The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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You evaded the second question.

Because I never said I wished it to happen... just stated that it would. Racial divisions are artificallly created by the plutocrats so we don't see the REAL division, the haves and the have-nots.

Kind of like when a waiter brings out 12 cookies, a Koch brother wolfs down 11 and says to the White Teabagger "That welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it, you dweeb!

Racial division is created by liberals.

Liberals didn't oppose every civil rights act ever proposed.
Liberals didn't employ a "Southern Strategy" to recruit racists who found they were no longer welcome in the Democratic Party.
Liberals didn't talk about a "Welfare Queen" who never existed.
Liberals didn't put up the "White Hands" ad.
Liberals didn't put up the Willie Horton ad.
Liberals didn't put up the playboy mansion ad.
It is incredible that 4 years later Obama supporters are still playing the race card and accusing Obama critics of having racist motives. Truly sad.

Yet, it is liberals who use overtly racist verbiage to attack conservative African Americans and Hispanics.

First, guy, I'm a life long republican who just got tired of the Corporate bloodsuckers manipulating the religious whackadoos and calling that a political movement. When the GOP is sane again, I'll start voting for it.

As far as being racially unhinged, we have this little tidbit.

/55-of-republicans-believe-obama-was-born-in-a-foreign-country[/COLOR]/]55% Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In A Foreign Country?

Yeah, you guys have really become unhinged by this guy... and it's sad to watch.

I was at a party recently, where one person thought it was a really funny joke to say, "Obama banned aspirin because it's white and it works". Tee hee hee hee...

I was at another party where a woman referred to Obama by the N-word on Facebook and wondered why Facebook cancelled her account.

Lol, his own freaking grandmother thought he was born in a foreign country.
Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes. - Oct 12, 2008 – According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his ... is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, ...
http://Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes. - The ... - Topsy

By the way, Pant's on fire. I doubt her accont was cancelled because she called obama a ******, I've seen and uised that word myself on FB and still have an account, and still see the same people who used that word having an account.
My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.

I'm sensitive about race because I see you racist assholes destroying what used to be a great Republican Party. Obama has completely unhinged you guys by just being black in the White House, and it shows.

But gun control is coming, and I'll be happy the day it does, because, honestly, the best argument for gun control is talking to a racist, fuckwad gun nut talking about all the people he wants to shoot.

Sensitivity toward race is the root of racism.
The idea of race sensitivity has it's roots in white guilt and self hatred.
Nobody cares about the race of the president. At least those who matter.
It is the liberal side that continues to perpetuate this idea that the only reason why Obama is disliked is due to his race. This notion allows liberals to reach a comfort zone. A comfort zone that helps them sleep at night believing they made the correct choice at the voting booth.
The very idea that opposition to Obama's policies are based on his race IS racist.
There are two types of racism. One is singling out a person because of their race. The other is NOT singling a person out due to their race. It cuts both ways.
On racial matters ,you libs view yourselves as pure. Poppycock.
Do you actually have proof that there are 30,000+ hammer deaths every year. 11,000 dead from drunk driving accidents, over 3,000 killed in accidents while texting, almost 34,000speeding related deaths in 2011. How many times must you be told the fact that to sue gun makers for scumbags using thier products in an unsafe or unlawful way would be the same as suing the car companies for all the deaths realted to their products being used in a reckless or illegal way, not to mention suing AT&T, Sprint, whatever for those deaths caused by texting while driving. You're an idiot. The responsibility lies with the person who pulled the trigger, steered the car or punched the buttons on the phone.

Gun makers should be sued because they market their product to people like Nancy Lanza, a crazy Prepper who was stocking up with guns like the Zombie Apocolypse was coming. Too bad she didn't keep an eye on the Zombie she was living with.Once again I ask you to show me where all these commercials or marketing ads for guns are? I have NEVER seen a gun commercial on ANY of the major networks or channels and the ONLY cable channels I see them on are the hunting related channels. Cars and alcohol, which are directly responsible for more deaths and injuries every year than firearms, on the other hand, are marketed on the main broadcast channels EVERY Freaking DAY, not to mention them being marketed in almost EVERY newpaper and magazine in the nation. I know it's hard and all, you being such a head up your ass liberal, but please try to stop bing a hypocritical jackass and admit that under your stupid assed logic we should be suing the motor vehichle companies, the liquor companies, and every liquor store owner and car dealer that sells their product when their product ends up being responsible for the death or injury of another. If you wish to blame the gun makers and sellers but not the liquor makers/sellers car makers/sellers, than you're just a hypocritical bastard that doesn't care about justice, but just cares about the socialists anti-gun agenda.

