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The "Unity" Purges Have Begun

I'm paying attention texas
50 things that are better already

President Biden has not completed his first week in office, but already there is much to celebrate. Let’s count the ways:
1. You can ignore Twitter

2. The White House briefing room is not an Orwellian nightmare of lies
3. We are now confronting white domestic terrorism
4. We are not paying for golf trips
5. There are no presidential relatives in government
6. The tenor of hearings is sober and serious
7. Qualified and knowledgeable nominees have been selected for senior spots
8. We have a first lady who engages with the public
9. We have not heard a word from presidential children
10. We are now tough on Russian human rights abuses
11. We get normal readouts of sane conversations between the president and foreign leaders
12. The White House philosophy is to underpromise and overdeliver, not the other way around
13. Manners are in, bullying is out
14. You feel calmer after hearing the president
15. Fact-checkers are not overworked
16. Quality entertainers want to perform for the White House
17. We have seen the president’s tax records
18. The president is able to articulate policy details, coherently even
19. The worst the press can come up with is the president’s watch
20. We have a White House staff that looks like America
21. We have a national covid-19 plan
22. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony S. Fauci is liberated, sounds happy and even looks younger
23. Fauci, not the president, briefs on the science of covid-19 and efficacy of vaccines
24. Masks and social distancing in the White House
25. The White House has policy initiatives and proposals, not merely leaving it all to Congress
26. The administration is committed to releasing information, not covering it up, on the slaughter of journalist Jamal Khashoggi
27. The Muslim ban is gone
28. It is the Republicans not the Democrats who are in disarray
29. The national security adviser has not been fired for lying to the FBI
30. No Soviet-style fawning over the president by his subordinates
31. The president takes daily, in-person intelligence briefings
32. The president does not care about Air Force One colors
33. We have a president familiar with the Constitution
34. Real cable news outlets get high ratings, others not so much
35. President Andrew Jackson is out of the Oval Office, Benjamin Franklin is in
36. Voice of America is back in the hands of actual journalists
37. We get memes about Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), not crowd size
38. We are back in the Paris climate accord and the World Health Organization
39. Instead of running it like a business, the new administration will try running government competently
40. We have a president who doesn’t think military service is for “suckers” and who doesn’t send his “love” to people assaulting law enforcement
41. The secretary of treasury nominee has her own Hamilton lyrics
42. Amanda Gorman is a household name
43. More than two-thirds of Americans approve of the White House covid-19 approach.
44. No more work-free “executive time” in the presidential living quarters
45. We have a churchgoing president “who has spent a lifetime steeped in Christian rituals and practices.”
46. We have first dogs
47. The vice president’s spouse does not teach at a school that bars LGBTQ students
48. The White House takes the Hatch Act seriously
49. The administration wants as many people as possible to vote
50. The president will talk more to our allies than to Russian President Vladimir Putin
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

The thread premise is a lie.

There are no ‘purges,’ no one is being ‘silenced,’ our rights are not ‘in peril.’

This is more baseless rightwing demagoguery.
Not an argument.

Which meabs you do not have and argument and the OP is correct
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

Just curious here...but do we want extremists of any kind in our military?

Doesnt anyone find it disturbing that one in five of those arrested in the insurrection were former or current military? Not to mention a number of those who end up joining rightwing extremist groups? Do you want Antifa members in the military?

I get the concern, you don’t want another McCarthy era (though ironically...many of those outraged here fully supported that)...but what happened at the Capital was damn serious. What if anything, should be done?


What happened at the Capitol were people pissed off with the lockdowns, the riots over the last year or more that their mayors and governors allowed to escalate, loss of jobs due to the lockdowns and riots, the do as I say don't do as I do attitude of the supposed leaders, and many more items that have built up over the last couple of decades.

If the leaders at the Capitol think it was so serious that they had to shoot down an unarmed veteran protestor after all the mollycoddling and support they gave the burn, loot, murder, crowd that decimated the cities they represent then those leaders are out of touch with reality.

If they can't lead by example then they shouldn't be in office.

If what happened at the Capitol was an insurrection then all the riots during the last year or more and any happening now and in the future are to be considered insurrections. They should be meet with the same force as shown the unarmed veteran protestor at the Capitol. Additionally all those known rioters from the last year or more should be rounded up and tried for insurrection.

I do not approve of what happened at the Capitol however I understand why it happened.


......There are no commies, dope. ......

It's telling how desperate you are to insist upon that obvious lie.
It's telling how desperate you are to insist upon that obvious lie.

Not nearly half as desperate as you are trying to make it stick.

It seems half assed insurrections and attempts to degrade the left is the best and only play you dopes can muster. The irony of course, is it only works on yourselves and those in the RW bubble.
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

You guys shit the bed. Bigly.
Turns out your bellicose rhetoric really is dangerous and folks have had it. You should try not being at odds with anything and everything. Especially reality. You’re in a time-out for a while.

Actually it's a direct reaction to you commies, and there will be no time outs. If you keep pushing, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Actually it's a direct reaction to you commies, and there will be no time outs. If you keep pushing, you ain't seen nothing yet.
More like a direct reaction to what your media and Trump have told you about us “commies”. You’ve proven to be irresponsible and reckless with your rhetoric.

Try not being in constant tension with reality all the time.

Well commie, biden keeps proving his communist ways. It's all about equity of outcome now, not equality of opportunity. What did the Russian commies say, "to each according to their need, from each according to their ability". And now you're pushing conformity, and not only the silencing of your opposition, but the total destruction of your opposition. So you keep pretending your side aren't commies, the facts are you've been moving in that direction for more than 50 years. Wake the fuck up man.

Well commie, biden keeps proving his communist ways. It's all about equity of outcome now, not equality of opportunity. What did the Russian commies say, "to each according to their need, from each according to their ability". And now you're pushing conformity, and not only the silencing of your opposition, but the total destruction of your opposition. So you keep pretending your side aren't commies, the facts are you've been moving in that direction for more than 50 years. Wake the fuck up man.
There are no commies, dope. Just another delusion from your rat infested world view. Your
RW rhetoric has proven it’s malign influence once again.
Y’all shit the bed. Bigly. Enjoy the blowback while the rest of us move on.

Have you listened to susan rice or checked out quid pro joes EOs? They are pushing a pure communistic agenda. Deal with it.

Have you listened to susan rice or checked out quid pro joes EOs? They are pushing a pure communistic agenda. Deal with it.
Yes. Sooo pure. :uhoh3:
......There are no commies, dope. ......

It's telling how desperate you are to insist upon that obvious lie.
It's telling how desperate you are to insist upon that obvious lie.

Not nearly half as desperate as you are trying to make it stick.

Maybe you don't understand what the terms in question mean. Not your fault.
Maybe you don't understand what the terms in question mean. Not your fault.
Self awareness is obviously not a well practiced part of your skill set.

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