The USA is becoming a police state!

Becoming a police state? HOLY shit, we started down that road with the false flag event that was the OKC bombing in 1995 that introduced Project Echelon and all the apparatus for implementing total survellience of the internet was put in place prior to 9/11 and was implemented with the Patriot Act...the police state has been around for a long time. Our southern border is totally unsecured but this corporate "gubermint" needs to store and record my data and peruse it........fuck them. I hope they read every fucking' thing I write....they might learn something. One can only hope.

But can't actually back any of that ship up factually. Like most of your conspiracy nonsense, it only works when no one asks you any questions, when you don't have to fact check your claims, and you don't have to back anything you say.

If you have to do any of those things......your conspiracy horseshit falls to the ground is great sloppy plops. And just sits there steaming as you desperately try to polish it.

"Police brutality is the primary component of a police state."


A police state manifests when citizens are denied due process of the law, when citizens are presumed guilty and are subject to punitive measures by the state absent due process, and when citizens are denied the ability to defend themselves in a court of law before a neutral magistrate.

A police state manifests when free speech is denied, when opposition to the government by the press is criminalized, and when only official state propaganda is allowed to be disseminated to the people.

And none of the above is occurring in the United States.
I'm surprised that you clearly don't know the difference between a police state and a totalitarian state. I suggest you hit the books.

Indeed, the fact that citizens subject to police brutality are at liberty seek damages in civil court, where a sworn officer suspected to have engaged in brutality might be subject to criminal prosecution and investigated for committing possible Federal civil rights violations is further proof that police brutality is not the primary component of a police state, and that the United States is in no way, shape, or form a 'police state.'

Again, the notion is ridiculous, hyperbolic nonsense.
I didn't say America presently is a police state. I simply explained what a police state is and referenced some early indicators of its emergence.
some examples :

Gimme a break? I think it better to wake up now , eh?!

So.... your claim that we're a police state, is based on the fact police officers have confronted criminals.

What would you call a non-police state? No police? Or Police that do not enforce laws? Or what?

This is the same silly muppet who insists that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because (and I quote) it 'can be no other way'.

Trying to use logic and evidence with that is like trying to teach a pony to count to orange.
What era 'not so long ago' in America was it where no state or federal magistrate would dare issue a 'no knock' break in warrant for anything less than a 'life or death expediency'.

Midred and Richard Loving had one executed on them in 1967. The police were trying to catch them of in the act of having sex as interracial sex was a felony. So they executed the warrant in the middle of the night with no knock....just flooding into the house.

Midred and Richard were just sleeping. So the police had to settle for arresting them for interracial marriage instead.

Now correct me if I'm wrong....but trying to catch a married couple fucking isn't what you'd call a 'life or death expediency', is it?
Did you visit the Cato Institute website I referenced re: the current frequency of break-ins, which have become so commonplace that they sometimes take place without a warrant? If not please do so and let me know how you think it compares with the one oddball exception that took place in some race-obsessed community in the mid-sixties, which is when the political atmosphere in America had begun to change.

Try extending your search for contrary examples to the '40s and '50s, eras which I lived through and have clear recollection of. I'm sure you'll find a few lynchings, but I doubt you will find more than a rare example of a "no-knock" warrant being issued.

Also keep in mind that even as relatively recent as the mid-1960s the idea of an inter-racial sexual liaison was as intolerable in some parts of the deep South as would be cannibalism of babies in the North.
some examples :

Gimme a break? I think it better to wake up now , eh?!

So.... your claim that we're a police state, is based on the fact police officers have confronted criminals.

What would you call a non-police state? No police? Or Police that do not enforce laws? Or what?

This is the same silly muppet who insists that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because (and I quote) it 'can be no other way'.

Trying to use logic and evidence with that is like trying to teach a pony to count to orange.

Yeah, I kind of figured that. I had hoped that at least there would be some definition, not matter how illogical, of what a non-police state is.
What era 'not so long ago' in America was it where no state or federal magistrate would dare issue a 'no knock' break in warrant for anything less than a 'life or death expediency'.

Midred and Richard Loving had one executed on them in 1967. The police were trying to catch them of in the act of having sex as interracial sex was a felony. So they executed the warrant in the middle of the night with no knock....just flooding into the house.

Midred and Richard were just sleeping. So the police had to settle for arresting them for interracial marriage instead.

Now correct me if I'm wrong....but trying to catch a married couple fucking isn't what you'd call a 'life or death expediency', is it?
Did you visit the Cato Institute website I referenced re: the current frequency of break-ins, which have become so commonplace that they sometimes take place without a warrant? If not please do so and let me know how you think it compares with the one oddball exception that took place in some race-obsessed community in the mid-sixties, which is when the political atmosphere in America had begun to change.

Try extending your search for contrary examples to the '40s and '50s, eras which I lived through and have clear recollection of. I'm sure you'll find a few lynchings, but I doubt you will find more than a rare example of a "no-knock" warrant being issued.

Also keep in mind that even as relatively recent as the mid-1960s the idea of an inter-racial sexual liaison was as intolerable in some parts of the deep South as would be cannibalism of babies in the North.

