The vaccine.

You lack the IQ to understand the very basic principles this Country was founded upon.
Trolls are not known for their intelligence
Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points.

Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points?

Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points?

Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points? :bang3:
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

You mean Joe is personally giving the shots? Can I get in the other line? You mean Joe went around the FDA to get us the vaccs in record time? Oh yeah, that was Donald.

Really? So he ought to. He avoided managing the crisis for 6 weeks before he acted. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
If he did what you say, why are there so many republicans who refused to take it?
Sorry. Now I know. God looked after them. That worked well.

Now we have sunk to intellect insults you are wading into my string points!
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
Why are we still wearing masks?
Because we are still in the midst of a pandemic
If you’re immune what does the mask do? Makes no sense. Either you trust the science or you don’t.
Do we trust you?
Go out in public and see some with masks and some without.
Should we take your word or require masks to be safe.
Zero to do with me. Either we trust the science or we don’t. If vaccines make one immune then why does one have to wear a mask?
We should've just protected those at high risk and let the rest go on with things a normal.
Imagine the cries of "you're stealing my freedom" from all those old republican trumptards, when they are restricted (because in your words, we are protecting you) and all us low risk people live our normal lives seeking herd immunity.

Sure, that would go well.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.

Very strange...very, very strange:rolleyes-41:.

View attachment 485743
How do we know this isn't a photo from 10 years ago? Since the anti-vaxxers demand extraordinary evidence, so will I.
It's not-------homeless encampments didn't get the outbreaks. I think likely has to do with the virus not being a good competitor against other virus's. The cold for instance has been shown to take over bodies preventing the covid virus from spreading in the same body.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

You mean Joe is personally giving the shots? Can I get in the other line? You mean Joe went around the FDA to get us the vaccs in record time? Oh yeah, that was Donald.

Really? So he ought to. He avoided managing the crisis for 6 weeks before he acted. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
If he did what you say, why are there so many republicans who refused to take it?
Sorry. Now I know. God looked after them. That worked well.
Which six weeks were the 6 he didn't act Colin norris

Give us some dates.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated

What an embarrassment
The right will blame Biden for people refusing the vaccine...
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
Very strange...very, very strange:rolleyes-41:.
View attachment 485743
How do we know this isn't a photo from 10 years ago? Since the anti-vaxxers demand extraordinary evidence, so will I.
It's not-------homeless encampments didn't get the outbreaks. I think likely has to do with the virus not being a good competitor against other virus's. The cold for instance has been shown to take over bodies preventing the covid virus from spreading in the same body.
Got a cite that shows that homeless camps don't get covid? Remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, otherwise you're just another spreader of FAKE NEWS.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

You mean Joe is personally giving the shots? Can I get in the other line? You mean Joe went around the FDA to get us the vaccs in record time? Oh yeah, that was Donald.

Really? So he ought to. He avoided managing the crisis for 6 weeks before he acted. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
If he did what you say, why are there so many republicans who refused to take it?
Sorry. Now I know. God looked after them. That worked well.
Which six weeks were the 6 he didn't act Colin norris

Give us some dates.

Ain't it funny, Nos--- --- I remember last year as the democrats bitching Trump was responding too fast by doing too much as they tried to block him at every measure stopping people from coming in from high risk areas, etc. Doesn't anyone remember Nancy touring the SanFran fish district telling everyone to come out and shop?

When Trump cut off travel from high risk countries, the democrats ATTACKED the move as xenophobic.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

You mean Joe is personally giving the shots? Can I get in the other line? You mean Joe went around the FDA to get us the vaccs in record time? Oh yeah, that was Donald.

Really? So he ought to. He avoided managing the crisis for 6 weeks before he acted. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
If he did what you say, why are there so many republicans who refused to take it?
Sorry. Now I know. God looked after them. That worked well.
Which six weeks were the 6 he didn't act Colin norris

Give us some dates.

Ain't it funny, Nos--- --- I remember last year as the democrats bitching Trump was responding too fast by doing too much as they tried to block him at every measure stopping people from coming in from high risk areas, etc. Doesn't anyone remember Nancy touring the SanFran fish district telling everyone to come out and shop?

When Trump cut off travel from high risk countries, the democrats ATTACKED the move as xenophobic.
Right wingers were doing it for bigotry not health reasons. Right wingers claiming the pandemic is a Hoax and refusing to wear masks, proves it.
J and J didn't "pull" the vaccine like you are claiming, after the blood clot cases, they actually suspended it, but now, they are getting back on track to start distribution again.
Be sure to be the first in line to get it .....

I know you're being snarky, but the fact of the matter is that I don't need the J and J vaccine, as the VA saw fit to inoculate all the vets here in Amarillo with the Moderna vaccine. Got my second shot just over a month ago, and am now fully vaccinated.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
Why are we still wearing masks?
Because we are still in the midst of a pandemic
If you’re immune what does the mask do? Makes no sense. Either you trust the science or you don’t.

According to the doctors that gave me the Moderna vaccine, they told me that even after I got the 2nd shot, I should wear a mask for at least 2 weeks afterwards, as it takes 2 weeks after the 2nd shot for immunity to be fully realized.

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