The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Not really. He stated that most violent crime was by minority gang members... which he didn't prove...

But he needs to keep them guns to protect himself from them...

Prove? Read the fucking papers or watch the news. Or you can bury your ass in the sand and yell LA LA LA..Who fucking cares what you think.
Yeah, actually, I do....

But it's kind of hard to argue statistics with racists..

So what are you going to do when Whites are a minority in this country?

To address your question.....When is this supposed to happen? And why do you wish it to happen?
Consider your answers very carefully. The incorrect response will land you in the category of racist.

2050, according to the Census Bureau...
Let me get this straight. SO some people in the census bureau render an opinion based on subjective judgement and because you believe there is no other possible outcome, it is now at least according to you, fact?
Why ask "what are you going to do when whites are a minority"............That is an incredible stupid and inane question given the near liquid timeline and the fact that there's no solid data available that this will happen. It MAY happen.
Anyway, to give you the wise assed answer your question so richly deserves, "take advantage of all those wonderful racial set asides and quotas plus all those other goodies stolen from us by government prick do-gooders."
You still evaded the second question. That means you must be concerned about your closet racism.

Talking out of your ass again, I see.
The GOP didn't lose anything.
The GOP is still in the majority in the House. There are 30 GOP governors. 24 states have GOP control of BOTH houses of State government.
If anything, the majority of racism comes from YOUR side. You people are obsessed with race.
Now, are you going to deny that black and Latino gangsters are NOT the leading perpetrators of crime in inner cities? Really?

Guy, whine all you want... Romney lost by 4 million votes. The only thing that's keeping Teabagging mutants in charge of the house was gerrymandering. Democratic house candidates actually got more votes,nationally.

And we'll wash a lot of those Teabaggers out in 2014.
Keep dreaming.
Show examples of gerrymandering....I have one the dems drew this fuck face....North Carolina’s Members of Congress & Congressional District Map -
Zoom in on NC -12...Yer gonna tell me that is NOT a gerrymandered district? Who the fuck do you think you're trying to fool here. BTW, NC -12 is a virtual democrat LOCK. So go cry to someone else. Go see a priest.
Your side now owns the tax increases, the shitty economy and the unemployment rate. If the country goes into recession, you own that too. And you get to own the debt ceiling issue as well. The dems will shut down the government by demanding too much. You're right. The GOP has nothing. And when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. The media is going to blame the GOP for everything anyway. So the GOP will stick to it's conservative core and force the democrats to shut down the government over the debt ceiling. And the democrats will have to own it. Non one gives a shit about the MSM anymore. They don't report news. They render opinions.
Have at it. Good luck. Yer gonna need it.
Using this logic, we should allow automobile companies, such as Ford and GM, to be sued by the families of people killed in car accidents. If gun makers should be sued for deaths involving guns, then car makers should be sued for deaths involving cars.
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To address your question.....When is this supposed to happen? And why do you wish it to happen?
Consider your answers very carefully. The incorrect response will land you in the category of racist.

2050, according to the Census Bureau...
You evaded the second question.

Because I never said I wished it to happen... just stated that it would. Racial divisions are artificallly created by the plutocrats so we don't see the REAL division, the haves and the have-nots.

Kind of like when a waiter brings out 12 cookies, a Koch brother wolfs down 11 and says to the White Teabagger "That welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it, you dweeb!
Keep dreaming.
Show examples of gerrymandering....I have one the dems drew this fuck face....North Carolina’s Members of Congress & Congressional District Map -
Zoom in on NC -12...Yer gonna tell me that is NOT a gerrymandered district? Who the fuck do you think you're trying to fool here. BTW, NC -12 is a virtual democrat LOCK. So go cry to someone else. Go see a priest.
Your side now owns the tax increases, the shitty economy and the unemployment rate. If the country goes into recession, you own that too. And you get to own the debt ceiling issue as well. The dems will shut down the government by demanding too much. You're right. The GOP has nothing. And when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. The media is going to blame the GOP for everything anyway. So the GOP will stick to it's conservative core and force the democrats to shut down the government over the debt ceiling. And the democrats will have to own it. Non one gives a shit about the MSM anymore. They don't report news. They render opinions.
Have at it. Good luck. Yer gonna need it.

