The US Leads the World in Mass Shootings

I'll take my chances with the massacres and will carry more often should I get concerned. I prefer that approach than expecting government to solve my immediate problem, should that occasion occur.

What these liberals can't understand (since it involves something more than what can be seen and touched) is that guns have always been with us. In fact we wouldn't be a country without them. It was much easier to get guns not long ago. What has changed it the progressives destruction of morality. If someone is hurting, society did it to you and you don't deserve it.

The liberal's solution is to take away my guns. My solution is to defeat liberalism wherever it rears its' ugly head.
Right on!!! Also, lenient sentencing of murderers.
I've seen a lot of comments essentially downplaying this stuff - there has always been violence, it's only a big deal because of the internet, on and on.

We have a clear and ongoing copycat pattern of homicidal/suicidal maniacs getting their hands on guns and targeting colleges and innocent college kids.

They want to slaughter young people and then commit suicide.

I don't see why anyone would want to downplay this.

It's not down playing it. but again. what can we do about it. we used to lock these crazies up UNTIL they wailed it was AGAINST their human rights. the guy was discharged from the military. why didn't THEY catch him and warn us? there is nothing the rest of US can about this but GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS for it. I'm not willing to do that. they want government to do something. LOCK THEM UP
I've seen a lot of comments essentially downplaying this stuff - there has always been violence, it's only a big deal because of the internet, on and on.

We have a clear and ongoing copycat pattern of homicidal/suicidal maniacs getting their hands on guns and targeting colleges and innocent college kids.

They want to slaughter young people and then commit suicide.

I don't see why anyone would want to downplay this.

It's not down playing it. but again. what can we do about it. we used to lock these crazies up UNTIL they wailed it was AGAINST their human rights. the guy was discharged from the military. why didn't THEY catch him and warn us? there is nothing the rest of US can about this but GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS for it. I'm not willing to do that. they want government to do something. LOCK THEM UP
But lock them up when?
It's not down playing it. but again. what can we do about it. we used to lock these crazies up UNTIL they wailed it was their human rights. the guy was discharged from the military. why didn't THEY catch him and warn us? there is nothing the rest of US can about this but GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS for it. I'm not willing to do that. they want government to do something. LOCK THEM UP
When lined up for execution by a lone motherfucker with a gun, fight back...try to subdue the son of a bitch. You are marked for death anyway, might as well go down fighting that gives a better chance to survive and reduce the number of murdered.
The Wall Street Urinal. That shitty paper will warp yer mind. I used to be a subscriber. Now I'm not. (Just like that Addiction commercial!)

How many deaths have been caused by Mass Bombing Raids from the US Government? How many deaths have been caused by the US invading sovereign nations since WWII?

Why is there never any call for "Gun Control" of the US Government?
I've seen a lot of comments essentially downplaying this stuff - there has always been violence, it's only a big deal because of the internet, on and on.

We have a clear and ongoing copycat pattern of homicidal/suicidal maniacs getting their hands on guns and targeting colleges and innocent college kids.

They want to slaughter young people and then commit suicide.

I don't see why anyone would want to downplay this.

It's not down playing it. but again. what can we do about it. we used to lock these crazies up UNTIL they wailed it was AGAINST their human rights. the guy was discharged from the military. why didn't THEY catch him and warn us? there is nothing the rest of US can about this but GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS for it. I'm not willing to do that. they want government to do something. LOCK THEM UP
But lock them up when?

