The Vaccine is Dangerous

You're all bluff and bluster, can't logically or factually disprove one item from that link. You're just another useless troll.
Everything you know is wrong. Too bad you don't know how to use a search engine, brainwashed functional moron. Tell me two things you said and I'll prove you wrong I don't know where the hell that went. Real difficult lol
It's not a vaccine.

If you have to get three shots in eight months--that were not planned, btw--nope, not a vaccine.
A vaccine isn't a cure, until you get enough people that are vaccinated,moron.
Why do you think some people get a flu shot EVERY year?

Smallpox had hundreds of different vaccines, in the 300 plus years since it's been around, none cured it until enough people were vaccinated.

"If you have to get three shots in eight months--that were not planned, btw--nope, not a vaccine".
So, if enough people were vaccinated for covid the first time, virtually impossible, the delta variant wouldn't even have emerged.

Like I stated before, you don't know how a vaccine works.
I know they’re not supposed to kill you

No, they aren't.

Preliminary autopsy results indicated that following his vaccination, Jacob Clynick’s heart became enlarged and was surrounded by fluid — symptoms similar to those documented in other teen boys who experienced myocarditis following COVID vaccination.

The risk is minimal, compared to getting covid.
Choose your poison.
No, they aren't.

Preliminary autopsy results indicated that following his vaccination, Jacob Clynick’s heart became enlarged and was surrounded by fluid — symptoms similar to those documented in other teen boys who experienced myocarditis following COVID vaccination.

The risk is minimal, compared to getting covid.
Choose your poison.
but the very test for Covid is not reliable...rift with false positives and negatives....not surprising, since it was not designed for such diagnosis, and the so-called "upgrade" is no better. Thus, by credence of the WHO and CDC, doctors can decide whether to list a death by a patient with serious pre-conditions as Covid related if they test positive. Bad science.
A vaccine isn't a cure, until you get enough people that are vaccinated,moron.
Why do you think some people get a flu shot EVERY year?

Smallpox had hundreds of different vaccines, in the 300 plus years since it's been around, none cured it until enough people were vaccinated.

"If you have to get three shots in eight months--that were not planned, btw--nope, not a vaccine".
So, if enough people were vaccinated for covid the first time, virtually impossible, the delta variant wouldn't even have emerged.

Like I stated before, you don't know how a vaccine works.

Not true.
There is not one flu but hundreds of different illnesses we call flu collectively.
But for each illness, there is only one vaccine normally.
They just guess at which one to produce for flu, and rarely pick the right one.
There is only one vaccine for smallpox, and has always only been one.

The reason you need 3 for covid is the vaccine does not contain much of anything.
Just contains a synthetic spike protein.
And it is not very good match, especially for all the slight variations.
So likely ever 6 months or so, you will need another booster.
If the vaccine contained whole dead viruses, then one shot would have lasted a lifetime.

And a vaccine teaches your immune system how to cure your infection.
When enough people are vaccinated or otherwise immune, that is not a "cure", but eradication of the virus.
The obvious danger to the vaccine is that since it does not contain dead actual virus and instead only contains synthetic spike proteins, it runs the risk of causing autoimmune over reactions to other spike proteins, like the ones on our exosomes.
Not true.
There is not one flu but hundreds of different illnesses we call flu collectively.
But for each illness, there is only one vaccine normally.
They just guess at which one to produce for flu, and rarely pick the right one.
There is only one vaccine for smallpox, and has always only been one.

The reason you need 3 for covid is the vaccine does not contain much of anything.
Just contains a synthetic spike protein.
And it is not very good match, especially for all the slight variations.
So likely ever 6 months or so, you will need another booster.
If the vaccine contained whole dead viruses, then one shot would have lasted a lifetime.

And a vaccine teaches your immune system how to cure your infection.
When enough people are vaccinated or otherwise immune, that is not a "cure", but eradication of the virus.
but the very test for Covid is not reliable...rift with false positives and negatives....not surprising, since it was not designed for such diagnosis, and the so-called "upgrade" is no better. Thus, by credence of the WHO and CDC, doctors can decide whether to list a death by a patient with serious pre-conditions as Covid related if they test positive. Bad science.
Yes, it is reliable.
They're finding covid with the test.
ALL test have a degree of false positives and false negatives.
Not true.
There is not one flu but hundreds of different illnesses we call flu collectively.
But for each illness, there is only one vaccine normally.
They just guess at which one to produce for flu, and rarely pick the right one.
There is only one vaccine for smallpox, and has always only been one.