Actually, the GOP is probably done as a party in this country... unless it has the good sense to purge the Teabaggers.

Not really. He stated that most violent crime was by minority gang members... which he didn't prove...

But he needs to keep them guns to protect himself from them...

Damn Joe, after all the trouble I went through you didn't even bother reading ANY of the info.

Why am I not surprised?
Again, why should gun makers be liable for the wrongful, illegal use of guns when we don't apply that bizarre logic to any other product, even though more people are killed by hammers and clubs than are killed by rifles each year?

Using liberal logic, we should allow companies that make hammers and clubs to be sued by the families of people who are killed by hammers and clubs.

For that matter, if gun makers should be sued even for accidental, unintentional shootings, then auto makers should be sued for car accidents in which people are killed or injured.
Again, why should gun makers be liable for the wrongful, illegal use of guns when we don't apply that bizarre logic to any other product, even though more people are killed by hammers and clubs than are killed by rifles each year?

Using liberal logic, we should allow companies that make hammers and clubs to be sued by the families of people who are killed by hammers and clubs.

For that matter, if gun makers should be sued even for accidental, unintentional shootings, then auto makers should be sued for car accidents in which people are killed or injured.

Do you actually have proof that there are 30,000+ hammer deaths every year.

Gun makers should be sued because they market their product to people like Nancy Lanza, a crazy Prepper who was stocking up with guns like the Zombie Apocolypse was coming. Too bad she didn't keep an eye on the Zombie she was living with.

Not really. He stated that most violent crime was by minority gang members... which he didn't prove...

But he needs to keep them guns to protect himself from them...

Damn Joe, after all the trouble I went through you didn't even bother reading ANY of the info.

Why am I not surprised?

Guy, I don't read anything you provide.

YOu are a batshit crazy Ron Paul supporting Libertarian... We shouldn't even let you eat at the grown up table.

Now take your racist shit and peddle it on Stormfront or somewhere else where they give a fuck.
Again, why should gun makers be liable for the wrongful, illegal use of guns when we don't apply that bizarre logic to any other product, even though more people are killed by hammers and clubs than are killed by rifles each year?

Using liberal logic, we should allow companies that make hammers and clubs to be sued by the families of people who are killed by hammers and clubs.

For that matter, if gun makers should be sued even for accidental, unintentional shootings, then auto makers should be sued for car accidents in which people are killed or injured.

Do you actually have proof that there are 30,000+ hammer deaths every year.

Gun makers should be sued because they market their product to people like Nancy Lanza, a crazy Prepper who was stocking up with guns like the Zombie Apocolypse was coming. Too bad she didn't keep an eye on the Zombie she was living with.

According to the FBI, more people are killed each year with hammers and clubs than with rifles. See:

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles

Gun makers do not market their product to anyone who is unstable or evil, no more than auto makers market their product to people who intentionally run into other cars, who leave the scenes of accidents, etc., etc. That is erroneous logic.

Using your logic, beer producers should be sued because "they market their product" to people who intentionally drink and drive and who then go out and kill or injure other people.

Your argument requires the illogical assumption that if a company advertises its product and a few crazies misuse that product to harm others, then the company "marketed its product to crazy people who then used that product to harm others."
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Not really. He stated that most violent crime was by minority gang members... which he didn't prove...

But he needs to keep them guns to protect himself from them...

Damn Joe, after all the trouble I went through you didn't even bother reading ANY of the info.

Why am I not surprised?

Guy, I don't read anything you provide.

YOu are a batshit crazy Ron Paul supporting Libertarian... We shouldn't even let you eat at the grown up table.

Now take your racist shit and peddle it on Stormfront or somewhere else where they give a fuck.

My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.
Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?

Why not hold auto manufactures responsible for DUI's? How about suing auto manufactures for vehicular homicides and having their products used for getaways? How about suing auto makers for child support if the kid was conceived in the back seat of a Prius?
Again, why should gun makers be liable for the wrongful, illegal use of guns when we don't apply that bizarre logic to any other product, even though more people are killed by hammers and clubs than are killed by rifles each year?

Using liberal logic, we should allow companies that make hammers and clubs to be sued by the families of people who are killed by hammers and clubs.