Can you please learn how to use the quote fuction properly?

Cars are not being marketted to reckless drivers. Guns are marketted to the Nancy Lanzas of the world...

Of course they're being marketed to reckless drivers otherwise why the commercials with cars speeding around streets well above ANY speed limit in American, skidding and sliding all with the tiny, tiny, tiny writing, "don't try this at home", lol. Or professional driver, or some other such nonsense while you see the cars HP rating blown up or spoken up all throughout the commercial. And again, I ask you, please show me all this marketing from the gun manufacturers, thanks.

Too funny. I love seeing a racist a-hole who denies being racist then complains about another's racism. YOU are the racist a-hole dude. You totally 100% deny and ignore obama's white half, much like he does. He ain't a black in the white house, he's a mulatto in the white house. I know you liberal a-holes and most negroes hate to admit that, thinking if you aknowledge his white half you may have to ackowledge that it's due to that white half's culture and the influences of his white upbringing that made him even remotely qualified to be where he's at today, lol. Freaking hypocrite on too many levels to count.

Mulatto? Is that word even still in the language? Of course it is, I used it didn't I?

What made him qualified to be where he is at is that he's a bright guy who worked really hard to accomplish a lot of things you never will. yes, thanks to him growing up under the influence of his white banker grandparents adn their culture rather than under the negro culture of his father..

Which probably explains a lot of your bitterness...Biterness? Lol, slick I would rather be a white janitor than a negro president. Now, would you like to address your blatant and hypociritical denial of obama's white half?
My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.

I'm sensitive about race because I see you racist assholes destroying what used to be a great Republican Party. Obama has completely unhinged you guys by just being black in the White House, and it shows.

But gun control is coming, and I'll be happy the day it does, because, honestly, the best argument for gun control is talking to a racist, fuckwad gun nut talking about all the people he wants to shoot.

Define gun control.
We had a ban on so called "assault" weapons and during that time, there was no anecdotal evidence to suggest a positive affect.
The federal government would be required to repeal the 2nd Amendment in order to achieve the goal of a no gun society. And even if this did occur, criminals would not obey the law. They will keep their weapons. Just as the booze kept flowing during prohibition, so will the weapons.
Banning guns treats the effect, not the cause.
Treating the cause is too difficult. So once again liberalism will rear it's ugly head by punishing the innocent to get to the guilty.
The liberal way is to reap the low hanging fruit.

Please Joe, be specific. Tell me what it is that I have posted that makes me a racist.

You're so absolutely convinced of it, give us all some PROOF of your accusation.

You mean other than spending two pages repeating stormfront bullshit about "minority gang-bangers"...

Hey, I'll give JstPeter credit, at least he admits he's a racist.

Now facts are racist? Yeah, ok Joe.
There is a racist hiding under every bed.
He didn't state "minority" gang bangers. He stated "black and Latino" gang bangers.
Of course in your world these people are just surviving. The excuse is that their victims are simply collateral damage.
You mean other than spending two pages repeating stormfront bullshit about "minority gang-bangers"...

Hey, I'll give JstPeter credit, at least he admits he's a racist.

It's not "Stormfront bullshit", Joe, it's the FBI and the Justice Department.

Unless it's your assertion that they're racist, too... :eek:

Again, take your schtick to StormFront where they give a crap....

Although it sounds like you probably spend too much time there already....

Boy, they sawyou coming.

Of course the FBI is racist, right Joe?
I'm not accepting the FBI said anything of the sort because some Paulite Whack says so....

You just aren't credible... and about five minute from getting added to my ignore list.


In 2005, offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Trends by race

BUt that isn't the claim you made.

You made the claim that most gun murders are "Black and hispanic gangbangers"...

Quit trying to move the goal posts.

If you'd ever go to a link you'd stop making yourself look so stupid, Joe...

