The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Sensitivity toward race is the root of racism.
The idea of race sensitivity has it's roots in white guilt and self hatred.
Nobody cares about the race of the president. At least those who matter.
It is the liberal side that continues to perpetuate this idea that the only reason why Obama is disliked is due to his race. This notion allows liberals to reach a comfort zone. A comfort zone that helps them sleep at night believing they made the correct choice at the voting booth.
The very idea that opposition to Obama's policies are based on his race IS racist.
There are two types of racism. One is singling out a person because of their race. The other is NOT singling a person out due to their race. It cuts both ways.
On racial matters ,you libs view yourselves as pure. Poppycock.

Again, lifelong republican until my last boss showed me the True Meaning of Capitalism.

But I will give you two examples of how oppossition to Obama is all about racism.

First, Birtherism. No one ever questioned the birthplace of any of the 43 White guys who sat in that officer before Obama. But we have 55% of Republicans who think that apparently, Obama wasn't born here.

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.
And neither of these things have a scintilla to do with race.
The racism issue is made up by your side to be used as a crutch because your side has no substantive rebuttal to our objection to Obama policies.
It's like that all the time. "You conservatives hate Jesse Jackson because he's black.
Black driver to cop: "you're stopping me because I am black".
Black employee to boss: "you are writing me up because I am black"...

Liberalism has been successful in the realm of guilty until proven innocent.
All you people have to do is make an accusation. IN your world that is as good as guilty.
Until some member of one of your protected classes is accused of wrongdoing. Then you circle the wagons in the name of race.
LIke this case. William Jefferson former US House member was accused of fraud, The democrats initially circled the wagons around this guy. Once the evidence became too much to bear, democrats threw him under the 18 wheeler.
Or when Marion Barry then mayor of DC was taped smoking crack in a motel room with a woman NOT his wife, the cries of entrapment flew. He went to jail only to get reelected after his release!!!!
Oh of course the authorities that set up the sting were accused of racism.
Of course.
Mulatto-A person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. a person with one white and one black parent.

Mixed race-denoting or relating to people whose parents or ancestors are from different ethnic backgrounds:

Question 1. What the hell is derogatory about ,"A person of mixed black and white ancestry"?

Quetion 2. Which describes obama's background more accurately?

If you say mixed race and you could be decribing him as being mongoloid and cacausoid, or mongoloid and negroid, or negroid and cacausoid, two of which are innacurate descriptions of his anscestory, so calling him a mulatto is the most accurate term available. Anyone who feels the term mulatto is derogatory is an idiot.

So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?
And neither of these things have a scintilla to do with race.
The racism issue is made up by your side to be used as a crutch because your side has no substantive rebuttal to our objection to Obama policies.
It's like that all the time. "You conservatives hate Jesse Jackson because he's black.
Black driver to cop: "you're stopping me because I am black".
Black employee to boss: "you are writing me up because I am black"...

Liberalism has been successful in the realm of guilty until proven innocent.
All you people have to do is make an accusation. IN your world that is as good as guilty.
Until some member of one of your protected classes is accused of wrongdoing. Then you circle the wagons in the name of race.
LIke this case. William Jefferson former US House member was accused of fraud, The democrats initially circled the wagons around this guy. Once the evidence became too much to bear, democrats threw him under the 18 wheeler.
Or when Marion Barry then mayor of DC was taped smoking crack in a motel room with a woman NOT his wife, the cries of entrapment flew. He went to jail only to get reelected after his release!!!!
Oh of course the authorities that set up the sting were accused of racism.
Of course.

In Marion Barry's case, it was entrapment. He clearly says on the tape, "You know I don't do that stuff any more" or words to that effect. And the thing is, he was held accountable. So was Jefferson.

On the other hand, "Diaper" Vitter, who was involved in a prostitution ring where the Madam killed herself, is still in the Senate...

And Larry "Wide Stance" Craig served out the balance of his term.

How about Ensign?

Seriously, this is the best you have?
Mulatto-A person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. a person with one white and one black parent.

Mixed race-denoting or relating to people whose parents or ancestors are from different ethnic backgrounds:

Question 1. What the hell is derogatory about ,"A person of mixed black and white ancestry"?

Quetion 2. Which describes obama's background more accurately?

If you say mixed race and you could be decribing him as being mongoloid and cacausoid, or mongoloid and negroid, or negroid and cacausoid, two of which are innacurate descriptions of his anscestory, so calling him a mulatto is the most accurate term available. Anyone who feels the term mulatto is derogatory is an idiot.

So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.
When did any one of those 43 guys have their grandmother tell the press how proud she was that her grandson was born in Kenya?

When did any one of those 43 guys have their book publisher tout their foreign birth on a dustjacket?

