The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

Let me give you a hint...when you have to continually tout how many jobs you "saved" instead of simply naming the number that you've CREATED...then your "stimulus" has failed!

Let me give you a hint..... When you leave office and have had almost 7 years if job growth, your stimulus has worked. When you cut unemployment from 10 percent to 4.8, your stimulus has worked. When you inherited a economy headed for a depression and leave the next president a healthy economy, your stimulus worked.
Let me give you a hint...when you have to continually tout how many jobs you "saved" instead of simply naming the number that you've CREATED...then your "stimulus" has failed!

Let me give you a hint. When you take Unemployment from 10% to 4%, and the Stock Market from 6000 to 19,000, you are a fantastic success as President.

Not to worry, when your Orange Fuhrer puts the economy in the crapper, you'll be here with some convoluted explanation about how the Evil Darkie did it.
Let me give you a hint...when you have to continually tout how many jobs you "saved" instead of simply naming the number that you've CREATED...then your "stimulus" has failed!

Let me give you a hint..... When you leave office and have had almost 7 years if job growth, your stimulus has worked. When you cut unemployment from 10 percent to 4.8, your stimulus has worked. When you inherited a economy headed for a depression and leave the next president a healthy economy, your stimulus worked.

You mean 7 years of tepid job growth despite pouring Trillions into stimulus? I'm always amused when one of you progressives trots THAT statistic out like it proves Barry accomplished something! The truth of the matter is that the economy slowly recovered DESPITE Obama and his agenda and started doing so when the GOP took back the House. If they hadn' idiots wanted to pass Cap & Trade as your next legislative goal...something that would have killed job creation! If they hadn' idiots would have banned fracking...which would have killed the oil and natural gas boom that drove the economy for much of the last term Barry was in office! So and the stock market slowly came back over that 8 year period but to claim that Barack Obama had ANYTHING to do with that is laughable!
You mean 7 years of tepid job growth despite pouring Trillions into stimulus?

Except the Stimulus package was nowhere near "Trillions". In fact, it was less than a trillion when most people were advocating at least 3 trillion. A third of that was tax breaks and a third of that was payments direct to states to make up for lost revenues.

The truth of the matter is that the economy slowly recovered DESPITE Obama and his agenda and started doing so when the GOP took back the House.

Um, no, the Recession peaked in 2009 and started recovering before the country went full retard and put Boo-hoooner in charge of the House.
ou idiots would have banned fracking...which would have killed the oil and natural gas boom that drove the economy for much of the last term Barry was in office!

Guy, Fracking didn't effect the economy that much... It really didn't... no matter how much you masturbate to the thought of despoiling nature for fun and profit.

Another Battered Housewife Republican happily taking his abuse from the one percent.
ou idiots would have banned fracking...which would have killed the oil and natural gas boom that drove the economy for much of the last term Barry was in office!

Guy, Fracking didn't effect the economy that much... It really didn't... no matter how much you masturbate to the thought of despoiling nature for fun and profit.

Another Battered Housewife Republican happily taking his abuse from the one percent.

You know what, Joey? Every time I think it's impossible for you to be any more ignorant than you've already make a statement like that one!

Fracking now fuels half of U.S. oil output
You mean 7 years of tepid job growth despite pouring Trillions into stimulus?

Except the Stimulus package was nowhere near "Trillions". In fact, it was less than a trillion when most people were advocating at least 3 trillion. A third of that was tax breaks and a third of that was payments direct to states to make up for lost revenues.

The truth of the matter is that the economy slowly recovered DESPITE Obama and his agenda and started doing so when the GOP took back the House.

Um, no, the Recession peaked in 2009 and started recovering before the country went full retard and put Boo-hoooner in charge of the House.[/QUOTE

Stimulus price tag: $2.8 trillion - Dec. 20, 2010

You're bound and determined to take away R-Derp's crown as the board's dumbest poster...aren't you, Joey!

And that was only up until December of 2010!
You know what, Joey? Every time I think it's impossible for you to be any more ignorant than you've already make a statement like that one!

Yawn.... so what? Oil is oil, if we didn't get it out of shale, we'd buy it from the Saudis...

Big Whup.

And that was only up until December of 2010!

Yawn, we didn't get the 2.8 Trillion Stimulus we needed. We got a half ass one that was mostly tax cuts for rich people.
You know what, Joey? Every time I think it's impossible for you to be any more ignorant than you've already make a statement like that one!

Yawn.... so what? Oil is oil, if we didn't get it out of shale, we'd buy it from the Saudis...

Big Whup.

And that was only up until December of 2010!

Yawn, we didn't get the 2.8 Trillion Stimulus we needed. We got a half ass one that was mostly tax cuts for rich people.

Only someone as truly clueless as yourself would fail to grasp how good it is for the US to be producing so much oil and natural gas that we've become an exporter instead of an importer! Relying on others for our oil is what got us into trouble when OPEC decided to use that need against us. "Big Whup." Yeah, it actually is! If you didn't have your head stuck up your nether'd see that!
Only someone as truly clueless as yourself would fail to grasp how good it is for the US

To be polluting the crap out of our wilderness? No, I grasp that very well.

Look, I realize that you've been conditioned by years of Hate Radio to think that the wealthy making obscene profits off the despoiling of the land is a good thing.
Only someone as truly clueless as yourself would fail to grasp how good it is for the US

To be polluting the crap out of our wilderness? No, I grasp that very well.

Look, I realize that you've been conditioned by years of Hate Radio to think that the wealthy making obscene profits off the despoiling of the land is a good thing. now you admit that fracking has produced lots more oil and gas but now you want to claim that it's bad because someone might make a profit selling it? The person that's been "conditioned" here is you, think that profit is evil! It's not. It's what made America great. now you admit that fracking has produced lots more oil and gas but now you want to claim that it's bad because someone might make a profit selling it?

No, I'm saying it's bad because it's fucking up the environment, as opposed to finding an alterantive or buying it from countries that can bring it up more cheaply through conventional means. now you admit that fracking has produced lots more oil and gas but now you want to claim that it's bad because someone might make a profit selling it?

No, I'm saying it's bad because it's fucking up the environment, as opposed to finding an alterantive or buying it from countries that can bring it up more cheaply through conventional means. you want OTHER countries to fuck up their environments so ours can remain pristine? Typical response by the clueless left!

Admit're still butt hurt that Barry couldn't force Cap & Trade down our throats like he did with ObamaCare! Sure our energy bills would go through the roof and we'd lose a few million jobs but HEY it's all about the "agenda"...right, Joey? you want OTHER countries to fuck up their environments so ours can remain pristine? Typical response by the clueless left!

Except of course, other methods of extracting oil aren't as damaging to the environment as fracking..

Fracking is what you do when you extract all the easy to get at oil, dummy.
Admit're still butt hurt that Barry couldn't force Cap & Trade down our throats like he did with ObamaCare!

Yes, I do worry that our grandchildren are going to have to deal with uncontrolled droughts, famines, mass exinctions and so on...

But that's all that scary science stuff you don't like because talking snakes.

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