The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A jury ordered a Wisconsin gun store on Tuesday to pay nearly $6 million to two Milwaukee police officers who were shot and seriously wounded by a gun purchased at the store.

The ruling came in a negligence lawsuit that the officers filed against the owners and operators of Badger Guns. The suit alleged the shop allowed an illegal sale despite several warning signs that should have prompted a store clerk to stop the transaction and know the gun was being sold to a "straw buyer," or someone who was buying the gun for someone who couldn't legally do so.

Jurors sided with the officers, ruling that the store was negligent in selling the gun.

More: Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

EVERYONE should have this same legal right. EVERYONE!!!!!
The Gun Store erred. The Gun Manufacturer did not. The Gun Store should pay. (Their license should be revoked also.) The Gun Manufacturer should not.

Go back to sleep.

Duh, that's true. But Bush's law excludes dealers.

As I said earlier, I had a gun stolen out of a locked vehicle and it wasn't in plain sight. What law that you support would conduct a background check on that criminal?
Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A jury ordered a Wisconsin gun store on Tuesday to pay nearly $6 million to two Milwaukee police officers who were shot and seriously wounded by a gun purchased at the store.

The ruling came in a negligence lawsuit that the officers filed against the owners and operators of Badger Guns. The suit alleged the shop allowed an illegal sale despite several warning signs that should have prompted a store clerk to stop the transaction and know the gun was being sold to a "straw buyer," or someone who was buying the gun for someone who couldn't legally do so.

Jurors sided with the officers, ruling that the store was negligent in selling the gun.

More: Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

EVERYONE should have this same legal right. EVERYONE!!!!!
The Gun Store erred. The Gun Manufacturer did not. The Gun Store should pay. (Their license should be revoked also.) The Gun Manufacturer should not.

Go back to sleep.

Duh, that's true. But Bush's law excludes dealers.
Evidently not in this case.
Ridiculous. If you allow people to SUE gun manufacturers if someone uses their product to do harm you open the flood gates:

Get shot? Sue the Gun Maker.
Get Stabbed? Sue the Knife Maker.
Hit with a hammer? Sue the Hammer Maker.
Get Fat? Sue the Fork Maker.
Stupid? Sue your old High School

Let's just roll with it - eliminate all personal accountability, and if something bad happens to you, it's not your fault - sue the hell out of anyone else you can blame. It's the OBAMA WAY!
Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?
Well, guns don't kill people... People kill people.
Dumb a$$

Washington redskin you really need to hold people responsible for their actions. Guns can not kill by themselves.

Your bleeding heart is getting in the way of your extremely limited common sense.
Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?
Well, guns don't kill people... People kill people.
Dumb a$$

Washington redskin you really need to hold people responsible for their actions. Guns can not kill by themselves.

Your bleeding heart is getting in the way of your extremely limited common sense.
Liberal gun-grabbers do not have ANY common sense.
Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A jury ordered a Wisconsin gun store on Tuesday to pay nearly $6 million to two Milwaukee police officers who were shot and seriously wounded by a gun purchased at the store.

The ruling came in a negligence lawsuit that the officers filed against the owners and operators of Badger Guns. The suit alleged the shop allowed an illegal sale despite several warning signs that should have prompted a store clerk to stop the transaction and know the gun was being sold to a "straw buyer," or someone who was buying the gun for someone who couldn't legally do so.

Jurors sided with the officers, ruling that the store was negligent in selling the gun.

More: Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

EVERYONE should have this same legal right. EVERYONE!!!!!

Note, fuckstain, that they were sued over an ILLEGAL sale. In other words, they weren't sued because one of their guns was used in commission of a crime. They were sued because THEY broke the law.

Everyone already has that right, dipshit. Protecting gun manufacturers and gun shops from being sued for legal behavior does nothing to change that.

God, are you dimwits ever going to learn to differentiate?
Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A jury ordered a Wisconsin gun store on Tuesday to pay nearly $6 million to two Milwaukee police officers who were shot and seriously wounded by a gun purchased at the store.

The ruling came in a negligence lawsuit that the officers filed against the owners and operators of Badger Guns. The suit alleged the shop allowed an illegal sale despite several warning signs that should have prompted a store clerk to stop the transaction and know the gun was being sold to a "straw buyer," or someone who was buying the gun for someone who couldn't legally do so.

Jurors sided with the officers, ruling that the store was negligent in selling the gun.

More: Gun Shop Ordered To Pay $6 Million For Selling Weapon That Injured Police Officers

EVERYONE should have this same legal right. EVERYONE!!!!!
The Gun Store erred. The Gun Manufacturer did not. The Gun Store should pay. (Their license should be revoked also.) The Gun Manufacturer should not.

Go back to sleep.

Duh, that's true. But Bush's law excludes dealers.

No, fucktard. Nothing about the law excludes dealers OR manufacturers from lawsuits due to illegal or negligent behavior. You're just pissed that you can't attack them in the courts for legal behavior.
Gun manufacturers and dealers should be held accountable!

And they are, to the same extent any other business is.

Lying low until everyone has moved on and then popping up to shout your lies again in the hope that THIS time they won't be answered won't make them any more true than the first time they driveled from your piehole.
Gun sales are part of interstate commerce and therefore fall under Federal jurisdiction.
If I buy a gun from my next door neighbor (in the same state), how is that act interstate commerce?

Unfortunately the fascists use where the gun was made, where its parts came from , in order to claim that the interstate commerce was involved

Of course that is a bullshit argument since fedgov was given NO AUTHORITY OVER FIREARMS - NONE

Fortunately , determined patriotic Americans are working on 3D-printed firearms so the stupid sons of bitches will stop using the interstate commerce pretext.

Gun manufacturers and dealers should be held accountable!
Looks to me like they are. If a gun malfunctions and goes off even though the safety is engaged, they are held liable for any damage it may cause. If, however, a gun goes off because its owner disengaged the safety, aimed at his target, and purposely pulled the trigger, there is nothing for which to hold the manufacturer accountable.
Unfortunately the fascists use where the gun was made, where its parts came from , in order to claim that the interstate commerce was involved.

Unfortunately for them, the commerce clause does not say "regulate the activities of the people of the several states that involve things that were made in other states". It says "regulate commerce...among the several states".

Commerce is the act of buying and selling. Congress may regulate commerce (buying and selling) among the several states. However, it has no authority to regulate buying a gun from a neighbor in the same state.
Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?

We should start suing abortion clinic for every botched up abortion they do. This way we victims of abortion clinics can achieve the American dream just like every other person simply by suing some big rich corporation to get millions. Eventually we can sue them so much that it will cost them a lot of money just to stay in business or they will pass on the cost to their customers thus making abortions unaffordable. Why can't abortion clinics be held liable just like any other business?
I know this has never happened, but if the Coyote drops an anvil from a cliff and it hits and kills the Roadrunner, can Roadrunner's next of kin sue Acme Corporation for wrongful death?
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