So this is your whole case? Something said by a woman in her 90's, and a brochure (not a dust jacket) prepared by a publisher's researcher who admitted she made a mistake at the time?

Again, did you guys do this thorough of an investigation on whether or not Bush showed up at his National Guard drills or not?

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.
I think you're full of SHIT, Joe, because I don't recall ANYONE praising the shit out of it. And even if the Heritage Foundation did "praise it", when did they become the spokesmen for EVERY Conservative?

Really, can you please point out any time in the 2008 campaign where McCain, Thompson or Huckabee had a cross word to say about it? Of course they didn't. It's what Conservatives wanted all along, a big wet sloppy kiss to big pharma and big insurance. And then Obama did it, and the Teabaggers just hate Obama, and pretty soon, Romneycare because the biggest orphan out there...

6 Years Ago: Heritage Foundation Praised Romneycare For Building 'Patient-Centered' Health Care Market | ThinkProgress
Mulatto-A person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. a person with one white and one black parent.

Mixed race-denoting or relating to people whose parents or ancestors are from different ethnic backgrounds:

Question 1. What the hell is derogatory about ,"A person of mixed black and white ancestry"?

Quetion 2. Which describes obama's background more accurately?

If you say mixed race and you could be decribing him as being mongoloid and cacausoid, or mongoloid and negroid, or negroid and cacausoid, two of which are innacurate descriptions of his anscestory, so calling him a mulatto is the most accurate term available. Anyone who feels the term mulatto is derogatory is an idiot.

So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and call a co-worker of mixed race a Mulatto, and see how long you have a fuckin' job..

That's working on the assumption you have a job and your fat ass doesn't sit around waiting for that disability check all day.
So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.
First, guy, I'm a life long republican who just got tired of the Corporate bloodsuckers manipulating the religious whackadoos and calling that a political movement. When the GOP is sane again, I'll start voting for it. .

No one believes that from you any more than they do from Jakefakey.
So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.
When did any one of those 43 guys have their grandmother tell the press how proud she was that her grandson was born in Kenya?

When did any one of those 43 guys have their book publisher tout their foreign birth on a dustjacket?

So this is your whole case? Something said by a woman in her 90's, and a brochure (not a dust jacket) prepared by a publisher's researcher who admitted she made a mistake at the time?

Again, did you guys do this thorough of an investigation on whether or not Bush showed up at his National Guard drills or not?

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.
I think you're full of SHIT, Joe, because I don't recall ANYONE praising the shit out of it. And even if the Heritage Foundation did "praise it", when did they become the spokesmen for EVERY Conservative?

Really, can you please point out any time in the 2008 campaign where McCain, Thompson or Huckabee had a cross word to say about it? Of course they didn't. It's what Conservatives wanted all along, a big wet sloppy kiss to big pharma and big insurance. And then Obama did it, and the Teabaggers just hate Obama, and pretty soon, Romneycare because the biggest orphan out there...

6 Years Ago: Heritage Foundation Praised Romneycare For Building 'Patient-Centered' Health Care Market | ThinkProgress

You can sling that 'BOOOOSH' shit at me all you want, moron, because I voted for Gore and Kerry when that puke got elected.... Wipe off your chin and find a different target for your slobbering bullshit, mmkay?

I am an admitted Ron Paul supporter. I believe you called me a 'Libertarian loon' or some such stupidity earlier today, so I'm pretty sure you know that, if your attention span can handle it. I find your ATTEMPTED use of McCain, Thompson and Huckabee as some sort of bludgeon to be utterly laughable.

You're a typical liberal idiot Joe, always trying to put people in groups, and never engaging your brain long enough to realize that everything isn't just 'Black and White'.

Ooh, did I just type that? I guess that will give you ANOTHER bogus reason to label me a RACIST, huh Joe?

You really are a stooge Joe, and the sad part is you think you're smart.
So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and call a co-worker of mixed race a Mulatto, and see how long you have a fuckin' job..

That's working on the assumption you have a job and your fat ass doesn't sit around waiting for that disability check all day.

I own my own business slick, and I won't hire mulattos or blacks so I don't have any mulatto co-workers. I do have a mixed race person working for me, but he's not a mix of negro and white, so mulatto wouldn't fit.
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So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.

The new Liberal mantra, anyone opposed to gun control is a 'RAAAAAAAAAY - CYST'!!

You crack me up Joe, you REALLY do!!
Sensitivity toward race is the root of racism.
The idea of race sensitivity has it's roots in white guilt and self hatred.
Nobody cares about the race of the president. At least those who matter.
It is the liberal side that continues to perpetuate this idea that the only reason why Obama is disliked is due to his race. This notion allows liberals to reach a comfort zone. A comfort zone that helps them sleep at night believing they made the correct choice at the voting booth.
The very idea that opposition to Obama's policies are based on his race IS racist.
There are two types of racism. One is singling out a person because of their race. The other is NOT singling a person out due to their race. It cuts both ways.
On racial matters ,you libs view yourselves as pure. Poppycock.

