The unreal complete PANIC of the left. Their absolute WORST nightmare. Trump flourishing.

You mean the international inspectors that didn't have access to sites for up to 24 days? Explain to me why ANYONE would sign an agreement that let a country like Iran play that game? How stupid would you have to be?
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets they don't want anyone to see these "secret areas" of their military facilities until 24 days go by...and then it's OK? So what...they're not "secret" anymore? That's an idiotic excuse even for you, Winger!
Has nothing to do with nuclear weapons
Even our military bases restrict access and maintain top secret areas
They were willing to open up to inspections but not to reveal all their military secrets

So if they declare an area to be "military"...that means inspectors can't inspect there for 24 days? Just how naive are you, Winger? You've got a regime with a long history of deception but you think they're going to play it straight on this?

Be honest for once. Barack Obama signed onto an agreement that rewarded Iran with a hundred billion dollars and the lifting of sanctions against them up front...and Iran gave nothing in return. One of the worst "negotiations" in the history of negotiating! The mullahs had to be laughing their asses off about what idiots they were dealing with in Barack Obama and John Kerry!
This is not about their dumb pathetic voters who are still and will always be in shell shock from election night in 2016. This is their absolute worst nightmare.

These scumbags actually admitted it. They want America to suffer (middle class America,) they want the economy to tank all so they can say we told you so.

They are worthy of a traitors death. All of them are worse than most of you thought. They are exactly what I have been saying this whole time.

Now, they are in a pure fucking panic. Desperately trying to spin this to make Trump look bad. Oh, they will. They already are, and their demented sheep are of course following right along.

In less than two years isis is gone, no longer part of the globalist TPP scam, economy booming, jobs coming back to America, the 70 year armistice is over, and NK has given up their nuclear aspirations.


Now, lets all have a nice hardy disrespectful laugh at the left and their feeble fucking weak attempts at spinning this.


Hey lefties. You are all fucking losers. There is nothing you can say that will convince us otherwise.

BTW, I told you all the left tanked the economy on purpose when they took over power in 2007. Do you believe me now?

No. And I have to laugh at you desperate right wing MF's. You're making things up.
Hey racist, Trump didn't meet with Kim and Kim didn't agree to end his nuke days? I have never seen more liars that there are today.

Seems that we are not in the race section and you're making things about race. Why the obsession? And Kim did not agree to end anything.
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets they don't want anyone to see these "secret areas" of their military facilities until 24 days go by...and then it's OK? So what...they're not "secret" anymore? That's an idiotic excuse even for you, Winger!
Has nothing to do with nuclear weapons
Even our military bases restrict access and maintain top secret areas
They were willing to open up to inspections but not to reveal all their military secrets

So if they declare an area to be "military"...that means inspectors can't inspect there for 24 days? Just how naive are you, Winger? You've got a regime with a long history of deception but you think they're going to play it straight on this?

Be honest for once. Barack Obama signed onto an agreement that rewarded Iran with a hundred billion dollars and the lifting of sanctions against them up front...and Iran gave nothing in return. One of the worst "negotiations" in the history of negotiating! The mullahs had to be laughing their asses off about what idiots they were dealing with in Barack Obama and John Kerry!

YOU might want to be honest.

On July 14, 2015, the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States), the European Union (EU), and Iran reached a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. October 18, 2015 marked Adoption Day of the JCPOA, the date on which the JCPOA came into effect and participants began taking steps necessary to implement their JCPOA commitments. January 16, 2016, marks Implementation Day of the JCPOA. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified that Iran has implemented its key nuclear-related measures described in the JCPOA, and the Secretary State has confirmed the IAEA’s verification. As a result of Iran verifiably meeting its nuclear commitments, the United States and the EU have lifted nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, as described in the JCPOA.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Donald Trump has been a lying SOB his whole life but you and others like you believe his every word and act like he is God.
It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

Because they did not want to open their military facilities to inspection just like we would not allow open access to our bases. Military bases have secret areas that have nothing to do with a nuclear program. Allowing an enemy nation to poke around at wil exposes your military secrets they don't want anyone to see these "secret areas" of their military facilities until 24 days go by...and then it's OK? So what...they're not "secret" anymore? That's an idiotic excuse even for you, Winger!
Has nothing to do with nuclear weapons
Even our military bases restrict access and maintain top secret areas
They were willing to open up to inspections but not to reveal all their military secrets

So if they declare an area to be "military"...that means inspectors can't inspect there for 24 days? Just how naive are you, Winger? You've got a regime with a long history of deception but you think they're going to play it straight on this?

