The Upside of the Sequester - A Democratic Congress after 2014.

You mean there are no career construction people? Really? So that framer never becomes a finished carpenter? For instance.....

Remember that the government can pay nothing that it hasn't first taken from someone else. Government expansion of jobs is unsustainable. And temporary jobs don't help much. BTW did you know that even though they say the unemployment number is down there are about 2 million less people working now than there was 5 years ago?
And there are about 1.2 million more people working now then when Bush left office.

Unemployment falls, but 2012 ends with no job growth | The Connecticut Mirror

There Is No Job Growth
Don't you ever get tired of parroting Right-wing sources who always deceive gullible Misinformation Voters like you who are too stupid and lazy to get the stats for themselves.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

142,153,000 employed Bush's last month, 143,322,000 employed as of Jan 2013.
And those projects do not create new jobs. They mostly create more work for employed people.

What do you do, just run your mouth to make noise? If you build a bridge, highway or any kind of infrastructure, it makes jobs. The people who have to work there aren't already working.

Now, are you sure about your numbers or are you just pulling them out of your ass?

Here is a link that shows the amount of people in the workforce, so use it and prove you aren't lying again! You can zoom in to easily see the numbers.

There are presently 155,654,000 people in the civilian workforce and there has never been that many before in our history.

That means you are lying again!

Let's go back to what you were saying about the government taking money from someone else to pay for something. The government isn't taking money from a taxpayer to pay for a project, because they borrow the money, fool! That's another lie you keep telling.

According to your chart, in 2008 62.2% of the population was employed.
Today that's down to 58.6%

Ah yes so instead of taking the money from someone else they borrow it so that they can pay it back by taking it from the unborn generations...Smart move......

Where is the 2 million you lied about?
What do you do, just run your mouth to make noise? If you build a bridge, highway or any kind of infrastructure, it makes jobs. The people who have to work there aren't already working.

Now, are you sure about your numbers or are you just pulling them out of your ass?

Here is a link that shows the amount of people in the workforce, so use it and prove you aren't lying again! You can zoom in to easily see the numbers.

There are presently 155,654,000 people in the civilian workforce and there has never been that many before in our history.

That means you are lying again!

Let's go back to what you were saying about the government taking money from someone else to pay for something. The government isn't taking money from a taxpayer to pay for a project, because they borrow the money, fool! That's another lie you keep telling.

According to your chart, in 2008 62.2% of the population was employed.
Today that's down to 58.6%

Ah yes so instead of taking the money from someone else they borrow it so that they can pay it back by taking it from the unborn generations...Smart move......

Where is the 2 million you lied about?

I do not lie, I read it or heard it somewhere, I will look. But if I was wrong I was wrong. That does not make it a lie. Do tell me you understand the difference.......
It's hard enough for the Republicans to take on the Democrat machine with the media being a part
of the WH propaganda wing.But when you have NBC and MSNBC doctoring video almost on a daily
basis now it will be even tougher.

I want to put my faith in the American people to keep an open mind and do a little research into what they are being fed but these days that seems to be asking a lot.
Don't you ever get tired of parroting Right-wing sources who always deceive gullible Misinformation Voters like you who are too stupid and lazy to get the stats for themselves.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

142,153,000 employed Bush's last month, 143,322,000 employed as of Jan 2013.

Do you ever tire of being a sock puppet for the white house? Doesn't it pain your asshole when obama uses you?
It's hard enough for the Republicans to take on the Democrat machine with the media being a part
of the WH propaganda wing.But when you have NBC and MSNBC doctoring video almost on a daily
basis now it will be even tougher.

I want to put my faith in the American people to keep an open mind and do a little research into what they are being fed but these days that seems to be asking a lot.

The only people you can put your faith in will be those who share the same values you have, the rest are lost causes.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


The ACA is still as unpopular as it was when Dems forced it on the nation with legislative tricks, and numerous LIES and misinformation from the White House.

What got BO a second term was a very good job by his campaign team of herding millions of unproductive sloths -- who otherwise probably wouldn't have voted -- into polling places with promises of many more gov't freebies.

His "mandate" is a mandate from millions of lazy opened mouths, opened hands, and empty minds, all wanting something for nothing.

Especially is the Senate does anything more on gun control, and once folks really begin to realize what a mess the ACA is, I not only expect Repubs to keep the House, but perhaps even get the Senate back in '14!
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Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....

How can you say repairing and replacing infrastructure doesn't create jobs. Without infrastructure you don't have commerce or industry. What's killing us is "defense". Defense has replaced commerce and industry and is money poured down a rat hole considering we have more than enough military to handle any situation we face very easily, but too many interests want to keep the defense gravy train rolling forever.

The jobs are already out there and full. Adding more work to be done will not hire another crew to do it....It's not rocket science.

We have enough military to handle any situation very easily? Really? then why are we still getting the shit kicked out of us in Afghanistan after 11+ years?

