The US Leads the World in Mass Shootings

Gun control has never worked can not, will not ever work... Because the people who thought it up have very little if any common sense.

But, the bright spot is that every time all of these intellectual lightweights call for gun control... Gun and ammo sales sky rocket helping the economy.

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Your actual point is meaningless since abortion is legal and not considered murder.
So what you need to do is post here just what other rights and privileges under law a fetus/zygote has that is equal to or supersedes a human's. Do it or shut your intellectually lazy ass up.
The left doesn't call it a baby until it's delivered. So it's a fetus one second, a baby the next. Now if the pregnant liberal woman is stabbed and the fetus is killed, someone killed her baby.

Leftists are stark raving mad. They make no sense at all.
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings

Lead in citizens incarcerated and wouldn't be surprised if we have the most people under the influence of Rx narcotics, and mentally ill.

Rx are much cheaper or free in other countries that have universal health care. Canadians pay a pittance for Rx compared to the U.S. Yet they do not have mass shootings, either.
Obamacare has screwed over millions...

See: our nonexistent economy
Your actual point is meaningless since abortion is legal and not considered murder.
So what you need to do is post here just what other rights and privileges under law a fetus/zygote has that is equal to or supersedes a human's. Do it or shut your intellectually lazy ass up.
The left doesn't call it a baby until it's delivered. So it's a fetus one second, a baby the next. Now if the pregnant liberal woman is stabbed and the fetus is killed, someone killed her baby.

Leftists are stark raving mad. They make no sense at all.

As defined by the Merck Manual, which is the standard bearer for scientific definition, that is correct: Stages of Development of the Fetus - Women s Health Issues

But that doesn't mean pro-abortion advocates think a fetus can be aborted up until the day of delivery either. That's propaganda that keeps idiots like you from having a close, personal relationship with reality.
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!

Your actual point is meaningless since abortion is legal and not considered murder.
What? The "actual point" that you fabricated (out of straw) for me? That one?

So what you need to do is post here just what other rights and privileges under law a fetus/zygote has that is equal to or supersedes a human's. Do it or shut your intellectually lazy ass up.

Update: 11:58 AM EST
Still waiting.
Sorry about your retarded luck, Cupcake. You're going to wait forever, because I am under no obligation what-so-ever to defend any point, argument, or position that you arbitrarily assign to me.

If you can't refute my actual point, keep your own intellectually lazy pie hole shut.

Thank you!
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings

Yes but the trend is that we are about 800 years, the rest of the world will be just as homicidal. Of course, that is pure fantasy. The rest of the world will actively try to quell their murder rates with effective gun control measures.

That isn't working....Britain and Australia had lower gun murder rates before the confiscation.....there gun murder rates are starting to go up......ours are going down.
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings

Yes but the trend is that we are about 800 years, the rest of the world will be just as homicidal. Of course, that is pure fantasy. The rest of the world will actively try to quell their murder rates with effective gun control measures.

And fail like always, then lie about it in official reports that aren't much more than good bird cage liner.


As I pointed out that map is a lie....they fail to point out there were 3 mass shootings after the confiscation in Australia.....
Facts always get in the way of truth... Progressives sadly have to admit.
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.

We have had that discussion here all the time....Australia is starting to have gun problems, big ones, their criminals are beginning to use guns more and more.....Canada...a homogenous population but their gangs get guns easily as well....and Japan, no one in the United States would permit the police and prosecutors to have the power the Japanese give you want to be stopped police and searched whenever they feel like you want your home search 2 times a year and whenever the police feel like you mind having attorny's withheld from prisoners, forced confessions and judges who don't care about coerrced confessions...that is how Japan does it.
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.

And of course the gun grabbers always ignore the fact that Europe murdered 12 million innoncent, unarmed people......marched them into death camps and murdered them....and all of the countries on the continent pretty much handed over people to the Germans...except for Switzerland.....where they had over 400,000 civiilans armed......
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.

Operative word being "dealt".

We no longer are dealing with the same threats from no legal authority. Hence the attitude of the public should change. Of course, that would mean recognizing living under a 230+ Y/O Business model is patently crazy. But that is what you get when you try to have a rational conversation with conservatives.

