The Vaccine is Dangerous

You’ll make a mistake when disregarding chloroquine’s use for lupus, since Trump’s hydroxychloroquine is effective against SARS-Cov_2. We have already posted why this is so, from French science..
My wife took that for a few years. The doctor took her off it because he said it was not good for long term use.
My wife took that for a few years. The doctor took her off it because he said it was not good for long term use.
Then you have a legitimate beef with the physician. There is much published about loing-term use, but your physician would be compromised when explaining the dynamics of hydroxychloroquine against SARS-CoV-2. The difference is an important one, Mr. Einstein: the hydroxy moiety. Your physician would lose credibility when the science is analyzed by any reasonable organism.
"If you had actually read all the material (which obviously you didn't) you would note that what was presented was more than a "claim", but scientific evidence".

I did read your links, that's why I called their "evidence" claims.

"Your 3rd question is solidifies your either inability to comprehend the information presented or a stubborn willful ignorance that seeks to divert from the evidence".

Right, the evidence of the RT-PCR test that indicates the pattern of covid, then upon further analysis is proven right.

"PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV.

Exactly what I just claimed.

The COVID-19 RT-PCR test is to be used with the Roche MagNA Pure-96 (MP96) using MagNA Pure 96 DNA and Viral NA Small Volume Kit and Applied Biosystems QuantStudio7 Flex (QS7) instrument with software version 1.3 in a singleplex format. The COVID-19 RT-PCR test can also be used with the CERES Nanosciences Nanotrap Virus Capture Kit. Pooling is conducted on the Tecan Evo 200 liquid handling instrument. All pooling of samples is performed before sample extraction. When the COVID-19 RT-PCR test is multiplexed into a single reaction, it is automated on the Hamilton Microlab star liquid handler and uses two extraction methods: 1) Thermo Fisher MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit on the Thermo Fisher KingFisher Flex instrument; 2) MagNA Pure 96 DNA and Viral NA Small Volume Kit on the Roche MagNA Pure-96 (MP6), and Applied Biosystems QuantStudio7 Flex (QS7) instrument with software version 1.3.

Those test confirm what the RT-PCR test SUSPECT is covid.
Okay, once more for the cheap seats.

the first paragraph you excerpted; " ... Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all;"

This means that the PCR test could not diagnose if you were infected with HIV=AiDS and can not diagnose if you are infected with Covid-19.

As for your second excerpt, this is essentially a more elaborate, somewhat quicker innovation on the original process, but as you finally state, concludes a SUSPICION, NOT a bonafide conclusive diagnosis. From my link, here's what you conveniently leave out, "....
The authors say this test is the basis of all current COVID-19 testing. They say, correctly, that a positive/negative result is insufficient. Labs must provide the Ct value; without it, RT-PCR is unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool."

..... Nonetheless, people should recognize that even a properly-conducted PCR test is not determinative: it only gives a rough probability that a virus may be present. From a biochemical perspective, RT-PCR barely even qualifies as a quantitative assay, but as a screening tool it is better than many of the proposed alternatives."

Any medical procedure based ONLY on a suspicion is dangerous. Period. this is why you have all those false positives and negatives. The "better than nothing" attitude is of little comfort to a patient being treated on the basis of a faulty test.

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No, it doesn't. Even if the virus affects only 1% of the population--the chronically ill, immunocompromised, the elderly, etc-- they're still worth going through a little inconvenience for (ie, wearing a mask and getting vaxxed if your medical history allows). That's how my Dr explained it to me: "if you or I were to get COVID, we'd probably be fine. But it's the elderly we're protecting"
That said, I do believe the government won't let opportunity to abuse it's power go unwasted. So, I don't think COVID is a hoax. But I do think the governments of the world are using it for their own purposes.
Nnaa-unnh, junior! You don't get off playing that game. YOU made an issue of the numbers of deaths, cases, etc., reported by the MSM as the hands down justification for all policies and practices regarding treatment of Covid. Now, when you see that those numbers are essentially below minimal to the population, you throw out that assertion.

You can't have it both can't use a rule and then diminish/discard it to suit your needs.
You should have asked your doctor how the hell is getting these experimental gene therapy shots protecting anyone WHEN THE CDC AND FDA COP TO THE FACT THAT YOU CAN STILL CONTRACT AND/OR BE A CARRIER OF COVID (VARIANTS) DESPITE GETTING ANY OF THE "VAX" SHOTS?
What you "believe" is irrelevant when one looks at ALL the information that is available, much less the contradictory nature of information the MSM is bull horning in conjunction with medical officials.
No, it doesn't. Even if the virus affects only 1% of the population--the chronically ill, immunocompromised, the elderly, etc-- they're still worth going through a little inconvenience for (ie, wearing a mask and getting vaxxed if your medical history allows). That's how my Dr explained it to me: "if you or I were to get COVID, we'd probably be fine. But it's the elderly we're protecting"
That said, I do believe the government won't let opportunity to abuse it's power go unwasted. So, I don't think COVID is a hoax. But I do think the governments of the world are using it for their own purposes.

