The United States has raised its debt ceiling at least 90 times in the 20th century

including 18 times under former President Ronald Reagan, eight times under former President Bill Clinton, seven times under former President George W. Bush, and five times under former President Barack Obama. From 2001, Congress has raised the debt ceiling 14 times from 2001 to 2016. The debt ceiling was raised roughly a total of $5.4 billion during President George W. Bush’s tenure, and it was raised roughly a total of $6.5 during President Obama’s tenure.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.
he growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

I don't see why the debt is such a problem, the infrastructure plan is important.
And we have raised our debt yearly to the tune of 32 trillion dollars. Don't you think it's time to quit raising our debt?
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You and biden sre trapped and all you can do is try to bluff your way out

That might work for a while, but the choice is to default or not

Which is it going to be?
Default would rattle the world so they WILL raise the number again. They really have no choice at this point but a collapse IS COMING. Once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, we will become Venezuela, over night. Biden's handlers assured that last nail would be driven into America's coffin when he went after Bin Salman so aggressively. The Yuan or some new currency decided at the global level is about to replace the dollar and all of these dramas over "raising the debt limit" will be a thing of the past.
You have been on the forum since 2015, did you ever once push on this forum for spending cuts under the previous POTUS?

Probably. But it's really less about spending than it is what the spending is on such as vote buying and wasting money on pork. Under Trump we all got a tax cut that helped give us one of the best economic eras in our lifetime. Spending money on our military is a must because China is gaining grounds on us every day. And need I bring up covid while the Democrats were in charge of the House for two years under Trump?

Now we're wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on climate change, something man has zero control over. We are ripping down good bridges and rebuilding them because the Communists said some bridges are racist. Tens of millions to the arts, the Kennedy Center, a park path named after Mooochelle, a wax museum for weirdos in dresses, discounted or free internet for likely Democrat voters....... I mean lower income people. WE DON'T NEED TO BE SPENDING MONEY ON THIS SHIT!!!!
The House has done their part, all that's left is the Democrat Senate and White House. Even the liberal media can't deny that. How many Democrat Senators are up for reelection next year? Think on that liberals, before trying to blame Republicans.
The House has done their part, all that's left is the Democrat Senate and White House. Even the liberal media can't deny that. How many Democrat Senators are up for reelection next year? Think on that liberals, before trying to blame Republicans.

When the media is part of your party there is little to worry about. If it's a Republican President and a Democrat House, the Republican President gets the blame for a government shutdown. If it's a Democrat President and a Republican House, the Republican House is to blame for a shutdown.

If that's what this leads to, just watch. Every major media outside of Fox will be blaming McCarthy if the government shuts down stating Biden tried to work with him but McCarthy wouldn't budge.
When the media is part of your party there is little to worry about. If it's a Republican President and a Democrat House, the Republican President gets the blame for a government shutdown. If it's a Democrat President and a Republican House, the Republican House is to blame for a shutdown.

If that's what this leads to, just watch. Every major media outside of Fox will be blaming McCarthy if the government shuts down stating Biden tried to work with him but McCarthy wouldn't budge.
McCarty only represents one district, even the dumbest liberal has to understand that. Biden supposedly represents the whole country. The media can't ignore that for long.
It does count. As noted Trump failed at the debt when president and sadly many want to give him another shot at it again.

Biden is failing now and I don't understand those who would give him another shot either.
Biden could cut spending, but he won't

And I cant predict what the political consequences will be for either party
Default would rattle the world so they WILL raise the number again. They really have no choice at this point but a collapse IS COMING. Once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, we will become Venezuela, over night. Biden's handlers assured that last nail would be driven into America's coffin when he went after Bin Salman so aggressively. The Yuan or some new currency decided at the global level is about to replace the dollar and all of these dramas over "raising the debt limit" will be a thing of the past.
China’s economy is even weaker than America

Its in no condition to be the world currency
But when you do pay the bill for your wife you don't allow her to keep spending money on stupid unnecessary shit. That's what the problem is here.
That would mean you have a discussion about spending AFTER you pay the bills.

That means you raise the debt ceiling (pay the bills) and then have a spending discussion during the next appropriation session.

That’s the sane way to do it and what I have been saying
That would mean you have a discussion about spending AFTER you pay the bills.

That means you raise the debt ceiling (pay the bills) and then have a spending discussion during the next appropriation session.

That’s the sane way to do it and what I have been saying

You can't have a discussion with Democrats because you are all born liars. Just go back to the Reagan years when he allowed amnesty for illegals in this country in exchange for tougher border control by the Democrats in Congress. They got their amnesty, and then told Reagan to shove his stiffer border policies. Democrats are renown for never being trusted.

