The Vaccine is Dangerous

Here are details. Do you think any of the claims are false? If so what and why?

The nursing shortage is obviously not just due to the COVID, it is due to them forcing nurses to get the jab.

I find it interesting that the establishment had no problem having them work and be heroes before the vaccine was available. . . but after it is available? OH NO! :rolleyes:

A nursing shortage is a much, MUCH better optic to push the propaganda forward, and they must lose their jobs because, well. . . . THE VIRUS!
The nursing shortage is obviously not just due to the COVID, it is due to them forcing nurses to get the jab.

I find it interesting that the establishment had no problem having them work and be heroes before the vaccine was available. . . but after it is available? OH NO! :rolleyes:

A nursing shortage is a much, MUCH better optic to push the propaganda forward, and they must lose their jobs because, well. . . . THE VIRUS!
Abbott made it illegal to do mandates. We are talking about county owned hospitals. They were not forcing nurses to get the jab. Private hospitals were.


Meantime, one of Houston’s two county-owned hospitals was pitching tents to accommodate its COVID-19 overflow. Harris Health System and Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital in northeastern Houston added nearly 2,000 square feet of medical tents in the hope of taking control of the anticipated increase in patient volume and keep staff and non-COVID-19 patients safe.

Last week, Houston area officials said the wave of delta variant infections so strained the area’s hospitals that some patients had to be transferred out of the city, with one being sent to North Dakota.
We at least know for sure they’re not effective.

39% is less effective than my natural immune system

If they were effective, you wouldn’t need a booster shot.
You don't have clue how a vaccine works.
That is a lie because you have no way of knowing if the vaccines are safe or effective.
For all you know, these vaccines could causes such immune sensitivity that the next wave of coronavirus cold could wipe put the entire vaccinated population.
And for all you know, these vaccines could lose covid effectiveness in a year or less.
That's right, notice hot we have another spike because of the delta variant of covid?
The original vaccine was effective, until delta came along.
Care for a 3rd variant?

April 29 2021
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services confirmed on Friday the first case of a potentially more severe COVID-19 variant that originated in Brazil.

The newest variant, P.1, was first discovered in four travelers from Brazil who were tested at an airport near Tokyo, Japan, in early January. Researchers have found that this new strain, similar to B.1.1.7 and B.1.351, spreads more rapidly and easily than the original strain of SARS-CoV-2, according to a news release.

However, this variant has unique mutations that may affect the ability of antibodies, generated through previous COVID-19 infection or through vaccination, to recognize and fight off the virus. This means variant P.1 may be able to more easily infect people.
The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available.

Only an idiot would refuse to take it given the risks involved. Up near 700,000 deaths now.

You don't and can't know any of that.
It is a bad design according to the mRNA experts.
It only included a spike protein, so is very susceptible to false immune reactions.
If it were a real vaccine, it would have a whole dead virus, so would be far more selective.
We have no idea if it is safe, because it take years for immune reactions like allergies to start killing people.
And if it were for sure safe, it would be FDA approved.
Ok so they think there have been 5-6k deaths caused by the vaccine. Who is they and where are you getting that data from?

The CDC. Anaphylactic shock is one killer, but when the spike protein in the vax migrates, like to the heart or brain, that is where the immune system attack, and that has been killing people as well. There are many other ways these vaccines are killing now, and many may be delayed.
My statement was not negative it was accurate. Can you point to any hospital that is currently being overcrowded due to vaccine patients? Any? Cause I can point to a bunch that are have major Covid issues largely from unvaccinated people

You clearly did not read well.
The only time the word "negative" was used was referring to harmful reactions.

And the point is that even though the vaccines are killing fewer than the virus right now, each vaccinated person could have condemned themselves to an autoimmune response death later.
Nor should anyone be dying from covid-19 any more, since there are half a dozen successful ways to prevent the deadly cytokine storm.
You don't and can't know any of that.
It is a bad design according to the mRNA experts.
It only included a spike protein, so is very susceptible to false immune reactions.
If it were a real vaccine, it would have a whole dead virus, so would be far more selective.
We have no idea if it is safe, because it take years for immune reactions like allergies to start killing people.
And if it were for sure safe, it would be FDA approved.
When it is FDA approved next month...what will your new excuse be given that the statistics are completely opposite of what you're reporting?
Texas the state that outlawed mask mandates is canceling elective surgiries and calling for out of state medical help. Dallas has no more pediatric ICU beds left. Wake the hell ip man. You’re on the wrong side of the fight. There shouldn’t even be a fight!

