The US is Back

Hahaha Slow Pedo is a joke, his miserable VP a poor deluded fools buying into something that deep down you know is foolishness

The flip side is you quacks actually believe that's scary

Much like the Great Obama, the Amazing Biden is given the task of repairing our international reputation

But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
The world is saying......Fool me once...
But there are no assurances that we won’t elect another Republican
as soon as the democrats fuck up,and they will,....the pendulum will swing the other way ......
That is why the rest of the world no longer trusts our leadership

An apology tour won’t cut it anymore. Trump is too big a mistake to forgive
so is biden and the very useless harris team....
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Then you don't know my politics. Oh well.
when you side with posters like jones,your current politics are pretty well known....
Since you're clearly paying such close attention, you're free to show me one (1) issue on which I have changed my position.

The fact that I think Trump is a dangerous, destructive buffoon on historical level doesn't say one thing about my positions on the individual issues. Not one.
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Then you don't know my politics. Oh well.
when you side with posters like jones,your current politics are pretty well known....
Since you're clearly paying such close attention, you're free to show me one (1) issue on which I have changed my position.

The fact that I think Trump is a dangerous, destructive buffoon on historical level doesn't say one thing about my positions on the individual issues. Not one.
trump is gone mac....he cant hurt you anymore....maybe you should concentrate on the 2 destructive buffoons in power now....they can hurt you....
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
There simply isn't nearly enough demand for a center-right party. This is the Republican Party. This misguided, bigoted, paranoid, pugilistic, conspiracy theorist group pathology is what the party really is.

Evidently this is what the party has been for a long time, and now the cat's out of the bag. It's the GQP.
funny how many of them describe your party almost the same way mac....misguided,bigoted,paranoid......
I've never belonged to a party, sorry. I have no use for either.
a few years ago i would have believed that.....these days i have a hard time believing that.....every thread i see you in you are siding with people like jones....
Then you don't know my politics. Oh well.
when you side with posters like jones,your current politics are pretty well known....
Since you're clearly paying such close attention, you're free to show me one (1) issue on which I have changed my position.

The fact that I think Trump is a dangerous, destructive buffoon on historical level doesn't say one thing about my positions on the individual issues. Not one.
trump is gone mac....he cant hurt you anymore....maybe you should concentrate on the 2 destructive buffoons in power now....they can hurt you....
He's not gone. That is common knowledge.

And this alternate universe that he so effectively leveraged is only more intense and dangerous. When it shrinks back into the ugly fringe where it belongs, I'll be able to go back to voting third party. And I very much look forward to that day.
Trump was a circus clown who has had his day. I really cant see him doing much more damage apart from to his own party. There are other issues.

# The rest of the world has generally looked to the US as a leader in social progression, for women and gays especially.

# But now we see regressive forces getting traction in the backward states and there is a concerted attempt to roll back progress. Trump being history is not going to stop that.

# Similarly the anti democratic impulses of the GOP are scary. Making it difficult for people to vote is such a backward step.

# The ease with which trump took over the opposition party is also disturbing. Where were the checks and balances that would keep the party sane.

# The growth of the conspiracy theory nuts under trump is also terrifying. MTG is going to be the grand dame of the party in a couple of years.

# The lack of any credible right wing leader. They are all compromised by association with the corrupt trump administration. Maybe they need a few years in the wilderness to grow some people and find some policies.

# Trump broke America. He has had 2 impeachments and got off on both of them because he had partisan votes. Impeachment is dead in the US and there needs to be a system where Presidents are judged on the facts and not by friends.

# There needs to be a new centre-right party to provide a home for sensible conservatives.
So what laws has the US passed that have taken rights away from gay's or women ? I have also posted on this site debunking the bullshit about voter suppression. Alabama has voter ID laws , but during the last representative election the state saw record voter turn out.

What I find hilarious is your complaining about the US but your country still has a House of Lords and Commons and your head of Government is a Monarch. Take your medieval form of government and fuck off.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?

Not sure your source or criteria for China being the leader in R&D for the energy sector but it is established that China is a leading Nation State threat to supply chain and critical infrastructure.

