The Vaccine is Dangerous

For some individuals, yes. They are very safe. For other individuals, no, they cannot be presumed to be safe. For example, individuals who have had severe a reaction to a vaccine in the past. Another example is individuals who are very elderly and/or already so sick that the side effects of the vaccines could literally kill them.

But of course, low IQ extremist leftist authoritarian sociopathic narcissistic control freaks such as yourself are too fucking stupid to even fathom the concept of any individual human being except for yourself.
Advocates of Typhoid Maryism must be aware that the most qualified experts in public health, epidemiology, and virology, while recognizing the effectiveness of widespread vaccination (and masking) to protect society, do not recommend it for the exceptions you have noted.
For some individuals, yes. They are very safe. For other individuals, no, they cannot be presumed to be safe. For example, individuals who have suffered a severe a reaction to a vaccine in the past. Another example is individuals who are very elderly and/or already so sick, that the side effects of the vaccines could literally kill them.

But of course, low IQ extremist leftist authoritarian sociopathic narcissistic control freaks such as yourself are too fucking stupid to even fathom the concept of any individual human being except for yourself.

Since the deaths after covid infection are not from the virus but from the autoimmune over reaction, everyone should be cautious about hyping up the immune system.

And we will not necessarily know what possible deadly autoimmune response these vaccines have programmed for decades.
My wife has Lupus and and a very weak autoimmune system. Her doctors insisted that she get the vaccine. They didn't think at her age and health condition she would survive Covid. It takes her six weeks to get over a cold that most people shake in a few days.

I wouldn't have bothered to get the vaccine because I am in great health with no risk factors other than age.

However, I got it to protect my wife.

It is nothing more than playing the odds. Youse pay youse money and you take youse chances.

I hate to say it, but we are doing this backwards.
What we should be doing is isolating the vulnerable with maskes/quarantine, while the rest of use either deliberately get infected for recovery immunity, or get vaccine immunity.
Giving these risky vaccines to the vulnerable, is all wrong.
Sorry, but I disagree.

First of all, there is a huge amount of disinformation.
For example, this is even from the CDC website:
{ ...
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

  1. First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the muscle cells, the cells use them to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.
  2. Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19.
  3. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.
That is insane and totally wrong.
There is no way the vaccine could possibly get our own cells to start growing spike proteins, since you would have to get the mRNA into the cells in the first place, and that is not possible without already having spike proteins that open the ACE2 receptors.
Nor would anyone ever want to turn their own cells into spike protein factories, since spike proteins are going to get attacked by our immune system.
If too many spike proteins were made, you would die. If not enough, you get no immunity.
Clearly the reality is these spike proteins are grown in stem cells in factories.
Stem cell are huge, and you can inject mRNA into them with micro syringes.
That way a measured number of spike proteins can then be injected in the vaccine.

Secondly is that the treatments like Fluvoxamine, Ivermectin, Quinine, etc. most definitely DO work on covid-19.
But they are not anti-virals.
That is because the virus is not the problem.
The problem that is killing people is the over reaction by the immune system.
It is essentially an autoimmune disease that is killing people.
So treatment is an immuno-suppressant, not an anti-viral.
You appear to be ideologically hidebound, and eager to reject medical expertise. If you'd rather be a disciple of Louie Gohmert, that is unfortunate.

Most Americans prefer to follow the advice of qualified medical authorities:

Here are the American adults who say they’ve already been vaccinated — broken down by demographic group:

  • All adults: 69 percent
  • Men: 67 percent
  • Women: 71 percent
  • 18-34: 63 percent
  • 35-49: 58 percent
  • 50-64: 71 percent
  • 65+: 86 percent
  • Whites: 66 percent
  • Blacks: 76 percent
  • Latinos: 71 percent
  • Urban residents: 79 percent
  • Suburban residents: 67 percent
  • Rural residents: 52 percent
  • White evangelicals: 59 percent
  • Democrats: 88 percent
  • Independents: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 55 percent
  • Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
  • Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
  • Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
  • Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
  • Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
  • Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
  • White non-college grads: 60 percent
  • White college grads: 80 percent

There is a paranoid disorder that manifests itself in delusional attitudes toward democratic elections, anthropogenic climate change, and immunology. An ideologically-induced emotional response to adverse empirical data in each cases triggers an irrational rejection of the empirical data.
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I hate to say it, but we are doing this backwards.
What we should be doing is isolating the vulnerable with maskes/quarantine, while the rest of use either deliberately get infected for recovery immunity, or get vaccine immunity.
Giving these risky vaccines to the vulnerable, is all wrong.

I am actually zealous to my buddy that got the Covid, was sick for a couple of days and now has natural immunity superior to what I have with the stupid vaccine.

