The United States has raised its debt ceiling at least 90 times in the 20th century

Biden could cut spending if he really wanted to

But he doesnt want to compromise with the hated repubs
Trump could have to, but didn't.
Just like clock work, teabaggers are only concerned about spending, when a democrat is in office.
including 18 times under former President Ronald Reagan, eight times under former President Bill Clinton, seven times under former President George W. Bush, and five times under former President Barack Obama. From 2001, Congress has raised the debt ceiling 14 times from 2001 to 2016. The debt ceiling was raised roughly a total of $5.4 billion during President George W. Bush’s tenure, and it was raised roughly a total of $6.5 during President Obama’s tenure.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.
he growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

I don't see why the debt is such a problem, the infrastructure plan is important.
America dumped the gold standard. What else could we expect? Now we're more than $30 trillion in debt and can't even pay the principle, let alone the interest.

Debt Clock:

Trump is not the president
"When a democrat is in office".
The orange retard is president?
In Q-NUT minds he still is.
Good job.
Like I stated.
"Teabaggers are only concerned about spending, when a democrat is in office".

Do at least TRY to keep up with the times
I did.
Can you read or just ignoring words?
"Just like clock work".
America dumped the gold standard. What else could we expect? Now we're more than $30 trillion in debt and can't even pay the principle, let alone the interest.

Debt Clock:

Of course............but not a peep when Trump.

Donald Trump Promised to Eliminate the Deficit in 8 Years. ...​

Newsweek › ... › Barack Obama › CBO

Oct 8, 2019 — During the last election, Trump said he could clear America's $19 trillion of gross federal debt within eight years. To do that would mean ...

During the last election, Trump said he could clear America's $19 trillion of gross federal debt within eight years. To do that would mean eliminating the federal deficit, the negative difference between income and expenditure which keeps adding to the debt pile. It is now $22 trillion.

The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020.

The national debt reached another high of $28 trillion less than two months after President Trump left office.
In December 2021, Congress then increased the debt limit by $2.5 trillion, to almost $31.4 trillion,
"When a democrat is in office".
The orange retard is president?
In Q-NUT minds he still is.

Good job.
Like I stated.
"Teabaggers are only concerned about spending, when a democrat is in office".

I did.
Can you read or just ignoring words?
"Just like clock work".
The issue is raising the debt limit THIS YEAR

Previous years under former presidents dont count
Of course............but not a peep when Trump.

Donald Trump Promised to Eliminate the Deficit in 8 Years. ...

View attachment 784393
Newsweek › ... › Barack Obama › CBO
Oct 8, 2019 — During the last election, Trump said he could clear America's $19 trillion of gross federal debt within eight years. To do that would mean ...

During the last election, Trump said he could clear America's $19 trillion of gross federal debt within eight years. To do that would mean eliminating the federal deficit, the negative difference between income and expenditure which keeps adding to the debt pile. It is now $22 trillion.

The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020.

The national debt reached another high of $28 trillion less than two months after President Trump left office.
In December 2021, Congress then increased the debt limit by $2.5 trillion, to almost $31.4 trillion,
Fake News. There WAS a “peep” from me. Like I've said many times, there are a lot of things I liked about Trump and some things I wasn't pleased with. I'm not a partisan soldier walking in lockstep with my comrades (like the leftist Dems are). I've also stated a number of times that we're really under a one-party political system. At least when it comes to raising the debt ceiling; regime change; endless war; sending billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign interests; etc.
No bank would raise the credit limit 90 times for such an unworthy barrower. The US hasn't shown any spending restraints or any attempt to pay off its debt. A regular working dude with those habits would be laughed out the door if they asked their bank to raise their credit limit. Spending has to be reduced as well as the size of our government. Democrats need to stop trying to buy votes with unaffordable and unneeded spending.
Fake News. There WAS a “peep” from me.
NOT from the politicians you supported.
Like I've said many times, there are a lot of things I liked about Trump and some things I wasn't pleased with. I'm not a partisan soldier walking in lockstep with my comrades (like the leftist Dems are).
That's all they have done, for the last 6 years.
They were, and still are afraid of Trump's mean tweets.
Look how many people think the election was stolen?
On the opinion of ONE man.
I've also stated a number of times that we're really under a one-party political system. At least when it comes to raising the debt ceiling;
Not one of the politicians did anything when Trump raised it 3 times.
regime change; endless war;
That your politicians supported.

