The US is Back

After 9-11, the world rallied in support of the US. Bush ruined that support with his unwarranted invasion of Iraq and mocking those nations that did not support it.

Obama and Hillary spent years patching up our international relations in the fabled “Apology Tour”. The US went temporarily crazy after 9-11 and we are not like that anymore.

Then came Trump. The world scratched its head when we elected a Reality TV Host/Snakeoil salesman
Trump destroyed decades old alliances and mocked our key allies.

I don’t think the world trusts us not to elect another Trump
Hell, I don't trust us not to. Look at the rabid RWNJs we have right here on this site.
and standing across the way in the other pasture is the LWNJ's on this site....
The rest of the world doesn’t fear our liberals
who cares what they think,they dont live here...we have 2 parties with a lot of nut jobs in both of them....and the die hards on both sides are something to fear....
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.
just what we party havent learned anything have you?....

Two party rule has to be earned

If you can’t convince voters you deserve to represent them.....that is YOUR problem
you havent learned anything either have you?...
So, you want a world where Republicans get elected just so we have another party?
i sure as hell dont want the democrats to get elected for everything....i know better....i lived in california,i have seen what one party rule does.....
There is no indication the US has recovered its senses.
A bit of an identity crisis may be the reason winger

Republicans have gone batshit crazy
many think your party has gone downhill over the years too...

And now even the Rats realize that. ^^

They are are starting to see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears, that the Cretin in Chief aka the Fraud President aka Joe Xiden...... is simply unable to be President!

He is only able to be a corrupt clown.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
We have a long way to go. Trust is hard to earn, and probably harder to earn BACK.

The damage these last five years have done to us is profound.

That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
After 9-11, the world rallied in support of the US. Bush ruined that support with his unwarranted invasion of Iraq and mocking those nations that did not support it.

Obama and Hillary spent years patching up our international relations in the fabled “Apology Tour”. The US went temporarily crazy after 9-11 and we are not like that anymore.

Then came Trump. The world scratched its head when we elected a Reality TV Host/Snakeoil salesman
Trump destroyed decades old alliances and mocked our key allies.

I don’t think the world trusts us not to elect another Trump

The World didn’t do shit for US except wag their finger at US saying our policies made people angry and we got what we deserved. Saddam Hussein was a credible threat. While he had no part in 9-11, I applaud the strategy of taking the fight to Iraq and liberating the Iraqi people and forcing bin Laden’s al queda to fight in Iraq.

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