The vaccine.

I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated

What an embarrassment
Just like Biden. Only 25% of Americans support him, if that. They are just very loud.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. Too bad Your guy lost the popular vote both times.
Massive and obvious fraud. The election was stolen.
Only the fantastical right wing says that. Right wingers make the Best, Russian tools.
Then there are over 100 million of them. Russia should have taken over by now.
Trump lost the popular vote twice.
Trump was defrauded once.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated

What an embarrassment
Just like Biden. Only 25% of Americans support him, if that. They are just very loud.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. Too bad Your guy lost the popular vote both times.
Massive and obvious fraud. The election was stolen.
Only the fantastical right wing says that. Right wingers make the Best, Russian tools.
Then there are over 100 million of them. Russia should have taken over by now.
Trump lost the popular vote twice.
Trump was defrauded once.
Fraud is all right wingers have.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated

What an embarrassment
Just like Biden. Only 25% of Americans support him, if that. They are just very loud.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. Too bad Your guy lost the popular vote both times.
Massive and obvious fraud. The election was stolen.
Only the fantastical right wing says that. Right wingers make the Best, Russian tools.
Then there are over 100 million of them. Russia should have taken over by now.
Trump lost the popular vote twice.
Trump was defrauded once.
Fraud is all right wingers have.
We also have a country being destroyed because of that fraud.
J and J didn't "pull" the vaccine like you are claiming, after the blood clot cases, they actually suspended it, but now, they are getting back on track to start distribution again.
Be sure to be the first in line to get it .....
Already got it. I have less a chance of blood clots than you do, if you look at the numbers so far.
I want to keep my life. That's why we need to be segregated from the virus factories that the anti-vaxxers will surely become.
Pa-LEASE ...

You are a Leftist ....

You have no life and we all know it !

What a pathetically immature ignorant statement.
You are a Republican and can be excused from making a contribution to the human race.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.
I hear 25 percent still refuse to be vaccinated

What an embarrassment
Just like Biden. Only 25% of Americans support him, if that. They are just very loud.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. Too bad Your guy lost the popular vote both times.
Massive and obvious fraud. The election was stolen.
Only the fantastical right wing says that. Right wingers make the Best, Russian tools.
Then there are over 100 million of them. Russia should have taken over by now.
Trump lost the popular vote twice.
Trump was defrauded once.
Fraud is all right wingers have.
We also have a country being destroyed because of that fraud.
And exactly where is your evidence there was election fraud? In your mind?
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.

100 million people vaccinated with an experimental Genetic Therapy drugs called a "vaccine" and those "vaccines" have yet to be approved by the Federal Drug Administration. Great!!!

People's genetics being tampered with causing heart inflammations, blood clots and other abnormal injuries or death. Some men are becoming sterile and some pregnant women having miscarriages. It will take years for science to identify and categorize side effects. But we jumped on it like a duck on a June bug.

People playing Chinese roulette with an experimental drug. What a waste of life it's going to be.
Women & Men who have been vaccinated are more fertile & healthy with fewer medical issues or hospitalizations than their non-vaccinated peers.

Corona virus is making people sterile, damaging heart, lungs, brain, reproductive systems & many other organs. It causes blood clots in a lot of them.
I noted 100 million people have been fully vaccinated now. Well done Joe.

How many of you are still up under the view it is some left wing conspiracy to depopulate the world? Some say it's designed to destroy the nation and install communism. Don't forget those who say the vaccine is untested even after 100 million have got it and didn't die from it unlike those loopies who hoped God would protect them. Those who contributed to the bulging coffers of those fraudulent charlatans should demand their money back. Thank God for Joe Biden.

100 million people vaccinated with an experimental Genetic Therapy drugs called a "vaccine" and those "vaccines" have yet to be approved by the Federal Drug Administration. Great!!!

People's genetics being tampered with causing heart inflammations, blood clots and other abnormal injuries or death. Some men are becoming sterile and some pregnant women having miscarriages. It will take years for science to identify and categorize side effects. But we jumped on it like a duck on a June bug.

People playing Chinese roulette with an experimental drug. What a waste of life it's going to be.
Women & Men who have been vaccinated are more fertile & healthy with fewer medical issues or hospitalizations than their non-vaccinated peers.

Corona virus is making people sterile, damaging heart, lungs, brain, reproductive systems & many other organs. It causes blood clots in a lot of them.
Where’s the proof?

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