Be honest for once. Barack Obama signed onto an agreement that rewarded Iran with a hundred billion dollars and the lifting of sanctions against them up front...and Iran gave nothing in return. One of the worst "negotiations" in the history of negotiating! The mullahs had to be laughing their asses off about what idiots they were dealing with in Barack Obama and John Kerry!

YOU might want to be honest.

On July 14, 2015, the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States), the European Union (EU), and Iran reached a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. October 18, 2015 marked Adoption Day of the JCPOA, the date on which the JCPOA came into effect and participants began taking steps necessary to implement their JCPOA commitments. January 16, 2016, marks Implementation Day of the JCPOA. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified that Iran has implemented its key nuclear-related measures described in the JCPOA, and the Secretary State has confirmed the IAEA’s verification. As a result of Iran verifiably meeting its nuclear commitments, the United States and the EU have lifted nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, as described in the JCPOA.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Donald Trump has been a lying SOB his whole life but you and others like you believe his every word and act like he is God.

Explain how this works, IM2! The IAEA had supposedly "verified" that Iran had implemented it's part of the agreement...yet inspectors weren't allowed to inspect anywhere they want? How do you "verify" when you can't step foot on the property? The Secretary of State had "confirmed" the IAEA's "verification"? How did that happen? Was the Secretary of State allowed to inspect anywhere he wanted? Did he do so? If not then what did that "confirmation" actually confirm? That both the IAEA and the Obama Administration took Iran's word for it that they'd stopped their nuclear bomb research?
See that post right there, Joey? Because Trump's economic policies HAVE worked...the only thing you have to fall back on now is another pathetic attempt to label anyone who points out that Barack Obama didn't have a clue about job creation or stimulating the a "racist"!

Uh, yeah buddy, Trump did nothing of the sort. He just hasn't managed to fuck it up yet. He will... because Republicans always do. That's why 8 of the last 10 recessions started when a republican is in charge.

But do keep drinking the Koolaid, you Branch Trumpidian, you.
So if they declare an area to be "military"...that means inspectors can't inspect there for 24 days? Just how naive are you, Winger? You've got a regime with a long history of deception but you think they're going to play it straight on this?

Be honest for once. Barack Obama signed onto an agreement that rewarded Iran with a hundred billion dollars and the lifting of sanctions against them up front...and Iran gave nothing in return. One of the worst "negotiations" in the history of negotiating! The mullahs had to be laughing their asses off about what idiots they were dealing with in Barack Obama and John Kerry!

Except what you haven't provided here... any proof the Iranians have violated the agreement or are actually producing nukes.

The only reason why we pulled out of a pretty good deal is the Jews own this country.
So if they declare an area to be "military"...that means inspectors can't inspect there for 24 days? Just how naive are you, Winger? You've got a regime with a long history of deception but you think they're going to play it straight on this?

Be honest for once. Barack Obama signed onto an agreement that rewarded Iran with a hundred billion dollars and the lifting of sanctions against them up front...and Iran gave nothing in return. One of the worst "negotiations" in the history of negotiating! The mullahs had to be laughing their asses off about what idiots they were dealing with in Barack Obama and John Kerry!

Except what you haven't provided here... any proof the Iranians have violated the agreement or are actually producing nukes.

The only reason why we pulled out of a pretty good deal is the Jews own this country.

I'm still waiting for you to give a plausible explanation for why the Iranians would negotiate a 24 day delay before investigators are allowed to enter a site, Joey! That's SO absurd it borders on the insane! But you don't see you? You're determined to claim that this was a "pretty good deal" even though it doesn't stop the Iranians from developing nukes and gave them hundreds of billions of dollars to do so that you're willing to "trust" the mullahs in Iran!
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Nice anti Semitic comment by the way, Joey! Ironic how you accuse anyone who doesn't buy into your agenda of being a "racist" but have no problem at all being a Jew hater!
You've become a flat out liar,'s sad to watch how low you'll go to defend Democrats and attack Trump!

are you saying Trump didn't say "Grab them by the Pussy"? We all heard a tape where he said exactly that. Or do you think he meant it in a nice way?

