The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.
When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!

With every post by a Leftist, that becomes painfully clearer.

"Rightwinger"....for example. Even his choice of usernames was a weak attempt at deception.
No deception...

I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee. He was a left handed pitcher for the White Sox in the 1920s


Rightwinger McGee

If you were a moderate Democrat you would be considered a far right winger by your own religious standards.

However we all know that you are a far left drone and will only spew far left religious dogma not connected to reality.

Rightwinger McGee struck out 158 batters in 1922
No deception...
I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee. He was a left handed pitcher for the White Sox in the 1920s

Rightwinger McGee

Good thing I wasn't drinking milk.

Nice try.....
But I call Bullshit. You just needed a way to try to save face.
As expected, you just can't help yourself. How long did it take you to concoct that one. lmao.

And I'm John F. Kennedy's great nephew....THAT's the ticket! :rolleyes:
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start

Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

Nah. I'll let you show it. If its as bad as you say you would have shown it already.

Have at it. Show us all what a bad deal it is.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises
Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Although I still reserve final judgement on Trump, it at least appears on the surface that he is attempting to pull the nation UP.
Unlike nearly every other president in the last 20 years or so.

Grade school children can even see that. Anti-American Communist/Marxist/Socialists, and those who benefit greatly from excessive welfare programs.....not so much
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Guy, you are spending a lot of time giving Trump credit for things he had little to do with.

So what are you going to say when the Recession hits?

The economy is humming. So why do experts foresee a recession in 2020?
well economies go up and's the policies you enact to help them that matters.
Obama' policies extended the recession much longer than it had to....but hey he did cut taxes and revenues went up and the economy did get better....who knew???
I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
Yeah the Iran deal was glad he walked away.

But my favorite part is after spending an entire campaign saying he would, people like you were shocked, shocked he did
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?
Party over country.

Are we expecting anything different at this time?

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Thanks for pointing out your lack of values, Stormy Mac.

Thing is, Trump's racism, etc. is wrong if the Dow is at 24K and it's wrong if it drops to 10K in the next recession.

A sad commentary on us that we are okay with it because times are good for SOME people.

You have to paint Trump as a "racist, misogynistic, homophobe because you can't attack him on whether his policies are working, Joey and you on the left have nothing to offer the American people except the politics of division.

One by one...Trump is steadily checking off campaign promises and it's got you progressives soiling yourselves because none of your dire predictions have come true.

You're not winning back the House or the Senate, Joey because you liberals have lost your way. You don't want the same things as the majority of Americans want but you're all wearing political blinders and can't see it.
When is Mexico paying for that wall?

Who cares? It needs to be built. You can't have an entitlement society and open borders. Not and stay solvent.
Show us a deal he has made

How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
Yeah the Iran deal was glad he walked away.

But my favorite part is after spending an entire campaign saying he would, people like you were shocked, shocked he did
What was bad?
How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!

You bet Homer could.

I totally agree. Iran got billions of their money that we had been holding. Now they will use it to fund every terrorist out there and they are one of the major funders of terrorism in the middle east.

I watched Obama and Kerry pat themselves on the back for the "wonderful" deal they made with Iran. What a crock of shit. The only winner in that deal was Iran.
Last edited:
The problem with fact checkers is they're all leftist journalists, and we know now that leftist don't believe in being honest.
As a matter of fact Obama said specifically that lying is a great political tool in their arsenal.

Another thing we've discovered......leftists have a problem with playing by the rules.
They cheat at everything, and if they still lose, they accuse you of cheating.
This is because they know their goals would be very unpopular, even disastrous, to the voters.
So what they do is trick us into going along with them.
Take for example politifact, given a least biased rating:
"In review, Politifact uses minimal loaded language in their articles and headlines. All information is well sourced to credible media and or direct statements from experts in the field or the politicians themselves. Fact Check selection leans slightly left as more right wing politicians are currently fact checked. This may be due to bias or the fact that Republicans currently control all branches of government and hence there is more to check. Overall, this update reveals a slight leftward shift in Politifact’s fact checking selection, but not enough to move them from the least biased category."

mediabiasfactcheck does a good job at classifying media sources, such as appropriately placing sites such as salon, daily kos, addictinginfo, etc on the left.
Factchecking sites were set by the Open Borders Foundation to give Democrats some legitacy.
The trick is maintaining a fine line. How do they appear to be non-biased while pushing an open borders agenda?
Simple. Appear to criticize a leftist every once in a blue moon while second-guessing everything conservatives do.
Then feed leftist bloggers what they need to sell their liberal talking-points.

"Look, Snopes says the sky isn't blue. I tend to believe them over some deplorable Trump supporter."
You have any evidence for your claims?

In the politifact case, this was setup by Tampa Bay times and is not run by Poynter Institute.
So you don't believe George Soros organizations had anything to do with setting up fact checking sites?

Oh, FYI.....
The Tampa Bay Times may not be run directly by the Poynter Institute in the past, but they run it now. Also, the Poynter Institute owns the Tampa Bay Times.

PolitiFact - Wikipedia

Aside from unsubstantiated claims of bias, what makes you think that George Soros should be against good fact checking?
Because he's a hedge funder that makes billions off of crashing economies.
How bout you show it. You are the one who thinks he's made nothing but bad deals.

Show us all what a bad deal he made.
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
Yeah the Iran deal was glad he walked away.

But my favorite part is after spending an entire campaign saying he would, people like you were shocked, shocked he did
What was bad?

If you need to ask, you sure as hell weren't paying attention.

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