No, you are just badly misinformed, and TX hospitals may be as well.
An ICU bed means they are inducing chemical comas for intubation, and that is NOT the proper procedure for covid-19. That is a normal pneumonia procedure that is almost always fatal to anyone with covid. Instead, you are supposed to keep the patient out of the ICU, constantly turn them and get them to walk, so their lungs do not fill with fluid and they drown.
No covid patient should be in the ICU.
That is murder.
You don't and can't know any of that.
It is a bad design according to the mRNA experts.
It only included a spike protein, so is very susceptible to false immune reactions.
If it were a real vaccine, it would have a whole dead virus, so would be far more selective.
We have no idea if it is safe, because it take years for immune reactions like allergies to start killing people.
And if it were for sure safe, it would be FDA approved.


FDA approved?


All those commercials on TV with FDA approval, have life threatening side effects.
Many cause TB,cancer, strokes, heart disease, liver disease, internal bleeding, etc.

Why do you think the medicine commercials are twice as long as they need to be?
The listings of side effects.

Then, on the very next commercial, there are the lawyer ads, asking if you have been affectd by the side effects, of one of these drugs.
When it is FDA approved next month...what will your new excuse be given that the statistics are completely opposite of what you're reporting?

There are zero statistics on any mRNA vaccine. They are too new and the potential for delayed autoimmune deadly reactions is way too high.
I was already forced to get the Moderna, and the 2nd shot nearly killed me.
Sick for 3 weeks. Worse than anything in my whole like. Still headaches, fog, weakness.
There are zero statistics on any mRNA vaccine. They are too new and the potential for delayed autoimmune deadly reactions is way too high.
I was already forced to get the Moderna, and the 2nd shot nearly killed me.
Sick for 3 weeks. Worse than anything in my whole like. Still headaches, fog, weakness.
. .. . so. . .

No on the booster then? :dunno:
Abbott made it illegal to do mandates. We are talking about county owned hospitals. They were not forcing nurses to get the jab. Private hospitals were.


Meantime, one of Houston’s two county-owned hospitals was pitching tents to accommodate its COVID-19 overflow. Harris Health System and Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital in northeastern Houston added nearly 2,000 square feet of medical tents in the hope of taking control of the anticipated increase in patient volume and keep staff and non-COVID-19 patients safe.

Last week, Houston area officials said the wave of delta variant infections so strained the area’s hospitals that some patients had to be transferred out of the city, with one being sent to North Dakota.

The article is bogus.
I live in ABQ, and we have half a dozen Houston covid patients, with room for 50 more, so there was no reason to sent covid patients to North Dakota.
Had to be some something else.
The problem is the hospitals.
They should not be inducing comas so they can intubate.
Instead they need to keep patient conscious and turning often, especially face down.
They have to drain the lungs of fluid or they drown.
There are zero statistics on any mRNA vaccine. They are too new and the potential for delayed autoimmune deadly reactions is way too high.
I was already forced to get the Moderna, and the 2nd shot nearly killed me.
Sick for 3 weeks. Worse than anything in my whole like. Still headaches, fog, weakness.

Millions of doses administered....

Miniscule numbers of side effects.
No, you are just badly misinformed, and TX hospitals may be as well.
An ICU bed means they are inducing chemical comas for intubation, and that is NOT the proper procedure for covid-19. That is a normal pneumonia procedure that is almost always fatal to anyone with covid. Instead, you are supposed to keep the patient out of the ICU, constantly turn them and get them to walk, so their lungs do not fill with fluid and they drown.
No covid patient should be in the ICU.
That is murder.

Its hard to believe that board lets you post this bullshit. But then again..the mods themselves call this place a cesspool. You're exhibit A.

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