The US are becoming more and more like Russia

Conservatives are certainly trying to make that happen, yes.

Seeking to undermine voting rights, enacting laws that discriminate against transgender Americans, and efforts to conjoin church and state are but a few examples of conservatives’ efforts to turn America into an authoritarian dictatorship.
This is fucking stupid nonsense. American conservatives are right-wing, they are anti-totalitarians. An American can't talk shit like that unless he's a degenerate. Such an opinion is possible only in Europe and Russia.
I remember a case many years ago where a homosexual kidnaps a small boy and takes him from the east coast to california and raped him

the FBI captures the gay guy and is bringing him back to where the crime began for prosecution

they have to change planes in Dallas and are escorting the pervert through the airport

the father of the boy is waiting there and shoots the homo dead

they tried to indict the father in Dallas County but the grand jury “no billed”

whether justice would have been served in california or Boston which are infested with woke libs is an open question
Ok scooter. Let’s see if we can explain this.

He wasn’t defending anything. Or anyone. He should go to jail and prison. Anything about that unclear?
Ok scooter. Let’s see if we can explain this.

He wasn’t defending anything. Or anyone. He should go to jail and prison. Anything about that unclear?

No, you have fail. He defended the honor of the family and he defended America from villains.
No, you have fail. He defended the honor of the family and he defended America from villains.

No, he didn’t. And he’ll likely spend a couple decades in Prison for his crimes.

In Georgia, we have the Crime of Passion. It’s called Involuntary Manslaughter. The idea is that you come home, and see your wife in bed with your best friend, and you murder them both in a moment of rage. Georgia sentences you to no more than 20 years for this. It is Georgia saying, look we understand, we can’t condone, but we understand.

Now, let’s say you saw them, and then left the house. You return an hour later, and kill them both. That is no longer the crime of passion. That is Murder. Why? You had time to consider your actions, and choose the action you went with. Georgia doesn’t condone that at all.

What this is, well it is that latter case. If he would have killed the fellow, it would have been premeditated murder. We have a Justice System. The bad guy had been arrested, and charged with the crime. He was going to face justice at the hands of the courts. The system was working. Now Roid Rage man didn’t want that. He wanted vengeance. Revenge. And he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him.

I have an idea, let’s take this to the next step shall we?

Now, tell me why the Uncle who got shot should not have the right to kill Roid Rage man? I mean, the Uncle who did not touch any member of Roid Rage’s family, by your standards, should be allowed to kill Roid Rage man for trying to kill him right?
No, he didn’t. And he’ll likely spend a couple decades in Prison for his crimes.

In Georgia, we have the Crime of Passion. It’s called Involuntary Manslaughter. The idea is that you come home, and see your wife in bed with your best friend, and you murder them both in a moment of rage. Georgia sentences you to no more than 20 years for this. It is Georgia saying, look we understand, we can’t condone, but we understand.

Now, let’s say you saw them, and then left the house. You return an hour later, and kill them both. That is no longer the crime of passion. That is Murder. Why? You had time to consider your actions, and choose the action you went with. Georgia doesn’t condone that at all.

What this is, well it is that latter case. If he would have killed the fellow, it would have been premeditated murder. We have a Justice System. The bad guy had been arrested, and charged with the crime. He was going to face justice at the hands of the courts. The system was working. Now Roid Rage man didn’t want that. He wanted vengeance. Revenge. And he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him.

I have an idea, let’s take this to the next step shall we?

Now, tell me why the Uncle who got shot should not have the right to kill Roid Rage man? I mean, the Uncle who did not touch any member of Roid Rage’s family, by your standards, should be allowed to kill Roid Rage man for trying to kill him right?
I am not interested in this left casuistry. It is obvious to any sane person that killing a villain is a virtue. He should be rewarded by the government for helping the police, otherwise others might get hurt.
I am not interested in this left casuistry. It is obvious to any sane person that killing a villain is a virtue. He should be rewarded by the government for helping the police, otherwise others might get hurt.

And the man who was shot. He wasn’t accused or suspected of any crime. What about him? Collateral damage perhaps? Guilt by association? How do you justify that?
And the man who was shot. He wasn’t accused or suspected of any crime. What about him? Collateral damage perhaps? Guilt by association? How do you justify that?
He is a villain. It was not enough to kill him, for good he should have been castrated and forced to eat his eggs before execution. And put seals of shame on his entire family and restrict their rights.
If there were normal laws, without "humanism" to the villains
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If he killed someone by mistake, then he should be held accountable, but on the other hand, reasons for such suspicions should not be given either. No need to lick children's lips like Biden.

With regard to this case, as far as I know, everything was confirmed.
According to my information, the offender was connected with the administration of the kindergarten and committed more than 100 acts of molestation, including the use of violence.
I know of a case in Russia where a man raped a little boy and then drowned him. He was given only about 10 years and he is already at large and now he is protected by the state. The villains are given less than those who save us from the villains - this is their left "justice".
Are you talking about stepfather Gularte, who was hit by a bullet? It's just an accident. He can count on monetary compensation, it can be paid from the state budget.