The military knew the kid had problems. they could have done something then. Instead they released him back on the rest of us. so this blood from this shooting is on their hands in my book. why is THIS GOVERNMENT never held accountable for anything? It's always a wail to take away us innocent gun owners rights
It's not down playing it. but again. what can we do about it. we used to lock these crazies up UNTIL they wailed it was their human rights. the guy was discharged from the military. why didn't THEY catch him and warn us? there is nothing the rest of US can about this but GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS for it. I'm not willing to do that. they want government to do something. LOCK THEM UP
When lined up for execution by a lone motherfucker with a gun, fight back...try to subdue the son of a bitch. You are marked for death anyway, might as well go down fighting that gives a better chance to survive and reduce the number of murdered.

well I would do that if I had been there. I'd rather die fighting then lay down and have some stupid SOB picked me off like a sitting duck.
The military knew the kid had problems. they could have done something then. Instead they released him back on the rest of us. so this blood from this shooting is on their hands in my book. why is THIS GOVERNMENT never held accountable for anything? It's always a wail to take away us innocent gun owners rights
Just like the always do....every chance they get they try to impose more and more control exploiting emotions, defying logic.
(..still innocent? Kidding!)
I don't know the solution to this. get a public message on television that everyone get some self defense classes in. learn how to deal with a stressful situation. I feel awful for the people killed by this lowlife and I'm sure they were caught off guard. But I'm not giving up my rights, especially not against this GOVERNMENT we have in here today
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings
What percent of the 7.3 billion own a legal gun?
Factor this little reality check and the claim is fatally (sorry) flawed.
The only way to come up with any meaningful data is to factor in what percent of the 7.3 billion.
It's like claiming the US accounts for a higher percent of automobile deaths compared to a country in which 10% of the population own a car.
The shooting in Oregon reinforces one thing - the US leads the world in mass shootings.

The researchers counted 23 mass shootings in 13 European nations plus Russia from 2000 to 2014, with a total of 203 deaths. During that time, the U.S. saw 133 shootings and 487 dead, resulting in a 0.15 mass shooting fatality rate per 100,000 residents, according to their tally. Separately, U.S. federal authorities have reported an increase in mass shooting in recent years.​

The article cites stricter gun control laws in the UK, Australia and Canada after mass shootings, which were then followed by declines in massacres.

Ms. Schildkraut said U.S. lawmakers should be wary of trying to mimic gun-control laws abroad. “Our culture of violence is such that our needs are not the same,” she said. “To expect solutions that work in those other countries to work here is not exactly realistic.” ...

Adam Lankford, an associate professor at the University of Alabama Department of Criminal Justice, who studied mass shootings around world from 1966 to 2012, found that countries with higher rates of gun ownership recorded more mass shooters per capita. ...

The U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters 1966 to 2012, more than any other country ...​

U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings
The U.S. also leads in mass shootings for nations with a flag planted on the moon.

13 nations hardly comprise the world.

I don't even have to look at countries in Asia, South America, and Africa to know the U.S. is hardly a leader in shootings.

This is handwringing hysteria fueled by carefully cherry-picked statistics.
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It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.
What do you suggest be done about it?

we used to lock up the crazies until the ACLU and the left got involved and said it against their human rights.
you should thank your lucky stars, too.....cuz youd be one of the locked ones
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.

Operative word being "dealt".

We no longer are dealing with the same threats from no legal authority. Hence the attitude of the public should change. Of course, that would mean recognizing living under a 230+ Y/O Business model is patently crazy. But that is what you get when you try to have a rational conversation with conservatives.
It amazes me how we don't have the discussion of how Canada, Australia, Japan and other developed, industrialized countries don't have this problem.
If you're so amazed read some fucking history books. The reason/s for the difference will then become clear. At least to a sentient person.
Why do I bother.
When the US was being populated by the first settlers their was zero legal authority to greet them. They had to elect their own law to protect themselves. That's why the Second Amendment was added. So people had a right to carry guns to protect themselves.
In the case of say Canada the RCMP were already in place BEFORE the settlers arrived. The RCMP (government) meant the settlers didn't have to depend on themselves for protection.
This disparity in the way each country was settled is only one of a very complex set of circumstances explaining how each country has dealt with their law enforcement problems.

Operative word being "dealt".

We no longer are dealing with the same threats from no legal authority. Hence the attitude of the public should change. Of course, that would mean recognizing living under a 230+ Y/O Business model is patently crazy. But that is what you get when you try to have a rational conversation with conservatives.

Don't you think if the founders wanted an expiration date on the Constitution they would have put one in?


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