There is a war going on in America between gangs of young men who bear an uncanny resemblance to their counterparts in Sierra Leone or El Salvador. They live like them, they fight for control of the streets like them and they kill like them.

America’s horrific murder rate is a result of the transformation of major American cities into Sierra Leone, Somalia, Rwanda and El Salvador. Our murder rate now largely consists of criminals killing criminals.

As David Kennedy, the head of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control, put it, “The majority of homicide victims have extensive criminal histories. This is simply the way that the world of criminal homicide works. It’s a fact.”
I'm not accepting the FBI said anything of the sort because some Paulite Whack says so....

You just aren't credible... and about five minute from getting added to my ignore list.

HA! Your ignore list.
Hey Joey, if you can't run with the big dogs get your ass on the porch.
You libs are a fucking miracle. You sit there in your arrogant elitism, convincing yourselves you are the only source of reason. That no other possibility exists.
And you are perpetually angry about it.
Can you put ME on ignore as well? Please?
Jack wagon.
Sensitivity toward race is the root of racism.
The idea of race sensitivity has it's roots in white guilt and self hatred.
Nobody cares about the race of the president. At least those who matter.
It is the liberal side that continues to perpetuate this idea that the only reason why Obama is disliked is due to his race. This notion allows liberals to reach a comfort zone. A comfort zone that helps them sleep at night believing they made the correct choice at the voting booth.
The very idea that opposition to Obama's policies are based on his race IS racist.
There are two types of racism. One is singling out a person because of their race. The other is NOT singling a person out due to their race. It cuts both ways.
On racial matters ,you libs view yourselves as pure. Poppycock.

Again, lifelong republican until my last boss showed me the True Meaning of Capitalism.

But I will give you two examples of how oppossition to Obama is all about racism.

First, Birtherism. No one ever questioned the birthplace of any of the 43 White guys who sat in that officer before Obama. But we have 55% of Republicans who think that apparently, Obama wasn't born here.

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.
I'm not accepting the FBI said anything of the sort because some Paulite Whack says so....

You just aren't credible... and about five minute from getting added to my ignore list.

HA! Your ignore list.
Hey Joey, if you can't run with the big dogs get your ass on the porch.
You libs are a fucking miracle. You sit there in your arrogant elitism, convincing yourselves you are the only source of reason. That no other possibility exists.
And you are perpetually angry about it.
Can you put ME on ignore as well? Please?
Jack wagon.

Naw, man, you're too entertaining watching you whine about how you just don't understand why everyone doesn't love greed as much as you do...

Too funny. I love seeing a racist a-hole who denies being racist then complains about another's racism. YOU are the racist a-hole dude. You totally 100% deny and ignore obama's white half, much like he does. He ain't a black in the white house, he's a mulatto in the white house. I know you liberal a-holes and most negroes hate to admit that, thinking if you aknowledge his white half you may have to ackowledge that it's due to that white half's culture and the influences of his white upbringing that made him even remotely qualified to be where he's at today, lol. Freaking hypocrite on too many levels to count.

Mulatto? Is that word even still in the language?

What made him qualified to be where he is at is that he's a bright guy who worked really hard to accomplish a lot of things you never will.

Which probably explains a lot of your bitterness...

Oh no...Politically correct weenies banned that term and gave us "mixed race".

Mulatto? Is that word even still in the language?

What made him qualified to be where he is at is that he's a bright guy who worked really hard to accomplish a lot of things you never will.

Which probably explains a lot of your bitterness...

Oh no...Politically correct weenies banned that term and gave us "mixed race".

You mean one that was less derogatory and more accurate?

Because I never said I wished it to happen... just stated that it would. Racial divisions are artificallly created by the plutocrats so we don't see the REAL division, the haves and the have-nots.

Kind of like when a waiter brings out 12 cookies, a Koch brother wolfs down 11 and says to the White Teabagger "That welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it, you dweeb!

Racial division is created by liberals.

Liberals didn't oppose every civil rights act ever proposed.
Liberals didn't employ a "Southern Strategy" to recruit racists who found they were no longer welcome in the Democratic Party.
Liberals didn't talk about a "Welfare Queen" who never existed.
Liberals didn't put up the "White Hands" ad.
Liberals didn't put up the Willie Horton ad.
Liberals didn't put up the playboy mansion ad.

