The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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But what about the guy who found his wife in bed with another guy, and the gun just happened to be there? A gun just made a bad situation into a double murder.

Or a knife ask Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson.

You see, the difference there was, that was probably premeditated... So, no, not comparable at all.

Yes there is no way could have killed them both with same knife in the heat of the moment.

I'm guessing that for convenience sake they put Hispanics in with whites.

They do that all the time when it suits their motives...

Yes they do. Here are the figures from the CDC that break out Hispanics separately:

Homicides --- United States, 1999--2007

White, non-Hispanic 5512
Black, non-Hispanic 8746
Hispanic 3466
American Indian/Alaska Native 147
Asian/Pacific Islander 236
Total: 18361

So Blacks and Hispanics account for 67% of all Homicides.

Well, it wasn't 90% like you guys have been claiming. In fact,Whites are responsible for more murders than Hispanics, if we take your figures at face value.

GUess the real problem is the GUNS.
"well it wasn't"...NIce deflection.
Oh, your argument about other advanced nation's crime rates being low and to your assumption bastions of peace and quiet compared to the US...Bullshit..
Gun crime doubles in a decade - Telegraph..
BTW, Mr I read into the statistics what I want to, Non Hispanic whites make up 73% of the population. Non White Hispanics and Latinos make up about 10% of the population.
dummy..Brazil has one of the largest economies in the world. Three large cosmopolitan cities.
Venezuela is an oil rich nation and but for it's ruthless dictatorship would be a flourishing and wealthy country.
No matter. You will chuck duck dive obfuscate and otherwise make the same excuses a 12 year old would make when he got caught shaving the cat.
Doesn't change a thing.
Here's the rub, the responses heard from the general gun owning public to the federal government should a "gun grab" be enacted by The Chosen One is "come and try to take it".
BTW, local law enforcement is under no obligation to enforce federal law.
You people have trapped yourselves. You screamed from the hilltops that states had no right to enforce federal immigration statutes. That states could not enact their own immigration policy. That federal jurisdiction supersedes state law.
Now you want it both ways. Sorry, can't have it.

Wow- Brazil has a whole THREE Cities? Really? This is a lame argument and you know it. Brazil has grinding poverty, and so does Venezuela because before Chavez tried to enact a little misguided socialism there, it had decades of thugs and tinpot plutocrats there. Neither of these could be considered "advanced", Industialized democracies.

They are by definition, third world countries in that their only real exports are raw materials.

I doubt Obama is planning a "gun grab", but if he did, all it would really take would be the ATF to make an example out of a few people - usually the most fringe assholes they can find- white Supremists, Whacky cultists- to show they mean business. Most of the rest of you fat assholes aren't going to give up your internet and nice cars for your guns.

Brazil has 40 major population centers with 500,000 people or more.
Sixteen with over one million.
Once again, you can consider your ass thoroughly KICKED.
BTW, the US's major export is ALSO raw materials. Most notably crude oil and natural gas.
BTW, your racist comments toward Caucasians are duly noted
. Now read this. Your side will NEVER realize it's dream of a socialist kumbaya utopia.
If you want to live this way, MOVE THE FUCK OUT.
Thats his gig. We also have more big cities with more people in them. And there is also the fact that Joes town has a pretty high gun crime rate, yet all the anti gun laws were supposed to prevent that.

Again, having strict gun control in Chicago when you can buy all the guns you want in Cicero make Chicago gun laws sort of meaningless.

Now, you pass a strict gun law for the whole country, like Japan or Germany have done and strictly enforce it, and guess what, that works.

NO! You are going on based on the premise that strict gun control laws limit gun crime.
And you're from the third world shithole known as Chicago? What's the murder rate in Chicago compared to Savannah GA where Gadawg is?

How about we compare it to Salt Lake City, a city just chock full of evil Mormons?
OH by the way, the Shithole, Right to Work, Possum catching city I live in has a lower murder rate than Chicago too.

Again, none of those cities are as LARGE as Chicago, so of course, Chicago is going to have a higher crime rate. HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO.

The crime rate and the gun murder rate is too high for the whole country...
No....The rate of crime is used to accurately compare one city to another.
You just admitted large cities with large percentages of minority and poor people have higher crime rates. Thanks.
Rocket scientist.
BTW, Mr I read into the statistics what I want to, !

This is very true.

When you are trying your very best to be a callous douchebag who thinks selfishiness is a virtue, you need constant validation for your bigotries, I'm sure.

Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.
BTW, Mr I read into the statistics what I want to, !

This is very true.

When you are trying your very best to be a callous douchebag who thinks selfishiness is a virtue, you need constant validation for your bigotries, I'm sure.

Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.
This is very true.

When you are trying your very best to be a callous douchebag who thinks selfishiness is a virtue, you need constant validation for your bigotries, I'm sure.

Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.

You don't consider 70% as high when the 2 groups responsible for it account for less than 30% of the population?
This is very true.

When you are trying your very best to be a callous douchebag who thinks selfishiness is a virtue, you need constant validation for your bigotries, I'm sure.

Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.

Correct. However, your side uses the the threat of government sanctions to compel people to practice YOUR definition of compassion.
BTW, I NEVER claimed any such thing.
You however, are in complete denial.
Your liberal self hatred compels you to spew your racist filth.
I see you are still ending sentences with prepositions.
Inner city public education?
Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.

You don't consider 70% as high when the 2 groups responsible for it account for less than 30% of the population?

What this.. The response will contain another deflection.
Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.

You don't consider 70% as high when the 2 groups responsible for it account for less than 30% of the population?

Considering only 30% of murders actually get a conviction, not really. We don't really know who murdered 70% of the murder victims in this country.

Nor did you prove that that 67% were "gangbangers"
Attempting to move the goal posts doesn't change the facts.
Newsflash. We are human beings. We are programmed to think of "self" first.
For example, self preservation.
However, for purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant.

We are also social creatures, and should do what is good for the community.

Point is, you guys tried to claim that "90% of murders are due to non-white gangbangers", and then couldn't find the numbers to back that up.

Correct. However, your side uses the the threat of government sanctions to compel people to practice YOUR definition of compassion.
BTW, I NEVER claimed any such thing.
You however, are in complete denial.
Your liberal self hatred compels you to spew your racist filth.
I see you are still ending sentences with prepositions.
Inner city public education?

According to my grammar checker on MS Word, those sentences were just fine, thanks.

Incidently, I went to Catholic Schools... Hence, my hatred for all religous stupidity. Nothing will point out the stupidity of religion faster than a frustrated lesbian in a habit taking out her anger on children.

I pointed out that we have more guns and prisons than any country on earth, and we STILL have the highest crime rate in the Industrialized world. Regardless of what you say about my proposed solution in theory, in practice, the philosophy you espouse (arm the good guys, lock up the bad guys) ain't working.

And your fellow racists (and you) tried to say, "Well, that's because of all them colored people we got that they don't".

(Not the fact we lack a social safety net and have 300 million easy to get guns out there. Wouldn't want to fix those problems... that would be "Socialist"!)
The surest sign that the wannabe commie is tucking his tail and running...
Naw, I just don't engage you because you add nothing to a conversation...

Work out your anger management problems somewhere else...

How's that frustration, little faceless wannabe commie? Have you accepted that your silly dreams will never come true?
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