Don't you think if the founders wanted an expiration date on the Constitution they would have put one in?


No, but I think the sane amongst them would be horrified that we have decided that their wisdom is superior to ours 230 years later. I'll put it to you this way; six generations ago, they used to saw off arms if they were deemed to be infected. What the medical community did was look at advances in care techniques and change the commonly used remedy. Six generations ago, farmers grew whatever would grow often resulting in boom/bust cycles when they all over-produced the same crops. What the agricultural community did was look at new things like fertilizers and crop rotation to not only ensure a bounty but to keep the prices they could charge at a level of at least subsistence. Six generations ago, fishermen caught as much as their nets could hold. Today, they have quotas and limits to allow for sustainability.

The 2nd amendment was put into the document because it was a life and death decision with nations having their designs set on taking or re-taking the colonies and fledgling nation and raids by Native Americans were a threat on the frontier. This was also seen in the 4th and 5th amendments to where it limited the government from doing what the predecessor did, compel you to turn over evidence or even testify against yourself. Whereas this is still an issue since the basic questions are still asked; we no longer need such a statute as the 2nd amendment. Six generations ago, it made sense. Now it doesn't. We've evolved. We just have a faction of folks who refuse to acknowledge it. So it will be with us regardless of need/use/utility/body count etc... We don't have the guts to do what is right politically.

And our country was founded in 1776.........163 years later, in 1939, a modern nation state, with modern science, the best of Universities and the wisest of people with 163 years of knowledge and understanding....marched 12 million peole into death camps and murdered them.....

If our founding fathers had known that was coming......they would have mandated all Americans keep rifles and pistols in their homes............because apparently modern people hadn't evolved enough to not murder 12 million people.....

And in 1918....142 years after our founding fathers created this country....the countries of Russia, and China embraced a philosophy that ended up murdering...outright murdering close to 100 million people......

So if the founding fathers knew about 100 million people being murdered by their governments...they would have mandated every American own rifles and pistols and that the government be disarmed......
Don't let the facts get in the way... Says the progressive.
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.

You can't vote till you are 18 and you only pay taxes when you earn money or buy something....nice try though....when a fetus or zygote is 18 they can vote and as soon as they get a job they can pay taxes.... one really wants to address why other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem. Why does that question scare you chickenhawks so? Because you can't answer it without admitting that gun control works.

Or trying to blame blacks and Hispanics. Just like they always do.

Not trying....of the 8,145 gun murders in the united states the majority are committed by blacks and hispanic criminals in small, multi block areas of inner cities controlled by democrats. Look up the statisitics....

and another stat.....almost 90% of people using guns to commit murder have at least one criminal it isn't normal, law abiding people shooting other is career sociopaths
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings

Lead in citizens incarcerated and wouldn't be surprised if we have the most people under the influence of Rx narcotics, and mentally ill.

Rx are much cheaper or free in other countries that have universal health care. Canadians pay a pittance for Rx compared to the U.S. Yet they do not have mass shootings, either.

Sorry...the only reason their medicines are cheaper is because American Pharm companies pay for all the research and that costs upwards of a billion dollars...........

And just making the pills is the cheapest part of the process...that is why they can have cheap medicine...we do all the work.
A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!
A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!

Your actual point is meaningless since abortion is legal and not considered murder.
What? The "actual point" that you fabricated (out of straw) for me? That one?

So what you need to do is post here just what other rights and privileges under law a fetus/zygote has that is equal to or supersedes a human's. Do it or shut your intellectually lazy ass up.

Update: 11:58 AM EST
Still waiting.
Sorry about your retarded luck, Cupcake. You're going to wait forever, because I am under no obligation what-so-ever to defend any point, argument, or position that you arbitrarily assign to me.

If you can't refute my actual point, keep your own intellectually lazy pie hole shut.

Thank you!

I've assigned you the task of thinking beyond right wing talking points and you can't.
As you like to say, thank you!

Is it fun being a member of the same group who also thinks the world is only 6000 years old?
Progressives are always barking up the wrong tree... Their bleeding hearts will not let them see facts/truth.

Common sense is rare

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