The USA Border needs help now.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I took a trip down to the border in Texas and pulled into the Rest area on I-10 parked and watched. I was just started to get dark when I saw throught my bi kox about 10 people in the distance moving through the brush. Illegals moving North. A Truck driver walking by stopped and we talked. He said that they are aways seen at dusk and the traffic gets heavy around 11 PM. He also said they know when the Border patrol is changing shifts. Nothing else showed up so I was about to leave when I noticed it was 10:34 PM and I was able to see about 33 to 56 people coming by the same route. That means about 100 came by the rest area that short time. Yes we need wall patrolmen and anything else to stop this invasion and that is what it is. There is so many heading this way drastic move must be made and made now.
The groups of immigrants are bigger and more frequent than ever. Contrary to popular Liberal belief, our resources are not unlimited. And their massive numbers are taking resources away from the poorest American citizens.
2,000 or more of them on the way right now, too.

Hello Pelosi? Are you listening?

Schumer? Hello?

Hello? Anyone there?

2,000 or more of them on the way right now, too.

Hello Pelosi? Are you listening?

Schumer? Hello?

Hello? Anyone there?

Actually, there are over 10,000 in this current group, and another group behind them. Buses are ferrying them from town to town north-

Another massive migrant caravan is on its way to the U.S. from Central America.

The possibly largest-ever caravan from Central America has amassed more than 12,000 people, some of who intend to pursue refugee status in Mexico, while many more are headed for the U.S., the New York Times reported Friday.

The number in the caravan isn’t just an estimate – it’s the number of migrants who have requested visas from the Mexican government.
2,000 or more of them on the way right now, too.

Hello Pelosi? Are you listening?

Schumer? Hello?

Hello? Anyone there?

Actually, there are over 10,000 in this current group, and another group behind them. Buses are ferrying them from town to town north-

Another massive migrant caravan is on its way to the U.S. from Central America.

The possibly largest-ever caravan from Central America has amassed more than 12,000 people, some of who intend to pursue refugee status in Mexico, while many more are headed for the U.S., the New York Times reported Friday.

The number in the caravan isn’t just an estimate – it’s the number of migrants who have requested visas from the Mexican government.

I took a trip down to the border in Texas and pulled into the Rest area on I-10 parked and watched. I was just started to get dark when I saw throught my bi kox about 10 people in the distance moving through the brush. Illegals moving North. A Truck driver walking by stopped and we talked. He said that they are aways seen at dusk and the traffic gets heavy around 11 PM. He also said they know when the Border patrol is changing shifts. Nothing else showed up so I was about to leave when I noticed it was 10:34 PM and I was able to see about 33 to 56 people coming by the same route. That means about 100 came by the rest area that short time. Yes we need wall patrolmen and anything else to stop this invasion and that is what it is. There is so many heading this way drastic move must be made and made now.

When I lived in Kimble county on the south Llano river I saw illegals regularly walking down the river.
When they'd stop and ask for food I'd tell em to go two houses down and they'd help em......
It was the local Sheriffs house.
This isn't happening by accident. There are immigrant rights groups active all throughout central America organizing and funding these caravans. The purpose is to overwhelm all of our resources and institutions. Out of the resulting civil war, the left can create their utopia where all have equal income and borders throughout the world no longer exist.

Trump needs to close the border completely and tax all remittances to pay the costs and the cost of building the wall.
And what does any of this matter, if we allow them to stay here?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
And what does any of this matter, if we allow them to stay here?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
1 is a LEGAL PATH......the other is AGAINST THE LAW.......

In regards to the work visa's ............they are LIMITED..........

Best thing Trump could do right now is order ICE to go postal with mass raids on businesses hiring illegals and deport in mass..........would be PERFECTLY LEGAL.........and force the left to the table
The wall would end a lot of it and take care of the anchor baby bull shit as well.

Once up we can boot those that are here back across the border and they won't be able to get back in. Works for me.

It would also save we the tax payer billions every year.