However, like I said, it would be risky for my wife.
Not surprisingly, you state no sources.

Invariably, such nebulous seers are cited to prop up ideological dogma that contradicts empirical data.

There is no empirical data on these mRNA vaccines because they are only about 1.5 years old.
But it should be obvious that since all the covid related deaths are from autoimmune over reaction and not from the virus, that hyping up the immune system even more has great risks.
For example, the vaccine only contains synthetic spike proteins and nothing else, but building an immunity to spike proteins is very risky because our own exosomes have to use the same spike proteins.
You appear to be ideologically hidebound, and eager to reject medical expertise. If you'd rather be a disciple of Louie Gohmert, that is unfortunate.

Most Americans prefer to follow the advice of qualified medical authorities:

Here are the American adults who say they’ve already been vaccinated — broken down by demographic group:
  • All adults: 69 percent
  • Men: 67 percent
  • Women: 71 percent
  • 18-34: 63 percent
  • 35-49: 58 percent
  • 50-64: 71 percent
  • 65+: 86 percent
  • Whites: 66 percent
  • Blacks: 76 percent
  • Latinos: 71 percent
  • Urban residents: 79 percent
  • Suburban residents: 67 percent
  • Rural residents: 52 percent
  • White evangelicals: 59 percent
  • Democrats: 88 percent
  • Independents: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 55 percent
  • Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
  • Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
  • Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
  • Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
  • Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
  • Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
  • White non-college grads: 60 percent
  • White college grads: 80 percent

There is a paranoid disorder that manifests itself in delusional attitudes toward democratic elections, anthropogenic climate change, and immunology. An emotional response to adverse empirical data in each cases triggers an irrational rejection of empirical data.

How do they know the demographics since the only thing they really ask when you get the vaccine are your age and race? They have never asked me anything about my politics or education level or anything else.

I suspect the people that came up with that list have very little real data to support it. Maybe a stupid poll or somebody just winging it with locational demographics.
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You appear to be ideologically hidebound, and eager to reject medical expertise. If you'd rather be a disciple of Louie Gohmert, that is unfortunate.

Most Americans prefer to follow the advice of qualified medical authorities:

Here are the American adults who say they’ve already been vaccinated — broken down by demographic group:

  • All adults: 69 percent
  • Men: 67 percent
  • Women: 71 percent
  • 18-34: 63 percent
  • 35-49: 58 percent
  • 50-64: 71 percent
  • 65+: 86 percent
  • Whites: 66 percent
  • Blacks: 76 percent
  • Latinos: 71 percent
  • Urban residents: 79 percent
  • Suburban residents: 67 percent
  • Rural residents: 52 percent
  • White evangelicals: 59 percent
  • Democrats: 88 percent
  • Independents: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 55 percent
  • Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
  • Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
  • Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
  • Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
  • Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
  • Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
  • White non-college grads: 60 percent
  • White college grads: 80 percent

There is a paranoid disorder that manifests itself in delusional attitudes toward democratic elections, anthropogenic climate change, and immunology. An ideologically-induced emotional response to adverse empirical data in each cases triggers an irrational rejection of empirical data.

Sorry, that is stupid.
Who believes whatever, has absolutely no bearing on science.
Anyone who thinks there is strong science behind these mRNA vaccines is just an idiot.
These are not real vaccines.
There is no whole virus in the vaccines.
All they are doing is manufacturing spike proteins with stem cells in a factory.
And sensitizing our own immune system to spike proteins is EXTREMELY risky because our own body had to produce spike proteins for exosomes to be able to get into cells, through ACE2 receptors.

You are the hidebound one who is not thinking.
I am vastly more leftist than you.
You are working for the right wing big pharma, who is making trillions off causing and exploiting this minor epidemic.
The government magnified the death tool by "flattening the curve", making it last over 10 times as long as it would have naturally.
I am actually zealous to my buddy that got the Covid, was sick for a couple of days and now has natural immunity superior to what I have with the stupid vaccine.

However, like I said, it would be risky for my wife.

Well you are not alone.
I also was compelled to get vaxed.
But really hated the 2nd Moderna.
Sick for weeks.
How do they know the demographis since the only thing they really ask when you get the vaccine is your age and race? They have never asked me anything about my politics or education level or anything else.

I suspect the people that came up with that list have very little real data to support it. Maybe a stupid poll or somebody just winging it with locational demographics.

That is the funny thing about polls, is that those really already polarized are going to give false information to support their ideology anyway, so are useless.
There is no empirical data on these mRNA vaccines because they are only about 1.5 years old.
But it should be obvious that since all the covid related deaths are from autoimmune over reaction and not from the virus, that hyping up the immune system even more has great risks.
For example, the vaccine only contains synthetic spike proteins and nothing else, but building an immunity to spike proteins is very risky because our own exosomes have to use the same spike proteins.
Vaccinating a high percentage of the population against COVID-19 is a crucial part of the U.S. strategy to curb the pandemic.
Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 365 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 172 million people or 51.9% of the total U.S. population.

