The United states isn't founded on Christianity


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Still we hear the myth perpetrated from rightwing christian pulpits and in political campaigns of the republicans

The myth that America is a Christian nation is not only untrue, but promotes the pernicious idea that non-Christians are second-class citizens.

Shortly After the Constitution Was Ratified, Conservative Ministers Attacked It Because It Lacked References to Christianity

Ministers of the founding period knew that the Constitution didn’t declare the United States officially Christian—and it made them angry.

In 1793, just five years after the Constitution was ratified, the Reverend John M. Mason of New York attacked that document in a sermon. Mason called the lack of references to God and Christianity “an omission which no pretext whatever can palliate.” He predicted that an angry God would “overturn from its foundations the fabric we have been rearing and crush us to atoms in the wreck.”

Conservative pastors continued whining well into the nineteenth century. In 1811, the Reverend Samuel Austin thundered that the Constitution “is entirely disconnected from Christianity. [This] one capital defect [will lead] inevitably to its destruction.”

In 1845, the Reverend D. X. Junkin wrote, “[The Constitution] is negatively atheistical, for no God is appealed to at all. In framing many of our public formularies, greater care seems to have been taken to adapt them to the prejudices of the INFIDEL FEW, than to the consciences of the Christian millions.”

5 Reasons America Is Not And Has Never Been A Christian Nation Alternet
Do these parasites seriously think insipid shit like this inspires some sort of debate? Why would anyone take a post like this serious?

God I hate these fucking mindless drones.

I heard they were deist or Universalist.

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, 49 were Protestants, and two were Roman Catholics (D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons).[18] Among the Protestant delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 28 were Church of England (or Episcopalian, after the American Revolutionary War was won), eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutherans, two were Dutch Reformed, and two wereMethodists.[18]

A few prominent Founding Fathers were anti-clerical Christians such as Thomas Jefferson,[19][20][21] who constructed the Jefferson Bible, and Benjamin Franklin.[22]Others, notably Thomas Paine, who challenged institutionalized religion in The Age of Reason,[23] were deists, or held beliefs very similar to those of deists.[24]

Historian Gregg L. Frazer argues that the leading Founders (Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Wilson, Morris, Madison, Hamilton, and Washington) were neither Christians nor Deists, but rather supporters of a hybrid "theistic rationalism".[25]
As I learned it the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, a secretly Islamic cult (NOTE THE STAR AND CRESENT (common Islamic insignia) on their hats ("fez:"))



Masonic Presidents Truman and Ford
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It seems to me that the USA was founded on Christianity. In fact it is heir to the ROMAN EMPIRE-----via England which is, simply, a knock off of Roman empire. The USA legal system is----
British---which is also---knock off of Roman law. If it is not Christian------what is it?
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The United states isn't founded on Christianity

true -
... that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

the country is safe because that religion claims only a voluntary enrollment ... Thank God.

The founding fathers might have come from a judeo-christian education but many of our laws are also based on greek and roman laws.
They struggled to bring more logic than faith so no one religious system would dominate and so out government would have a stronger foundation.
We can find many similarities from the bible if we so choose, but look to the law of other nations and ancient empires, how they create laws for their diverse populations that could be universally understood.
The USA is founded?

Yes it is. I founded it last night.

Spoiler: It wasn't on it was on Wikipedia.

If you are responsible for the arrogant, intrigant and brutal politics of the United Shadows of America in the beginning of the third millenium anno domini then you made your job not only not very good, founder. I'm not sure wether laws perverting lawyers or thoughts perverting think tanks or reality denying strawmen of money might help anyone in the last judgement.

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As I learned it the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, a secretly Islamic cult (NOTE THE STAR AND CRESENT (common Islamic insignia) on their hats ("fez:"))



Masonic Presidents Truman and Ford

Why do you think has this something to do with the Islam? I see christian symbols.
As I learned it the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, a secretly Islamic cult (NOTE THE STAR AND CRESENT (common Islamic insignia) on their hats ("fez:"))



Masonic Presidents Truman and Ford
FreeMasonry is not a secretly Islamic cult.
But George Washington was a Mason, and yesterday marked the bi-centennial re-dedication of the Monument that was erected in his honor in Baltimore.
The Masons were out in full force to participate in a parade honoring this event.
Here is a set of images and a video of their members who were present.
Baltimore's George Washington Monument Re-Dedication (set of images and a video)
The reason the Federal govt. was created as a secular govt. was because most states were founded by different sects of Christian faiths, and nobody was going to agree on which faith was favored by law, not to mention the Baptists and Methodists were a surging evangelical demographic in many states, the Baptists had separation of church and state as one of its founding platforms, hence why Jefferson was so solicitous of Baptists, particularly in the New England states where his political support was weak. . All one needs for evidence of this is to go through the state govts., most of which had 'official' state favored sects that only gradually repealed that favoritism, which included the power to tax citizens, the last state doing so somewhere around the mid 1830's or so, some 40 years after the ratification.

If anybody thinks the Fed is secular because of a lot of Deep Thinking and ponderous sophistry, I have a duck that shits golden eggs, and I will sell it to you personally, for $20 cash.
The founding fathers might have come from a judeo-christian education but many of our laws are also based on greek and roman laws.
They struggled to bring more logic than faith so no one religious system would dominate and so out government would have a stronger foundation.
We can find many similarities from the bible if we so choose, but look to the law of other nations and ancient empires, how they create laws for their diverse populations that could be universally understood.

Logic and reason has been a long term trend in Christian education for centuries, from the beginning, actually, so it was nothing new; see Thomas of Aquinas's teaching texts for one famous example. The Summa Theologica was just one such work. It is old pagan influences that are obsessed with the 'magical' and the extraordinary in Christian theology, and still is today.

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