The USA is becoming a police state!

as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

This madness that is being created by nothing but white people, will only end when you nuts realize that this country you so love would be much better off if you fools would stop thinking you own the fuckin planet. Its a shame how crazy you motherfuckers are getting just because a black man was elected president. You are the one else

Actually what is really sad is all the people that thought electing a black president would change anything. Tell me... are thing racially speaking, better or worse since Obama came to office?
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

This madness that is being created by nothing but white people, will only end when you nuts realize that this country you so love would be much better off if you fools would stop thinking you own the fuckin planet. Its a shame how crazy you motherfuckers are getting just because a black man was elected president. You are the one else

Actually what is really sad is all the people that thought electing a black president would change anything. Tell me... are thing racially speaking, better or worse since Obama came to office?

This is the problem I have with you people. First off, Obama did absolutely nothing to make crazy white people more crazier than what you are or were, that's number one. This pointing fingers at OBama cause you got black issues is just stupid, I mean really. That's like nigga's blaming white people cause they can't take care of their fuckin kids....But to answer your stupid question, listen, I never realized how fucked up and sad the white race really is, until Obama took office. I mean you people corner the gotdamn market on fucked up. I find it absolutely ironic the one guy you nuts are all putting your hopes and dreams on, is the very entity that has taken this nations wealth, ie jobs and tax revenue to those overseas....and you find this mf a gotdamned hero....I mean you people are fuckin insane, really you are and I pity you bastards, we all do.
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

This madness that is being created by nothing but white people, will only end when you nuts realize that this country you so love would be much better off if you fools would stop thinking you own the fuckin planet. Its a shame how crazy you motherfuckers are getting just because a black man was elected president. You are the one else

Actually what is really sad is all the people that thought electing a black president would change anything. Tell me... are thing racially speaking, better or worse since Obama came to office?

This is the problem I have with you people. First off, Obama did absolutely nothing to make crazy white people more crazier than what you are or were, that's number one. This pointing fingers at OBama cause you got black issues is just stupid, I mean really. That's like nigga's blaming white people cause they can't take care of their fuckin kids....But to answer your stupid question, listen, I never realized how fucked up and sad the white race really is, until Obama took office. I mean you people corner the gotdamn market on fucked up. I find it absolutely ironic the one guy you nuts are all putting your hopes and dreams on, is the very entity that has taken this nations wealth, ie jobs and tax revenue to those overseas....and you find this mf a gotdamned hero....I mean you people are fuckin insane, really you are and I pity you bastards, we all do.

I don't care about that. Tell me, are things better or worse for you, since Obama came into office? Because when I look around, it doesn't look like it's better, no matter what Obama did, or didn't do.

See, here's the problem with your argument... When Bush was running for office, the pastor of my church said openly on Sunday service "Some people say 'so-and-so' is our man. No one in office is 'our man'. Our man is Jesus Christ. That's who our hopes and dreams are to".

What's the point? My point is we don't have our hopes and dreams in tied up in some guy in washington. Most of the wealthy in our country didn't get there by sitting at home, hoping so-and-so politicians will fix their lives.

You can pity me all you want. My life is pretty good, honestly. My hope was never in government. I have no hope that Rubio, Cruz, or Trump is going to magically fix my life. If I want to do better, it's up to me to learn a skill, educate myself, or open my own business, and make more money. Not vote for the magic politician who in perfect altruism and benevolence, will bestow blessing on me from government agencies.

That's the view of the left-wing. And that's why after getting everything you wanted, you are not any better off now, than you were before Obama was elected. And seemingly, you are worse off now.

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

He's citing David Icke.......the chief adherent of the 'reptilian' conspiracy.

The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, so-called reptilians.

Reptilians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clearly OL doesn't discriminate against crazy when picking his sources.

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

No, you typed in 'police state' into youtube and posted every video with those two words in the title.

You never actually watched any of them. Nor can you back the narrative of the OP.

So what else have you got?

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

I've seen most of them, and enough of them to know they are crap.

There are a few videos where legitimately a single police officer screwed up. Most are simply idiots breaking the law, and police officers attempting to do their duty.