Republicans livid over Trump's plan to reduce troops in ...​

Politico › news › 2020/11/16 › mcco...

Nov 16, 2020 — “A rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and delight the people who wish us harm,” Senate Majority ...
sending billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign interests; etc.
You and biden sre trapped and all you can do is try to bluff your way out

That might work for a while, but the choice is to default or not

Which is it going to be?
Sure........................ that's what teabaggers are doing.
Projecting, Hypocrites.
The issue is raising the debt limit THIS YEAR

Previous years under former presidents dont count

It does count. As noted Trump failed at the debt when president and sadly many want to give him another shot at it again.

Biden is failing now and I don't understand those who would give him another shot either.
I'd say it's about time we make an attempt to limit spending. Every American family does it. There's no reason that our irresponsible representatives can't do it too. MAGA
Ok. Have that discussion. Have that negotiation. WHEN BUDGET PROCESS HAPPENS.

In the mean time pay the fucking bills. THAT is what this is about. Writing the check to pay your bills.

Ya don’t “control” your wife’s spending by simply not paying the bills she ran up. You do that and you’ll wind up paying late fees and eventually going bankrupt.

That’s what this is .
="Smokin' OP, post: 32005258, member: 78783"]
NOT from the politicians you supported.
I wasn't a member of this site when I complained loudly about raising the debt ceiling and over spending taxpayer money.

That's all they have done, for the last 6 years.
They were, and still are afraid of Trump's mean tweets.
Look how many people think the election was stolen?
On the opinion of ONE man.
I don't need Trump's opinion to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a ton of election interference from the left. Interestingly ... the left complained that the election was "stolen" when he soundly whipped Shillery's ass.

Not one of the politicians did anything when Trump raised it 3 times.
That's the point I made earlier. Both parties have a few things in common: spending taxpayer money; regime change; endless war, in general; supporting other nations before supporting America's interests. Been that way for decades.

Reducing our troops in other nations is a good thing in most cases. Lining them up on the southern border would be a great idea.
Trump could have to, but didn't.
Just like clock work, teabaggers are only concerned about spending, when a democrat is in office.
And, also like clockwork, nothing will be done, congresscritters will strut, preen, and blame everyone but themselves, and ultimately vote to keep the gravy train rolling with no consideration for what they're doing to the long-term health of the country. Liberal partisans will all cheer mightily when they do it because they know that no spending restraint will ever be placed on anything and no one will have to make any hard choices or sacrifices, until the economy totally collapses and Venezuela looks at us like, "Dang, we wouldn't want to be you".
Ok. Have that discussion. Have that negotiation. WHEN BUDGET PROCESS HAPPENS.

In the mean time pay the fucking bills. THAT is what this is about. Writing the check to pay your bills.

Ya don’t “control” your wife’s spending by simply not paying the bills she ran up. You do that and you’ll wind up paying late fees and eventually going bankrupt.

That’s what this is .

But when you do pay the bill for your wife you don't allow her to keep spending money on stupid unnecessary shit. That's what the problem is here.
But when you do pay the bill for your wife you don't allow her to keep spending money on stupid unnecessary shit. That's what the problem is here.

You have been on the forum since 2015, did you ever once push on this forum for spending cuts under the previous POTUS?
Show me where the $$$ didn't?
No one can because the criminal Trump regime is of course, keeping $500,000,000,000 in funding, a secret.
But NO, "nothing to see here".
Keep your head in the sand.
If that $$$, went to anything good, the Trump regime would be, of course, be bragging about it, instead of hiding it.

So in other words you made it all up. You "assume" that these were Republican leaning companies because they didn't disclose what exact companies got them without any evidence whatsoever. Well that's not pork spending unless you can prove it was.

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