Trump saying it...and the dozens of liberals who attacked him for saying it...all the while sexually abusing women for decades...makes this talking point rather moot, Joey! Clean up your own house before you start throwing stones!
I'm still waiting for you to give a plausible explanation for why the Iranians would negotiate a 24 day delay before investigators are allowed to enter a site, Joey!

It's their fucking country and they have sovereign rights? Oh, wait, that's not plausible. Silly Darkies, Sovereign Rights are for white people.

You're determined to claim that this was a "pretty good deal" even though it doesn't stop the Iranians from developing nukes and gave them hundreds of billions of dollars to do so that you're willing to "trust" the mullahs in Iran!

Guy, I could care less if the Mullahs have a nuke. And while I would LOVE to see them vaporize the Zionist shits out of existence, I know that won't happen.

Point was, we had an agreement that allowed inspections. We don't have one now. The Iranians can pretty much do whatever they want.

Oh, yeah, and those hundreds of billions of dollars... you mean the assets we illegally held on to after Iran overthrew our puppet dictator? Yeah, actually doing the right thing... that's horrible.
Nice anti Semitic comment by the way, Joey! Ironic how you accuse anyone who doesn't buy into your agenda of being a "racist" but have no problem at all being a Jew hater!

Naw, buddy, I'm a realist. When was the last time you heard an American Politician of either party criticize the Zionist Entity? That's right they don't, because he'd be buried under a ton of Jewish money to get him out of office.

When your politicians are willing to sacrifice young American lives to appease the whim of the Zionists, you don't own your country, they do.

Trump saying it...and the dozens of liberals who attacked him for saying it...all the while sexually abusing women for decades...makes this talking point rather moot, Joey! Clean up your own house before you start throwing stones!

Yeah, Al Franken was rude to a stripper once... and lost his job. Trump just pays his strippers off.
I'm still waiting for you to give a plausible explanation for why the Iranians would negotiate a 24 day delay before investigators are allowed to enter a site, Joey!

It's their fucking country and they have sovereign rights? Oh, wait, that's not plausible. Silly Darkies, Sovereign Rights are for white people.

You're determined to claim that this was a "pretty good deal" even though it doesn't stop the Iranians from developing nukes and gave them hundreds of billions of dollars to do so that you're willing to "trust" the mullahs in Iran!

Guy, I could care less if the Mullahs have a nuke. And while I would LOVE to see them vaporize the Zionist shits out of existence, I know that won't happen.

Point was, we had an agreement that allowed inspections. We don't have one now. The Iranians can pretty much do whatever they want.

Oh, yeah, and those hundreds of billions of dollars... you mean the assets we illegally held on to after Iran overthrew our puppet dictator? Yeah, actually doing the right thing... that's horrible. now it's their "sovereign right" to hide what they're doing from inspectors? What are you even babbling about, Joey? You obviously can't come up with a viable reason why they would NEED 24 days notice before inspectors are allowed on site! "Silly Darkies"? Did you really just try to this a racial issue? You really are desperate...aren't you!

And our "agreement" in reality doesn't allow investigations because inspectors have to give the Iranians 24 days notice before they can inspect...which gives the Iranians weeks to conceal what might have been going on at a suspect site! That's farce! Barack Obama and John Kerry signed on to an agreement that's so one sided it's laughable! now it's their "sovereign right" to hide what they're doing from inspectors? What are you even babbling about, Joey? You obviously can't come up with a viable reason why they would NEED 24 days notice before inspectors are allowed on site! "Silly Darkies"? Did you really just try to this a racial issue? You really are desperate...aren't you!

Again, you can't clean up an active nuclear site in 24 days without someone noticing, because today we have satellites and drones and shit.

If Iran demanded a right to show up at Area 51 and look for the aliens, you'd be screaming to the high heavens about it.

And our "agreement" in reality doesn't allow investigations because inspectors have to give the Iranians 24 days notice before they can inspect...which gives the Iranians weeks to conceal what might have been going on at a suspect site! That's farce! Barack Obama and John Kerry signed on to an agreement that's so one sided it's laughable!

Again, can't really clean up a huge site without notice in 24 days...

I always find it amusing that the Only country to ever use nukes on People (on a country that was already defeated and seeking terms of surrender) has the nerve to dictate to a country that has never invaded one of its neighbors what kind of weapons they can have.

