The USA is becoming a police state!

Look...anyone that uses "film" or "tape" has gotten themselves so lathered up over their perceptions, they forget that its 2016 not 1986.
BTW the Ickemesiter is wrong and that is NOT what the ruling says.....
Cops don't like you filming their activities and that is a fact. You can get arrested for doing so.......that is also a fact. If you think 9/11 actually happened like we were told, you are one of the uninformed sheeple. I was one of those sheeple for 11 years until reality punched me in the face. Wake the fuck are not in Kansas anymore.
Yeah well, you conspiracy theorists are all outside of what's left of your minds..
I suppose you saw that silly conspiracy movie shown on HBO a few years ago....And of course you being among the easily led now have a case of "hook in mouth"...
Regarding 9/11 you have a point of view. An opinion. And you've convinced yourself that something stinks. You believe there is something going on so deeply, you have become irrational in your belief. So much so that when presented with a viewpoint that does not agree with yours, you lash out at that person.
Look, believe what you want. You don't have the right to attack those who will not kowtow to your point of view. And that is all it is. YOUR point of view.
BTW genius. What the police don't like is immaterial. They are recording themselves for Christ's sake.
"you CAN be arrested"...Yeah. if your ar recording instead of obeying the lawful commands of law enforcement or interfering with the lawful duties of the police, yes, these are chargeable offenses.
And most prosecutors/DA's/Solicitors won't give the charges the time of day. Most of them tell the police brass "don't waste my time with this crap"..
Record to your heart's content. But don't interfere and don't make an ass of yourself by screaming that you know your rights.
Look...anyone that uses "film" or "tape" has gotten themselves so lathered up over their perceptions, they forget that its 2016 not 1986.
BTW the Ickemesiter is wrong and that is NOT what the ruling says.....
Cops don't like you filming their activities and that is a fact. You can get arrested for doing so.......that is also a fact. If you think 9/11 actually happened like we were told, you are one of the uninformed sheeple. I was one of those sheeple for 11 years until reality punched me in the face. Wake the fuck are not in Kansas anymore.[/QUOTE]
Yeah well, you conspiracy theorists are all outside of what's left of your minds..
I suppose you saw that silly conspiracy movie shown on HBO a few years ago....And of course you being among the easily led now have a case of "hook in mouth"...
Regarding 9/11 you have a point of view. An opinion. And you've convinced yourself that something stinks. You believe there is something going on so deeply, you have become irrational in your belief. So much so that when presented with a viewpoint that does not agree with yours, you lash out at that person.
Look, believe what you want. You don't have the right to attack those who will not kowtow to your point of view. And that is all it is. YOUR point of view.
BTW genius. What the police don't like is immaterial. They are recording themselves for Christ's sake.
"you CAN be arrested"...Yeah. if your ar recording instead of obeying the lawful commands of law enforcement or interfering with the lawful duties of the police, yes, these are chargeable offenses.
And most prosecutors/DA's/Solicitors won't give the charges the time of day. Most of them tell the police brass "don't waste my time with this crap"..
Record to your heart's content. But don't interfere and don't make an ass of yourself by screaming that you know your rights.[/QUOTE]

So, you don't really get it then, eh?!

And conspiracy movie on HBO? Hmmmmm

what do you have agains all the conspiracy facts?

Or are you an all-is-random-theorist?
Fifty years ago American society didn't have anywhere near the level of crime and drugs associated with crime. The migration of negroes who were displaced by technology in the South up to the Northern states meant tens of thousands of them stuffed into what became inner shity shitholes. Negroes came North to work.
This is true.

Passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act included the right of any citizen to freely move from any state to any state and apply for federally subsidized welfare, if necessary. I recall large photographs on the front page of the New York Daily News and The Post of lines of hordes of migrant Blacks escaping the racist South getting off buses at the Greyhound Station, some carrying suitcases tied with rope, some carrying pillowcases stuffed with their belongings. Next day there were photographs of lines of migrant Blacks waiting to get into the welfare office three blocks away from the bus depot. The lines reached around the block.

That was in 1964. In 1965 the street crime rate in New York City had increased by more than 200% and the NYPD launched a massive hiring program.
Fifty years ago American society didn't have anywhere near the level of crime and drugs associated with crime. The migration of negroes who were displaced by technology in the South up to the Northern states meant tens of thousands of them stuffed into what became inner shity shitholes. Negroes came North to work.
This is true.

Passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act included the right of any citizen to freely move from any state to any state and apply for federally subsidized welfare, if necessary. I recall large photographs on the front page of the New York Daily News and The Post of lines of hordes of migrant Blacks escaping the racist South getting off buses at the Greyhound Station, some carrying suitcases tied with rope, some carrying pillowcases stuffed with their belongings. Next day there were photographs of lines of migrant Blacks waiting to get into the welfare office three blocks away from the bus depot. The lines reached around the block.

That was in 1964. In 1965 the street crime rate in New York City had increased by more than 200% and the NYPD launched a massive hiring program.
I lived in some of the most violent negro neighborhoods imaginable in Chicago.
I have photographic slides my father took of our neighborhood from the mid fifties. Peaceful, safe, clean place to live. Towards the end of the fifties the neighborhood was flooded with negroes from the South. It had disintegrated into a negro on negro daily battle zone. Thankfully we were able to move to safety.
The left's agenda is finally becoming a reality. A generation of dumbed down idiots who have no idea of the Constitution and the freedom that makes America great are coming of age. They whine about a "police state" because they are too ignorant to understand what a police state is. They sat on their asses for their short lives and complained about the system without knowing what the system was about. East Germany was a police state. The government could shoot a citizen in the back for trying to visit relatives on the other side of the wall. Cuba was a police state. The government could lock up a citizen for vague crimes against the state such as engaging in capitalist enterprises or being homosexual. There is no appeal in a police state. About 135 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2015 to ensure the right of idiots to call the greatest Country in the world a "police state".
These things do happen here in the United States "The government could lock up a citizen for vague crimes against the state such as engaging in capitalist enterprises or being homosexual." We can add to that list with; not paying off anyone, buying in or making a deal to be "authorized to do business" (FYI no one ever told me who or where that authorization could be gotten), hiring someone's cousin and a variety of other lame bullshit measly excuses the corrupt in charge can think of.

It is just not everywhere yet and it probably has not happen to you or someone you know personally. The corrupted has just gotten worse in some areas that were already corrupt. The corruption has expanded slowly but surely in certain areas. It should not take fifteen to twenty years to get rid of a corrupt law enforcement officer or an over zealous out of control government worker. The moment that knowledge comes forth about any corruption anywhere in government with viable proof it should be dealt with, investigated and acted on properly not buried.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
I lived in some of the most violent negro neighborhoods imaginable in Chicago.

I have photographic slides my father took of our neighborhood from the mid fifties. Peaceful, safe, clean place to live. Towards the end of the fifties the neighborhood was flooded with negroes from the South. It had disintegrated into a negro on negro daily battle zone. Thankfully we were able to move to safety.
I can say the same things about some parts of South Brooklyn, which once were wonderful places to live in spite of the lower income level of their inhabitants. I watched them transformed into ghettos (Crown Heights, et al).

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
When they do it just makes the whole corrupt. Doctors, lawyers and judges or whatever specialist group it may be that assist in cover-ups create an unethical, not trust worthy and unhealthy working enviroment for all of us.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
When they do it just makes the whole corrupt. Doctors, lawyers and judges or whatever specialist group it may be that assist in cover-ups create an unethical, not trust worthy and unhealthy working enviroment for all of us.
You are seriously a fucking idiot.
Not that you are capable of comprehending this but:
I was professionally involved with LE for decades.
Why do I bother attempting to reason with the likes of you?
Please try to really honestly THINK!
99.9% of LEO's are straight decent plain ordinary men and women trying to do an extremely dangerous job. They literally put their lives on the line every day. Sometimes to save the fucking lowest scum on earth. Rapists, murderers, child molesters.
Not ONE of these LEO's would EVER cover for a 'bad cop'. They would never jeopardise their career and the respect of their families to cover for someone who would drag their good name down
When a department becomes aware they have a 'bad cop' any they do VERY quickly from the information provided by the straight cops the department gets rid of the bad cops ASAP. The department KNOWS it's only a matter of time before the bad cop fucks up and the department is sued.
You 'cop haters' have fucked up with the law. Some cop has been "mean" to you because you were acting like an asshole. Man up. Take your fucking lumps!
Something tells me had you been the cop YOU would have been "mean" to the other person.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.