Most Americans, ideologues excepted, grasp that whatever minimal danger attends to being vaccinated, not being vaccinated is far more likely to result in being infected , transmitting, and dying from the virus.

August 25, 2021​
Louisiana reported 139 coronavirus-related deaths on Tuesday – the state's highest reported number of deaths in a single day since the pandemic began, the Louisiana Department of Health tweeted.
The state's health department reported 3,814 new cases of the virus Tuesday, noting an increase across all age groups within the state.
To date, 40% of Louisiana's population is fully vaccinated — one of the lowest rates in the country.
Vaccinating a high percentage of the population against COVID-19 is a crucial part of the U.S. strategy to curb the pandemic.
Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 365 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 172 million people or 51.9% of the total U.S. population.

Most Americans, ideologues excepted, grasp that whatever minimal danger attends to being vaccinated, not being vaccinated is far more likely to result in being infected , transmitting, and dying from the virus.

August 25, 2021​
Louisiana reported 139 coronavirus-related deaths on Tuesday – the state's highest reported number of deaths in a single day since the pandemic began, the Louisiana Department of Health tweeted.
The state's health department reported 3,814 new cases of the virus Tuesday, noting an increase across all age groups within the state.
To date, 40% of Louisiana's population is fully vaccinated — one of the lowest rates in the country.

The risk of death for those under 40 is 400 times lower than the risk of death over 70, (after getting covid).
So then obviously the best strategy would have been last March, to temporarily isolate those over 70, and then deliberately infect 60 million volunteers under 40.
That would have ended it in less than a month, with fewer than 6,000 deaths.
Then we would have saved over 550,000 lives.

You have no idea what the final death toll from these fake vaccines could be.
They could initiate all sorts of potentially lethal autoimmune responses.
For example, our immune system could start attacking the spike proteins on our own exosomes.

What you seem to forget is that the longer we wait and let it spread, the harder it is to achieve herd immunity.
It may already even be too late, and now it is possible covid may become endemic to humans, and never go away.
You appear to be ideologically hidebound, and eager to reject medical expertise. If you'd rather be a disciple of Louie Gohmert, that is unfortunate.

Most Americans prefer to follow the advice of qualified medical authorities:

Here are the American adults who say they’ve already been vaccinated — broken down by demographic group:

  • All adults: 69 percent
  • Men: 67 percent
  • Women: 71 percent
  • 18-34: 63 percent
  • 35-49: 58 percent
  • 50-64: 71 percent
  • 65+: 86 percent
  • Whites: 66 percent
  • Blacks: 76 percent
  • Latinos: 71 percent
  • Urban residents: 79 percent
  • Suburban residents: 67 percent
  • Rural residents: 52 percent
  • White evangelicals: 59 percent
  • Democrats: 88 percent
  • Independents: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 55 percent
  • Republicans who support Trump more than party: 46 percent
  • Republicans who support party more than Trump: 62 percent
  • Democratic Sanders-Warren voters: 88 percent
  • Democratic Biden voters: 87 percent
  • Biden voters in 2020 general election: 91 percent
  • Trump voters in 2020 general election: 50 percent
  • White non-college grads: 60 percent
  • White college grads: 80 percent

There is a paranoid disorder that manifests itself in delusional attitudes toward democratic elections, anthropogenic climate change, and immunology. An ideologically-induced emotional response to adverse empirical data in each cases triggers an irrational rejection of the empirical data.
My wife has Lupus and and a very weak autoimmune system. Her doctors insisted that she get the vaccine. They didn't think at her age and health condition she would survive Covid. It takes her six weeks to get over a cold that most people shake in a few days.

I wouldn't have bothered to get the vaccine because I am in great health with no risk factors other than age.

However, I got it to protect my wife.

It is nothing more than playing the odds. Youse pay youse money and you take youse chances.

Autoimmune diseases are very strange. I have two and since getting them, my immune system is overly ramped up. I almost never get sick with viruses. But when I get vaccines it messes everything up. I am not questioning your wife's experience though. Autoimmunes are whacky. My mother and I have the very same condition and yet our diseases present quite differently.

At any rate, I'm not 100% anti-vaccine. It seems like they're just the thing for your wife. I just resent minions and etc telling us we must ALL get them, no matter what. Clearly, they're not working as advertised.
Advocates of Typhoid Maryism must be aware that the most qualified experts in public health, epidemiology, and virology, while recognizing the effectiveness of widespread vaccination (and masking) to protect society, do not recommend it for the exceptions you have noted.

