The US Leads the World in Mass Shootings

What do you suggest be done about it?

we used to lock up the crazies until the ACLU and the left got involved and said it against their human rights.
you should thank your lucky stars, too.....cuz youd be one of the locked ones

you know what go off your miserable self. I've never been locked up in my 60 years. now go dump on someone else. you loser
The military knew the kid had problems. they could have done something then. Instead they released him back on the rest of us. so this blood from this shooting is on their hands in my book. why is THIS GOVERNMENT never held accountable for anything? It's always a wail to take away us innocent gun owners rights
You can't blame the military, that's how it works. Many guys don't make it through boot camp, it's designed to weed them out. It's still an honorable discharge, just unsuitable for military life.
The military knew the kid had problems. they could have done something then. Instead they released him back on the rest of us. so this blood from this shooting is on their hands in my book. why is THIS GOVERNMENT never held accountable for anything? It's always a wail to take away us innocent gun owners rights
You can't blame the military, that's how it works. Many guys don't make it through boot camp, it's designed to weed them out. It's still an honorable discharge, just unsuitable for military life.

I know, but dangit. these events are so upsetting and what we have to deal with in aftermath of these people wanting to TAKE AWAY our rights because of it
No, they just kill their own babies, that's what abortion does 100% of the time. Most guys don't kill anybody. But thanks for the meaningless shrill attempt to obfuscate.
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings
does this count as a mass shooting

if so your numbers are way off

Islamic State (Isis) has killed at least 140 civilians in Kobani, Syria, firing indiscriminately at "everything that moved" as they attacked the city, activists said.

IS launched a two-pronged attack on 26 June, attacking the Kurdish-Syrian border town as well as the north eastern city of Hassakeh.

"According to medical sources and Kobani residents, 120 civilians were executed by IS in their homes or killed by the group's rockets or snipers," Rami Abdel Rahman, who heads the UK-based Observatory for Human Rights, said.

Reports indicate that up to 20 civilians were also killed in a nearby village.

Rahman said that the bodies of women and children had been found in houses and on the streets of the town.

Kobani was the site of a ferocious battle between the Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) and IS after the jihadist group attempted to conquer the town last year, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee.

Isis slaughter: Islamic State massacres 140 civilians in Kobani attack
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.

Operative word being "dealt".

We no longer are dealing with the same threats from no legal authority. Hence the attitude of the public should change. Of course, that would mean recognizing living under a 230+ Y/O Business model is patently crazy. But that is what you get when you try to have a rational conversation with conservatives.

Don't you think if the founders wanted an expiration date on the Constitution they would have put one in?


No, but I think the sane amongst them would be horrified that we have decided that their wisdom is superior to ours 230 years later. I'll put it to you this way; six generations ago, they used to saw off arms if they were deemed to be infected. What the medical community did was look at advances in care techniques and change the commonly used remedy. Six generations ago, farmers grew whatever would grow often resulting in boom/bust cycles when they all over-produced the same crops. What the agricultural community did was look at new things like fertilizers and crop rotation to not only ensure a bounty but to keep the prices they could charge at a level of at least subsistence. Six generations ago, fishermen caught as much as their nets could hold. Today, they have quotas and limits to allow for sustainability.

The 2nd amendment was put into the document because it was a life and death decision with nations having their designs set on taking or re-taking the colonies and fledgling nation and raids by Native Americans were a threat on the frontier. This was also seen in the 4th and 5th amendments to where it limited the government from doing what the predecessor did, compel you to turn over evidence or even testify against yourself. Whereas this is still an issue since the basic questions are still asked; we no longer need such a statute as the 2nd amendment. Six generations ago, it made sense. Now it doesn't. We've evolved. We just have a faction of folks who refuse to acknowledge it. So it will be with us regardless of need/use/utility/body count etc... We don't have the guts to do what is right politically.
Even as a pro-choice defender, I like the "abortion" strategies almost as much as I like the "automobile" strategies for rationalizing curtailments of Rights. Everyone who thinks getting any gun you want is so very easy should:
  • Attempt to get a pistol permit.
  • Attempt to get a short barreled rifle.
  • Attempt to get a rifle with a detachable magazine, and an adjustable stock so you, your spouse and your responsible children can all safely practice using the same rifle.
  • Attempt to get their gun purchase--their right to have the best tool for self defense--subsidized by tax payers.
No sane person ever considered ending a human their Right. That's a psychopath's notion... except perhaps, a woman getting an abortion. Right?

