The Value of Free Speech

Thats why I said we have a difference of opinion. I do believe in punishing people what they say. Words have power. As an elected official or business person you shouldn't be supporting or advocating a racist position. You deserve to lose your livelihood and the faster the better.
Now that is where you are wrong. You don't have that right because you would never hold yourself to the same standard. You would never hold your politicians to that standard.
And THAT is the problem the non liberal world has with you people on the left.
There most certainly IS a double standard. There are those who can say and do whatever they please because they either belong to a protected class or they are in bed with liberal politicians.
The frustrating aspect of this issue that you people go through your day looking for things to bother yourself with. You are either perpetually offended or miserable when you are not being offended.
In your search for offense you expand your vocabulary of offending terms and phrases. It's gotten to the point where people are using their personal electronic devices to record everything they say out of fear of being dragged into court or in front of their boss on some silly charge of 'offense'. Employers are so shit scared of lawsuits from the perpetually offended, they don't even bother to ferret out the truth. The charged are either disciplined or fired without due process.
This has gone on long enough and now the push back has begun. No longer are people in fear of the race card. In fact most are quite bored with it. The race card has taken resemblance to the blaring car alarm in the shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares.
In other words, we've had it with your PC whining and claims of offense.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. PC will be buried some day. Hopefully soon. So we can get back to the business of living as human beings instead as objects of potential litigation.

It seems you are another person that just assumes they know what I would do. You're wrong as 2 left shoes. I do have the right. Who's going to stop me from doing it? You seem to have me mixed up with someone that is thin skinned. I expect people like you to be racist so it doesn't get to me emotionally. I just enjoy when they bite the dust because of something stupid they said. If people stopped and realized that what they happened to think may cause someone else stress or discomfort they wouldnt have to tape themselves. Be polite. Ask permission to criticize. Be politically correct and you will get a lot more bi-partisan by in. You argue that you are frustrated. Change your approach. If you plan on waiting until the pendulum swings back remember it will always swing again to the other side and you will be back bitching and complaining. I gotta ask you this one question I always use when people whine about things. How is that working for you?

If you are actually thick skinned, why do you support destroying a person based on an internet hoax?
Matthew 7:1-5

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Asclepias, I don't know whether you are religious or not, frankly it doesn't matter here. But these bible verses have a practical application in life. How can you judge a man by your own standards when you so often fail to meet them yourself? This goes to your judgement of conservatives and politicians as well.
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The wrong was slavery and the subsequent years of racial oppression. Who committed it? White controlled government and society. Yes they are still alive. What does being alive have to do with righting a wrong?

If I support AA obviously I support relaxed hiring and admissions standards. Contrary to popular belief you can learn OJT.

Not in the least bit surprised a black liberal would support a policy that despite it's insulting and offensive overtone, because you can get something for nothing other than the color of your skin and the fact that the idea you are somehow 'owed' something, that makes quotas ok...Sheesh..I suppose you'd be in lockstep support for slavery reparations as well. I'm sure you'll get real far with that..
Doesn't it make your skin crawl knowing that those in charge of hiring or admissions have told you "look, you are black. Therefore you are incapable of making it on your own. We will make up for your lack of ( fill in the blank)...".
Does it not at all register with you that all Affirmative Action did was create resentment and an overall distrust of institutions? And the races of each other?

These do-gooder programs and 'good intentions' have set back race relations for decades.
It is no wonder AA and busing have been cast aside. Both were great ideas in theory but in practice a fucking disaster.
As for you not so well veiled hatred toward whites..
You have the problem. You demand that others be banned from making generalizations about you. Yet you give yourself no such restriction.
Your anger is misplaced. This is typical of most racists who see themselves as perpetual victims. Because the people you wish to lash out at are long dead, in you inability to control your hate, you turn to lash out at those you can see.
I nor my ancestors who did not arrive here until well after the civil war, owe you nothing.
Pointing your finger at those who had nothing to do with your issues gets you no mileage.
Read the words in my signature....See if they mean anything to you.
Could they be words to live by?