Now can we cut defense spending? No doubt. We just did, and at the same time screwed over the military retiree again. Can we cut some more? Certainly, but it has to be done by people who know what they are talking about, not a bunch of idiots in DC.

Why is our military losing in Afghanistan? Same reason the British and Russians lost in Afghanistan. Same reason the most powerful military in the history of the world lost in Vietnam (as did the French). Even napalm and agent orange didn't succeed in fighting guerillas in their own country and by the way we had no business in these countries in the first place as history has proved.
Does afghanistan have a navy or air force? Nuclear missiles that can reach our shores? No, and neither did Vietnam. If these countries did have these capabilities and tried anything against USA they would get the Hiroshima treatment. We spend more on military than any number of nations combined. This is why we have the money problems in the USA. Most countries are spending money on healthcare, building modern transportation systems, Renewably energy, educating their children. This is what Colin Powell said in a recent speech by the way. There are no countries right now that pose a threat to us except China sometime in the future, and who put China on the way to becoming a super power? USA by offshoring it's industrial base to that country.
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Again we see the Misinformation Voter mindless parrot the disinformation from the GOP echo chamber without any thought or research. You ought to know by now that no stat from any Right-wing source is ever accurate and always exaggerated!!!

From the OMB:

As a result of the Congress's failure to act, the law requires the President to issue a
sequestration order today canceling $85 billion in budgetary resources across the Federal
Government for FY 2013. Specifically, OMB calculates that, over the course ofthe fiscal year,
the sequestration requires a 7.8 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding
and a 5.0 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration
also requires reductions of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 5.1 percent to other non-exempt nondefense
mandatory programs, and 7.9 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.
Because these cuts must be achieved over only seven months instead of 12, the effective
percentage reductions will be approximately 13 percent for non-exempt defense programs and 9
percent for non-exempt nondefense programs.

ywait a minute, didn't you say in another thread that sequester would not be 85Bn? you argued that my 3-1 formula number was wrong becasue the sequester would not run on the annual budget due to time left in the year....are you flip flopping or misinformed?
As you always dishonestly do, you try to switch YOUR BS onto others.

YOU were the one who said the sequester was less than 1.2 trillion because you thought the 85 billion was for all of the 10 years. I pointed out to you that the 85 billion was for the remainder of this year and that a partial reduction in spending had already been agreed to to cover the sequester requirements for the delay from January to March. The sequester is 1.2 trillion for the all 10 years, not the 85 billion per year you stupidly claimed.

No, I said it was less than 1.8 trillion, the cuts, even if enacted, was less than the 65 bn claimed as tax revenue increases calling for , according to the formula= 1.8 trillion, which 85 Bn would not yield.....3-1......theres your bs back at you on that point:rolleyes:

the real point here is- I thought I remembered you saying that the cuts were not even 85bn as the year was 5 months you didn't? :eusa_think:
Don't you ever get tired of parroting Right-wing sources who always deceive gullible Misinformation Voters like you who are too stupid and lazy to get the stats for themselves.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

142,153,000 employed Bush's last month, 143,322,000 employed as of Jan 2013.

do you ever get tired of be a slobbering jerk?

I asked you 5 times- explain to me your remark that a job that a retiree leaves, which is then filled by a previously unemployed person, is not counted in the UE/Employment numbers want to address that claim or just ignore it like the previous 5 questions on same?
Ohhh we don't need a defense department at all. No one wants to hurt us or is threatening us. Everyone loves us because of obama.
Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....

How can you say repairing and replacing infrastructure doesn't create jobs. Without infrastructure you don't have commerce or industry. What's killing us is "defense". Defense has replaced commerce and industry and is money poured down a rat hole considering we have more than enough military to handle any situation we face very easily, but too many interests want to keep the defense gravy train rolling forever.

The jobs are already out there and full. Adding more work to be done will not hire another crew to do it....It's not rocket science.

We have enough military to handle any situation very easily? Really? then why are we still getting the shit kicked out of us in Afghanistan after 11+ years?

Now can we cut defense spending? No doubt. We just did, and at the same time screwed over the military retiree again. Can we cut some more? Certainly, but it has to be done by people who know what they are talking about, not a bunch of idiots in DC.

So military retirees are getting screwed over? That's too bad. Anybody that does 20 or 30 years deserves a raise to keep up with cost of living, not to get screwed over. But when we have a political party (republicans) that would rather see children in poor health and have their head start pulled out from under them, and have retirees get screwed over rather than raise taxes on multibillionaires or just put a penny transaction tax on automatic stock trades to raise money and this party overrules this, what else can we expect. Worse times in store because some "conservatives" want to even end corporate taxes althogether.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


The ACA is still as unpopular as it was when Dems forced it on the nation with legislative tricks, and numerous LIES and misinformation from the White House.

What got BO a second term was a very good job by his campaign team of herding millions of unproductive sloths -- who otherwise probably wouldn't have voted -- into polling places with promises of many more gov't freebies.