A vaccine with the terrible side effect profile this one has is not a "little inconvenience". We do not ask healthy 20 yo men to risk HEART DISEASE to spare 80 year old men. Are you kidding me? What is going on here?
Okay, once more for the cheap seats.

the first paragraph you excerpted; " ... Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all;"

This means that the PCR test could not diagnose if you were infected with HIV=AiDS and can not diagnose if you are infected with Covid-19.

As for your second excerpt, this is essentially a more elaborate, somewhat quicker innovation on the original process, but as you finally state, concludes a SUSPICION, NOT a bonafide conclusive diagnosis. From my link, here's what you conveniently leave out, "....
The authors say this test is the basis of all current COVID-19 testing. They say, correctly, that a positive/negative result is insufficient. Labs must provide the Ct value; without it, RT-PCR is unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool."

..... Nonetheless, people should recognize that even a properly-conducted PCR test is not determinative: it only gives a rough probability that a virus may be present. From a biochemical perspective, RT-PCR barely even qualifies as a quantitative assay, but as a screening tool it is better than many of the proposed alternatives."

Any medical procedure based ONLY on a suspicion is dangerous. Period. this is why you have all those false positives and negatives. The "better than nothing" attitude is of little comfort to a patient being treated on the basis of a faulty test.

Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all;"

"This means that the PCR test could not diagnose if you were infected with HIV=AiDS and can not diagnose if you are infected with Covid-19".

But they are, so how is that possible?

The viral load is the amount of a specific virus in a test sample taken from a patient. For COVID-19, that means how many viral genomes are detected in a nasopharyngeal swab from the patient. The viral load reflects how well a virus is replicating in an infected person. A high viral load for SARS-CoV2 detected in a patient swab means numerous coronavirus particles are present in the patient.

It's just like parts per million/billion in a milliliter of liquid.
The PCR test finds one or molecules.
The viral load test determines how many.

"Any medical procedure based ONLY on a suspicion is dangerous".
Of course, they always warn the patient of dangers, when they perform exploratory surgery.
But that isn't the case here, they are only doing further testing.
A vaccine with the terrible side effect profile this one has is not a "little inconvenience". We do not ask healthy 20 yo men to risk HEART DISEASE to spare 80 year old men. Are you kidding me? What is going on here?

Why the "disagree" on this? Since when is it a moral good to risk the hearts of 20 year old men for the sake of old men at the end of their lives?

What are we doing? Are we that cowardly? Old men, are you that cowardly?
A vaccine with the terrible side effect profile this one has is not a "little inconvenience". We do not ask healthy 20 yo men to risk HEART DISEASE to spare 80 year old men. Are you kidding me? What is going on here?
Sure beats the "side effects" of covid.
Nnaa-unnh, junior! You don't get off playing that game. YOU made an issue of the numbers of deaths, cases, etc., reported by the MSM as the hands down justification for all policies and practices regarding treatment of Covid. Now, when you see that those numbers are essentially below minimal to the population, you throw out that assertion.

You can't have it both can't use a rule and then diminish/discard it to suit your needs.
You should have asked your doctor how the hell is getting these experimental gene therapy shots protecting anyone WHEN THE CDC AND FDA COP TO THE FACT THAT YOU CAN STILL CONTRACT AND/OR BE A CARRIER OF COVID (VARIANTS) DESPITE GETTING ANY OF THE "VAX" SHOTS?
What you "believe" is irrelevant when one looks at ALL the information that is available, much less the contradictory nature of information the MSM is bull horning in conjunction with medical officials.
Stay mad
A vaccine with the terrible side effect profile this one has is not a "little inconvenience". We do not ask healthy 20 yo men to risk HEART DISEASE to spare 80 year old men. Are you kidding me? What is going on here?
Citation needed. And you don't have the get the vaxx if you don't want to. As for me, done deal, and I'd do it again.
Sure beats the "side effects" of covid.
Right. And COVID can affect your heart--I have a friend whose father recently passed away due to heart issues that resulted from him contracting COVID last year. But since he didn't die while infected with COVID, it's not officially counted as a COVID death.
A shit ton and many hospitals are at capacity right now with Covid positive patients who haven’t been vaxed…. Not with people having adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Dude that's because the people who have adverse reactions to the vaccines are already buried. I mean think about what you're saying before you say it.
It's kind of hard for them to occupy an ICU bed at the same time they're already occupying a casket.
Right. And COVID can affect your heart--I have a friend whose father recently passed away due to heart issues that resulted from him contracting COVID last year. But since he didn't die while infected with COVID, it's not officially counted as a COVID death.
Covid can affect a lot more than your heart.
Citation needed. And you don't have the get the vaxx if you don't want to. As for me, done deal, and I'd do it again.

