The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and call a co-worker of mixed race a Mulatto, and see how long you have a fuckin' job..

That's working on the assumption you have a job and your fat ass doesn't sit around waiting for that disability check all day.

Yes...Beware of the PC speech police.

Oh, I thought you were all for employers being able to fire the wage slaves for any time for any reason...

Come on, bud, be a little consistant.

Of course, there's a damned good reason why they fire people for saying shit like that at work.

"Hostile Work Environment".

Calling your mixed race co-worker a "mullato" would definitely fall under that category.
Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.
You don't ask questions for the purpose of gathering information. You interrogate for the purpose of eliciting a pre-determined response.
You can call us racists all day long. We know it isn't true, but you're going to do it anyway. Newsflash, we're not going to play your game. We don't care what you say.

I wasn't the one who injected race into this conversation...

That was your boy, JustPeter, who pretty much admitted he was a racist when he tried to shift the blame away from the easy access to guns (because no other advanced country has the wholesale slaughter we have) to the fact we have "black and hispanic" gangbangers. And you and Guy got right on that bandwagon.

I really didn't need to do anything but point it out.
You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.

The new Liberal mantra, anyone opposed to gun control is a 'RAAAAAAAAAY - CYST'!!

You crack me up Joe, you REALLY do!!

No, you are the ones who got on here and said "it's them colored people shooting each other", when in fact, most of our rampage shooters are EMO white guys...

Most deaths from illegal weapons are blacks.
And you do not care about them.
Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.
You don't ask questions for the purpose of gathering information. You interrogate for the purpose of eliciting a pre-determined response.
You can call us racists all day long. We know it isn't true, but you're going to do it anyway. Newsflash, we're not going to play your game. We don't care what you say.

But all of us white southerners are racist according to Cornell West.
Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and call a co-worker of mixed race a Mulatto, and see how long you have a fuckin' job..

That's working on the assumption you have a job and your fat ass doesn't sit around waiting for that disability check all day.

Yes...Beware of the PC speech police.

Oh, I thought you were all for employers being able to fire the wage slaves for any time for any reason...

Come on, bud, be a little consistant.

Of course, there's a damned good reason why they fire people for saying shit like that at work.

"Hostile Work Environment".

Calling your mixed race co-worker a "mullato" would definitely fall under that category.

No it wouldn't. It's not listed in any dictionary that I can find as being derogatory, therefore it's usage would not constitute making a hostile work enviroment. Just because YOU find something offensive don't mean jack. It is an accepted word, used all over the world and no indication that anyone but YOU find it offensive.
You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.

The new Liberal mantra, anyone opposed to gun control is a 'RAAAAAAAAAY - CYST'!!

You crack me up Joe, you REALLY do!!

No, you are the ones who got on here and said "it's them colored people shooting each other", when in fact, most of our rampage shooters are EMO white guys...

Yep, and they're responsible for less than 1% of the 34,000 murders we get every year.

No it wouldn't. It's not listed in any dictionary that I can find as being derogatory, therefore it's usage would not constitute making a hostile work enviroment. Just because YOU find something offensive don't mean jack. It is an accepted word, used all over the world and no indication that anyone but YOU find it offensive.

I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"
No it wouldn't. It's not listed in any dictionary that I can find as being derogatory, therefore it's usage would not constitute making a hostile work enviroment. Just because YOU find something offensive don't mean jack. It is an accepted word, used all over the world and no indication that anyone but YOU find it offensive.

I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"

There's plenty of mulattoes in Louisiana that are PROUD of their white/black heritage.

In fact, I don't think I've EVER heard anyone BUT YOU claim it as a disparaging term.
No it wouldn't. It's not listed in any dictionary that I can find as being derogatory, therefore it's usage would not constitute making a hostile work enviroment. Just because YOU find something offensive don't mean jack. It is an accepted word, used all over the world and no indication that anyone but YOU find it offensive.

I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"

"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".
No it wouldn't. It's not listed in any dictionary that I can find as being derogatory, therefore it's usage would not constitute making a hostile work enviroment. Just because YOU find something offensive don't mean jack. It is an accepted word, used all over the world and no indication that anyone but YOU find it offensive.

I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"

"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".

Yeah, they'll hand you a cardboard box to clean out your desk or locker after that display of stupidity...

Man, the lengths you fools will go to in order to deny guns arethe problem.
I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"

"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".

Yeah, they'll hand you a cardboard box to clean out your desk or locker after that display of stupidity... .