The reason you need 3 for covid is the vaccine does not contain much of anything.
Just contains a synthetic spike protein.
And it is not very good match, especially for all the slight variations.
So likely ever 6 months or so, you will need another booster.
If the vaccine contained whole dead viruses, then one shot would have lasted a lifetime.

And a vaccine teaches your immune system how to cure your infection.
When enough people are vaccinated or otherwise immune, that is not a "cure", but eradication of the virus.
"There is not one flu but hundreds of different illnesses we call flu collectively'.
"But for each illness, there is only one vaccine normally".
"And it is not very good match, especially for all the slight variations".
Which they give different vaccines every single year, it's never the exact same vaccine as the prior year.

"They just guess at which one to produce for flu, and rarely pick the right one".
No they don't "guess", they start with a vaccine that closely resembles the last strain.
With covid they started with the H1N1 and modified it.

"If the vaccine contained whole dead viruses, then one shot would have lasted a lifetime".

Right, so that's how they "cured" the flu?..........................NOT.

"And a vaccine teaches your immune system how to cure your infection".
"When enough people are vaccinated or otherwise immune, that is not a "cure", but eradication of the virus".

You just stated your body cures it.
"There is not one flu but hundreds of different illnesses we call flu collectively'.
"But for each illness, there is only one vaccine normally".
"And it is not very good match, especially for all the slight variations".
Which they give different vaccines every single year, it's never the exact same vaccine as the prior year.

"They just guess at which one to produce for flu, and rarely pick the right one".
No they don't "guess", they start with a vaccine that closely resembles the last strain.
With covid they started with the H1N1 and modified it.

"If the vaccine contained whole dead viruses, then one shot would have lasted a lifetime".

Right, so that's how they "cured" the flu?..........................NOT.

"And a vaccine teaches your immune system how to cure your infection".
"When enough people are vaccinated or otherwise immune, that is not a "cure", but eradication of the virus".

You just stated your body cures it.
You are using the word "cure" wrong.
Every time anyone beats an infection in their body, they are cured of the infection.
Being cured means wiping out an outbeak within the body of a single person.
When you refer to wiping out an outbreak on a larger scale, like world wide, that is called "eradication", not cure.
Cure implies ending a current infection by killing the live virus.
Eradication implies making the virus go extinct locally, due to being unable to find new hosts.

If someone were to invent a "cure" for the common cold for example, that would not mean colds would disappear.
It would mean the cure could cause an individual with a cold to be made clear of the cold infection.
But cure does not mean the common cold would be gone.
It would still be infecting others, and a cure may not last, allowing even those who took the cure, to later get infected again.
Now if absolutely everyone took the cure at the same time, and there was no host that kept a sample of the common cold alive, then the common cold would be eradicated. It would be totally eliminated.

You cure an individual of infection, but eradicate infection from an entire population.
Yes, it is reliable.
They're finding covid with the test.
ALL test have a degree of false positives and false negatives.

Pick any hospital in Austin or Dallas... I live in Austin and know a few nurses who work at local hospitals. I also rent to traveling nurses and have spoken to many throughout the past year about whats happening in their hospitals. Now how about you... How many first hand conversations have you had with medical professionals vs. feeding off conspiracy media reports ??

My godfather had to wait months to have a hernia surgery because his local hospital canceled elective surgeries for months because of COVID. These are first hand accounts. Do you even try to get these or are you just consumed in your conspiracy media bubble?
I literally live behind a "medical city" in DFW. It's nowhere near "packed with COVID patients".
I would assume your overworked nurses complain because they are so used to these HUGE hospitals only have one or two patients on each floor......checking on them once or twice a day and then having nice long breaks inbetween.

Now these billion dollar hospitals are actually serving the purposes they were built for, and the nurses are actually having to do the jobs they are paid high end wages to do.

And don't blame other people for the doctors, nurses, or hospitals lack or refusal of professional organization when it comes to getting actual work done, instead of sitting on their butts for most of their shifts.

I was taken to the hospital at the height of the COVID-demic last year and I was fully taken care of and got the treatment I needed for my non-COVID related emergency. I was there for a week, and I got full service from all of the nurses where I was. They were extremely efficient, and highly organized. They KNOW what they are doing. Sounds like the people you talked to have no clue what THEY are doing.

Just because someone has a nurses uniform on, or a doctors coat, does NOT mean they know what the hell they are doing, or care.
I literally live behind a "medical city" in DFW. It's nowhere near "packed with COVID patients".
I would assume your overworked nurses complain because they are so used to these HUGE hospitals only have one or two patients on each floor......checking on them once or twice a day and then having nice long breaks inbetween.

