The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Most gun deaths are suicides and people shooting their relatives over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

But here's the thing. We lock up 2 million "criminals" (usually just poor or addicted people who did something stupid) and we have another 7 mlllion on probation or parole where they aren't allowed to own guns.

And we have 300 million legal guns in the hands of people compensating for their tiny penises...

How's that working out?

Well, while most industrialized countries have murder rates in the hundreds, we have murder rates in the tens of thousands.

Maybe instead of cowering in fear of the mess that a plutocratic society creates, we should get about fixing the causes... like every other advanced democracy has done.

Suicide accounts for 50% of gun deaths.
Your theory is that banning guns will cut the suicide rate by 50%.
You are an idiot.
Murder rates are measured not in numbers but by %.
US is 5.2 per 100,000
Venezuala a communist country of your brothers is 48 per 100,000
Brazil 22 per 100,000
Italy has a higher % of homicides by guns than we do.
Try again. Plutocrats have been kicking your ass with facts.

Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

Facts never count when they prove you wrong.
Suicide accounts for 50% of gun deaths.
Your theory is that banning guns will cut the suicide rate by 50%.
You are an idiot.
Murder rates are measured not in numbers but by %.
US is 5.2 per 100,000
Venezuala a communist country of your brothers is 48 per 100,000
Brazil 22 per 100,000
Italy has a higher % of homicides by guns than we do.
Try again. Plutocrats have been kicking your ass with facts.

Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

Facts never count when they prove you wrong.

And if you actually did that, you'd have a point.

Now, yeah, I guess compared to the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching state you are from, Brazil might seem like an "Advanced Democracy"...
Most gun deaths are suicides and people shooting their relatives over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

But here's the thing. We lock up 2 million "criminals" (usually just poor or addicted people who did something stupid) and we have another 7 mlllion on probation or parole where they aren't allowed to own guns.

And we have 300 million legal guns in the hands of people compensating for their tiny penises...

How's that working out?

Well, while most industrialized countries have murder rates in the hundreds, we have murder rates in the tens of thousands.

Maybe instead of cowering in fear of the mess that a plutocratic society creates, we should get about fixing the causes... like every other advanced democracy has done.

Suicide accounts for 50% of gun deaths.
Your theory is that banning guns will cut the suicide rate by 50%.
You are an idiot.
Murder rates are measured not in numbers but by %.
US is 5.2 per 100,000
Venezuala a communist country of your brothers is 48 per 100,000
Brazil 22 per 100,000
Italy has a higher % of homicides by guns than we do.
Try again. Plutocrats have been kicking your ass with facts.

Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

dummy..Brazil has one of the largest economies in the world. Three large cosmopolitan cities.
Venezuela is an oil rich nation and but for it's ruthless dictatorship would be a flourishing and wealthy country.
No matter. You will chuck duck dive obfuscate and otherwise make the same excuses a 12 year old would make when he got caught shaving the cat.
Doesn't change a thing.
Here's the rub, the responses heard from the general gun owning public to the federal government should a "gun grab" be enacted by The Chosen One is "come and try to take it".
BTW, local law enforcement is under no obligation to enforce federal law.
You people have trapped yourselves. You screamed from the hilltops that states had no right to enforce federal immigration statutes. That states could not enact their own immigration policy. That federal jurisdiction supersedes state law.
Now you want it both ways. Sorry, can't have it.
Suicide accounts for 50% of gun deaths.
Your theory is that banning guns will cut the suicide rate by 50%.
You are an idiot.
Murder rates are measured not in numbers but by %.
US is 5.2 per 100,000
Venezuala a communist country of your brothers is 48 per 100,000
Brazil 22 per 100,000
Italy has a higher % of homicides by guns than we do.
Try again. Plutocrats have been kicking your ass with facts.

Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

In other words, don't count the evidence that shows you are wrong. How absurd can you get?

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

Mexico has 5 times our murder rate, and it has strict gun control laws. That's why you don't want to count it.

