The vaccine.

Right wing fantasists are even sillier. Your own post shows Clinton won the popular vote twice.
No, Dumbass. To win the popular vote you have to get over 50% of all votes cast.

You don't get to eliminate millions of popular votes to claim something, Stupid. :laughing0301:
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
Why are we still wearing masks?
Because we are still in the midst of a pandemic
If you’re immune what does the mask do? Makes no sense. Either you trust the science or you don’t.
Do we trust you?
Go out in public and see some with masks and some without.
Should we take your word or require masks to be safe.
Right wing fantasists are even sillier. Your own post shows Clinton won the popular vote twice.
No, Dumbass. To win the popular vote you have to get over 50% of all votes cast.

You don't get to eliminate millions of popular votes to claim something, Stupid. :laughing0301:
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about anything serious.

To win the popular vote you merely need a majority of the People who voted.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated What an embarrassment
What do you think the government should do to these people.
Well there's always the FEMA camps. I mean, if people don't want the vaccine, that's their choice, but the rest of us shouldn't be put at risk, because of their obstinance. It's just self defense and justifiable, IMO.
BOO...get a life.
I want to keep my life. That's why we need to be segregated from the virus factories that the anti-vaxxers will surely become.
Cool. Stay under your bed with your coloring book.
NO, I'm getting the vaccine and going to be talking about making sure that the virus breeding ground of anti-vaxxers not be allowed to infect the rest of us with variant strains because of their obstinate stupidity.
NO, I'm getting the vaccine and going to be talking about making sure that the virus breeding ground of anti-vaxxers not be allowed to infect the rest of us with variant strains because of their obstinate stupidity.
You Fascist are all the same.
I think the vaccine doesn't actually do shit. It is a placebo. Why else do we still have to wear masks?

because we aren't up to 70-85% fully vaccinated people.

you have heard of herd immunity.... haven't you?
So the vaccine is unnecessary unless you are high risk right? After all herd immunity happens naturally. The lockdowns actually made things worse by not allowing herd immunity to happen faster. We should've just protected those at high risk and let the rest go on with things a normal.

Only herd immunity through infection happens naturally.

There is another way to herd immunity.

It's through vaccination. Which is what the US is doing. It's what we did with small pox, polio and so many other diseases.

In fact we eradicated small pox with herd immunity by vaccinations.
after YEARS of experimenting, tweaking, and different dosages, did they come up with a REAL vaccine.
the shit you are injecting yourselves with has no CONCRETE evidence of either helping, or hindering. no CONCRETE evidence of reprucussions....IT'S EXPERIMENTAL....duh
this is AMERICA....I choose what I put in MY body...don't like it, stay home and use uber
Right wing fantasists are even sillier. Your own post shows Clinton won the popular vote twice.
No, Dumbass. To win the popular vote you have to get over 50% of all votes cast.

You don't get to eliminate millions of popular votes to claim something, Stupid. :laughing0301:
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about anything serious.

To win the popular vote you merely need a majority of the People who voted.

43% and 49% are not a majority if the people who voted, Stupid.

You suck at math, and life.
NO, I'm getting the vaccine and going to be talking about making sure that the virus breeding ground of anti-vaxxers not be allowed to infect the rest of us with variant strains because of their obstinate stupidity.
You Fascist are all the same.
What's fascist about wanting to avoid Typhoid Marys?
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
View attachment 485900

How can posting the facts be that of a troll?
It happened and you all know it so why challenge it with ignorance.
How coincidental that trolls are always opposite to your view.
Here's some advice. Don't ask a question until you know the answer. Remember that. I trap people all the time with that simple logic.
I don't need any advice from you.

You Leftist are all the same.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.

Don't get all buthurt when someone doesn't care to waste the time trying to explain to you what you are incapable of understanding.
Here's some advice. Don't ask a question until you know the answer. Remember that. I trap people all the time with that simple logic.
I don't need any advice from you.

You Leftist are all the same.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.

Don't get all buthurt when someone doesn't care to waste the time trying to explain to you what you are incapable of understanding.

There you go again .
More outrageous statements with no evidence. You don't get son.
If your IQ was any lower they would have to water it twice a day.
Keep g
Here's some advice. Don't ask a question until you know the answer. Remember that. I trap people all the time with that simple logic.
I don't need any advice from you.

You Leftist are all the same.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.

Don't get all buthurt when someone doesn't care to waste the time trying to explain to you what you are incapable of understanding.

There you go again. More outrageous statements about me not substantiated. Just your ignorant opinion.
If your IQ was any lower they would have to water it daily. . Keep going.
Here's some advice. Don't ask a question until you know the answer. Remember that. I trap people all the time with that simple logic.
I don't need any advice from you.

You Leftist are all the same.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.

Don't get all buthurt when someone doesn't care to waste the time trying to explain to you what you are incapable of understanding.
Trolls are not known for their intelligence
Here's some advice. Don't ask a question until you know the answer. Remember that. I trap people all the time with that simple logic.
I don't need any advice from you.

You Leftist are all the same.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.

Don't get all buthurt when someone doesn't care to waste the time trying to explain to you what you are incapable of understanding.
Trolls are not known for their intelligence
Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points.
Attached is what I said so after leading you to exactly where I wanted before I sunk you, what was that you said about low IQs?
Keep going.

I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

You mean Joe is personally giving the shots? Can I get in the other line? You mean Joe went around the FDA to get us the vaccs in record time? Oh yeah, that was Donald.

Really? So he ought to. He avoided managing the crisis for 6 weeks before he acted. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
If he did what you say, why are there so many republicans who refused to take it?
Sorry. Now I know. God looked after them. That worked well.

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