How many of these 'break ins' did the the Cato Institute count in 1967? Specifically.
I don't think anyone can argue there is police brutality, but also what is seen on many videos (no I didn't watch those posted) are only portions of the full events that aren't included. And it's not always just the police, but the public too behave as if they don't even have half a brain. What isn't being addressed is that police officers put their lives on the line everyday & every moment of their lives. I'm not excusing those that are abusing their 'power' in brutality cases, but those events are not the normal rule of police behavior.
No one said they are.

The only point being stressed here is rising public awareness of a significant change in the nature and character of the relationship between the American public and its civil police. One reason for concern is the collective cost of damage awards to victims of police misconduct and brutality, which is massive and rising. We Pay A Shocking Amount For Police Misconduct, And Cops Want Us Just To Accept It. We Shouldn't.

If the sociological aspect of police misconduct and brutality is not cause for concern the economic aspect might be.

If you want a scenario of a police state, one instance I remember off hand, is the students being mowed down in Tiananmen Square in China. The students were staging a peaceful protest and military officers shot them by the thousands.
It's interesting that you cite the massacre of students in Tianamen Square, China, but you ignore the massacre of American students at Kent State University by National Guard troops. Why is that?

THIS is a police state, this is NOT happening in the US. A true police state is the citizens to be ruled by MILITARY force. Our police are NOT military.

Video: Terror in Tiananmen Square
Military rule is dictatorship, totalitarianism. A police state is not quite so severe. One example of military rule was 1970s Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Another is contemporary North Korea.

One example of a police state is Haiti. Another is Saudi Arabia.

What I dont get is that I am not out to get people, but to warn people about what is coming. Then they treat me like some enemy, while I want to help by warning people. But is seems that this kind of information is very hard to 'swallow' for people.

It is a strange thing indeed.
People tend to reject ideas they don't like and which conflict with ideas they've been conditioned via effective propaganda to accept. The news media is presently dominated by such highly paid, highly skilled right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Levin, et al. So you are up against a powerful counter-force.

I know . AND the media are filled to the brim with CIA agents and what have you.

AND I think we can not not do it. warning people.

And btw In the end,WE, the people are an enormous force if we all are aware and work together

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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So It Begins: American Police Start Pushing To Weaponize Domestic Drones

So It Begins: American Police Start Pushing to Weaponize Domestic Drones

You could be called a domestic terrorist for being so creative.

Well worth watching all the way through for Believers. Border patrols agents can be a little testy. Back in 2004 we had one that thought for a moment he wanted to harass us after my dog woofed at his dog and his poor dog pissed all over its self when he walked up on the back window of the pickup. We were going from south Texas over to drive through New Mexico on up to Idaho. His superior wouldn't let him get nasty with us though and it really did agitate the guy because his dog couldn't stop shaking. That poor dog was scared shitless and the idiot just kept standing there with it verses moving his dog back away from the vehicle. An eighty pound dog knows its no match for a dog with that deep woof of a two hundred pound dog. Our dog had only woofed once when the agent startled him. When his dog kept barking and pissing all over its self ours maintain a very low quiet growl.

Christians - Predestination: Yes or No?

Very disturbing to see them break into someone's house and shoot their dog but another one people should watch. When I was falsely charged by the out of control (everyone should be a Catholic) judge and (Mormon do the bishop a favor) prosecutor our house in a small town of two hundred was surrounded both back and front with cop cars. They had a local thug town cop (that was sleeping with a former employee I'd fired) and a newly elected compliant sheriff. The old sheriff would have never considered doing what they did like that. We had five large dogs that came in the house and went out in their fenced yard as they pleased so when we saw the lights we immediately went out to see what was up. The police situation in some areas looks like it could be much worse. I am so glad we don't live in a big city.
How about police recruiting psychopaths?

Not by accidence, they are screened for it, and if a psychopath you are in.

Well, psychopaths in police is exactly what a police state needs!

So, The police WANTS psychopats.

And I have spoke to a police officer in the uk and she stopped working at the police because of all the idiots she did see in the police force.
How about police recruiting psychopaths?

Not by accidence, they are screened for it, and if a psychopath you are in.

Well, psychopaths in police is exactly what a police state needs!

So, The police WANTS psychopats.

And I have spoke to a police officer in the uk and she stopped working at the police because of all the idiots she did see in the police force.
This would make sense if your ultimate goal is having people with no conscious awareness of civility. I have wondered how many are compromised because of pharmaceuticals. Living with or around unconscionable people becomes unbearable but I suppose a lot of people may have to learn that as that is what it appears we are getting in many areas.

The Mormon police state. This is also why Romney would never be voted in for president by a majority of people. Even most Christians realize that what you put in your body is not what offends it is what comes out of your mouth that becomes an offense.
This would make sense if your ultimate goal is having people with no conscious awareness of civility. .

That's the goal, no consciousness and, very important, NO EMPATHY.

Empathy deleted is the way to go if you want cops to do whatever you want. killing babies, dogs and what have you.
And Empathy Deleted is the mind-set of the force behind the police.

And I can assure the people here, they haven't seen anything yet of what is to come!


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