The US is Back

There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.
As opposed to what? The Democrats whose feigned disdain for wealth people makes them wealthy?
As opposed to nothing. I was addressing the GQP and what it has become.

Deflection irrelevant.

What's the demoquacks become "ole Mac"?

Remember when you used to claim non partisan you lying asshat? Roflmao

You're a sad pup
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.
As opposed to what? The Democrats whose feigned disdain for wealth people makes them wealthy?
As opposed to nothing. I was addressing the GQP and what it has become.

Deflection irrelevant.

What's the demoquacks become "ole Mac"?

Remember when you used to claim non partisan you lying asshat? Roflmao

You're a sad pup
Hey, hi Q!

That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
and---and --Biden says FU to the police--so not only is crime going up, the Mexican/etc cartels see that the POTUS says FU to the police, so they are escalating their crap
--I've got all kinds of stuff to list that Biden is destroying the US
here- Biden says FU to the police:
Hahaha Slow Pedo is a joke, his miserable VP a poor deluded fools buying into something that deep down you know is foolishness

The flip side is you quacks actually believe that's scary

Much like the Great Obama, the Amazing Biden is given the task of repairing our international reputation

But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
The world is saying......Fool me once...
Get lost Mr Up My Post Count.

Miserable Jackass, nobody believes your shit.

Another sad, snarky post from SmellyIrishAss
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
and---and --Biden says FU to the police--so not only is crime going up, the Mexican/etc cartels see that the POTUS says FU to the police, so they are escalating their crap
--I've got all kinds of stuff to list that Biden is destroying the US
here- Biden says FU to the police:
Crime went up under Trump
Biden has ALWAYS supported our police
He just doesn’t support abuses by police
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
and---and --Biden says FU to the police--so not only is crime going up, the Mexican/etc cartels see that the POTUS says FU to the police, so they are escalating their crap
--I've got all kinds of stuff to list that Biden is destroying the US
here- Biden says FU to the police:
Crime went up under Trump
Biden has ALWAYS supported our police
He just doesn’t support abuses by police
it's right THERE in the link --Biden is anti-cop---he is pro-BLM/jackass Floyd/criminals/etc---you can't deny it
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
and---and --Biden says FU to the police--so not only is crime going up, the Mexican/etc cartels see that the POTUS says FU to the police, so they are escalating their crap
--I've got all kinds of stuff to list that Biden is destroying the US
here- Biden says FU to the police:
Crime went up under Trump
Biden has ALWAYS supported our police
He just doesn’t support abuses by police
it's right THERE in the link --Biden is anti-cop---he is pro-BLM/jackass Floyd/criminals/etc---you can't deny it
Have you always struggled with basic reading?
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Biden and the left have been destroying the US--very fast
Care to provide some examples?
o yes--allowing in hundreds of thousands of uneducated dope criminals/illegals/etc along with over spending on crap = destruction
Can you back that up with data or are you just making shit up again
here--a DEMOCRAT news site:
etc etc etc
Nice try Skippy

But your link says nothing about ALLOWING IN hundreds of thousand of uneducated dope criminals
and---and --Biden says FU to the police--so not only is crime going up, the Mexican/etc cartels see that the POTUS says FU to the police, so they are escalating their crap
--I've got all kinds of stuff to list that Biden is destroying the US
here- Biden says FU to the police:
Crime went up under Trump
Biden has ALWAYS supported our police
He just doesn’t support abuses by police
it's right THERE in the link --Biden is anti-cop---he is pro-BLM/jackass Floyd/criminals/etc---you can't deny it
We are all pro blm/antifa. What kind of idiot isnt ?
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
Hahaha Slow Pedo is a joke, his miserable VP a poor deluded fools buying into something that deep down you know is foolishness

The flip side is you quacks actually believe that's scary

Much like the Great Obama, the Amazing Biden is given the task of repairing our international reputation

But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
The world is saying......Fool me once...
But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
as soon as the democrats fuck up,and they will,....the pendulum will swing the other way ......
yes the world isn’t buying xiden and harris’s nonsense...the world knows we no longer are coming from a position of strength...just asked china

and south america? their egging xiden and harris to stop giving mix signals
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Then you don't know my politics. Oh well.
Hahaha Slow Pedo is a joke, his miserable VP a poor deluded fools buying into something that deep down you know is foolishness

The flip side is you quacks actually believe that's scary

Much like the Great Obama, the Amazing Biden is given the task of repairing our international reputation

But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
The world is saying......Fool me once...
But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
as soon as the democrats fuck up,and they will,....the pendulum will swing the other way ......
That is why the rest of the world no longer trusts our leadership

An apology tour won’t cut it anymore. Trump is too big a mistake to forgive
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Then you don't know my politics. Oh well.
when you side with posters like jones,your current politics are pretty well known....

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