The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Let's say I bought a handgun from a US manufacturer and carried it for self protection.
Another steroid addled indianasshole comes in to my bar and comes at me and this time, as he closes he does produce a knife. I draw my weapon and pull the trigger and nothing happens.
It's pretty likely that I'm going to, at best, require stitches.
NOW! THAT gun manufacturer is going to be held liable, you can bet your ass; BECAUSE he sold me a defective product that failed to perform its designed function.
Liable for what? What other people do with guns?

Yup. That's just what Shittingbull is saying.

If someone kills someone with a gun then the gun and ammo makers are liable.

Of course if that happens than auto makers will be held liable at each and every accident.

Just goes to show all what a fucking dumbass Shittingbull is.
Maybe they should be held accountable if they sell a gun to a known felon just like those who sell booze to drunks or minors.

Or maybe liberals should be held accountible for when someone hurts themselves in the forehead with a palm slap after reading their drivel.
Another day. Another gun massacre.

I see you're dredging up all threads on gun control. You should be more concerned about all the GUN FREE ZONES since every lunatic who wants to kill always heads to when they snap. Maybe you should be more worried about all those drugs for depression that the FDA approves each year despite the horrible side effects. Maybe you should worry about the culture where violent thugs are treated as righteous protesters. Or you could realize that more people are murdered by other means and the reason the government focuses on gun control is because an unarmed population is much easier to oppress.

But, you're a liberal who is only capable of repeating stupid talking points.
Are you going to post that same comment on every gun thread?

CHICAGO -- The homicide toll in Chicago continues to climb at a quick pace this month, making it the city's deadliest September since 2002.

By Tuesday night, there were already 60 murders in September, making it the deadliest month of 2015 so far. The month already has more homicides than the traditionally violent summer months.

The spike in shooting deaths and gun violence comes after two consecutive weekends with more than 50 people shot.

In a 15-hour period beginning Monday night, 14 people were shot, six fatally. Most of those victims were hit during two mass shootings just two miles apart on the South Side. Among those victims, an 11-month old boy, Princeton Chew, was shot in the hip as his mother held him outside their home in the Back of the Yards neighborhood. The baby's pregnant mother, Patricia Chew, and grandmother, Lolita Wells, were shot and killed. Two other relatives were also shot.

Murders keep adding up for deadliest September in Chicago since 2002
Another day. Another gun massacre.

I see you're dredging up all threads on gun control. You should be more concerned about all the GUN FREE ZONES since every lunatic who wants to kill always heads to when they snap. Maybe you should be more worried about all those drugs for depression that the FDA approves each year despite the horrible side effects. Maybe you should worry about the culture where violent thugs are treated as righteous protesters. Or you could realize that more people are murdered by other means and the reason the government focuses on gun control is because an unarmed population is much easier to oppress.

But, you're a liberal who is only capable of repeating stupid talking points.
By Sergio Munoz

As major media outlets report on gun violence prevention strategies in the wake of the Newtown tragedy, they have ignored a controversial law that shields the firearms industry from being held accountable.

In 2005, former President George W. Bush signed into law the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act - the "No. 1 legislative priority of the National Rifle Association" - which immunized gun makers and dealers from civil lawsuits for the crimes committed with the products they sell, a significant barrier to a comprehensive gun violence prevention strategy. Despite its recent reporting on proposed efforts to prevent another tragedy like the one in Newtown, major newspapers and evening television news have not explained this significant legal immunity, according to a Media Matters search of Nexis.

Faced with an increasing number of successful lawsuits over reckless business practices that funneled guns into the hands of criminals, the 2005 immunity law was a victory for the NRA, which "lobbied lawmakers intensely" to shield gun makers and dealers from personal injury law. As described by Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading constitutional scholar and the Dean of the University of California-Irvine School of Law, by eliminating this route for victims to hold the gun industry accountable in court, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was a complete deviation from basic "principles of products liability":

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is also commonly referred to as the "Gun Protection Act." The law dismissed all current claims against gun manufacturers in both federal and state courts and pre-empted future claims. The law could not be clearer in stating its purpose: "To prohibit causes of action against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms or ammunition products, and their trade associations, for the harm caused solely by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended." There are some narrow exceptions for which liability is allowed, such as actions against transferors of firearms who knew the firearm would be used in drug trafficking or a violent crime by a party directly harmed by that conduct.