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

And that proves absolutely nothing, since you aren't counting any data that shows your theory is hogwash.
Suicide accounts for 50% of gun deaths.
Your theory is that banning guns will cut the suicide rate by 50%.
You are an idiot.
Murder rates are measured not in numbers but by %.
US is 5.2 per 100,000
Venezuala a communist country of your brothers is 48 per 100,000
Brazil 22 per 100,000
Italy has a higher % of homicides by guns than we do.
Try again. Plutocrats have been kicking your ass with facts.

Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

In other words, don't count the evidence that shows you are wrong. How absurd can you get?

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

Mexico has 5 times our murder rate, and it has strict gun control laws. That's why you don't want to count it.

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

And that proves absolutely nothing, since you aren't counting any data that shows your theory is hogwash.

Thats his gig. We also have more big cities with more people in them. And there is also the fact that Joes town has a pretty high gun crime rate, yet all the anti gun laws were supposed to prevent that.
dummy..Brazil has one of the largest economies in the world. Three large cosmopolitan cities.
Venezuela is an oil rich nation and but for it's ruthless dictatorship would be a flourishing and wealthy country.
No matter. You will chuck duck dive obfuscate and otherwise make the same excuses a 12 year old would make when he got caught shaving the cat.
Doesn't change a thing.
Here's the rub, the responses heard from the general gun owning public to the federal government should a "gun grab" be enacted by The Chosen One is "come and try to take it".
BTW, local law enforcement is under no obligation to enforce federal law.
You people have trapped yourselves. You screamed from the hilltops that states had no right to enforce federal immigration statutes. That states could not enact their own immigration policy. That federal jurisdiction supersedes state law.
Now you want it both ways. Sorry, can't have it.

Wow- Brazil has a whole THREE Cities? Really? This is a lame argument and you know it. Brazil has grinding poverty, and so does Venezuela because before Chavez tried to enact a little misguided socialism there, it had decades of thugs and tinpot plutocrats there. Neither of these could be considered "advanced", Industialized democracies.

They are by definition, third world countries in that their only real exports are raw materials.

I doubt Obama is planning a "gun grab", but if he did, all it would really take would be the ATF to make an example out of a few people - usually the most fringe assholes they can find- white Supremists, Whacky cultists- to show they mean business. Most of the rest of you fat assholes aren't going to give up your internet and nice cars for your guns.
Thats his gig. We also have more big cities with more people in them. And there is also the fact that Joes town has a pretty high gun crime rate, yet all the anti gun laws were supposed to prevent that.

Again, having strict gun control in Chicago when you can buy all the guns you want in Cicero make Chicago gun laws sort of meaningless.

Now, you pass a strict gun law for the whole country, like Japan or Germany have done and strictly enforce it, and guess what, that works.

In other words, don't count the evidence that shows you are wrong. How absurd can you get?

Mexico has 5 times our murder rate, and it has strict gun control laws. That's why you don't want to count it.

And that proves absolutely nothing, since you aren't counting any data that shows your theory is hogwash.

No, we compare fine compared to third world, backwards countries with grinding poverty, lack of government and massive corruption. Now, despite the best efforts of the Plutocrats since that senile fuck Reagan, we have maintained our status as a first world, advanced industrial Democracy, and those are the only countries we should compare ourselves to.

If you have to point out Mexico, Venuzuela or Brazil, backwards, corrupt third world nations that are practically failed states, to find a stat that makes us look good.

Hey, you know what, we have less gun violence than Syria, but I don't emulate being like Syria, either.
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Wow, you see, this is where you are being dishonest. Please note, I said, "advanced Democracy" and "industrialized country". Brazil and Venezuala don't count as either.

Italy had 246 gun homicides in 2008 (the last year they have data for) and a gun homicide rate of .41 per 100,000 people. Their total homicide rate was 590 people, or a rate of 1 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Italy: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law.

The US had 16,259 homicides in 2010, a rate of 5.27 per 100,000. Of those, 11,078 were committed with guns. or 3.59/100,000... Our murder rate is five times what Italy has...

The numbers are worse when compared with Japan, the UK or Germany, which are countries with wealth and affluence closer to our own.

Facts never count when they prove you wrong.

And if you actually did that, you'd have a point.

Now, yeah, I guess compared to the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching state you are from, Brazil might seem like an "Advanced Democracy"...
And you're from the third world shithole known as Chicago? What's the murder rate in Chicago compared to Savannah GA where Gadawg is?