Over a million defenseless human lives are electively ended every year, euphemistically under the umbrella of "healthcare." Protected as an exercise of a Right.

That is the accepted cost of preserving the human right to personal autonomy--but only when we're discussing abortion using the best medical practices.

I don't like that cost, but if that's what it takes to prevent the whole of society from turning human beings into brood animals, personal property, and the involuntary means to the ends of others, then its the price that must be paid.

I get that.

But when we're discussing preserving personal autonomy, through the right to possess the best tools to defend human lives from those with in possession of a perverse entitlement to violence against their fellows, the cost of a few thousand human lives is suddenly unacceptably high.

I don't get that.

Many of those human lives are made defenseless by "common sense" gun control laws enacted by persons with their own sense of entitlement to violence against their constituency. I cite every "gun free zone", " mandatory waiting period", and owner/gun registration law as examples.

These are criminal acts perpetrated against all of us, and most particularly against those amongst us most likely to be the targets of the criminally violent. You know, like children, women, and gay folk.

I'd like to think we all agree that women folk possess the human right to defend themselves with the tool(s) of their individual choosing, against the aggressions of those who consider them property (and their elected proxies). I'd like to think we agree that said right--constitutionally--shall not be infringed for all the OBVIOUS reasons.

Irrational, unreasonable requirements for legally obtaining an abortion are not valid justifications for irrational, unreasonable requirements for obtaining guns.
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A waiting period wouldn't bother me, I'm pretty well stocked up so it would just be a minor inconvenience. It does happen for a few days on occasion if the NCIS is backed up. Happens to cops too.

But what about the young gal that has a boyfriend/husband go insane and threaten to kill her. How many examples of that ending badly do we need? She may not have 10 days left to live.
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.

The first settlers to America were greeted by people who did not deport them for being illegal immigrants.
Edited to add: But the first settlers DID end up murdering the majority of their hosts, or else sequestering them off into reservations.

The 2nd Amendment was for private citizens to form a militia in the event the new government became tyrannical as England had become.
And your last statement is pure rhetorical bullshit that does not explain low mass murder rates in the countries I listed, Sparky.
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But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up. one really wants to address why other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem. Why does that question scare you chickenhawks so? Because you can't answer it without admitting that gun control works. one really wants to address why other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem. Why does that question scare you chickenhawks so? Because you can't answer it without admitting that gun control works.

Or trying to blame blacks and Hispanics. Just like they always do.
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you! one really wants to address why other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
What problem?

The problem defined as "Why does The U.S. have more mass shootings than all the countries that have fewer mess shootings?"

The solution is to avoid cherry-picking the countries you'd prefer to make comparisons with to illegitimately support your disingenuous point.

Why does that question scare you chickenhawks so?
Whatever in the whole world [rather than your carefully chosen portion of it] are you talking about?

Because you can't answer it without admitting that gun control works.
Gun control has worked exactly how? Fewer murders? What? Tell us, Cupcake.
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!
But the woman getting the abortion has made a conscious choice to kill at least one innocent human being.

A zygote or fetus is called such, specifically by the scientific community, because they are not yet humans...
A claim made only by those who enjoy the benefit of not being aborted, for the purpose of rationalizing the ending of a human life.

If you want to afford fetuses and zygotes full rights and access to the same laws and rules as humans, then you need to figure out a way to get them registered to vote and pay taxes. Or else sit down and shut up.
OBVIOUS straw-man, Cupcake.

If you can't refute my actual point, just sit down and keep your own pie hole shut.

Thank you!

Your actual point is meaningless since abortion is legal and not considered murder.
So what you need to do is post here just what other rights and privileges under law a fetus/zygote has that is equal to or supersedes a human's. Do it or shut your intellectually lazy ass up.

Update: 11:58 AM EST
Still waiting.
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The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings

Lead in citizens incarcerated and wouldn't be surprised if we have the most people under the influence of Rx narcotics, and mentally ill.

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