That's why I keep asking what a non-police state looks like in your world? Are criminals simply ignored? Are police supposed to stop criminals with harsh language only?

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

I've seen most of them, and enough of them to know they are crap.

There are a few videos where legitimately a single police officer screwed up. Most are simply idiots breaking the law, and police officers attempting to do their duty.

That's why I keep asking what a non-police state looks like in your world? Are criminals simply ignored? Are police supposed to stop criminals with harsh language only?

In a police state ALL the common people are the criminals

Lots of people in denial here.

So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

No, you typed in 'police state' into youtube and posted every video with those two words in the title.

You never actually watched any of them. Nor can you back the narrative of the OP.

So what else have you got?

Strange thing that you know what I do and don't.

You ARE hilarious.
So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

I've seen most of them, and enough of them to know they are crap.

There are a few videos where legitimately a single police officer screwed up. Most are simply idiots breaking the law, and police officers attempting to do their duty.

That's why I keep asking what a non-police state looks like in your world? Are criminals simply ignored? Are police supposed to stop criminals with harsh language only?

In a police state ALL the common people are the criminals

Lots of people in denial here.

Or....your argument is poorly thought through, abysmally sourced, and doesn't match the experience of the overwhelming majority of people here.

Bu tell us again about how all the planets in the solar system are hollow because it 'can be no other way'.
So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

No, you typed in 'police state' into youtube and posted every video with those two words in the title.

You never actually watched any of them. Nor can you back the narrative of the OP.

So what else have you got?

Strange thing that you know what I do and don't.

You ARE hilarious.

You already blinked when you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes. All without the slightest comment.

You're not a thinker, OL. You merely vomit up what you've been told to think.
So this is the best 'argument' you have. A picture with a caption, applied to people you don't know anything about at all.

I was reading about a military officer operating in Iraq, who talked about a time he was nearly killed.

His men were moving down a road, when he spotted a single person on a roof, with a klash. He wasn't sure if he was on their side, or the other side. When the man on the roof turned and saw him, it was clear he intended to kill Americans..... but then he saw it was a boy, 12 or 13 years of age.

While the boy was picking up the guy to shoot, he froze... hoping the boy would not fire, so he wouldn't have to kill him. It was another man on the team which saw the officer, saw what he was looking at, and shot the boy before the boy shot the officer. The struggle of real men facing death, is not the cartoonish idiocy of the left.

You brainless idiots, that have never faced life or death, never face the responsibility of so much as running a lemonade stand, for you to judge people you have never met is laughable and pathetic.

You have the balls of a turtle hiding in a shell, and the credibility of a Nat flying in the face of real men who could destroy your pathetic existence with a breath. That's all you people are.

all? No not really. Have you seen the videos?

Have you? You kept posting videos you've never watched as evidence of a conspiracy you couldn't factually support. I believe you spammed 32 videos in 18 minutes.

Not one of which you'd actually watched.

I've seen them all and the theme is all the same.

Gee, is it soo difficult for you?

I've seen most of them, and enough of them to know they are crap.

There are a few videos where legitimately a single police officer screwed up. Most are simply idiots breaking the law, and police officers attempting to do their duty.

That's why I keep asking what a non-police state looks like in your world? Are criminals simply ignored? Are police supposed to stop criminals with harsh language only?

In a police state ALL the common people are the criminals

Lots of people in denial here.

And in a democracy............... who is responsible for making all the common people criminals? The police, who merely enforce the laws they are told to enforce? Or the public which demands more regulations, controls and laws?

And by the way.... who are the groups normally associated with demanding more laws, more controls, and more regulations?

Is it not the left-wing?
You're not a thinker, OL. You merely vomit up what you've been told to think.

Lol, this is a projection disguised as an ad hominem.But it still is hilarious.

Laughing....says the poor soul that just ignored substantial criticism of the 'evidence' and process you're using:

"Or....your argument is poorly thought through, abysmally sourced, and doesn't match the experience of the overwhelming majority of people here."

Ignore the truck sized holes in your conspiracy if you wish. It really doesn't matter.

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