Now these billion dollar hospitals are actually serving the purposes they were built for, and the nurses are actually having to do the jobs they are paid high end wages to do.

And don't blame other people for the doctors, nurses, or hospitals lack or refusal of professional organization when it comes to getting actual work done, instead of sitting on their butts for most of their shifts.

I was taken to the hospital at the height of the COVID-demic last year and I was fully taken care of and got the treatment I needed for my non-COVID related emergency. I was there for a week, and I got full service from all of the nurses where I was. They were extremely efficient, and highly organized. They KNOW what they are doing. Sounds like the people you talked to have no clue what THEY are doing.

Just because someone has a nurses uniform on, or a doctors coat, does NOT mean they know what the hell they are doing, or care.
Which one is yours?
I literally live behind a "medical city" in DFW. It's nowhere near "packed with COVID patients".
I would assume your overworked nurses complain because they are so used to these HUGE hospitals only have one or two patients on each floor......checking on them once or twice a day and then having nice long breaks inbetween.

Now these billion dollar hospitals are actually serving the purposes they were built for, and the nurses are actually having to do the jobs they are paid high end wages to do.

And don't blame other people for the doctors, nurses, or hospitals lack or refusal of professional organization when it comes to getting actual work done, instead of sitting on their butts for most of their shifts.

I was taken to the hospital at the height of the COVID-demic last year and I was fully taken care of and got the treatment I needed for my non-COVID related emergency. I was there for a week, and I got full service from all of the nurses where I was. They were extremely efficient, and highly organized. They KNOW what they are doing. Sounds like the people you talked to have no clue what THEY are doing.

Just because someone has a nurses uniform on, or a doctors coat, does NOT mean they know what the hell they are doing, or care.
Wow, you have a really low opinion on nurses and medical staff in hospitals don't you. I've had too many experiences in hospitals and those people are hero's to me. I am nowhere close to agreeing with how you paint them. It also doesn't sound like you have a clue about what's going on. I don't care if you life behind a hospital. Try going in there and actually talking to some people that work there about whats going on and what they recommend you do as a good citizen to help the situation.
I asked my Dr a lot of covid questions. Here's what he replied.......

It's no longer a question of IF you will get COVID, it's a question of WHEN you will get COVID.

The vaccine is a booster for your immune system. It does not alter your DNA, it does not contain micro-bots, it does not contain cell altering chemicals, it's just a booster to jump start your immune system to build up defenses against the virus.

NOBODY has died from the vaccine. People have died after the vaccine because of other related health problems that just happen to coincide within a short time frame of them getting the vaccine. There is nothing in the vaccine that can kill you, harm you, or have any effect on any medical issue you currently have.

Younger, healthy people have a better immune system than people over 50, so yes....they can build up their immune system by fighting it off naturally, without the vaccine. People over 50 need all the help they can get.

Take all that as you will. But that's my Dr.s take on all this.
I'm still reluctant, but I'm still researching too. Too much BS being spewed out into the public and the media is still playing both sides of this fiasco.

For me, I take what the media says and tend to believe the opposite, since they've all been proven liars and frauds.


As of yet, NOBODY has given me any rock solid proof of anything, especially when it comes to numbers of people for this or that, or percentages or whatever........
Which one is yours?

These are ONLY ICU beds they are talking about.
They have nothing at all to do with normal hospital beds.
ICU beds are for those covid patients who can no longer breath on their own, and instead are put into a chemically induced coma, and intubated with a ventilator.
(Which by the way amounts to murder, because once intubated, the patient can't be turned to drain the lungs, and they will drown shortly,)

Normal beds in all hospitals are nearly empty, with most of the staff sent home.
Wow, you have a really low opinion on nurses and medical staff in hospitals don't you. I've had too many experiences in hospitals and those people are hero's to me. I am nowhere close to agreeing with how you paint them. It also doesn't sound like you have a clue about what's going on. I don't care if you life behind a hospital. Try going in there and actually talking to some people that work there about whats going on and what they recommend you do as a good citizen to help the situation.
I have low opinions about most of them, because most of them have those jobs for the money or position prestige. They have no interest in helping people. They do it because they HAVE to, not because they WANT to.

I've seen more quacks and charlatans than I have honest doctors and nurses in my life. So if you think my opinion of them is bad.......blame THEM for giving me SO many reasons to find them useless.