These vaccines are largely a bust. They are like flu vaccines; they are not going to get us close to eradicating covid. At best they will limit severe infections, but are so dangerous it might not be worth the risk for very many people.

That's the reality on the ground, but the propaganda is such that many people are having a terrible time understanding it.
No, it's not fake news.
The mRNA vaccines just contain spike proteins, and if even one of them migrates into the blood stream, and gets to someplace like the heart of brain, then when the immune system attacks, you die.
Thousands have already died.
That is a tiny fraction compared to covid deaths, but it is wrong to ignore the known risks.
And then there are the unknown risks.
For example, our own body needs, uses, and makes the same spike proteins, for exosomes to be able to open ACE2 receptors.
So these vaccines could sensitize our immune system to attack our own exosomes.
That would be fatal, and could happen decades later.
Rigsby, in following up one of our recent discussions, I have spent about two hours investigating various medical sources including: Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, CDC, WHO, and articles relative to “do C-19 vaccines enter the bloodstream” and found two statements that finally describe the IM process in plain English, meaning they were clear in stating (unlike all reputable/semi-reputable sources aforementioned). You would think they would provide simple answers for simple questions for anyone interested to learning “does the IM delivery method travel in the bloodstream”. Here is what I’ve learned:

“In intramuscular (IM) injections, one of the most common routes of administration, medication is injected directly into a muscle, where it may be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly or gradually, depending on the viscosity and formulation of the medication, local blood supply, and depth of the injection.”

“In addition, drug absorption from the DG muscle may be slower than other sites and this can lead to a build-up of drugs in the tissues and risk of overdose (Malkin, 2008). Many patients find the use of the DG site intrusive and are reluctant to undress to give access to the relevant area. For these reasons, the DG muscle is no longer recommended for IM injections – in spite of this, many nurses continue to use it (Ogston-Tuck,2014; Walsh and Brophy, 2011; Malkin, 2008).”

I accepted your finding that blood’s PH factor prevents this from occurring, thinking well maybe it goes from muscle tissue to the lymph system and travels throughout, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

In 2018, a nursing training manual describes differences of routes of vaccination methods. These C-19 drug companies in the US all went with IM method of injection- deeper penetration into muscle/straight angle technique. Here is what they printed about using IM-inter muscular route of injection compared to the subcutaneous method:
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Fortunately, unless you suffer from ideologically-induced paranoia (that can be lethal) you can readilly access the truth from a broad range of credible media outlets that accurately report the advanced medical science of qualified sources.

The crackpots have their preferences, of course, regardless of the proliferation of infections and deaths in regions with low vaccination rates and pathological mask aversion.

Representative Louie Gohment, a Republican from Texas,
on Friday appeared to speak in support of unproven
treatments for COVID-19, including ivermectin, a drug
that's often used as a dewormer for cows and horses.

The FDA notes that ivermectin tablets "are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea." But it specifies that ivermectin is not a drug for treating viruses.
"That's Louie flailing his arms.
He's excited because he was just dewormed."
I'll get back to you after I find my shill repellent. Your posts are rhetoric and talking points. Basically lies.
No, it's not fake news.
The mRNA vaccines just contain spike proteins, and if even one of them migrates into the blood stream, and gets to someplace like the heart of brain, then when the immune system attacks, you die.
Thousands have already died.
That is a tiny fraction compared to covid deaths, but it is wrong to ignore the known risks.
And then there are the unknown risks.
For example, our own body needs, uses, and makes the same spike proteins, for exosomes to be able to open ACE2 receptors.
So these vaccines could sensitize our immune system to attack our own exosomes.
That would be fatal, and could happen decades later.
Of course it's fake news. That's why none of you yahoo's can back up that claim about microscopic blood clots in any medical journals.
Now, apply your numbers logic to the actual, documented death tally of children, then adults, and compare them to the general population census. kind of puts a crimp in your "logic", n'cest pas?
No, it doesn't. Even if the virus affects only 1% of the population--the chronically ill, immunocompromised, the elderly, etc-- they're still worth going through a little inconvenience for (ie, wearing a mask and getting vaxxed if your medical history allows). That's how my Dr explained it to me: "if you or I were to get COVID, we'd probably be fine. But it's the elderly we're protecting"
That said, I do believe the government won't let opportunity to abuse it's power go unwasted. So, I don't think COVID is a hoax. But I do think the governments of the world are using it for their own purposes.
I am actually zealous to my buddy that got the Covid, was sick for a couple of days and now has natural immunity superior to what I have with the stupid vaccine.

However, like I said, it would be risky for my wife.
You’ll make a mistake when disregarding chloroquine’s use for lupus, since Trump’s hydroxychloroquine is effective against SARS-Cov_2. We have already posted why this is so, from French science..

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