The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

Remember when Trump called blacks "super predators" and Latinos "needy"?

Oh wait, that was Hillary

Except she did nothing of the sort, but never mind, I know you can always hug your Hillary voodoo doll when drinking the Trump Koolaid.

Please explain Trumps racism,misogyny, and homophobia? I bet you can’t give any quotes that actually came out of his mouth to back any of your claims.

"Mexicans are rapists"
"Grab them by the Pussy"

Come on, you are really going to make me do this? Or are you going to pretend those things aren't racist?
You know she said it - and you still worship her
My absolute nightmare is that Trump permanently makes truth and facts completely fungible in politics.

That we will hence fourth elect nothing but blowhards willing to say the most outrageous of lies with the straightest of faces.

Economy grew more or less like it did for 6 years now and there is no data to show a turn around from that trend. The only thing that really changed is the Republican campaign to shit on the growth record.

When Trump ran for president he claimed that official unemployment numbers are lies and that real unemployment is 30-40%. But his bumpkin voters bought that bullshit and 60% of them actually thought unemployment increased under Obama.

...then Trump got to White House and ofcourse started touting official U3 unemployment. No surprise, those very same dupes started believing a fundamental turn around took place in the economy.

How very true. The same folks believe Mexico will pay for the wall, that Trump cares about their lot in life, that he's "one of them"...
You know she said it - and you still worship her

Um, no, I only voted for her because Trump is a dangerous loon...

and she didn't say those things. At least not in the context you say.

Under Clinton we would be importing nukes from Korea.

Now we are exporting peace.

Just sayin...

You keep telling the lie

They did all those things and it was verified by international inspectors and confirmed by Trump himself

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets they don't want anyone to see these "secret areas" of their military facilities until 24 days go by...and then it's OK? So what...they're not "secret" anymore? That's an idiotic excuse even for you, Winger!
Has nothing to do with nuclear weapons
Even our military bases restrict access and maintain top secret areas
They were willing to open up to inspections but not to reveal all their military secrets
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?
The lefty pukes are gonna do what they’re gonna do and that’s a good thing. After almost three years they haven’t figured out what an asset they’ve been to Trump’s success so they keep validating that old definition of insanity by repeating and expecting a different outcome, only to end up kicking themselves in the nuts, again.

So, just sit back and enjoy the show while Trump continues tying the losers up in knots.
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?
Yet those two actions were not controlled by Trump..
Guy, you are spending a lot of time giving Trump credit for things he had little to do with.

So what are you going to say when the Recession hits?

The economy is humming. So why do experts foresee a recession in 2020?
Thats it, struggle you lying fuck.

The only way the recession hits is if the democrats win the House and Senate, exactly what happened when Pelosi and the democrats won the House and Senate in 2007.

Tell us, you freaking commie ignorant ass. What did the economy do under democrats from 2007 to 2010. Tell us you moron.
Bush was president from 2000-2008 so try not to lie too much, just a tad.
You have to paint Trump as a "racist, misogynistic, homophobe because you can't attack him on whether his policies are working,

Uh, guy, your policies don't work when you inherit a strong economy and just haven't managed to fuck it up yet.

Somehow, I suspect when the recession does come, you'll be telling us how it was the shiftless negro's fault.

See that post right there, Joey? Because Trump's economic policies HAVE worked...the only thing you have to fall back on now is another pathetic attempt to label anyone who points out that Barack Obama didn't have a clue about job creation or stimulating the a "racist"!
Remember when Trump called blacks "super predators" and Latinos "needy"?

Oh wait, that was Hillary

Except she did nothing of the sort, but never mind, I know you can always hug your Hillary voodoo doll when drinking the Trump Koolaid.

Please explain Trumps racism,misogyny, and homophobia? I bet you can’t give any quotes that actually came out of his mouth to back any of your claims.

"Mexicans are rapists"
"Grab them by the Pussy"

Come on, you are really going to make me do this? Or are you going to pretend those things aren't racist?

You've become a flat out liar,'s sad to watch how low you'll go to defend Democrats and attack Trump!
You have to paint Trump as a "racist, misogynistic, homophobe because you can't attack him on whether his policies are working,

Uh, guy, your policies don't work when you inherit a strong economy and just haven't managed to fuck it up yet.

Somehow, I suspect when the recession does come, you'll be telling us how it was the shiftless negro's fault.
LOL that's how Republicans roll
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

I mean no harm or insult....but you are truly an imbecile. There simply is no other way to put it.
I am NOT an imbecile

Mother had me tested......the man said I was special

Yeah...I think I've told you this before,but when your mother said you were special ........

He's so special that he forgot the second word "needs".

Special needs...
Nothin good to show from Donnie Dealmaker but broken promises

I mean no harm or insult....but you are truly an imbecile. There simply is no other way to put it.
I am NOT an imbecile

Mother had me tested......the man said I was special

Yeah...I think I've told you this before,but when your mother said you were special ........

He's so special that he forgot the second word "needs".

Special needs...

Special Ed.
Experts predicted the stock market would crash and we would lose jobs if Trump won. F the "experts". I no longer believe anyone in the MSM and I certainly don't believe any of these idiots on the cable news networks.

I'm sure you have a problem with gravity as well... damned science.

Two examples. Unless of course you have a problem with facts and undeniable proof.

Expect stocks to drop if Trump OR Clinton win

Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets
Party over country.

Are we expecting anything different at this time?

So you are okay with Trump's racism, misogyny and homophobia as long as your stock portfolio is flush?

Thanks for pointing out your lack of values, Stormy Mac.

Thing is, Trump's racism, etc. is wrong if the Dow is at 24K and it's wrong if it drops to 10K in the next recession.

A sad commentary on us that we are okay with it because times are good for SOME people.
LIe lie lie lie.
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?

No. And I have to laugh at you desperate right wing MF's. You're making things up.
Hey racist, Trump didn't meet with Kim and Kim didn't agree to end his nuke days? I have never seen more liars that there are today.
My absolute nightmare is that Trump permanently makes truth and facts completely fungible in politics.

That we will hence fourth elect nothing but blowhards willing to say the most outrageous of lies with the straightest of faces.

Economy grew more or less like it did for 6 years now and there is no data to show a turn around from that trend. The only thing that really changed is the Republican campaign to shit on the growth record.

When Trump ran for president he claimed that official unemployment numbers are lies and that real unemployment is 30-40%. But his bumpkin voters bought that bullshit and 60% of them actually thought unemployment increased under Obama.

...then Trump got to White House and ofcourse started touting official U3 unemployment. No surprise, those very same dupes started believing a fundamental turn around took place in the economy.

How very true. The same folks believe Mexico will pay for the wall, that Trump cares about their lot in life, that he's "one of them"...
Don't you have a fetus to kill?

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