Your biggest fear in life, faceless seat-filler? Keep your mouth shut and your head down and hope no one notices you. Generic, anonymous mediocrity is your only survival skill, Mr. Nobody. You only dare vent your wannabe Marxist nonsense here, because you know that in the real world you are the bottom of the food chain.
I can imagine the discussion in an H.R. Office...

"Um, Mr. Peters, you referred to Ms. Williams as a Mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers."

"But I've got my dictionary here, and it doesn't say here the word if offensive!"

"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".

Yeah, they'll hand you a cardboard box to clean out your desk or locker after that display of stupidity...

Man, the lengths you fools will go to in order to deny guns arethe problem.

I can see you have no experiance in the business world son. Not surprising really seeing as how you seem barely inteligent enough to master "Do you want fries with that burger". NO company would risk a law suit for firing someone for using an accepted English langauge word that is non-disparaging and non-belittling, nor is detracting from the character or standing of something or someone, which ARE the definitions of derogatory son. YOU are the ONLY person I have ever heard of that thinks mulatto is derogatory. Seems to me it's YOU that has the problem, nobody else.
"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".

Yeah, they'll hand you a cardboard box to clean out your desk or locker after that display of stupidity...

Man, the lengths you fools will go to in order to deny guns arethe problem.

I can see you have no experiance in the business world son. Not surprising really seeing as how you seem barely inteligent enough to master "Do you want fries with that burger". NO company would risk a law suit for firing someone for using an accepted English langauge word that is non-disparaging and non-belittling, nor is detracting from the character or standing of something or someone, which ARE the definitions of derogatory son. YOU are the ONLY person I have ever heard of that thinks mulatto is derogatory. Seems to me it's YOU that has the problem, nobody else.

Personally, I just don't mention people's race and ethnicity much at all. Not a matter of avoiding it; I just don't care. Anyone who wants to accuse me of racism should take a closer look at the family photos on my desk first, unless they enjoy having someone laugh in their faces.
Your biggest fear in life, faceless seat-filler? Keep your mouth shut and your head down and hope no one notices you. Generic, anonymous mediocrity is your only survival skill, Mr. Nobody. You only dare vent your wannabe Marxist nonsense here, because you know that in the real world you are the bottom of the food chain.

As opposed to you, the equivlent to a crazy person who rants at passing cars..

Actually, I'm kind of feeling sorry for you, I don't think you have any friends.
"Um, Mr Peters, you refered to Ms Williams as a mulatto when you found out her mother was white. You do realize that's actually an offensive thing to say in the 21st century. You have heard of the 21st century, haven't you, it was in all the papers." . Mr Peters; "Hum, no, she is a mulatto so how can she be offended by the word, I didn't realize it was offensive, nor has anyone else but Ms Williams and some ignorant dumbass on a messg board, seeing that it IS the accpeted defintion around the English speaking world for someone who has a white parent and black parent" "Now, see you later I have work to do". "By the way, Ms Williams, maybe you should attend some self esteem classes if you're offended by having a white mother and a black father".

Yeah, they'll hand you a cardboard box to clean out your desk or locker after that display of stupidity...

Man, the lengths you fools will go to in order to deny guns arethe problem.

I can see you have no experiance in the business world son. Not surprising really seeing as how you seem barely inteligent enough to master "Do you want fries with that burger". NO company would risk a law suit for firing someone for using an accepted English langauge word that is non-disparaging and non-belittling, nor is detracting from the character or standing of something or someone, which ARE the definitions of derogatory son. YOU are the ONLY person I have ever heard of that thinks mulatto is derogatory. Seems to me it's YOU that has the problem, nobody else.

Guy, I've seen people fired for A LOT less than an offensive racist word.

Now, if I'm the first person you've met who finds that word derogatory, you really need to break outside the little backwoods Klan group you hang with.
Actually, I'm kind of feeling sorry for you, I don't think you have any friends.

More guessing, fool? You should find a new hobby, because you've been wrong every time so far and with this nonsense your record remains unbroken. Idiot.
I've seen people fired for A LOT less than an offensive racist word.

And it scared you so badly you were left sweating and quivering beneath your desk, praying no one noticed you.

Again, given your inability to hold down a job

Wrong again, idiot. You know, when you keep on making the same guess after you've been informed that it's wrong, well that's a special kind of stupid. Way to go, faceless.
And it scared you so badly you were left sweating and quivering beneath your desk, praying no one noticed you.

Again, given your inability to hold down a job

Wrong again, idiot. You know, when you keep on making the same guess after you've been informed that it's wrong, well that's a special kind of stupid. Way to go, faceless.

Because, honestly, no matter how much you say otherwise, I can't imagine a person with your anger management issues being able to hold down a job for more than a week.

Hell, you show up here when your meds wear off.
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