The USA is becoming a police state!

22 videos you've never watched but spammed all over the board in 10 minutes.

But you still can't back the OP. Huh. I take it you don't handle questions well.

I have watched them all! You don't even know me so you can't say what I have watched and what not.

But I don't care.

It is time to wake up!!!!
22 videos you've never watched but spammed all over the board in 10 minutes.

But you still can't back the OP. Huh. I take it you don't handle questions well.

I have watched them all! You don't even know me so you can't say what I have watched and what not.

No you haven't. You're just grabbing any video with the words 'police state' in it and spamming it on the board. That's why not a single video you've spammed has the slightest comment or context. But every single one says 'police state' in the title.

For fuck's sake, you just posted one about AUSTRALIA. That's how little you know about the videos you're spamming.

If you're not even going to watch these videos, why would we? Why would any rational person?

And was the title of these youtube videos the 'research' that you were alluding to?
So It Begins: American Police Start Pushing To Weaponize Domestic Drones

So It Begins: American Police Start Pushing to Weaponize Domestic Drones
I don't think anyone can argue there is police brutality, but also what is seen on many videos (no I didn't watch those posted) are only portions of the full events that aren't included. And it's not always just the police, but the public too behave as if they don't even have half a brain. What isn't being addressed is that police officers put their lives on the line everyday & every moment of their lives. I'm not excusing those that are abusing their 'power' in brutality cases, but those events are not the normal rule of police behavior.

If you want a scenario of a police state, one instance I remember off hand, is the students being mowed down in Tiananmen Square in China. The students were staging a peaceful protest and military officers shot them by the thousands.

THIS is a police state, this is NOT happening in the US. A true police state is the citizens to be ruled by MILITARY force. Our police are NOT military.

Video: Terror in Tiananmen Square
Becoming a police state? HOLY shit, we started down that road with the false flag event that was the OKC bombing in 1995 that introduced Project Echelon and all the apparatus for implementing total survellience of the internet was put in place prior to 9/11 and was implemented with the Patriot Act...the police state has been around for a long time. Our southern border is totally unsecured but this corporate "gubermint" needs to store and record my data and peruse it........fuck them. I hope they read every fucking' thing I write....they might learn something. One can only hope.
Look...anyone that uses "film" or "tape" has gotten themselves so lathered up over their perceptions, they forget that its 2016 not 1986.
BTW the Ickemesiter is wrong and that is NOT what the ruling says.....
Cops don't like you filming their activities and that is a fact. You can get arrested for doing so.......that is also a fact. If you think 9/11 actually happened like we were told, you are one of the uninformed sheeple. I was one of those sheeple for 11 years until reality punched me in the face. Wake the fuck are not in Kansas anymore.

What I dont get is that I am not out to get people, but to warn people about what is coming. Then they treat me like some enemy, while I want to help by warning people. But is seems that this kind of information is very hard to 'swallow' for people.

It is a strange thing indeed.
People tend to reject ideas they don't like and which conflict with ideas they've been conditioned via effective propaganda to accept. The news media is presently dominated by such highly paid, highly skilled right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Levin, et al. So you are up against a powerful counter-force.
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I know what a police state is. I was arrested on a night warrant years ago two nights after an election. A Mormon prosecutor and a catholic judge decided they did not like me getting a whole town out to vote. Had me arrested on a night warrant believing they would teach me a lesson. Night warrants are used for really bad criminals or by out of control judges and prosecutors. That whole case was dropped. It actually shocked a lot of people that they would be that bold but that is what you have had growing in this country for years.
I can recall the time in America, not so long ago, when no state or federal magistrate would dare to issue a "no-knock" break-in warrant for anything less than life-or-death expediency and/or the arrest of extremely dangerous felons when no alternative means of apprehension was available. Reluctance to issue a warrant enabling police to break down someone's door without warning, typically in the middle of the night, was predicated on respect for the spirit of the Fourth Amendment.

Odd, that's exactly what the police who burst into the home of Richard and Mildred Loving did when attempting to prove them guilty of interracial sex, a felony. They had to settle for arresting them for interracial marriage instead.

Almost 50 years ago.

So when is this 'era' you were speaking of?
I don't understand your question. Please be more specific.
I know what a police state is. I was arrested on a night warrant years ago two nights after an election. A Mormon prosecutor and a catholic judge decided they did not like me getting a whole town out to vote. Had me arrested on a night warrant believing they would teach me a lesson. Night warrants are used for really bad criminals or by out of control judges and prosecutors. That whole case was dropped. It actually shocked a lot of people that they would be that bold but that is what you have had growing in this country for years.
I can recall the time in America, not so long ago, when no state or federal magistrate would dare to issue a "no-knock" break-in warrant for anything less than life-or-death expediency and/or the arrest of extremely dangerous felons when no alternative means of apprehension was available. Reluctance to issue a warrant enabling police to break down someone's door without warning, typically in the middle of the night, was predicated on respect for the spirit of the Fourth Amendment.

Odd, that's exactly what the police who burst into the home of Richard and Mildred Loving did when attempting to prove them guilty of interracial sex, a felony. They had to settle for arresting them for interracial marriage instead.

Almost 50 years ago.

So when is this 'era' you were speaking of?
I don't understand your question. Please be more specific.

What era 'not so long ago' in America was it where no state or federal magistrate would dare issue a 'no knock' break in warrant for anything less than a 'life or death expediency'.

Midred and Richard Loving had one executed on them in 1967. The police were trying to catch them of in the act of having sex as interracial sex was a felony. So they executed the warrant in the middle of the night with no knock....just flooding into the house.

Midred and Richard were just sleeping. So the police had to settle for arresting them for interracial marriage instead.

Now correct me if I'm wrong....but trying to catch a married couple fucking isn't what you'd call a 'life or death expediency', is it?

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