I don't see many cops just randomly picking someone, and trying to inflict pain. And the extreme few cops who do.... I don't see any cops anywhere defending them.

Where are these cops you think just walk around randomly attacking people?

It's like that video posted a page ago. The title of the video was "Extreme police brutality!" or whatever, and the very first clip of the video was of a guy that clearly swung a bladed weapon, like a fire axe or something, at a police officer and was shot. Those police didn't randomly pick the guy... he was swinging a lethal weapon at them!

... sigh.... you people....

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
When they do it just makes the whole corrupt. Doctors, lawyers and judges or whatever specialist group it may be that assist in cover-ups create an unethical, not trust worthy and unhealthy working enviroment for all of us.
You are seriously a fucking idiot.
Not that you are capable of comprehending this but:
I was professionally involved with LE for decades.
Why do I bother attempting to reason with the likes of you?
Please try to really honestly THINK!
99.9% of LEO's are straight decent plain ordinary men and women trying to do an extremely dangerous job. They literally put their lives on the line every day. Sometimes to save the fucking lowest scum on earth. Rapists, murderers, child molesters.
Not ONE of these LEO's would EVER cover for a 'bad cop'. They would never jeopardise their career and the respect of their families to cover for someone who would drag their good name down
When a department becomes aware they have a 'bad cop' any they do VERY quickly from the information provided by the straight cops the department gets rid of the bad cops ASAP. The department KNOWS it's only a matter of time before the bad cop fucks up and the department is sued.
You 'cop haters' have fucked up with the law. Some cop has been "mean" to you because you were acting like an asshole. Man up. Take your fucking lumps!
Something tells me had you been the cop YOU would have been "mean" to the other person.
I thought you were going to put me on ignore. As much as you think you are a big guy with all of the experience in the world you are either very naive or very ignorant of reality. I don't hate cops but I do despise corruption and have seen it go on throughout the country for years in various states. Mike told you but you cannot hear it. Bad cops damage good cops and bad cops put good cops in danger. Bad judges and prosecutors that bring false charges against innocent people for their own personal agendas damage the credibility of good ones. Please put me on ignore as you promised you would.
He slapped him. So now, we can't even slap a punk? This is why our education system is failing. People talk about Finland, but in Finland, the instant you are a behavior problem, they remove you from the school. Here in America, we remove the teacher or the cop, and keep the punk in the school. Then the left demands more money, when we spend more than any other country in the world, and wonders why our education results keep getting lower.
I will agree that many young punks need to be slapped -- or worse. But the problem is once we authorize slapping, soon there will be punching and kicking, the police will quickly assume the visage and general disposition of brute enforcers. This will gradually spread throughout the general population and a police state atmosphere will inevitably arise.

Assigning the role of punisher to the police is dangerously counter-productive.
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I don't see many cops just randomly picking someone, and trying to inflict pain. And the extreme few cops who do.... I don't see any cops anywhere defending them.

Where are these cops you think just walk around randomly attacking people?
Where did I say there are cops who "walk around randomly attacking people?" That occurred only in your imagination.

It's like that video posted a page ago. The title of the video was "Extreme police brutality!" or whatever, and the very first clip of the video was of a guy that clearly swung a bladed weapon, like a fire axe or something, at a police officer and was shot. Those police didn't randomly pick the guy... he was swinging a lethal weapon at them!

More than one of the posted videos are either exaggerated or misleading. Because I haven't taken the time to evaluate and criticize each one doesn't mean I endorse all of them. There are many in which the actions of the police is indefensible -- so let's not toss out the baby with the bath-water.

The behavior of the cops in some of those videos is felonious as well as simply reprehensible and you may rest assured this kind of behavior is not limited to those captured examples. The cops you see doing it have been doing it for years. There are many like them and they are the reason behind the current anti-police atmosphere.

Trying to deny or to defend their conduct does nothing but exacerbate an already volatile situation.
How many of these 'break ins' did the the Cato Institute count in 1967? Specifically.
How many did you find?

At least one. If the CATO institute found less.....than clearly they're not keeping records that amount to much.

What's their number? If you're going to compare eras.....and use as a primary source an institute that doesn't, you're in quite the rhetorical pickle. As you have nothing but yourself to cite as your source.
You found one. Aside from that one you are assuming there are others -- even though you cannot affirm it. Again, you assume. Your entire premise is based on assumption. You are insisting something exists because you want it to exist. This is onanistic reasoning.

