The Vaccine is Dangerous

There are zero statistics on any mRNA vaccine. They are too new and the potential for delayed autoimmune deadly reactions is way too high.
I was already forced to get the Moderna, and the 2nd shot nearly killed me.
Sick for 3 weeks. Worse than anything in my whole like. Still headaches, fog, weakness.
If there are no statistics, how can you say
They have potential for delayed problems. Maybe one of the potential symptoms could be complete success.
All vaccines kill thousands, by things like anaphylactic shock.
But mRNA vaccines are more deadly than most vaccines because since they only contain tiny synthetic spike proteins, they can easily migrate and cause the immune system to attack where ever they end up. If they end up in the heart or brain, you die.
The vaccinated total death record is over 11,000, but they figure about half were not vaccine related deaths.
I don’t believe you
I literally live behind a "medical city" in DFW. It's nowhere near "packed with COVID patients".
I would assume your overworked nurses complain because they are so used to these HUGE hospitals only have one or two patients on each floor......checking on them once or twice a day and then having nice long breaks inbetween.

Now these billion dollar hospitals are actually serving the purposes they were built for, and the nurses are actually having to do the jobs they are paid high end wages to do.

And don't blame other people for the doctors, nurses, or hospitals lack or refusal of professional organization when it comes to getting actual work done, instead of sitting on their butts for most of their shifts.

I was taken to the hospital at the height of the COVID-demic last year and I was fully taken care of and got the treatment I needed for my non-COVID related emergency. I was there for a week, and I got full service from all of the nurses where I was. They were extremely efficient, and highly organized. They KNOW what they are doing. Sounds like the people you talked to have no clue what THEY are doing.

Just because someone has a nurses uniform on, or a doctors coat, does NOT mean they know what the hell they are doing, or care.
Here's the thing; BEFORE Covid hit, the national section of my local newspaper, along with the network TV affiliates of the Big 3 and various radio station all reported on various "border" states like Texas complaining about how their hospitals were consistently "overwhelmed" or "strained" by the illegal immigrants and poor folk using the ER as a regular doctor's office. The nursing staff unions would point to lack increase in cost of living expenses, bad administration decisions regarding staffing hours, recruitment of new staff. ALL BEFORE COVID.

Now suddenly all that supposedly went away, and everything was pristine and functioning like clock work before Covid.

I ain't buying that.

And your experience in the hospitals is just in the suburbs of NYC, my elderly parents went through some problems with 2 hospitals at one point or another over the years, but nurses sitting on their butts doing nothing wasn't one of them. Just saying.
It doesn't matter, what Mullis thinks.
He invented it in 1983, 38 years ago.

It's been revolutionized/modified to detect many different diseases, virus and micro-organisms
Your proud, willful ignorance would be laughable if not a pathetic example of the mentality of the Covid "vaccine" peanut gallery.

#1. you can't "revolutionize/modify" a procedure that was not even in the same ball park of diagnosis of patients for infection. Mullis explained it then with Fauci's BS about HIV=AIDS....38 years later the precedent setting test still remains as he designed it. Try reading up on it as I did....or watch his videos as he puts it in layman's terms.

#2. For your education:

Your Coronavirus Test is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn't Be.

The Reliability of RT-PCR tests for COVID-19​

How reliable are RT-PCR tests for COVID-19?

Your proud, willful ignorance would be laughable if not a pathetic example of the mentality of the Covid "vaccine" peanut gallery.

#1. you can't "revolutionize/modify" a procedure that was not even in the same ball park of diagnosis of patients for infection. Mullis explained it then with Fauci's BS about HIV=AIDS....38 years later the precedent setting test still remains as he designed it. Try reading up on it as I did....or watch his videos as he puts it in layman's terms.

#2. For your education:

Your Coronavirus Test is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn't Be.

The Reliability of RT-PCR tests for COVID-19​

How reliable are RT-PCR tests for COVID-19?


Totally wrong, just like your BS links.
Just because they claim the RT-PCR test are not reliable, doesn't make it so.
What disease/virus is the PCR test finding that isn't covid, they don't say.
Why not?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. The vaccines stop 94% or similar rate of contagion and even if you catch it it makes hospitalization much less necessary. You are confused on absolutely everything listening to your crap propaganda. Google any of this stuff -the whole world thinks you are nuts.
Tell that to Jesse Jackson and his wife who were vaccinated but both wound up in the hospital. The Vaccines aren't what they are claiming to be.