Go after those that are knowingly hiring illegals and get em in court.

The illegal situation has been in crises for decades and none of the dipshits in DC want to do anything about it. Until Trump that is.
1 is a LEGAL PATH......the other is AGAINST THE LAW.......

In regards to the work visa's ............they are LIMITED..........

they've holes big enough to drive a caravan through Eagle

Best thing Trump could do right now is order ICE to go postal with mass raids on businesses hiring illegals and deport in mass..........would be PERFECTLY LEGAL.........and force the left to the table

Do we have an immigration problem or not?

I'm reading the number of illegal entries is down, the number of legal entries keeps rising

So we could arm ICE to the teeth, yet they've little gains with our immigration problem if we continue to legislate the means to enter this country LEGALLY

I took a trip down to the border in Texas and pulled into the Rest area on I-10 parked and watched. I was just started to get dark when I saw throught my bi kox about 10 people in the distance moving through the brush. Illegals moving North. A Truck driver walking by stopped and we talked. He said that they are aways seen at dusk and the traffic gets heavy around 11 PM. He also said they know when the Border patrol is changing shifts. Nothing else showed up so I was about to leave when I noticed it was 10:34 PM and I was able to see about 33 to 56 people coming by the same route. That means about 100 came by the rest area that short time. Yes we need wall patrolmen and anything else to stop this invasion and that is what it is. There is so many heading this way drastic move must be made and made now.
I recommend Isreali Galils.
1 is a LEGAL PATH......the other is AGAINST THE LAW.......

In regards to the work visa's ............they are LIMITED..........

they've holes big enough to drive a caravan through Eagle

Best thing Trump could do right now is order ICE to go postal with mass raids on businesses hiring illegals and deport in mass..........would be PERFECTLY LEGAL.........and force the left to the table

Do we have an immigration problem or not?

I'm reading the number of illegal entries is down, the number of legal entries keeps rising

So we could arm ICE to the teeth, yet they've little gains with our immigration problem if we continue to legislate the means to enter this country LEGALLY

Schumer-Rounds-Collins Destroys Ability of DHS to Enforce Immigration Laws, Creating a Mass Amnesty For Over 10 Million Illegal Aliens, Including Criminals

How the hell do we know illegal entry is down........they post the ones caught not in secure zones instead of the 1600 miles of border without barriers.......

The Fence act of 2006 put up only about 325 miles of crappy pedestrian fences that pregnant women could climb was a JOKE...and spent only 2.5 billion in over a decade on it...........the other 300 or so miles was vehicle barriers...........they can just walk through in 1600 miles of border anytime they feel like it.........most get through and the less are coming is a crock..........

The loop holes are in place to keep the cheap labor votes......

Illegal Work Under Fake Social Security Number? Government Still Pays Benefits! | The Senior Citizens League

Fake id. cards by illegals for work...............well over 10 million now............a network to get by the I-9 forms required under the 1986 Reagan law...........The Social Security dept doesn't care because they say generates money.

IRS Ignores Illegal Immigrants Using Fake Social Security Numbers; Corporal Singh's Accused Killer Had Two - Big League Politics
I know illegals that made $200/day painting.No Uhmerrykinz in sight.Well. There was some at Starbux and Walmart.
I know illegals that made $200/day painting.No Uhmerrykinz in sight.Well. There was some at Starbux and Walmart.

And i've seen immigrants on every major construction job since Carter was in office

ALL of them entered legally, most of them are transported, housed, fed and paid LEGALLY while all manner of bureaucracy walks right by them on these jobs

And so they're asking me (and you) for some serious tax $$$ , not one penny of it will be effective against the REAL problem i see

I'm 100% for the wall, even if it takes a "national emergency" declaration and a court fight.

My brother was in the AF on the southern border and he said that they could track the drug cartel planes coming up from Central America, but were not allowed to coordinate with the DEA or law enforcement. I hope that those stupid rules of engagement have been fixed to stop the drug traffic.

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