Your own article shows it was more than that.

He's being accused of firing his .40-caliber handgun at Harry Goularte – who's charged with molesting a child – and ramming the truck that Goularte was in. Goularte's mother and stepfather were in the truck too.

"What he did was put the public in danger," Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Aaron French. "Driving a vehicle and firing a firearm on the highway is extremely dangerous to other people and human life."

Prosecutors said Velasquez fired his weapon seven times.

Goularte's stepfather was shot twice and is expected to survive.

The Roid Rage maniac tried to kill the parents of the Suspected Molester. By ramming the vehicle with his and firing indiscriminately into the car.

I might be more sympathetic with your arguments if the Suspect had gotten off. Maybe. But the case was in progress and Captain Roid Rage wanted revenge. Well he got it. And he’s now going to answer for his crimes.

But you haven’t answered the question. Other than a lame compensation of money for the attempted murder of himself and his wife by Captain Roid Rage.

In your idea of Justice. Shouldn’t the Father be allowed to kill Captain Roid Rage for his attempted murder of his wife and himself?
Previously banned in Russia and the USSR, the US has now even banned Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We"...practically the archetype of modern dystopian fiction, and a direct inspiration to Orwell's "1984"
Your own article shows it was more than that.

He's being accused of firing his .40-caliber handgun at Harry Goularte – who's charged with molesting a child – and ramming the truck that Goularte was in. Goularte's mother and stepfather were in the truck too.

"What he did was put the public in danger," Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Aaron French. "Driving a vehicle and firing a firearm on the highway is extremely dangerous to other people and human life."

Prosecutors said Velasquez fired his weapon seven times.

Goularte's stepfather was shot twice and is expected to survive.

The Roid Rage maniac tried to kill the parents of the Suspected Molester. By ramming the vehicle with his and firing indiscriminately into the car.

I might be more sympathetic with your arguments if the Suspect had gotten off. Maybe. But the case was in progress and Captain Roid Rage wanted revenge. Well he got it. And he’s now going to answer for his crimes.

But you haven’t answered the question. Other than a lame compensation of money for the attempted murder of himself and his wife by Captain Roid Rage.

In your idea of Justice. Shouldn’t the Father be allowed to kill Captain Roid Rage for his attempted murder of his wife and himself?

Do you think the police never make mistakes? Can't they accidentally hurt someone during an operation to apprehend criminals? Do they also face life in prison for this?

And what to do with the mistakes of doctors?
Conservatives are certainly trying to make that happen, yes.

Seeking to undermine voting rights, enacting laws that discriminate against transgender Americans, and efforts to conjoin church and state are but a few examples of conservatives’ efforts to turn America into an authoritarian dictatorship.
jones shut the fuck up.....
Do you think the police never make mistakes? Can't they accidentally hurt someone during an operation to apprehend criminals? Do they also face life in prison for this?

And what to do with the mistakes of doctors?

Ah, but the Police are attempting to enforce the law, not exact extralegal justice. Your justification for this is Vengeance. Captain Roid Rage wanted the man dead for what he did. He was not willing to wait for the Judicial System to work. He wasn’t willing to wait for the trial and all that. He wanted the man dead for what he did.

He took his own actions, knowing they were wrong, and recklessly endangered others. Innocents who had done his family no harm. Captain Roid Rage wouldn’t have cared if he had killed an innocent.

But yes, the Police do face such charges. The trial this week of the cops who raided the Apartment of Brianna Taylor as one example. In Philadelphia, two cops face Manslaughter charges for shooting a bystander in an active shooter situation.

So your retreating to unintended consequences is actually backfiring. So answer the question. If Vengeance is the justification for the actions of Captain Roid Rage, then shouldn’t the Step Father of the suspect have all the right to kill Captain Roid Rage for the attempted Murder of himself, and his wife?
Ah, but the Police are attempting to enforce the law, not exact extralegal justice. Your justification for this is Vengeance. Captain Roid Rage wanted the man dead for what he did. He was not willing to wait for the Judicial System to work. He wasn’t willing to wait for the trial and all that. He wanted the man dead for what he did.
The law must serve rightness, otherwise it is not needed. Anyone who restores rightness and kills the villain deserves encouragement, not punishment. Laws that do not correspond to morality should be repealed, swindlers who adopted anti-people laws should be punished.
So your retreating to unintended consequences is actually backfiring. So answer the question. If Vengeance is the justification for the actions of Captain Roid Rage, then shouldn’t the Step Father of the suspect have all the right to kill Captain Roid Rage for the attempted Murder of himself, and his wife?
Revenge has nothing to do with it. This is righteous anger.

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