The Vaccine is Dangerous

There are zero statistics on any mRNA vaccine. They are too new and the potential for delayed autoimmune deadly reactions is way too high.
I was already forced to get the Moderna, and the 2nd shot nearly killed me.
Sick for 3 weeks. Worse than anything in my whole like. Still headaches, fog, weakness.

Honestly once the Moral Panic clears the stories will start coming out. Once they do it will be an avalanche, FDA approval or not.
The CDC. Anaphylactic shock is one killer, but when the spike protein in the vax migrates, like to the heart or brain, that is where the immune system attack, and that has been killing people as well. There are many other ways these vaccines are killing now, and many may be delayed.
Can you post a CDC link ?
The article is bogus.
I live in ABQ, and we have half a dozen Houston covid patients, with room for 50 more, so there was no reason to sent covid patients to North Dakota.
Had to be some something else.
The problem is the hospitals.
They should not be inducing comas so they can intubate.
Instead they need to keep patient conscious and turning often, especially face down.
They have to drain the lungs of fluid or they drown.
Haha… you should go tell all the doctors. Go save some lives!

This made me spit out my beer

Get your boosters lefties !
You're all talking points and bluster....can you logically or factually disprove just one item from the following?:

You are a brainwashed functional moron. The vaccines stop 94% or similar rate of contagion and even if you catch it it makes hospitalization much less necessary. You are confused on absolutely everything listening to your crap propaganda. Google any of this stuff -the whole world thinks you are nuts.
I know they’re not supposed to kill you

Check it…
Check it…
Nothing in that proved that the boy didn’t die or didn’t get vaccinated.

I can’t believe I wasted my time reading all of that.

How does it prove that the NYpost story I posted was false? All it did was talk about misinformation and why misinformation is bad and never disapproved any claims

That boy was just one example of thousands to have died from the miracle vax
Nothing in that proved that the boy didn’t die or didn’t get vaccinated.

I can’t believe I wasted my time reading all of that.

How does it prove that the NYpost story I posted was false. All it did was talk about misinformation and why misinformation is bad and never disapproved any claims
It doesn’t prove it was false. I just thought it was an interesting read. I haven’t seen an autopsy report on the kids death. Hope it comes out
You are a brainwashed functional moron. The vaccines stop 94% or similar rate of contagion and even if you catch it it makes hospitalization much less necessary. You are confused on absolutely everything listening to your crap propaganda. Google any of this stuff -the whole world thinks you are nuts.
and as the reader can clearly see, Frankie was directly challenged to logically/factually disprove just one item from the link I provided.

He couldn't.

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