No, but liberals do much worse. They perpetuate the idea of race as a way to define people and pen them into groups.
White hand and Willie Horton were perfectly legitimate examples of idiotic policy gone awry. LIBERAL policy.
BTW it was not Horton's race which was the issue. It was the fact that the convict was permitted to take advantage of a system weakened by liberal ideas.
The White hands ad was a perfect example of government ignoring the law of unintended consequences. I t was brilliant. The manner in which it was interpreted by each individual is not the problem of the creator of the ad.
Your side decided it was racist to mention these things.
No, but liberals do much worse. They perpetuate the idea of race as a way to define people and pen them into groups.
White hand and Willie Horton were perfectly legitimate examples of idiotic policy gone awry. LIBERAL policy.
BTW it was not Horton's race which was the issue. It was the fact that the convict was permitted to take advantage of a system weakened by liberal ideas.
The White hands ad was a perfect example of government ignoring the law of unintended consequences. I t was brilliant. The manner in which it was interpreted by each individual is not the problem of the creator of the ad.
Your side decided it was racist to mention these things.

Besides the fact that Jesse Helms (what a troll) was appealing to racism when he was running against a black opponent, the White Hands ad was purely racist....

The Horton ad was worse. Lee Atwater even apologized for it on his deathbed.

Oh, by the way, the Furlough program in MA was devised by a REpublican Governor.... Dukakis was the guy who fixed the policy so it was returned to it's original, sensible use.

But the idea was- Scary Black Man. Not the actual facts of the policy.
Sensitivity toward race is the root of racism.
The idea of race sensitivity has it's roots in white guilt and self hatred.
Nobody cares about the race of the president. At least those who matter.
It is the liberal side that continues to perpetuate this idea that the only reason why Obama is disliked is due to his race. This notion allows liberals to reach a comfort zone. A comfort zone that helps them sleep at night believing they made the correct choice at the voting booth.
The very idea that opposition to Obama's policies are based on his race IS racist.
There are two types of racism. One is singling out a person because of their race. The other is NOT singling a person out due to their race. It cuts both ways.
On racial matters ,you libs view yourselves as pure. Poppycock.

Again, lifelong republican until my last boss showed me the True Meaning of Capitalism.

But I will give you two examples of how oppossition to Obama is all about racism.

First, Birtherism. No one ever questioned the birthplace of any of the 43 White guys who sat in that officer before Obama. But we have 55% of Republicans who think that apparently, Obama wasn't born here.
When did any one of those 43 guys have their grandmother tell the press how proud she was that her grandson was born in Kenya?

When did any one of those 43 guys have their book publisher tout their foreign birth on a dustjacket?

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.
I think you're full of SHIT, Joe, because I don't recall ANYONE praising the shit out of it. And even if the Heritage Foundation did "praise it", when did they become the spokesmen for EVERY Conservative?
Who are the politicians fooling.

Since the end of WWII we've had many Gun Control laws imposed on honest Americans.
New restrictive gun laws supposed to curb crime imposed on honest Americans not those who have committed crimes using firearms.
THE Gun Control Act 1968
The Brady Gun Control Act 1986
GH Bush Gun Control 1989;
W.J. Clinton Executive Order Gun Control (temp) 2001

National Firearms Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All this shows is that these are violations of the Second Amendment to control the ownership of firearms.

Mulatto? Is that word even still in the language?

What made him qualified to be where he is at is that he's a bright guy who worked really hard to accomplish a lot of things you never will.

Which probably explains a lot of your bitterness...

Oh no...Politically correct weenies banned that term and gave us "mixed race".

You mean one that was less derogatory and more accurate?


Mulatto-A person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. a person with one white and one black parent.

Mixed race-denoting or relating to people whose parents or ancestors are from different ethnic backgrounds:

Question 1. What the hell is derogatory about ,"A person of mixed black and white ancestry"?

Quetion 2. Which describes obama's background more accurately?

If you say mixed race and you could be decribing him as being mongoloid and cacausoid, or mongoloid and negroid, or negroid and cacausoid, two of which are innacurate descriptions of his anscestory, so calling him a mulatto is the most accurate term available. Anyone who feels the term mulatto is derogatory is an idiot.
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