His "mandate" is a mandate from millions of lazy opened mouths, opened hands, and empty minds, all wanting something for nothing

Never too late to start the hate, right?
ywait a minute, didn't you say in another thread that sequester would not be 85Bn? you argued that my 3-1 formula number was wrong becasue the sequester would not run on the annual budget due to time left in the year....are you flip flopping or misinformed?
As you always dishonestly do, you try to switch YOUR BS onto others.

YOU were the one who said the sequester was less than 1.2 trillion because you thought the 85 billion was for all of the 10 years. I pointed out to you that the 85 billion was for the remainder of this year and that a partial reduction in spending had already been agreed to to cover the sequester requirements for the delay from January to March. The sequester is 1.2 trillion for the all 10 years, not the 85 billion per year you stupidly claimed.

No, I said it was less than 1.8 trillion, the cuts, even if enacted, was less than the 65 bn claimed as tax revenue increases calling for , according to the formula= 1.8 trillion, which 85 Bn would not yield.....3-1......theres your bs back at you on that point:rolleyes:

the real point here is- I thought I remembered you saying that the cuts were not even 85bn as the year was 5 months you didn't? :eusa_think:
Don't you ever get tired of lying?

You said the sequester cuts were short of the 1.2 trillion over 10 years by 350 billion and if the Dems couldn't stomach the 850 billion over 10 years there was no way they would come up with the missing 350 billion.

I never said the cuts were less than 85 billion for this year, I said that the cuts were more than 850 billion for the 10 years and were 85 billion for this year because as part of the agreement for extending the sequester to March from January a part of the required sequester cuts for this year were already agreed to to cover that period.

Funny how YOUR memory changes everything and then YOU require everyone to debate according to YOUR worthless "memory."
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Don't you ever get tired of parroting Right-wing sources who always deceive gullible Misinformation Voters like you who are too stupid and lazy to get the stats for themselves.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

142,153,000 employed Bush's last month, 143,322,000 employed as of Jan 2013.

do you ever get tired of be a slobbering jerk?

I asked you 5 times- explain to me your remark that a job that a retiree leaves, which is then filled by a previously unemployed person, is not counted in the UE/Employment numbers want to address that claim or just ignore it like the previous 5 questions on same?
Well there you go again. I never said that. Those are YOUR words put in my mouth by YOU!!!!
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


The ACA is still as unpopular as it was when Dems forced it on the nation with legislative tricks, and numerous LIES and misinformation from the White House.

What got BO a second term was a very good job by his campaign team of herding millions of unproductive sloths -- who otherwise probably wouldn't have voted -- into polling places with promises of many more gov't freebies.

His "mandate" is a mandate from millions of lazy opened mouths, opened hands, and empty minds, all wanting something for nothing

Never too late to start the hate, right?

The "hate" will develop on it's own, as more and more folks are kicked off their employer's HC plan, and/or shifted to part-time to avoid the penalties, and see their own premiums continuing to rise. And as young folks suddenly realize they're in on this as well. No more going "bare" (without HC) when you're in your 20s.

It's gonna get ugly IMO. Already there' a doctor shortage, and no good fixes in the works.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


I find it absolutely comical that Republicans do not understand how Obama has been playing them. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain for Democrats. Every time Republicans block any type of progress, they are driving another nail into their coffin for 2014. Polling has clearly shown that voters are fed up with Republican tactics, and even with all the advantages they have in congressional districting, I don't think it's going to be enough to keep them from losing the House. They are on a path of self-destruction like I have never seen before from any party. Plain nuts I say.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


I find it absolutely comical that Republicans do not understand how Obama has been playing them. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain for Democrats. Every time Republicans block any type of progress, they are driving another nail into their coffin for 2014. Polling has clearly shown that voters are fed up with Republican tactics, and even with all the advantages they have in congressional districting, I don't think it's going to be enough to keep them from losing the House. They are on a path of self-destruction like I have never seen before from any party. Plain nuts I say.
Pollyannaish, to say the least. Obama has been an across-the-board failure whose presidency almost invariably ensures a legacy of failure which will have had endured for two terms.

On reviewing my post, I will give him credit for continuing Bush II's policies on national security. You know, Gitmo, the Patriot Act and so on.
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Don't you ever get tired of parroting Right-wing sources who always deceive gullible Misinformation Voters like you who are too stupid and lazy to get the stats for themselves.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

142,153,000 employed Bush's last month, 143,322,000 employed as of Jan 2013.

do you ever get tired of be a slobbering jerk?

I asked you 5 times- explain to me your remark that a job that a retiree leaves, which is then filled by a previously unemployed person, is not counted in the UE/Employment numbers want to address that claim or just ignore it like the previous 5 questions on same?
Well there you go again. I never said that. Those are YOUR words put in my mouth by YOU!!!!

really? what did you say then?

what/how are the words I put into your mouth?

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