For that matter, if gun makers should be sued even for accidental, unintentional shootings, then auto makers should be sued for car accidents in which people are killed or injured.

Do you actually have proof that there are 30,000+ hammer deaths every year.

Gun makers should be sued because they market their product to people like Nancy Lanza, a crazy Prepper who was stocking up with guns like the Zombie Apocolypse was coming. Too bad she didn't keep an eye on the Zombie she was living with.

According to the FBI, more people are killed each year with hammers and clubs than with rifles. See:

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles

Gun makers do not market their product to anyone who is unstable or evil, no more than auto makers market their product to people who intentionally run into other cars, who leave the scenes of accidents, etc., etc. That is erroneous logic.

Using your logic, beer producers should be sued because "they market their product" to people who intentionally drink and drive and who then go out and kill or injure other people.

Your argument requires the illogical assumption that if a company advertises its product and a few crazies misuse that product to harm others, then the company "marketed its product to crazy people who then used that product to harm others."

I do like how you changed the goal post, there, bud... If you artificially take out the handgun deaths and just leave the "rifle" deaths, you get some bizarre Fox News logic that hammers are more dangerous... I mean, that was actually kind of clever, I guess.

Totally dishonest and silly, but "clever".
My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.

I'm sensitive about race because I see you racist assholes destroying what used to be a great Republican Party. Obama has completely unhinged you guys by just being black in the White House, and it shows.

But gun control is coming, and I'll be happy the day it does, because, honestly, the best argument for gun control is talking to a racist, fuckwad gun nut talking about all the people he wants to shoot.
My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.

I'm sensitive about race because I see you racist assholes destroying what used to be a great Republican Party. Obama has completely unhinged you guys by just being black in the White House, and it shows.

But gun control is coming, and I'll be happy the day it does, because, honestly, the best argument for gun control is talking to a racist, fuckwad gun nut talking about all the people he wants to shoot.

Please Joe, be specific. Tell me what it is that I have posted that makes me a racist.

You're so absolutely convinced of it, give us all some PROOF of your accusation.
My my my, such a childish little man you are. The picture is coming clear as to what kind of race-baiting propagandist you really are, Joe.

You refuse to deal in facts if they are inconvenient to your narrative, and you happily misrepresent facts if they can be twisted to support your inane positions.

You really have some serious control issues, Joe. You are constantly going on about what you and your ilk should 'allow' free citizens to do, when you have absolutely NO SAYSO over anyone but yourself, and that's only if your caregiver lets you choose what they'll feed you for lunch.

You're hypersensitive to ANYTHING touching on race because the FACTS make you look bad, and God knows we're not ALLOWED to hurt poor old Joe's feelings.

You're pitiful, Joe, and that's another FACT.

I'm sensitive about race because I see you racist assholes destroying what used to be a great Republican Party. Obama has completely unhinged you guys by just being black in the White House, and it shows.

But gun control is coming, and I'll be happy the day it does, because, honestly, the best argument for gun control is talking to a racist, fuckwad gun nut talking about all the people he wants to shoot.

Please Joe, be specific. Tell me what it is that I have posted that makes me a racist.

You're so absolutely convinced of it, give us all some PROOF of your accusation.

It is incredible that 4 years later Obama supporters are still playing the race card and accusing Obama critics of having racist motives. Truly sad.

Yet, it is liberals who use overtly racist verbiage to attack conservative African Americans and Hispanics.
It is incredible that 4 years later Obama supporters are still playing the race card and accusing Obama critics of having racist motives. Truly sad.

Yet, it is liberals who use overtly racist verbiage to attack conservative African Americans and Hispanics.

First, guy, I'm a life long republican who just got tired of the Corporate bloodsuckers manipulating the religious whackadoos and calling that a political movement. When the GOP is sane again, I'll start voting for it.

As far as being racially unhinged, we have this little tidbit.

55% Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In A Foreign Country?

Yeah, you guys have really become unhinged by this guy... and it's sad to watch.

I was at a party recently, where one person thought it was a really funny joke to say, "Obama banned aspirin because it's white and it works". Tee hee hee hee...

I was at another party where a woman referred to Obama by the N-word on Facebook and wondered why Facebook cancelled her account.
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