So, to answer your question, “why should we cripple ourselves?” - if you have any clue about supply chain risk - we limit China access to US criticism infrastructure so that China won’t cripple US.
I don’t think the world trusts us not to elect another Trump
Heck, I don’t trust us to not elect another Trump. All I have is the hope of American decency. Might be a myth.
I think that is a pipe dream
I used to think wiser minds would prevail

Instead, we have given way to bizarre conspiracy theories, hatred, racial scapegoating
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

The US is Back being the Pastsy of the World.​

From now on watch how the rest of the world will take advantage of us under a weak biden Presidency
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

The US is Back being the Pastsy of the World.​

From now on watch how the rest of the world will take advantage of us under a weak biden Presidency

Guess what?

We exist in a global community both politically and economically. Unlike the 50s and 60s, we no longer get to call the shots. We must compete with other countries for a slice of the global economic pie.
We do better as part of economic alliances than as every man for himself
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

In other words even the rest of the world knows he’s the Fraudlent-Elect.
Apparently these lefty idiots don’t think world leaders can figure out what a senile putz Biden is just by talking to him.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

In other words even the rest of the world knows he’s the Fraudlent-Elect.
Apparently these lefty idiots don’t think world leaders can figure out what a senile putz Biden is just by talking to him.
The other countries realize they can talk to Biden and he will listen

Wasn’t the case with Trump
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

In other words even the rest of the world knows he’s the Fraudlent-Elect.
Apparently these lefty idiots don’t think world leaders can figure out what a senile putz Biden is just by talking to him.
The other countries realize they can talk to Biden and he will listen

Wasn’t the case with Trump
Must be why members of parliament after talking to pedo Joe..stated that he is so senile he probably wouldn’t even remember what they told him.

Joe is a Joke.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
The world is beginning to pass us by, and we're letting it happen.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
The world is beginning to pass us by, and we're letting it happen.
And that’s ok with Democrats. Appease the World and apologize for US. Myself? I celebrate America’s exceptionalism and actually remind the rest of the World that they OWE US a debt of gratitude.
That is the message Biden is trying to sell the world. Only problem is, I doubt if the world is buying it.

The world no longer trusts the US. Biden may claim we are back at the International Table, but there is no assurance we will not elect another Republican. Over the past 20 years the US has swung wildly from right to left. We have started wars while ignoring the reservations of our allies, We have jeopardized NATO, UN, WHO. We have reneged on treaties and agreements
The US role as “Leader of the Free World“ is over

Correct, the world isn't buying it yet, and I can't blame them.

It's going to take two or three election cycles before they're convinced that we've recovered our senses. And I suspect 2022 won't help us.

If 2018, 2020 is any indication of how America feels about trump, 2022 will be a cakewalk.

If trump continues to control the Republican Party, the people of America will continue to vote against the Republican Party.

Yes in 2020 the Republican Party ran ads using the protests to scare people into voting republican and they did, except for the president.

In 2022 democrats will run ads with all that footage of the trump people attacking our capitol. If they are smart they will run the ads multiple times a day.

I hope they use a combination of those ads and ads telling people that the republicans blocked the bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 and the fact that if we want infrastructure and the filthy rich to finally start paying their fair share again, we have to get rid of republican politicians in our congress.

I could be wrong but I think republicans taking control of the congress isn't guaranteed.

If Trump had sulked off in defeat, we may have had a chance in regaining global prominence

But with Trump lurking in the shadows and maintaining control of the Republican Party.....I doubt the world trusts us

Global Prominence? Who is friendlier to China…. Biden or Trump?

What has Biden done to favor China since he has been President?
For starters, he lifted the ban on Chinese made equipment for the energy sector. This run counters to supply chain security for our critical infrastructure.

China leads the world in R&D for the energy sector
Why should we cripple ourselves?
The world is beginning to pass us by, and we're letting it happen.
And that’s ok with Democrats. Appease the World and apologize for US. Myself? I celebrate America’s exceptionalism and actually remind the rest of the World that they OWE US a debt of gratitude.
That, my friend is our problem
We can’t just declare ourselves exceptional, we have to earn it.

Of late, our foreign policy has been anything but exceptional. The world looks at us like we are crazy. We are obsessed with conspiracy theories, our once stable transfer of power is a disaster, we don’t believe in COVID, Global Warming and act accordingly. We are increasingly Xenophobic and nationalistic.

That is not exceptional....that is crazy

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