The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

Yeah...and as soon as you put a panel on everyone's house, every business, every surface...what then? Extraction, be it oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, etc... has an open-endedness (if that is a word) to it--yeah I know at some point we will run out and renewables is the only way to go.

Are you arguing that the solar panel plant and the coal mines would employ the same number of people? I doubt you can honestly make that argument.

Clearly though, renewables are much better for the environment and health of communities. That really cannot be quantified.
yeah they work so well in CA

It's important that that other poster know your mental state. They project a lot on others and then think everyone is fooled.

That poster is a waste of time (not that you aren't usually as well). Just a heads up if you haven't encountered creepy ding.

Yeah, he's a loon.

At least he doesn't want to waste trillions on windmills.
"Humanity has been waging war on nature and nature strikes back," he said.

"Nature strikes back in Sindh, but it was not Sindh that has made the emissions of greenhouse gases that have accelerated climate change so dramatically," Guterres said. "There is a very unfair situation relative to the level of destruction."
Yeah but you don't actually know anything about them technically or why they are not the best sources of energy.

Because I doubt you have studied either in detail.

Yeah but you don't actually know anything about them technically

What should I know about them, technically?

or why they are not the best sources of energy.

Best? I said they were reliable.
It's important that that other poster know your mental state. They project a lot on others and then think everyone is fooled.

That poster is a waste of time (not that you aren't usually as well). Just a heads up if you haven't encountered creepy ding.
I couldn't have asked for more than you and Todd partnering up.
What do you feel I don't understand about them?
That electricity generated from them produces waste heat and doesn't convert photons into electricity thereby not reducing the effective solar radiation striking the surface of the planet.

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