The Vaccine is Dangerous

My godfather had to wait months to have a hernia surgery because his local hospital canceled elective surgeries for months because of COVID. These are first hand accounts. Do you even try to get these or are you just consumed in your conspiracy media bubble?

Yes but that does not mean the hospital are filled or over flowing, and instead means the opposite.
So few people want to risk going to hospitals were they know covid patients are, that they are declining elective surgery like hips and knees, so hospitals are half empty, ghost towns.
I live in Austin and most hospitals around here are near capacity. The governor has called in help from out of state and many hospitals have canceled elective surgeries. These are real effects caused by retards that think like you.

No, the hospitals are near full capacity for ventilators in the ICU, but all the rest of the hospitals are empty.
They are sending half the staff home.
LOL - I love the phrasing "6,207+ deaths reported after vaccination". Entirely meaningless, but it'll scare the dummies!

Well its over 11,000 now, but they are estimating about half really were related to the vaccine.
Heck, when I got the 2nd Moderna, that nearly killed me.
I was sick for 3 weeks, and still have headaches, weakness, etc.
Elk River MN. has a different idea. Surprising a blue state has had enough of this bullshit. I hope more billboards pop up. If you cannot get the truth from the media, you have to get it somewhere.

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Absolute b*******. The crap propaganda this is based on has been totally discredited. You your party the orange clown you are a joke and a horror around the world..... The vaccine is perfectly safe and effective. Rupert Murdock and internet insanity is the worst thing that has ever happened to America. End of story.
Elk River MN. has a different idea. Surprising a blue state has had enough of this bullshit. I hope more billboards pop up. If you cannot get the truth from the media, you have to get it somewhere.

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Cheers to all the tards out there not getting the shot calling this thing the flu and a violation of personal liberties. morons. Here read this.

You are missing the point.
It has nothing to do with personal liberties and no one ever said it did.
The complain is because they should not have waited for a vaccine, and we know that the vaccines were so rushed they can't be reliable.
The monthly death rate of covid is half that of a bad flu, so there was no reason to not just end this epidemic last March, with herd immunity.
It would have been far fewer deaths, and much safer than a vaccine not even FDA approved.
This was incredibly bad science.
We all know the science, because herd immunity is what ends all epidemics.
Absolute b*******. The crap propaganda this is based on has been totally discredited. You your party the orange clown you are a joke and a horror around the world..... The vaccine is perfectly safe and effective. Rupert Murdock and internet insanity is the worst thing that has ever happened to America. End of story.
You're all talking points and bluster....can you logically or factually disprove just one item from the following?:

Yes yes every respected media and courtroom in the world are lying. Only international scumbag pundits from Rupert Murdock and internet crazies know the truth. Absolutely idiocy from the GOP every damn time.
Hey genius, guess who has investments in the Pharma companies producing this gene therapy experiment passing as a vaccine? Try some real, honest research instead of parroting paid troll droppings.
Elk River MN. has a different idea. Surprising a blue state has had enough of this bullshit. I hope more billboards pop up. If you cannot get the truth from the media, you have to get it somewhere.

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The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available.

Only an idiot would refuse to take it given the risks involved. Up near 700,000 deaths now.
I live in Austin and most hospitals around here are near capacity. The governor has called in help from out of state and many hospitals have canceled elective surgeries. These are real effects caused by retards that think like you.
I might, maybe believe this propaganda. . .

. . . if they weren't firing nurses for not having the jab.


They obviously can't be THAT stretched for help if they are booting folks to the curb who used to be lauded as heroes last year when they didn't have a vax. :heehee:
The list of deaths of those vaccinated is about 11k, and they think about half of those were caused by the vaccine.
That is not a very large number, but we have no idea what it will be eventually, because the whole point of the covid deaths are they are autoimmune allergic reactions basically, and these vaccines greatly increase the possibility of many more deadly autoimmune responses forever, into the future.

For example, the coronaviruses have spike proteins because they are minicking exosomes in order to unlock the ACE2 receptors and get into the cells.
Well that means our own exosomes have to also have these same spike proteins, so then could also get attacked by our immune system, once sensitized by these vaccines.
Ok so they think there have been 5-6k deaths caused by the vaccine. Who is they and where are you getting that data from?
Negative deadly allergic reactions due to the vaccines could be deferred and happen later.
There is no way of knowing.
No one has ever tried to just sensitize the immune system to only a spike protein and not a whole virus.
My statement was not negative it was accurate. Can you point to any hospital that is currently being overcrowded due to vaccine patients? Any? Cause I can point to a bunch that are have major Covid issues largely from unvaccinated people
I might, maybe believe this propaganda. . .

. . . if they weren't firing nurses for not having the jab.


They obviously can't be THAT stretched for help if they are booting folks to the curb who used to be lauded as heroes last year when they didn't have a vax. :heehee:
Here are details. Do you think any of the claims are false? If so what and why?

Yes but that does not mean the hospital are filled or over flowing, and instead means the opposite.
So few people want to risk going to hospitals were they know covid patients are, that they are declining elective surgery like hips and knees, so hospitals are half empty, ghost towns.
Texas the state that outlawed mask mandates is canceling elective surgiries and calling for out of state medical help. Dallas has no more pediatric ICU beds left. Wake the hell ip man. You’re on the wrong side of the fight. There shouldn’t even be a fight!
No, the hospitals are near full capacity for ventilators in the ICU, but all the rest of the hospitals are empty.
They are sending half the staff home.
Haha, much better, full for ICU and ventilators… nothing to worry about folks!! Nothing to see here!!!
You are missing the point.
It has nothing to do with personal liberties and no one ever said it did.
The complain is because they should not have waited for a vaccine, and we know that the vaccines were so rushed they can't be reliable.
The monthly death rate of covid is half that of a bad flu, so there was no reason to not just end this epidemic last March, with herd immunity.
It would have been far fewer deaths, and much safer than a vaccine not even FDA approved.
This was incredibly bad science.
We all know the science, because herd immunity is what ends all epidemics.
So now that Pfizer is going to be FDA approved are you going to change your tune or move on to some other lame excuse?
Elk River MN. has a different idea. Surprising a blue state has had enough of this bullshit. I hope more billboards pop up. If you cannot get the truth from the media, you have to get it somewhere.

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If you want to go to a right wing source and get available lies to support the anti vaxxers, go for it.
But don't expect to hear the truth.

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