The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
Yeah the Iran deal was glad he walked away.

But my favorite part is after spending an entire campaign saying he would, people like you were shocked, shocked he did
What was bad?

If you need to ask, you sure as hell weren't paying attention.
Not an answer

I take that as you got nothing
Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal
Yeah the Iran deal was glad he walked away.

But my favorite part is after spending an entire campaign saying he would, people like you were shocked, shocked he did
What was bad?

If you need to ask, you sure as hell weren't paying attention.
Not an answer

I take that as you got nothing

Nah. You are the one with nothing.
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start.
Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation

As if Obama's "gentile" persuasions worked. PLEASE!
As much as you folks love to point to Obama's gentle approach and bowing to foreign leaders, he accomplish little or nothing. In fact, he set the US back more than anything.

You fail to understand the art of negotiation.
Trump is simply using their own tactic against them. He is a skilled negotiator. Period.
For decades the US has been held to a higher standard and dealt with the child like behavior of nations looking for large subsidies and trade advantages over us.

Sometimes to deal with unruly children. you must lower yourself to their level temporarily, to get the message across.

That said, I still hold ALL politicians as potential enemies of The People. While Trump seems to be doing many good things for America, I still believe he is beholden to the PTB, like all Presidents and Congress Critters.
Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes

Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement
He signed one last night.

Well show us the bad deal.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
Yeah, Trump's got em spooked bigtime. One slimy Entertainment Limousine Liberal is actually boasting about hoping the US Economy crashes so they can blame it all on Trump. Easy for him to say, he's a pampered Limousine Liberal wanker. He'll be fine. They really have lost it. Shame on em.
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start.
Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation

As if Obama's "gentile" persuasions worked. PLEASE!
As much as you folks love to point to Obama's gentle approach and bowing to foreign leaders, he accomplish little or nothing. In fact, he set the US back more than anything.

You fail to understand the art of negotiation.
Trump is simply using their own tactic against them. He is a skilled negotiator. Period.
For decades the US has been held to a higher standard and dealt with the child like behavior of nations looking for large subsidies and trade advantages over us.

Sometimes to deal with unruly children. you must lower yourself to their level temporarily, to get the message across.

That said, I still hold ALL politicians as potential enemies of The People. While Trump seems to be doing many good things for America, I still believe he is beholden to the PTB, like all Presidents and Congress Critters.
Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes

Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement
He signed one last night.

What did he get
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?

Well RWer forgot about the inspectors and the way they weren't allowed to inspect for 24 days.

She also forgot that about the billions we gave back to Iran being used to fund every terrorist in the world.

Of course RWer is pretty selective about what he/she choses to believe.

He/she really enjoyed Obama and Kerry patting themselves on the back for the "terrific" deal the US got.
Walking away from the Iran nuclear deal

A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction
Party over country.

Are we expecting anything different at this time?

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Thanks for pointing out your lack of values, Stormy Mac.

Thing is, Trump's racism, etc. is wrong if the Dow is at 24K and it's wrong if it drops to 10K in the next recession.

A sad commentary on us that we are okay with it because times are good for SOME people.

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Uh, Yeah!
I thought Trump did OK in his negotiations with N Korea. Too early to take a victory lap but it was a good start.
Contrast to his meeting with G 7 where he came off as an orange buffoon with our allies. His childishness and name calling did nothing for his international reputation

As if Obama's "gentile" persuasions worked. PLEASE!
As much as you folks love to point to Obama's gentle approach and bowing to foreign leaders, he accomplish little or nothing. In fact, he set the US back more than anything.

You fail to understand the art of negotiation.
Trump is simply using their own tactic against them. He is a skilled negotiator. Period.
For decades the US has been held to a higher standard and dealt with the child like behavior of nations looking for large subsidies and trade advantages over us.

Sometimes to deal with unruly children. you must lower yourself to their level temporarily, to get the message across.

That said, I still hold ALL politicians as potential enemies of The People. While Trump seems to be doing many good things for America, I still believe he is beholden to the PTB, like all Presidents and Congress Critters.
Obama worked out trade deals, Paris climate accord, Iran nuclear deal, TPP, NATO military strikes

Name a single case of Trump working out an international agreement
He signed one last night.

What did he get
Get what?
The Clap???
Thats it, struggle you lying fuck.

The only way the recession hits is if the democrats win the House and Senate, exactly what happened when Pelosi and the democrats won the House and Senate in 2007.

Oh, I'm sure that will be your excuse.

Here's the thing. Recessions are part of the natural cycle. I'm not so worried about whether we have a recession in 2019, 2020 or 2021... because one is coming sooner or later.

I'm worried that a guy who tears up papers when he sees stuff he doesn't like is going to be the one who is going to have to deal with it, and he can't.
So let me understand this, the market swings up and down naturally, but mother nature swings up and down, and it's mankinds fault.
Is that what you are saying?
Party over country.

Are we expecting anything different at this time?

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Thanks for pointing out your lack of values, Stormy Mac.

Thing is, Trump's racism, etc. is wrong if the Dow is at 24K and it's wrong if it drops to 10K in the next recession.

A sad commentary on us that we are okay with it because times are good for SOME people.

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Uh, Yeah!

Ha, Duh? :)
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?

Nice foul mouth.
Zero college I presume?
You do know jobs created in 2017 were less than 2016.?
Know how to readgraphs?
They are continuing on the same path as previous years.
No huge surge.
Except for gas prices
A good one to walk away from. That one needs to be reworked big time.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.
Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?
it's not the success of Trump that is killing them.

It's the fact that America is flourishing. They can't stand the thought of working class people getting ahead in life.
Guy, you are spending a lot of time giving Trump credit for things he had little to do with.

So what are you going to say when the Recession hits?

The economy is humming. So why do experts foresee a recession in 2020?
Thats it, struggle you lying fuck.

The only way the recession hits is if the democrats win the House and Senate, exactly what happened when Pelosi and the democrats won the House and Senate in 2007.

Tell us, you freaking commie ignorant ass. What did the economy do under democrats from 2007 to 2010. Tell us you moron.
Party over country.
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?
it's not the success of Trump that is killing them.

It's the fact that America is flourishing. They can't stand the thought of working class people getting ahead in life.

Watch that
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

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