The United States need Rand Paul as President


Jul 14, 2015
I think there is no argument against Rand Paul. On the one hand he is a very good Republican, who agree with the most of the most important issues of the party. But on the other hand he can handle with Democrats, which is very important to get a lot of votes. If the Republicans wants a very strong candidate against Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul is the best. Another good thing is, that he is not an extremist like his father.

So cut, slash and burn is somehow a plan. Rand Paul is a idiot that would do great damage to America's standing in the world.

-Cutting infrastructure
-Destroying our science institutions
-not investing in r&d
and handing over the educational system to the super rich

Is something that isn't good for America.

Fuck Rand Paul...There's so many arguments against this loon that this is only the start.

I wouldn't trust corporations to dictate workers rights, food standards and the well being of this nation if they gave me a million bucks.

So cut, slash and burn is somehow a plan. Rand Paul is a idiot that would do great damage to America's standing in the world.

-Cutting infrastructure
-Destroying our science institutions
-not investing in r&d
and handing over the educational system to the super rich

Is something that isn't good for America.

Fuck Rand Paul...There's so many arguments against this loon that this is only the start.

I wouldn't trust corporations to dictate workers rights, food standards and the well being of this nation if they gave me a million bucks.

So, there are no serious arguments.
Insofar as the Pauls are concerned...

Right message...

Wrong messengers...



They're on the right track, but go too far in some areas, and don't have the sense to realize that they're going too far.

Consequently, they're the wrong folk to lead the charge.

Time for them to fold their ideas back into the mainstream in some memorable and meaningful fashion, then clear off, and get the hell out of the way.

They're using-up what little oxygen is still left in the room.

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