The Zionists have been screaming "The Iranians are about to get nukes!!! We're all going to die!!!" since 1992. It's really about time we stopped taking them seriously. now it's their "sovereign right" to hide what they're doing from inspectors? What are you even babbling about, Joey? You obviously can't come up with a viable reason why they would NEED 24 days notice before inspectors are allowed on site! "Silly Darkies"? Did you really just try to this a racial issue? You really are desperate...aren't you!

Again, you can't clean up an active nuclear site in 24 days without someone noticing, because today we have satellites and drones and shit.

If Iran demanded a right to show up at Area 51 and look for the aliens, you'd be screaming to the high heavens about it.

And our "agreement" in reality doesn't allow investigations because inspectors have to give the Iranians 24 days notice before they can inspect...which gives the Iranians weeks to conceal what might have been going on at a suspect site! That's farce! Barack Obama and John Kerry signed on to an agreement that's so one sided it's laughable!

Again, can't really clean up a huge site without notice in 24 days...

I always find it amusing that the Only country to ever use nukes on People (on a country that was already defeated and seeking terms of surrender) has the nerve to dictate to a country that has never invaded one of its neighbors what kind of weapons they can have.

The Zionists have been screaming "The Iranians are about to get nukes!!! We're all going to die!!!" since 1992. It's really about time we stopped taking them seriously.

How many days does it take to hide the evidence of work being done on a nuke, Joey? Your claims that it can't be done in weeks is based on what exactly...your need to show that Obama and Kerry DIDN'T sign the most limp wristed deal in the history of agreements?

You find it "amusing" that the country most responsible for sponsoring terrorism around the world is working on getting a nuke? To be're an IDIOT!!!
How many days does it take to hide the evidence of work being done on a nuke, Joey?

Given that the equipment is huge, the radiation sticks around forever, and so on, probably not at all..

So should the Iranians have a right to perform spot checks of our secret facilities whenever they feel like? That would be fair, right? Oh, wait, no, different rules for the Darkies, got it. HOw dare you think you have Sovereign rights in your own country..


You find it "amusing" that the country most responsible for sponsoring terrorism around the world is working on getting a nuke? To be're an IDIOT!!!

The country most responsible for terrorism is Israel. If the Zionist entity didn't exist and stopped goading us into wars, we wouldn't have a "Terrorism" problem. Oh, there's still be wars over there, but they'd be none of our fucking business.
The inspectors who physically witnessed the destruction

It's a simple question, Winger...

Why would any country that was actually complying with an agreement need 24 days before international inspectors were allowed into a site?

This ought to be good.

I agree. I'll be waiting for Wingers answer. LOL

It's time for Winger to accuse me of being a racist. I don't know what that has to do with the question I've asked...or the topic in general...but as we all know who frequent this site...whenever a progressive paints themselves into a corner with an argument that's totally ridiculous...they invariably play the "race card"! It's a Pavlovian dog type of thing!
They have nothing other than a race card. It will always circle back to that for them. Hence the reason I have them on ignore. It is pointless to get into a debate with any of them.
They aren't interested in debate.

They are interested in lying, and engaging in various forms of depravity, and the destruction of our form of goverment. They want to see a decimated economy and the takedown of America across the board.

It's not happening and they are, quite literally, melting.
How many days does it take to hide the evidence of work being done on a nuke, Joey?

Given that the equipment is huge, the radiation sticks around forever, and so on, probably not at all..

So should the Iranians have a right to perform spot checks of our secret facilities whenever they feel like? That would be fair, right? Oh, wait, no, different rules for the Darkies, got it. HOw dare you think you have Sovereign rights in your own country..


You find it "amusing" that the country most responsible for sponsoring terrorism around the world is working on getting a nuke? To be're an IDIOT!!!

The country most responsible for terrorism is Israel. If the Zionist entity didn't exist and stopped goading us into wars, we wouldn't have a "Terrorism" problem. Oh, there's still be wars over there, but they'd be none of our fucking business.

Your excuse once again is nonsensical! The Iranians agreed to inspections but only after a 24 day delay. What "secret facilities" do you think they need to safe guard that are going to less secret after a three and a half week delay? What this does is give them time to hide what it is they're doing if the inspectors ever do get wind of a site where work on a nuclear bomb is taking place.

Israel is most responsible for terrorism because they "exist"? I guess with that logic the gay people who got shot at the Pulse nightclub are responsible for their own deaths because they "existed" and that angered the man who shot them?

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