How about we compare it to Salt Lake City, a city just chock full of evil Mormons?
OH by the way, the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching city I live in has a lower murder rate than Chicago too.
dummy..Brazil has one of the largest economies in the world. Three large cosmopolitan cities.
Venezuela is an oil rich nation and but for it's ruthless dictatorship would be a flourishing and wealthy country.
No matter. You will chuck duck dive obfuscate and otherwise make the same excuses a 12 year old would make when he got caught shaving the cat.
Doesn't change a thing.
Here's the rub, the responses heard from the general gun owning public to the federal government should a "gun grab" be enacted by The Chosen One is "come and try to take it".
BTW, local law enforcement is under no obligation to enforce federal law.
You people have trapped yourselves. You screamed from the hilltops that states had no right to enforce federal immigration statutes. That states could not enact their own immigration policy. That federal jurisdiction supersedes state law.
Now you want it both ways. Sorry, can't have it.

Wow- Brazil has a whole THREE Cities? Really? This is a lame argument and you know it. Brazil has grinding poverty, and so does Venezuela because before Chavez tried to enact a little misguided socialism there, it had decades of thugs and tinpot plutocrats there. Neither of these could be considered "advanced", Industialized democracies.

They are by definition, third world countries in that their only real exports are raw materials.

I doubt Obama is planning a "gun grab", but if he did, all it would really take would be the ATF to make an example out of a few people - usually the most fringe assholes they can find- white Supremists, Whacky cultists- to show they mean business. Most of the rest of you fat assholes aren't going to give up your internet and nice cars for your guns.

SEND the fuckin ATF, Joe. When they hit my road, I'll hear the gunfire, but I'm pretty confident that they won't make it the half mile to my place.
Wow- Brazil has a whole THREE Cities? Really? This is a lame argument and you know it. Brazil has grinding poverty, and so does Venezuela because before Chavez tried to enact a little misguided socialism there, it had decades of thugs and tinpot plutocrats there. Neither of these could be considered "advanced", Industialized democracies.

They are by definition, third world countries in that their only real exports are raw materials.

I doubt Obama is planning a "gun grab", but if he did, all it would really take would be the ATF to make an example out of a few people - usually the most fringe assholes they can find- white Supremists, Whacky cultists- to show they mean business. Most of the rest of you fat assholes aren't going to give up your internet and nice cars for your guns.

The fact that you keep trying to exclude every example aside from "advanced industrial democracies" shows that gun ownership isn't the deciding factor. economic development is the deciding factors. The U.S. has a higher homicide rate only because it has lots of immigrants from these undeveloped third world countries. It also has a high rate if illegitimacy, which numerous studies have shown leads to a high crime rate.

The fact that you keep trying to exclude every example aside from "advanced industrial democracies" shows that gun ownership isn't the deciding factor. economic development is the deciding factors. The U.S. has a higher homicide rate only because it has lots of immigrants from these undeveloped third world countries. It also has a high rate if illegitimacy, which numerous studies have shown leads to a high crime rate.

No, I exclude third world countries because they are exactly that- third world countries.

It's comparing apples and oranges.

The only countries we should be comparing are advanced industrial democracies. Countries that are at the same level we are at in t development of economy, culture and government.

And compared to them, we are doing VERY BADLY.

Other advanced Democracies limit or ban guns.
Other advanced democracies have welfare states and universal health care.
Other advanced democracies do not run their prisons for profit.

As a result, they have low crime rates, few gun murders and few people in prison.

The fact that you keep trying to exclude every example aside from "advanced industrial democracies" shows that gun ownership isn't the deciding factor. economic development is the deciding factors. The U.S. has a higher homicide rate only because it has lots of immigrants from these undeveloped third world countries. It also has a high rate if illegitimacy, which numerous studies have shown leads to a high crime rate.

No, I exclude third world countries because they are exactly that- third world countries.

It's comparing apples and oranges.

Yep, it's comparing countries with high murder rates against countries with low murder rates. The reason for those murder rates is social pathologies like illegitimacy. Almost every country with a high murder rate has a high rate of illegitimacy. lack of gun laws, on the other hand, don't correlate with high murder rates. many of these countries, like Mexico, have very strict gun laws.