Again, lifelong republican until my last boss showed me the True Meaning of Capitalism.

But I will give you two examples of how oppossition to Obama is all about racism.

First, Birtherism. No one ever questioned the birthplace of any of the 43 White guys who sat in that officer before Obama. But we have 55% of Republicans who think that apparently, Obama wasn't born here.

Second- ObamaCare- When it was under it's original title- RomneyCare - the right praised the shit out of it as a free-market solution to the health care crisis. The Heritage Foundation just oculdn't say enough good things about it.

And then the Black guy did it, and suddenly it was the center of a Marxist Plot to lead us all to socialism and kill old people.

I thought I was a republican until my last boss actually expected me to do work......I then realized I was a liberal who would rather sit at home, watch Jerry Springer, and stuff my face with Bon-Bon's while waiting for that monthly check to arrive.

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And neither of these things have a scintilla to do with race.
The racism issue is made up by your side to be used as a crutch because your side has no substantive rebuttal to our objection to Obama policies.
It's like that all the time. "You conservatives hate Jesse Jackson because he's black.
Black driver to cop: "you're stopping me because I am black".
Black employee to boss: "you are writing me up because I am black"...

Liberalism has been successful in the realm of guilty until proven innocent.
All you people have to do is make an accusation. IN your world that is as good as guilty.
Until some member of one of your protected classes is accused of wrongdoing. Then you circle the wagons in the name of race.
LIke this case. William Jefferson former US House member was accused of fraud, The democrats initially circled the wagons around this guy. Once the evidence became too much to bear, democrats threw him under the 18 wheeler.
Or when Marion Barry then mayor of DC was taped smoking crack in a motel room with a woman NOT his wife, the cries of entrapment flew. He went to jail only to get reelected after his release!!!!
Oh of course the authorities that set up the sting were accused of racism.
Of course.

In Marion Barry's case, it was entrapment. He clearly says on the tape, "You know I don't do that stuff any more" or words to that effect. And the thing is, he was held accountable. So was Jefferson.

On the other hand, "Diaper" Vitter, who was involved in a prostitution ring where the Madam killed herself, is still in the Senate...

And Larry "Wide Stance" Craig served out the balance of his term.

How about Ensign?

Seriously, this is the best you have?

All the excuses in the world won't change a thing.
Your side circles the wagons. You did it for Clinton. Did it for Dan Rather. etc.
Mulatto-A person of mixed white and black ancestry, esp. a person with one white and one black parent.

Mixed race-denoting or relating to people whose parents or ancestors are from different ethnic backgrounds:

Question 1. What the hell is derogatory about ,"A person of mixed black and white ancestry"?

Quetion 2. Which describes obama's background more accurately?

If you say mixed race and you could be decribing him as being mongoloid and cacausoid, or mongoloid and negroid, or negroid and cacausoid, two of which are innacurate descriptions of his anscestory, so calling him a mulatto is the most accurate term available. Anyone who feels the term mulatto is derogatory is an idiot.

So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.

OOPS! THat was intended foir Job B...Sorry.
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So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.
You don't ask questions for the purpose of gathering information. You interrogate for the purpose of eliciting a pre-determined response.
You can call us racists all day long. We know it isn't true, but you're going to do it anyway. Newsflash, we're not going to play your game. We don't care what you say.
So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

So you cannot answer the two simple questions. Ok, I figured with your intelect I might be asking too much, but I really can't dumb down the questions any more than I did. Maybe if you know a fairly inteligent 3rd grader you can ask them to explain them to you so you can answer them. Carry on son.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and call a co-worker of mixed race a Mulatto, and see how long you have a fuckin' job..

That's working on the assumption you have a job and your fat ass doesn't sit around waiting for that disability check all day.

Yes...Beware of the PC speech police.
So Guys' bringing the gasoline and you're bringing the cross, right?

Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.
With libs it matters not the proof. All that matters is the seriousness of the charges.

This one is crazy enough to be our Vice Presidebt.

JoeB, ain't that a HOOT?!?!?
Hey Joe, you're pretty good at making accusations, are you any good at providing proof?

Until you do you'll be nothing more than the slobbering idiot you've been up until now.

You jokers have been exposing your racism all day, because you aren't man enough to admit that the proliferation of guns makes America a more dangerous place than other industrial democracies...

Sometimes they make it too easy.

The new Liberal mantra, anyone opposed to gun control is a 'RAAAAAAAAAY - CYST'!!

You crack me up Joe, you REALLY do!!

No, you are the ones who got on here and said "it's them colored people shooting each other", when in fact, most of our rampage shooters are EMO white guys...
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