The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start

Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Take for example politifact, given a least biased rating:
"In review, Politifact uses minimal loaded language in their articles and headlines. All information is well sourced to credible media and or direct statements from experts in the field or the politicians themselves. Fact Check selection leans slightly left as more right wing politicians are currently fact checked. This may be due to bias or the fact that Republicans currently control all branches of government and hence there is more to check. Overall, this update reveals a slight leftward shift in Politifact’s fact checking selection, but not enough to move them from the least biased category."

mediabiasfactcheck does a good job at classifying media sources, such as appropriately placing sites such as salon, daily kos, addictinginfo, etc on the left.
Factchecking sites were set by the Open Borders Foundation to give Democrats some legitacy.
The trick is maintaining a fine line. How do they appear to be non-biased while pushing an open borders agenda?
Simple. Appear to criticize a leftist every once in a blue moon while second-guessing everything conservatives do.
Then feed leftist bloggers what they need to sell their liberal talking-points.

"Look, Snopes says the sky isn't blue. I tend to believe them over some deplorable Trump supporter."
You have any evidence for your claims?

In the politifact case, this was setup by Tampa Bay times and is not run by Poynter Institute.
So you don't believe George Soros organizations had anything to do with setting up fact checking sites?

Oh, FYI.....
The Tampa Bay Times may not be run directly by the Poynter Institute in the past, but they run it now. Also, the Poynter Institute owns the Tampa Bay Times.

PolitiFact - Wikipedia

Aside from unsubstantiated claims of bias, what makes you think that George Soros should be against good fact checking?

Um, he loved working with the Nazis and he's a total sociopath

....oooook tinfoil man, Soros is Jewish and was 13 during the war.
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start.
Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation

As if Obama's "gentile" persuasions worked. PLEASE!
As much as you folks love to point to Obama's gentle approach and bowing to foreign leaders, he accomplish little or nothing. In fact, he set the US back more than anything.

You fail to understand the art of negotiation.
Trump is simply using their own tactic against them. He is a skilled negotiator. Period.
For decades the US has been held to a higher standard and dealt with the child like behavior of nations looking for large subsidies and trade advantages over us.

Sometimes to deal with unruly children. you must lower yourself to their level temporarily, to get the message across.

That said, I still hold ALL politicians as potential enemies of The People. While Trump seems to be doing many good things for America, I still believe he is beholden to the PTB, like all Presidents and Congress Critters.
Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes

Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement

And for some reason you feel a crap deal is better than no deal.
Yea...yea...we heard that

But Trump said that Donnie Dealmaker would come up with better deals
Year and a half and Trump has yet to negotiate any international deals
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start

Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?

Factchecking sites were set by the Open Borders Foundation to give Democrats some legitacy.
The trick is maintaining a fine line. How do they appear to be non-biased while pushing an open borders agenda?
Simple. Appear to criticize a leftist every once in a blue moon while second-guessing everything conservatives do.
Then feed leftist bloggers what they need to sell their liberal talking-points.

"Look, Snopes says the sky isn't blue. I tend to believe them over some deplorable Trump supporter."
You have any evidence for your claims?

In the politifact case, this was setup by Tampa Bay times and is not run by Poynter Institute.
So you don't believe George Soros organizations had anything to do with setting up fact checking sites?

Oh, FYI.....
The Tampa Bay Times may not be run directly by the Poynter Institute in the past, but they run it now. Also, the Poynter Institute owns the Tampa Bay Times.

PolitiFact - Wikipedia

Aside from unsubstantiated claims of bias, what makes you think that George Soros should be against good fact checking?

Um, he loved working with the Nazis and he's a total sociopath

....oooook tinfoil man, Soros is Jewish and was 13 during the war.

He made the quote as a grown up.

"KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?


It's what made the fee owner of the democrat Party the sociopath he is today
Guy, you are spending a lot of time giving Trump credit for things he had little to do with.

So what are you going to say when the Recession hits?

The economy is humming. So why do experts foresee a recession in 2020?

Experts predicted the stock market would crash and we would lose jobs if Trump won. F the "experts". I no longer believe anyone in the MSM and I certainly don't believe any of these idiots on the cable news networks.

Which experts?

Second question - who do DO you believe? Trump? :21:

Hard not to believe him when I turn on the TV and see this.

Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes
Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement

Tell ya what....

Name ONE of those that was in the best interest of the USA.....


(and the fact that you listed the Iran Deal (of ALL things) speaks volumes for your lack of accurate information)
Guy, you are spending a lot of time giving Trump credit for things he had little to do with.

So what are you going to say when the Recession hits?

The economy is humming. So why do experts foresee a recession in 2020?

Experts predicted the stock market would crash and we would lose jobs if Trump won. F the "experts". I no longer believe anyone in the MSM and I certainly don't believe any of these idiots on the cable news networks.

Which experts?

Second question - who do DO you believe? Trump? :21:

Hard not to believe him when I turn on the TV and see this.

He still does not know when to end a handshake
Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes
Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement

Tell ya what....

Name ONE of those that was in the best interest of the USA.....

We benefitted from each of them

Isolation is not an advantage
He still does not know when to end a handshake

Oh, he does.
It's you who has no idea of the fine details of negotiations....or the psychology of them. I may not like Trump across the board, but I will say, Trump knows how to negotiate.
Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.

When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!
Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.
When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!

With every post by a Leftist, that becomes painfully clearer.

"Rightwinger"....for example. Even his choice of usernames was a weak attempt at deception.
Without deception and race baiting etc...they are nothing
Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.
When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!

With every post by a Leftist, that becomes painfully clearer.

"Rightwinger"....for example. Even his choice of usernames was a weak attempt at deception.
No deception...

I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee. He was a left handed pitcher for the White Sox in the 1920s


Rightwinger McGee
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start

Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

But he sure knows how to leave them in disarray.
Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.
When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!

With every post by a Leftist, that becomes painfully clearer.

"Rightwinger"....for example. Even his choice of usernames was a weak attempt at deception.
No deception...

I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee. He was a left handed pitcher for the White Sox in the 1920s


Rightwinger McGee

If you were a moderate Democrat you would be considered a far right winger by your own religious standards.

However we all know that you are a far left drone and will only spew far left religious dogma not connected to reality.
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start

Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation
Actually, I think our allies were acting like spoiled brats and Trump spanked their asses.
Trump was the one who stormed off in a huff

Nope. He left them all in disarray. As he should have.

Maybe you don't like the unfair way we are treated but most people aren't you. Thank God.
Crooked Donnie does not play well with others

I'm glad he doesn't play well with others. He doesn't have to. LOL

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