13 God is in complete control. Never doubt it.
[ame=]The Wheat And The Tares - YouTube[/ame]

Yesterday the Lord ministered to me about the Tares and the Wheat and that the time is at hand that the Tares are going to be separated from the Wheat. I was wondering why He allowed false teachers, false christians to deceive his flock and devour the sheep. I didn't understand why although I knew God expected his own children to continue on preaching the gospel and praying for the lost. When the Lord revealed to me the meaning of that parable - It reminded me of Michael Boldea's dream called the House that Stood. It is a dream the Lord gave him concerning the future attack on America and who will survive. Everthing was burned except the Christians who were living for God 24 / 7 and praying fervently prior to the attack..

It is written:

Let them grow together until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn. - Matthew 13: 30

Question for anyone reading this. If you are a Christian and truly love people, why are you not warning them to come out of sin now and flee the wrath to come?
You are so right. We should all be shouting Jeri. There is a concerted push to remove Jesus from our lives. We should fight just as hard to keep Him here.
He has been forced out of our schools, our military, our government and a lot of our churches.

When I would hate what was happening, especially to our country, my Dad would tell me not to grieve, that all of these things must come to pass before Christ comes back. So, just run the good race all the way to the finish line, because that's where Jesus is waiting.

He's right, but It's still rough to watch. :(
I feel desperate for the people here because they have been robbed! Totally robbed! Who is preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in their home towns, on their televisions? It is like there is a famine of the Word of God being preached out there. That is why I am thankful for Michael Boldea's online ministry because I don't even have a church right now. The last one had sin on the altar again! And this time they were much older! What a something! As for people here.... I pray they can find some good Pastors or fellowship with believers who will help them. Getting saved is the easy part. They need to find a body of believers where they live that they can pray with and be encouraged by and grow in the Lord.
I feel led to say this: If you are a preacher and are in the pulpit FOR ANY OTHER REASON than the Love of Jesus Christ compelling you to reach the Lost? If you are in that pulpit FOR ANY OTHER REASON? GET OUT OF THERE NOW! Judgment begins in the House of the Lord.

If you are preaching the gospel on line and are misleading people with a false gospel, or using the gospel as a venting tool and you know you do not have a deep love for the lost? Stop what you are doing and get right with Jesus first, for the Love of God. Otherwise you too will be held accountable for the motives of your heart. I thank God for Irish Ram, Chuck, others who have a heart for the lost because truly the harvest is plentiful. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest for more laborers.
I found this one this morning and believe it speaks volumes on how the sincere believer is feeling these days. Michael Boldea Jr. is such a blessing to the Body of Christ. I thank God for his teaching series and that it is online and available to everyone for free.

The Burden of Knowing
Nowadays, some things have become so obvious even the spiritually obtuse are beginning to see them. Granted, those whose eyes are beginning to open are the selfsame individuals who mocked and ridiculed those warning of these days long before they were visible, but not everyone matures at the same pace, and some just take longer to come to terms with what they are seeing than others.

Like any terminal disease, the sin ravaging this nation is beginning to weaken the host. The weaker the host gets, the quicker the disease is able to do what it does, and so the pace of destruction is accelerated exponentially. Every terminal disease has one singular purpose: to destroy its host.

Make no mistake, sin is a terminal disease. It is a disease only repentance and the blood of Christ can cure, and since Jesus has become anathema, and fewer folks than ever before know what repentance means, the death of the host is only a matter of time.

Throughout it all there have been those who would not defile themselves. Throughout it all there have been those who guarded their hearts, obeyed the word of God rather than the words of men, and anchored their faith in Jesus, knowing He was the only safe harbor in the storm to come.

It is from these selfsame individuals that I’ve started getting a considerable amount of correspondence, all asking the same question, just wording it differently.

The following is an e-mail forwarded to me by our office which encapsulates the question I am referring to quite nicely, and since the office didn’t forward an e-mail address, I will answer the question in this post.

Aloha, Pastor Boldea,

I'll keep this short because I know you are very busy...

First some encouragement: I've been reading your blog and listening to your teaching series for several months now; thank you SO much for your faithfulness in pressing on regardless of opposition. I'm sure I'm not the only one being edified, encouraged, convicted and taught through HOH.

The weariness you spoke of? I have felt the same weariness...Wondering if there is anyone who will pray - who is praying and seeking God without any other agenda but to cry out to Him. Where we live, it is spiritually dead. Stagnant complacency and well-ordered programs run the church buildings here. With all humbleness I say that I was privileged to have grown up in the presence of the Lord, seeing the pattern of intercession leading to true repentance, and waiting on the Spirit to direct the service and experiencing such precious times. My heart aches for my kids because I want my children to know His Presence, to know what worship really is - not this praise and worship musical performance we see today. We don't want our kids to grow up believing what they see in church is what following Christ is about, so we simply have home church.

My question is if one of your future posts or recordings could be for those of us who DO see reality and are heartbroken... What is our part in this time? Obviously to pray and intercede, but many times I am at a loss on HOW to pray. Can we pray that there be a mighty revival that shakes this nation - like Argentina experienced in the '50s? Or is the time for repentance and revival sealed up now? Does this question even make sense?

May the Lord continue to lead you and grant you His wisdom,


The essence of the question is this: Knowing what we now, what is our responsibility toward God? What do we do in light of the times we are living in, and what does God expect of us?

Before we get into God’s expectations of us in times such as these, I feel as though a disclaimer is in order.

For some time now the household of faith has found it difficult to differentiate and separate general doctrine from personal convictions. There are certain general truths which apply to the entirety of the Body, and there are personal convictions which apply to individuals.

Today we will be discussing the general truths, those things which apply across the board to the entire Body of Christ.

This is important because some are called of God to a specific task, commanded to do a certain thing, then take it upon themselves to make general doctrine of their personal convictions.

Coldhearted as the following might sound, we are saved as individuals and not as a collective. As such, there comes a time when we must, as individuals, work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Although the following is a list of general truths, it is still incumbent upon us to do them as individuals. They are in no particular order, but if we are honest with ourselves we will assign the appropriate place to each one depending upon our predispositions.

1. Learn to hear the voice of God clearly, for yourself, without surrogates or proxies.

2. Be established in your heart, and know the promises of God for you.

3. Be equipped to lead, be humble enough to serve.

4. Pray for repentance in lieu of revival, for there can be no revival without repentance.

5. Strip your heart of preconceived notions in regards to how and when, just believe that God will!

6. Give up the illusion of control and surrender your heart to God in its totality.

7. Search your heart diligently, and do away with anything that does not bring glory to God.

8. Live what you preach!

9. Don’t get distracted by what others do. Follow Jesus and Him alone.

10. Live with the expectation that you will be persecuted and purpose in your heart to remain faithful to the end.

Although I could readily expound upon any of these ten things at length, I believe wholeheartedly those who desire wisdom, will understand exactly what I was trying to say with each point.

Our duty as believers – whatever calling God has called us to – is to be living epistles of Christ, and living testimonies of what Jesus does in a heart that receives Him.

God grants us knowledge of what is to come not as a burdensome thing, but as an encouragement, because if He already knows what tomorrow holds, then He’s already made preparations for you and me and all who belong to Him.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
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