It is outrageous that a product that exists for no purpose other than to kill has an exemption from state tort liability. Allowing tort liability would force gun manufacturers to pay some of the costs imposed by their products, increase the prices for assault weapons and maybe even cause some manufacturers to stop making them.​

More: Why Isn't The Media Discussing The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity? | Blog | Media Matters for America

So what's your plan fuax-****-hunches, allowing people to sue every auto maker who's product works as designed and is used in DUI's, hit and run or even used as a get away car? Every knife manufacturer that makes a knife that works as designed and is used in a crime, how about tools, hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, tire irons, chains? Should I move on to building products, like pipes, lengths of wood, or how about we look a other sporting goods, like bats, balls, helmets? I could go on for ever of products that are used in crimes but I think you get the idea.

You fucking commies want to sue gun manufactures for selling products that perform as designed just because people use them for violating the law, same can be said for all the things I just mentioned plus many, many more, are we going to open them all up to law suits just because their product was used in a crime?
Are you going to post that same comment on every gun thread?

CHICAGO -- The homicide toll in Chicago continues to climb at a quick pace this month, making it the city's deadliest September since 2002.

By Tuesday night, there were already 60 murders in September, making it the deadliest month of 2015 so far. The month already has more homicides than the traditionally violent summer months.

The spike in shooting deaths and gun violence comes after two consecutive weekends with more than 50 people shot.

In a 15-hour period beginning Monday night, 14 people were shot, six fatally. Most of those victims were hit during two mass shootings just two miles apart on the South Side. Among those victims, an 11-month old boy, Princeton Chew, was shot in the hip as his mother held him outside their home in the Back of the Yards neighborhood. The baby's pregnant mother, Patricia Chew, and grandmother, Lolita Wells, were shot and killed. Two other relatives were also shot.

Murders keep adding up for deadliest September in Chicago since 2002

I demand thug control right now to stop the senseless violence. Obama doesn't give a rat's ass about the black on black murders in his home town. I don't believe the left is upset about the victims of the shooting either, but when there is a mass shooting, they quickly rush in to use it to their advantage. That is all those lives are worth to the left. Had the school been allowed to have armed guards, those people might still be alive. The lunatics avoid places where any guns are allowed and the liberals know that yet seek to unarm more and more people. They love those victims, but don't give a shit about those of us who aren't interested in becoming victims.

Another day, another death toll in the city of strict gun control.
Guns sales are big money. Less gun sales mean less money. Therefore, it's all about money and how that money is used to influence legislators. There is no doubt that criminals, mentally ill, and domestic abusers should not have access to firearms. So, if gun manufacturers, suppliers, and the NRA were held liable each time a gun was used in a crime - I bet gun control laws would change in a hurry.
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Guns sales are big money. Less gun sales mean less money. Therefore, it's all about money and how that money is used to influence legislators. There is no doubt that criminals, mentally ill, and domestic abusers should not have access to firearms. So, if gun manufacturers, suppliers, and the NRA were held liable each time a gun was used in a crime - I bet gun control laws would change in a hurry.
Just about every time you post here, you display your utter stupidity or your asinine belief that strict gun laws will stop gun crime in the USA. You ignore facts and preach the liberal talking points that are professed most strongly by overpaid politicians that don't need to carry a gun because their paid bodyguards do so for them.

You're not just an idiot. You give idiots a bad name!
Hold gun makers and suppliers liable. That will change things.
If there is faulty workmanship, you can hold the manufacturer liable.

But, we are not talking about what the maker is really responsible for, now are we?
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