My personal doctor is on the other side of DFW, and I travel to him specifically, because a GOOD, HONEST doctor is so very, VERY difficult to find. So I'd rather spend the gas money to go see him, rather than going through a bunch more quacks in order to find another good/honest doctor.

And yes, the hospital I live behind is on that list. And I have severe issues with their listed percentages.

Even IF those percentages are accurate, hospitals are made to take care of people. So they are doing what they were created for. The more beds filled, the more people that are being taken care of.

As for WHY those beds are filled..........I doubt they are ALL due to COVID. My Dr says allergies are on the emergency end of the scale this year so far. So many people getting sick from severe allergies and infections from those allergies.

The population is also full of "50 somethings" that are getting into the age brackets where there are all the usual problems with getting old......heart attacks, diabetes, liver/kidney issues, circulatory issues, bone and joint issues, etc.... Many of which require hospital stays for treatment or diagnosis.

Don't believe everything the media pumps out. Check it, research it, check it again, research it again.
I asked my Dr a lot of covid questions. Here's what he replied.......

It's no longer a question of IF you will get COVID, it's a question of WHEN you will get COVID.

The vaccine is a booster for your immune system. It does not alter your DNA, it does not contain micro-bots, it does not contain cell altering chemicals, it's just a booster to jump start your immune system to build up defenses against the virus.

NOBODY has died from the vaccine. People have died after the vaccine because of other related health problems that just happen to coincide within a short time frame of them getting the vaccine. There is nothing in the vaccine that can kill you, harm you, or have any effect on any medical issue you currently have.

Younger, healthy people have a better immune system than people over 50, so yes....they can build up their immune system by fighting it off naturally, without the vaccine. People over 50 need all the help they can get.

Take all that as you will. But that's my Dr.s take on all this.
I'm still reluctant, but I'm still researching too. Too much BS being spewed out into the public and the media is still playing both sides of this fiasco.

For me, I take what the media says and tend to believe the opposite, since they've all been proven liars and frauds.


As of yet, NOBODY has given me any rock solid proof of anything, especially when it comes to numbers of people for this or that, or percentages or whatever........

The mRNA vaccines are not "boosters" in any sense of the word.
They simply are trying to simulate the virus so that the immune system will more familiar, more quickly recognize it, and response faster.
But since these mRNA vaccines do not contain real dead viruses, they do not work well at all.
They only contain a single type of spike protein, that has been synthetically produced in quantity.

And the vaccines have killed over 5,000 people so far.
The whole vaccine is full of things that can kill you, because the spike protein can cause a deadly autoimmune response.
That is the ONLY thing that has killed any covid patient, and the vaccine can do the exact same thing.
The only reason the vaccine does not kill as many as covid does, is that with the vaccine, the immune response normally only happens in the arm muscle, so just makes your arm ache. But if it travels, like to the heart or brain, then you are dead.

In theory, the vaccines could eventually kill everyone who took it.
That is because sensitizing the immune system to a single spike protein that is also used by our own exosomes, is incredibly dangerous.
If the vaccine were to start an autoimmune response to our own exosomes, we would quickly die.
Everyone who took those vaccines could be like ticking time bombs?
There is no way to know.
These are the worst vaccines ever produced, in all history.
The mRNA vaccines are not "boosters" in any sense of the word.
They simply are trying to simulate the virus so that the immune system will more familiar, more quickly recognize it, and response faster.
But since these mRNA vaccines do not contain real dead viruses, they do not work well at all.
They only contain a single type of spike protein, that has been synthetically produced in quantity.

And the vaccines have killed over 5,000 people so far.
The whole vaccine is full of things that can kill you, because the spike protein can cause a deadly autoimmune response.
That is the ONLY thing that has killed any covid patient, and the vaccine can do the exact same thing.
The only reason the vaccine does not kill as many as covid does, is that with the vaccine, the immune response normally only happens in the arm muscle, so just makes your arm ache. But if it travels, like to the heart or brain, then you are dead.

In theory, the vaccines could eventually kill everyone who took it.
That is because sensitizing the immune system to a single spike protein that is also used by our own exosomes, is incredibly dangerous.
If the vaccine were to start an autoimmune response to our own exosomes, we would quickly die.
Everyone who took those vaccines could be like ticking time bombs?
There is no way to know.
These are the worst vaccines ever produced, in all history.

Links to proof?
Statements from doctors from places like Mayo Clinic or the likes?
Are you a doctor or Immunologist?

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