Totally wrong, just like your BS links.
Just because they claim the RT-PCR test are not reliable, doesn't make it so.
What disease/virus is the PCR test finding that isn't covid, they don't say.
Why not?
If you had actually read all the material (which obviously you didn't) you would note that what was presented was more than a "claim", but scientific evidence that casts serious doubt as to the "claimed" accuracy of the RT-PCR test.
Your 3rd question is solidifies your either inability to comprehend the information presented or a stubborn willful ignorance that seeks to divert from the evidence.
Let's try it again: "... PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.” by John Lauritsen in December 1996 about HIV and AIDS

this is why you have all these false positives and negative results...the article I provided (again) shows that even with this "innovation", the base of the test is NOT to do what it is used for. Period.
I don't blame them, I blame you for having such a shitty perspective over people who work in a heroic profession, literally saving lives and helping heal and comfort the sick. What do you do in this life to help improve your world?

You did this with teachers too--and I am a teacher. I bristle at the applying "hero" or "heroic" broadly. Some are, undeniably. Many are very good and do the job admirably. And many, frankly, are just not. Working in a caretaking profession requires a lot and some, possibly many, are just not cut out for it.

I'm tiring very quickly of the turn the healthcare profession has taken. From the dancing nurses days to now, whining incessantly about how full their wards are. Well, mostly, they're full because greedy hospital admins have been cutting beds for decades. Now these healthcare providers are hot on blaming people for their diseases, most especially "the unvaccinated". Right, that's a terrible move. If you did that as a healthcare provider you better only care for vegan marathon runners who don't drink, don't smoke and have never done drugs. Otherwise, keep your mouths shut and do your jobs.
You did this with teachers too--and I am a teacher. I bristle at the applying "hero" or "heroic" broadly. Some are, undeniably. Many are very good and do the job admirably. And many, frankly, are just not. Working in a caretaking profession requires a lot and some, possibly many, are just not cut out for it.

I'm tiring very quickly of the turn the healthcare profession has taken. From the dancing nurses days to now, whining incessantly about how full their wards are. Well, mostly, they're full because greedy hospital admins have been cutting beds for decades. Now these healthcare providers are hot on blaming people for their diseases, most especially "the unvaccinated". Right, that's a terrible move. If you did that as a healthcare provider you better only care for vegan marathon runners who don't drink, don't smoke and have never done drugs. Otherwise, keep your mouths shut and do your jobs.
Nurses unions for the last few decades have been petitioning for more and better trained staff, better hours & pay and more input into the very structure of hospital procedures.

Everything went to hell in a hand basket the day the bean counters took over health can thank Nixon for that....another reason to piss on his grave.
Nurses unions for the last few decades have been petitioning for more and better trained staff, better hours & pay and more input into the very structure of hospital procedures.

Everything went to hell in a hand basket the day the bean counters took over health can thank Nixon for that....another reason to piss on his grave.

The Powers That Be are very, very good at getting us to all blame each other while they take their fat cash wads to the bank. The vaccines don't work? Well, it must be the fault of....the people who don't take them!!!!

Really think on that for a second. And people buy it!!!
The Powers That Be are very, very good at getting us to all blame each other while they take their fat cash wads to the bank. The vaccines don't work? Well, it must be the fault of....the people who don't take them!!!!

Really think on that for a second. And people buy it!!!
Fear is a very good convincer....couple it with a deluge of media commercials and endorsements from celebrities, along with bias news reporting and people will line up as they are.
TheDefiantOne you as well have him a mahpjor ass beating,his bosses sure pay him well,no way would he keep coming back to suffer all these embarrassing ass beatings from all of us as he dies everyday fir free,no way,not
6,000 deaths out of millions who received the vaccine is chump change. Also, pretty much all medicine comes with risks, whether it be interactions or allergies or unforseen effects. My diabetes medication lists "coma" as a possible, rare but possible, side effect.
You need to still listening to the idiot box,itue death count is several times higher than that clueless.

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