Switzerland and Israel have high gun ownership and low murder rates, so your blather about "industrial democracies" is obviously horseshit.

The only countries we should be comparing are advanced industrial democracies. Countries that are at the same level we are at in t development of economy, culture and government.

Wrong. For one thing, almost all of our homicides occur within two groups: blacks and Hispanics. In the later case, many of them are recent immigrants from the countries described above. In the former, blacks have illegitimacy rates approaching those of the countries described above.

And compared to them, we are doing VERY BADLY.

Other advanced Democracies limit or ban guns.
Other advanced democracies have welfare states and universal health care.
Other advanced democracies do not run their prisons for profit.

As a result, they have low crime rates, few gun murders and few people in prison.

Other countries do not have large populations of blacks and Hispanics. Other countries do not have the high illegitimacy rates that we have. The crime rate and the homicide rate doesn't correlate with the rate of gun ownership, even if you artificially restrict your examination to "advanced industrial democracies."

Other countries do not have large populations of blacks and Hispanics. Other countries do not have the high illegitimacy rates that we have. The crime rate and the homicide rate doesn't correlate with the rate of gun ownership, even if you artificially restrict your examination to "advanced industrial democracies."

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to go full racist.

Just for the record.

Spengler- White (although the gal who got him the guns was Asian)
Lanza- White.
Holmes - White.
Loughner- White.
Cho - Asian.

I think you have to go back to the DC SNiper to find a rampage shooter who was black.
And you're from the third world shithole known as Chicago? What's the murder rate in Chicago compared to Savannah GA where Gadawg is?

How about we compare it to Salt Lake City, a city just chock full of evil Mormons?
OH by the way, the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching city I live in has a lower murder rate than Chicago too.

Again, none of those cities are as LARGE as Chicago, so of course, Chicago is going to have a higher crime rate. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO.

The crime rate and the gun murder rate is too high for the whole country...
And you're from the third world shithole known as Chicago? What's the murder rate in Chicago compared to Savannah GA where Gadawg is?

How about we compare it to Salt Lake City, a city just chock full of evil Mormons?
OH by the way, the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching city I live in has a lower murder rate than Chicago too.

Again, none of those cities are as LARGE as Chicago, so of course, Chicago is going to have a higher crime rate. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO.

The crime rate and the gun murder rate is too high for the whole country...

Size has nothing to do with it. At one time the city of Rock Springs Wyoming had the highest crime rate in the entire country - population: 22,000.

Chicago is a cesspool of crime because liberal Democrats run it.

Other countries do not have large populations of blacks and Hispanics. Other countries do not have the high illegitimacy rates that we have. The crime rate and the homicide rate doesn't correlate with the rate of gun ownership, even if you artificially restrict your examination to "advanced industrial democracies."

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to go full racist.

Just for the record.

Spengler- White (although the gal who got him the guns was Asian)
Lanza- White.
Holmes - White.
Loughner- White.
Cho - Asian.

I think you have to go back to the DC SNiper to find a rampage shooter who was black.

No one in this forum is surprised that you would call someone you disagree with a racist. That's what liberals do.

You can't argue with facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit over 90% of all murders in this country. Have fun disputing that.

Other countries do not have large populations of blacks and Hispanics. Other countries do not have the high illegitimacy rates that we have. The crime rate and the homicide rate doesn't correlate with the rate of gun ownership, even if you artificially restrict your examination to "advanced industrial democracies."

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to go full racist.

Just for the record.

Spengler- White (although the gal who got him the guns was Asian)
Lanza- White.
Holmes - White.
Loughner- White.
Cho - Asian.

I think you have to go back to the DC SNiper to find a rampage shooter who was black.

No one in this forum is surprised that you would call someone you disagree with a racist. That's what liberals do.

You can't argue with facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit over 90% of all murders in this country. Have fun disputing that.

Actually, since only about 30% of murder investigations result in a conviction, we really don't know who is responsible for the majority of murders.

But you have this..

Table 43 - Crime in the United States 2009

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
Total- 9,739
White -4,741
Black -4,801
Native American100
Asian - 97
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