The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O
It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O
Leftists only see in terms of race.
It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O

Well if you say anything against Muslims they call you a bigot or a racist.

Islamaphobe is probably the correct adjective.
This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O
Leftists only see in terms of race.

Just a theory but I don't think Claudette is a "leftist".

… and I know "Muslim" is not a race.
I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O
Leftists only see in terms of race.

Just a theory but I don't think Claudette is a "leftist".

… and I know "Muslim" is not a race.

LMAO Nope and I'm not a Rep either.

No Muslim isn't a race but it is a death cult.

Oh and they still call you a racist. Its the word they love the throw around. Oh and bigot is another word they love. LOL
I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O
Leftists only see in terms of race.

Just a theory but I don't think Claudette is a "leftist".

… and I know "Muslim" is not a race.
Muslims Aren't A Race, So I Can't Be Racist, Right? Wrong. | HuffPost
This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O

Well if you say anything against Muslims they call you a bigot or a racist.

Islamaphobe is probably the correct adjective.

Yes bigot or Islamophobe would be appropriate monikers, of course brain dead SJW drones don't know the difference and thus refer to anyone that disagrees with them on anything as a "racist" so confusion is understandable. ;)
I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!

Yup. You are now and racist against Muslims. Welcome to the club buddy. LOL

Question: How can one be "racist against Muslims? o_O

Well if you say anything against Muslims they call you a bigot or a racist.

Islamaphobe is probably the correct adjective.

Yes bigot or Islamophobe would be appropriate monikers, of course brain dead SJW drones don't know the difference and thus refer to anyone that disagrees with them on anything as a "racist" so confusion is understandable. ;)

You are oh so right.
No Muslim isn't a race but it is a death cult.
One could say the same thing regarding Christianity, after all they worship a dude that died on a cross and think that death is a gateway to paradise.

To each his/her own I suppose. :dunno:

"You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with." -- George Carlin
No Muslim isn't a race but it is a death cult.
One could say the same thing regarding Christianity, after all they worship a dude that died on a cross and think that death is a gateway to paradise.

To each his/her own I suppose. :dunno:

"You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with." -- George Carlin

You are correct. Christianity can't throw stones.

Hell. I consider religion to be the bane of the world when you consider how many people have fought and died in wars defending or trying to expand their religion.
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?
No Muslim isn't a race but it is a death cult.
One could say the same thing regarding Christianity, after all they worship a dude that died on a cross and think that death is a gateway to paradise.

To each his/her own I suppose. :dunno:

"You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with." -- George Carlin

You are correct. Christianity can't throw stones.

Hell. I consider religion to be the bane of the world when you consider how many people have fought and died in wars defending or trying to expand their religion.

Yep, personally I don't have a problem with either Christians or Muslims

... well except for those Jehovah's Witnesses wankers that bang on the front door early in the morning on weekends, those bastages need to be sent straight back to Jesus for another round of common courtesy training. :mad:
No Muslim isn't a race but it is a death cult.
One could say the same thing regarding Christianity, after all they worship a dude that died on a cross and think that death is a gateway to paradise.

To each his/her own I suppose. :dunno:

"You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with." -- George Carlin

You are correct. Christianity can't throw stones.

Hell. I consider religion to be the bane of the world when you consider how many people have fought and died in wars defending or trying to expand their religion.

Yep, personally I don't have a problem with either Christians or Muslims

... well except for those Jehovah's Witnesses wankers that bang on the front door early in the morning on weekends, those bastages need to be sent straight back to Jesus for another round of common courtesy training. :mad:

LMAO I agree. Haven't had one come around in years. When I lived in NH I used to put my German Shepherd at the end of the porch. Never had a JW try to get by her. LOL
You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!
They have nothing other than a race card. It will always circle back to that for them. Hence the reason I have them on ignore. It is pointless to get into a debate with any of them.
Just like the far left did under Bush, they have to wish failure to America in order for them to gain power.
When the far left is finally pushed out of all politics, then the human race can prosper like never before!

With every post by a Leftist, that becomes painfully clearer.

"Rightwinger"....for example. Even his choice of usernames was a weak attempt at deception.
No deception...

I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee. He was a left handed pitcher for the White Sox in the 1920s


Rightwinger McGee


Don't you really mean Fibber McGee?

Eddie Plank - Wikipedia
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Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?
I dunno, ask Iran.
Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroyed its centerfuges and allowed international inspections

Do Conservatives really think Donnie Dealmaker will negotiate a better deal with N Korea?

Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets
It’s a damning commentary of the liberal infantile mentality to see all the post election nonsense right up through them hoping for and try to craft a false failure of the Mega Maga trip to NK
Iran did none of those things. They gave up nothing and got billions of dollars to help fund their world wide terror campaign. Homer Simpson could negotiate a better deal than that!
You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets

Now here you have it folks-------->a special pleader for terrorists, along with a jailhouse lawyer, and a socialist/Marxist, all rolled into one. Man, this clown has talent-)

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