I'm done with you.
I don't see many cops just randomly picking someone, and trying to inflict pain. And the extreme few cops who do.... I don't see any cops anywhere defending them.

Where are these cops you think just walk around randomly attacking people?
Where did I say there are cops who "walk around randomly attacking people?" That occurred only in your imagination.

It's like that video posted a page ago. The title of the video was "Extreme police brutality!" or whatever, and the very first clip of the video was of a guy that clearly swung a bladed weapon, like a fire axe or something, at a police officer and was shot. Those police didn't randomly pick the guy... he was swinging a lethal weapon at them!

More than one of the posted videos are either exaggerated or misleading. Because I haven't taken the time to evaluate and criticize each one doesn't mean I endorse all of them. There are many in which the actions of the police is indefensible -- so let's not toss out the baby with the bath-water.

The behavior of the cops in some of those videos is felonious as well as simply reprehensible and you may rest assured this kind of behavior is not limited to those captured examples. The cops you see doing it have been doing it for years. There are many like them and they are the reason behind the current anti-police atmosphere.

Trying to deny or to defend their conduct does nothing but exacerbate an already volatile situation.

"cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation"

If their purpose was simply inflicting pain and humiliation, then I would expect them to be randomly attacking people and humiliating them.

If you are saying they are not doing that, then perhaps your assumption to their purpose is wrong.

If they are not randomly doing things to people, then perhaps they are only doing things to people who have given them reason to.

Now are their bad cops? Sure. Just like their are bad people who have downloaded illegally, music, videos and software, that are typing on this forum right now complaining the police break the law.

I have never suggested that "there are no bad cops. Police have never broken the law". No one has. You argue against a position, that not one single person has taken, at least not that I've seen.

But ironically, you say "so let's not toss out the baby with the bath-water" while doing exactly that in the reverse argument. Because one cop does something wrong, you make grand claims "The cops you see doing it have been doing it for years. There are many like them and they are the reason behind the current anti-police atmosphere."

What do you think you are saying? "We have a video, therefore cops have been doing this for years, and there are many of them!" You tossing out the baby with the bath-water.

If anything, it's because of people like you, making statements like this, that we seem to have more bad cops and fewer good cops all the time. My brother in law, came back from Iraq. His convoy was hit by an IED, and he carried one of his brothers in arms, who had his arm blown off, a mile in the dark back to base.

He came back planning on being in the police force. But there was so much hatred, so much disrespect of the police, he canceled his admittance. There was more respect for him as a soldier by Iraqis in Iraq, than there is for police by the citizens. And soldiers are specifically trained to kill.

Why would any good person want to be police officer, with people like you in this country?
I don't see many cops just randomly picking someone, and trying to inflict pain. And the extreme few cops who do.... I don't see any cops anywhere defending them.

Where are these cops you think just walk around randomly attacking people?
Where did I say there are cops who "walk around randomly attacking people?" That occurred only in your imagination.

It's like that video posted a page ago. The title of the video was "Extreme police brutality!" or whatever, and the very first clip of the video was of a guy that clearly swung a bladed weapon, like a fire axe or something, at a police officer and was shot. Those police didn't randomly pick the guy... he was swinging a lethal weapon at them!

More than one of the posted videos are either exaggerated or misleading. Because I haven't taken the time to evaluate and criticize each one doesn't mean I endorse all of them. There are many in which the actions of the police is indefensible -- so let's not toss out the baby with the bath-water.

The behavior of the cops in some of those videos is felonious as well as simply reprehensible and you may rest assured this kind of behavior is not limited to those captured examples. The cops you see doing it have been doing it for years. There are many like them and they are the reason behind the current anti-police atmosphere.

Trying to deny or to defend their conduct does nothing but exacerbate an already volatile situation.
He slapped him. So now, we can't even slap a punk? This is why our education system is failing. People talk about Finland, but in Finland, the instant you are a behavior problem, they remove you from the school. Here in America, we remove the teacher or the cop, and keep the punk in the school. Then the left demands more money, when we spend more than any other country in the world, and wonders why our education results keep getting lower.
I will agree that many young punks need to be slapped -- or worse. But the problem is once we authorize slapping, soon there will be punching and kicking, the police will quickly assume the visage and general disposition of brute enforcers. This will gradually spread throughout the general population and a police state atmosphere will inevitably arise.

