The US is Back

part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
The world is beginning to pass us by, and we're letting it happen.
And that’s ok with Democrats. Appease the World and apologize for US. Myself? I celebrate America’s exceptionalism and actually remind the rest of the World that they OWE US a debt of gratitude.
celebrate away, tard. we don't give a fuck about your indoctrinated exceptionalism. no one owes you anything.
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
So you want China to continue to sell us bad products, you want them to lie to us, and rip us off with unfair tariffs because they can?

Maybe the smarter idea is to rely on ourselves and other more trustworthy countries.

As far as raising prices, that is occurring now at a greater level than before, why because China can and will continue to do so until we start becoming more independent from them. Until then, we are at their mercy, a very bad position for America but hey, at least they claim to like us, right?
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
So you want China to continue to sell us bad products, you want them to lie to us, and rip us off with unfair tariffs because they can?

Maybe the smarter idea is to rely on ourselves and other more trustworthy countries.

As far as raising prices, that is occurring now at a greater level than before, why because China can and will continue to do so until we start becoming more independent from them. Until then, we are at their mercy, a very bad position for America but hey, at least they claim to like us, right?
China does not make bad products and they have control over many product sectors.
Declaring an unnecessary trade war did not help us and hurt consumers struggling in a bad economy.

We need to negotiate trade deals not wars
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
So you want China to continue to sell us bad products, you want them to lie to us, and rip us off with unfair tariffs because they can?

Maybe the smarter idea is to rely on ourselves and other more trustworthy countries.

As far as raising prices, that is occurring now at a greater level than before, why because China can and will continue to do so until we start becoming more independent from them. Until then, we are at their mercy, a very bad position for America but hey, at least they claim to like us, right?
China does not make bad products and they have control over many product sectors.
Declaring an unnecessary trade war did not help us and hurt consumers struggling in a bad economy.

We need to negotiate trade deals not wars
we must not allow china to control our economy

That makes us vulnerable to their bullying tactics
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
So you want China to continue to sell us bad products, you want them to lie to us, and rip us off with unfair tariffs because they can?

Maybe the smarter idea is to rely on ourselves and other more trustworthy countries.

As far as raising prices, that is occurring now at a greater level than before, why because China can and will continue to do so until we start becoming more independent from them. Until then, we are at their mercy, a very bad position for America but hey, at least they claim to like us, right?
China does not make bad products and they have control over many product sectors.
Declaring an unnecessary trade war did not help us and hurt consumers struggling in a bad economy.

We need to negotiate trade deals not wars
Lead in toys is a good product? Do you have new evidence that lead is now good for us? Mold in drywall board is also good? Please let me see the new scientific evidence that what they sent us was good for us. Covid-19 looks like it came out of a lab in China and it was hid from the world until it couldn’t be kept a secret any longer, is that a good ally, in your opinion?

The trade war was done during a good economy, it seems you are being inaccurate.
part because of those concerns, European leaders have indicated that they are unlikely to fall in lockstep behind all of Biden’s initiatives. At this year’s virtual Munich Security Conference
I think the euros see the same divided nation that I see

We had pandering obama who was like a dog begging for a bone.

Then trump throwing cold water in their face

Now stumbling, bumbling biden who may not last out his four year term

Balanced against that is the lure of money to be made in china and iran if the euros don't remain closely allied with the US
Obama was able to form global alliances
He did so repeatedly.

Trump destroyed alliances and mocked other leaders and nations

The world no longer trusts us, rightfully so
Why do we need China to trust us? I certainly don’t trust them after all the lies they have told America through the years.

Because they are a powerful economic power and we rely on them heavily for critical goods.

Starting an unnecessary trade war did untold damage and raised prices on consumer goods
So you want China to continue to sell us bad products, you want them to lie to us, and rip us off with unfair tariffs because they can?

Maybe the smarter idea is to rely on ourselves and other more trustworthy countries.

As far as raising prices, that is occurring now at a greater level than before, why because China can and will continue to do so until we start becoming more independent from them. Until then, we are at their mercy, a very bad position for America but hey, at least they claim to like us, right?
China does not make bad products and they have control over many product sectors.
Declaring an unnecessary trade war did not help us and hurt consumers struggling in a bad economy.

We need to negotiate trade deals not wars
we must not allow china to control our economy

That makes us vulnerable to their bullying tactics
A trade war is not the answer

Economic alliances with the EU and TPP is the best way to compete with China

Two things Trump destroyed
A trade war is not the answer
do you really think anyone is going to talk them out of that bone they are gnawing on?

A trade war is the only thing china understands

And we do have leverage in spite of what the globalists claim
America Furst is a fat guy sitting in the corner of the pub mumbling shit into his beer about folk who prevented him from reaching his own potential.

As a policy its risible.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
The world is beginning to pass us by, and we're letting it happen.
And that’s ok with Democrats. Appease the World and apologize for US. Myself? I celebrate America’s exceptionalism and actually remind the rest of the World that they OWE US a debt of gratitude.
celebrate away, tard. we don't give a fuck about your indoctrinated exceptionalism. no one owes you anything.

you clearly believe US owes the World.
We can work with China, we have done it in the past
you are dreaming

China is the enemy

We don't have to wage a shooting war with china

but we do have to defeat them economically and geo politically

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