Without the debt ceiling over his head, the Republicans have no leverage. Dementia will lie and say he'll cut spending and do the same thing his comrades did to Reagan during his time in office.
I wasn't a member of this site when I complained loudly about raising the debt ceiling and over spending taxpayer money.
Post 55.......What Lesh stated.
WTF, are you going to negotiate your credit card or grocery bill?
You do that while MAKING a budget.
I don't need Trump's opinion to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a ton of election interference from the left. Interestingly ... the left complained that the election was "stolen"
We complained loudly because once again, republicans lost the popular vote.
Clinton- 65,853,614 votes.
Trump-62,984,828 votes.
when he soundly whipped Shillery's ass.
NO, he didn't.
That's the point I made earlier. Both parties have a few things in common: spending taxpayer money; regime change; endless war, in general; supporting other nations before supporting America's interests. Been that way for decades.
We tried to stop both Russia and Chinese aggression in regions politicians thought were important.
Vietnam and Iraq?.....................40 years, give or take, of war and I'm still waiting for a legit answer, as to why we were there.
Ukraine is obvious, Europe is at stake, our allies.
Reducing our troops in other nations is a good thing in most cases. Lining them up on the southern border would be a great idea.
I can't argue that.
And, also like clockwork, nothing will be done, congresscritters will strut, preen, and blame everyone but themselves, and ultimately vote to keep the gravy train rolling with no consideration for what they're doing to the long-term health of the country.
Exactly what Trump did.
Took credit for the tax cuts.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club.

"The rich will not be gaining at all with this plan. We are looking for the middle class and we are looking for jobs -- jobs being the economy," Mr. Trump said.

Trump Floats 10% Middle Class Tax Cut With Election ...​

Fortune › 2018/10/22 › trump-10-percent-mi...

Oct 22, 2018 — Trump says a 10% tax cut will be in effect by the mid-term elections. The only problem? Congress isn't in session.

Then when the debt grew even larger blamed 'others".

Trump officials blame deficit on slow growth​

The Hill › policy › finance › 356442-trump-of...

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney on Friday blamed lukewarm economic growth for the 2017 budget deficit.

Mitch McConnell Blames the Poor for Trump's Trillion- ...​

Vanity Fair › News › mitch mcconnell

Oct 16, 2018 — Mitch McConnell Blames the Poor for Trump's Trillion-Dollar Deficit. “It's disappointing, but it's not a Republican problem,” says the man ...

Liberal partisans will all cheer mightily when they do it because they know that no spending restraint will ever be placed on anything and no one will have to make any hard choices or sacrifices, until the economy totally collapses and Venezuela looks at us like, "Dang, we wouldn't want to be you".
THAT'S what the Trump regime did.

Biden, so far is actually lowering the deficit.

Biden touts 'record' deficit reduction, slams GOP's' ...​

1683883023146.png › Politics › story

Oct 21, 2022 — The deficit fell to $1.4 trillion for fiscal year 2022 from $2.8 trillion a year ago, according to the Treasury Department. Federal spending ...

Biden runs $460B deficit in first four months of FY 2023, a 9 ...​

Fox Business › politics › biden-runs-4...

Feb 11, 2023 — Budget deficit in January was $46 billion decrease from December, showing that the rate of spending is decreasing, but the government is still ...
including 18 times under former President Ronald Reagan, eight times under former President Bill Clinton, seven times under former President George W. Bush, and five times under former President Barack Obama. From 2001, Congress has raised the debt ceiling 14 times from 2001 to 2016. The debt ceiling was raised roughly a total of $5.4 billion during President George W. Bush’s tenure, and it was raised roughly a total of $6.5 during President Obama’s tenure.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.
he growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

I don't see why the debt is such a problem, the infrastructure plan is important.
Yes, Trump increased debt by $8.18 trillion, an increase of 40.43%. This is less than Obama 69.98%, and Bush at 105.8%.

Is that why you said Trump ranked third. So why not focus on 1st place, the one that caused the larger debt?
So in other words you made it all up. You "assume" that these were Republican leaning companies because they didn't disclose what exact companies got them without any evidence whatsoever. Well that's not pork spending unless you can prove it was.
Like I stated before, if Trump's/Mnunichin's money grab, wasn't pork, they would be bragging about it.
Why didn't they disclose, who got what?
Why couldn't they disclose the recipients?
Why couldn't the Trump regime be transparent and PROVE $500,000,000,000 wasn't pork?

Just..................."Trust us"?
Yes, Trump increased debt by $8.18 trillion, an increase of 40.43%. This is less than Obama 69.98%, and Bush at 105.8%.

Is that why you said Trump ranked third. So why not focus on 1st place, the one that caused the larger debt?

Bush and Obama had 8 years. Trump did his is 4 years. In eight years the debt went up 9 trillion under Obama. It went up 7.8 trillion in Trump's 4 years. And you really want to try and defend any of this?
Ok. Have that discussion. Have that negotiation. WHEN BUDGET PROCESS HAPPENS.

In the mean time pay the fucking bills. THAT is what this is about. Writing the check to pay your bills.

Ya don’t “control” your wife’s spending by simply not paying the bills she ran up. You do that and you’ll wind up paying late fees and eventually going bankrupt.

That’s what this is .
When your wife spends lavishly and way beyond her means ... you limit her ability to spend by cancelling her credit cards and only give her an allowance that works within the budget. Nobody who brings in $1000.00 a week spends $2000.00 per week on credit. That's pure insanity!

So you have to limit the spending; negotiate with your creditors that you're going to have to pay off the debt in increments; and find ways to live within your means. You certainly don't give your wife another credit card on top of the 5 she already has.

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