Assigning the role of punisher to the police is dangerously counter-productive.

I have never understood this wack theory.

Really? You really believe that?

Then by that logic, Cuba should be absolutely chaos. The Soviet Union should have been absolute chaos.

In fact, every authoritarian country, should end up in chaos.

Where do you get this idea?

My father when I was young, paddled my butt. It didn't teach me to be violent and destructive. It taught me that actions have consequences, which is why I never vandalized people's property, or stole things, or got into gangs or whatever.

By that logic, we should eliminate prisons... because it teaches people to hold others against their will.

And so what is your theory? We should simply allow kids to assault their teachers, and nothing happen?

Charges: Student choked, body slammed teacher at St. Paul Central High

Choking and body slamming the teacher.

Now, how about we make a friendly bet. How much would you care to make a wager on how much this student was body slammed, and choked by the staff of this school?
I don't think anyone can argue there is police brutality, but also what is seen on many videos (no I didn't watch those posted) are only portions of the full events that aren't included. And it's not always just the police, but the public too behave as if they don't even have half a brain. What isn't being addressed is that police officers put their lives on the line everyday & every moment of their lives. I'm not excusing those that are abusing their 'power' in brutality cases, but those events are not the normal rule of police behavior.
No one said they are.

The only point being stressed here is rising public awareness of a significant change in the nature and character of the relationship between the American public and its civil police. One reason for concern is the collective cost of damage awards to victims of police misconduct and brutality, which is massive and rising. We Pay A Shocking Amount For Police Misconduct, And Cops Want Us Just To Accept It. We Shouldn't.

If the sociological aspect of police misconduct and brutality is not cause for concern the economic aspect might be.

If you want a scenario of a police state, one instance I remember off hand, is the students being mowed down in Tiananmen Square in China. The students were staging a peaceful protest and military officers shot them by the thousands.
It's interesting that you cite the massacre of students in Tianamen Square, China, but you ignore the massacre of American students at Kent State University by National Guard troops. Why is that?

THIS is a police state, this is NOT happening in the US. A true police state is the citizens to be ruled by MILITARY force. Our police are NOT military.

Video: Terror in Tiananmen Square
Military rule is dictatorship, totalitarianism. A police state is not quite so severe. One example of military rule was 1970s Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Another is contemporary North Korea.

One example of a police state is Haiti. Another is Saudi Arabia.

My use of the example of Tiananmen Square was because it was what first came to mind, not the incidents of Kent State. Specifics of the 'dictatorship or totalitarianism under Communist rule' is still a very close similarity to a police state IN THAT they both do not allow for personal freedoms. Yet both are the government tools to control it's citizens. Haiti doesn't have a real military. Saudi Arabia doesn't really have a 'police force' as we do in that any law enforcement there is religious based to enforce Sharia law. Either way, whatever & I won't get into it over trivial details. I don't see it as the point. The point is that none of that government takeover by 'police state' is happening here. We do still have freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, even though it's being picked apart on a daily basis.
Another reason for using T/S as an example?????? On a tour of the state capital building, the guide was mentioning something about the local state laws and the Constitution (sorry I don't remember details, it was many years ago) and my oldest son says 'the Constitution is out of date & doesn't apply anymore...just an old piece of paper' and I turned to him & stated 'do you realize you could have just been shot on site as was happening in TS just for saying that....if we didn't have that 'old piece of paper'?? Then I asked him just where did he get that notion that it didn't apply anymore? His response??? HIS TEACHER.

If you want to talk about what is wrong with this country, it doesn't start with complaining how the police do their jobs it starts with what the schools and parents teach their kids. Have you ever watched people in public? Took notice of customers in a restaurant or even in traffic??? Everyone has that sense of selfish entitlement & don't give 2 flips about anyone else or how they effect others or if it's legal or not. If this country does loose any rights under the Constitution or Bill of Rights, it is only because of the actions of the people that bring it about.
It's not about the government taking over complete control of the people as the OP was insinuating and is using as some scare tactic of conspiracy theories. I will agree there is greater force within law enforcement, but the people perpetuate the need for it. But we have NOT lost those freedoms YET
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

This madness that is being created by nothing but white people, will only end when you nuts realize that this country you so love would be much better off if you fools would stop thinking you own the fuckin planet. Its a shame how crazy you motherfuckers are getting just because a black man was elected president. You are the one else

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