We agree that it should absolutely be a choice with no coercion then. You are free to make yours and I respect that, as long as I am free to make mine and you respect that.
Muhammed said:
SweetSue92 said:
These vaccines are largely a bust.
Your posts are rhetoric and talking points. Basically lies.
The ideological dogma that crackpots and/or media mavens train their groveling true-believers to parrot is no substitute for medical expertise, nor for the empirical data that dictates medicinal efficacy.

Wherever you see the quack nostrums being touted, examine the source, and you will find, not an experienced virologist, epidemiologist, or public health specialist. You will invariably expose a hyper-partisan ideologue consumed by a cocktail of paranoidal, aberrant beliefs concerning medicine, climatology, reasonable requirements for evidence of irregularities in democratic elections when their Loser is disgruntled, etc., etc., etc.

Faith-based claptrap is no substitute for a dispassionate acceptance of demonstrable reality, nor is emotional fanaticism an eradicant of unwanted truths.


Screen Shot 2021-08-28 at 1.09.01 PM.png

Louis Gohmert, who is a walking, shovel-ready, Augean stable
of bullshit, is pushing a cattle dewormer to treat covid.

According to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 99.999% of fully vaccinated Americans have not needed to be hospitalized due to Covid-19. 172 million Americans have been fully vaccinated. Widespread adverse reactions due to the vaccines would have already developed among at least some of the vaccinated. Despite the hysterical lies of trumpwanks, they have not.

If anyone is actually going to follow the medical advice of limited Louie over the consensus of actual medical experts, they'd be less deranged if they trusted him to recommend a hair growth elixir.

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We’ll first show that Trump was correct about hydroxychloroquine, then link it to lupus:

May 2020 France / GM1 / SARS-CoV-2 / Azithromycin-Hydroxychloroquine
’....Unexpected molecular similarity is shown between the sugar moiety of GM1. Due to this mimicry, azithromycin interacts with the ganglioside-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein....Azithromycin is directed against the virus, whereas hydroxychloroquine is directed against cellular attachment cofactors. We conclude that both drugs act as competitive inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 attachment to host-cell membranes.’

Both drugs are antivirals that mimic antibody physics.

Hungary: Lupus / GM1 / Lipid Raft Aggregation / Galectin-1

Not far from the copper mine in Yunnan, site of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, was discovered the Mengla filovirus that infected the Rousettus fruit-bat. These bats get cholangiocarcinoma, linking to nephrotic gangliosides. GM3 links precisely to this bat cancer:

South Carolina / Lupus Nephritis / GM3 Ganglioside
The ideological dogma that crackpots and/or media mavens train their groveling true-believers to parrot is no substitute for medical expertise, nor for the empirical data that dictates medicinal efficacy.

Wherever you see the quack nostrums being touted, examine the source, and you will find, not an experienced virologist, epidemiologist, or public health specialist. You will invariably expose a hyper-partisan ideologue consumed by a cocktail of paranoidal, aberrant beliefs concerning medicine, climatology, reasonable requirements for evidence of irregularities in democratic elections when their Loser is disgruntled, etc., etc., etc.

Faith-based claptrap is no substitute for a dispassionate acceptance of demonstrable reality, nor is emotional fanaticism an eradicant of unwanted truths.


View attachment 532110
Louis Gohmert, who is a walking, shovel-ready, Augean stable
of bullshit, is pushing a cattle dewormer to treat covid.

According to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 99.999% of fully vaccinated Americans have not needed to be hospitalized due to Covid-19. 172 million Americans have been fully vaccinated. Widespread adverse reactions due to the vaccines would have already developed among at least some of the vaccinated. Despite the hysterical lies of trumpwanks, they have not.

If anyone is actually going to follow the medical advice of limited Louie over the consensus of actual medical experts, they'd be less deranged if they trusted him to recommend a hair growth elixir.

You are stupid and not that well educated. You have just been screwed by the information anarchy of science.

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