You keep missing the fact that white women have benefited from AA more than anyone else. You also seem to lack the ability to understand the concept of righting a wrong. Yes as a citizen of the US I am owed something. I am owed an opportunity that for centuries was not extended to my ancestors. No it doesn't make my skin crawl when I am paid back for my ancestors lack of compensation. Why would it make my skin crawl? Thats stupid to turn down what was never paid to my ancestors. If whites want to think I am incapable thats their problem. I'm not trying to prove anything to them. They can just keep right on thinking that while I move on up the road to my success.

What has set race relations back are the racist attitudes of sheeple whites who accept the boogey man theory or are just outright afraid of losing their control of the other races. Personally I am not angry at whites. I dont like racists but I know they exist. I only lash out at rude ass people and stupidity that keeps progress from going forward. I dont demand others be banned from being stupid I request that they respect the person they are talking about. If they dont then I get to retaliate if public opinion is with me. If you are espousing the same rhetoric as the racists you just became my enemy. I dont care what your ancestors did or did not do. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Maybe you should read those words and internalize them instead of pointing me to your signature.

You keep missing the fact that it is wrong.
Maybe you are mistaking my use of the word punishment. I don't mean jail time or making it illegal. I mean if you cant craft a comment/opinion that unites and betters the population you deserve all the consequences you invite by advocating a racist and divisive one.

You made the statement in the context of a discussion on the politics of person destruction--intentionally attempting to or destroying a person's reputation and/or livelihood for no other reason than you don't like their opinion. So yes, I think you were quite specific in what the 'punishment' should be and I don't accept that you didn't intend that.

I also believe you would assume the right to determine what is and what is not acceptable speech and who was deserving of such punishment and who is not. You would determine what a definition of racism (or any other politically correct context) would be and would agree with gestapo type censorship and discipline.

Those of us with some good education in history, Constitution, and the Founders intent with the content of the Constitution, reject giving any class of Americans authority and license to dictate to other Americans what speech shall be acceptable to use and what discipline shall be used to enforce politically correct speech. We value the liberties the Constitution recognizes and protects, and will strongly resist people like you who would take them away.

How is destroying a persons reputation or livelihood the same as committing someone to jail time or making what they said illegal?

Because in all three instances, their freedom is lost.
You made the statement in the context of a discussion on the politics of person destruction--intentionally attempting to or destroying a person's reputation and/or livelihood for no other reason than you don't like their opinion. So yes, I think you were quite specific in what the 'punishment' should be and I don't accept that you didn't intend that.

I also believe you would assume the right to determine what is and what is not acceptable speech and who was deserving of such punishment and who is not. You would determine what a definition of racism (or any other politically correct context) would be and would agree with gestapo type censorship and discipline.

Those of us with some good education in history, Constitution, and the Founders intent with the content of the Constitution, reject giving any class of Americans authority and license to dictate to other Americans what speech shall be acceptable to use and what discipline shall be used to enforce politically correct speech. We value the liberties the Constitution recognizes and protects, and will strongly resist people like you who would take them away.

How is destroying a persons reputation or livelihood the same as committing someone to jail time or making what they said illegal? I repeat they can exercise their 1rst amendment right to be stupid and racist. I can also exercise my 1rst amendment right to boycott their business and spread the word they are stupid and racist.

I already said public opinion is the ultimate decision maker on what consequences a stupid person faces for espousing their opinion.

I heard the star spangled banner playing while I read your last paragraph. :lol: The thing you supposedly patriotic people miss is that the founders made the framework of our country flexible. The greatness in their vision is the ability to see that there would be events or situations that they could not foresee. These will be decided by public opinion and ultimately amendments in the frame work of the Constitution. So its ok that you reject. Thats your right. However you cant impose your will unless you have a majority. Same goes for the other side. I'm hoping that decency, intelligence, and civility win out.

You have a strange view of civility, decency, and intelligence when you think it is okay to destroy somebody because YOU think they are stupid and racist. Do they have the right to destroy your reputation and livelihood with impunity because they think you are an insufferable, bigoted, judgmental, and dangerous idiot because you think it is okay to destroy people that you don't like?

Again who is to define what racism is to your standards? I think those who can't see how racist Affirmative Action is are far more dangerously racist than somebody who uses the "n" word. The person using politically incorrect language is not likely to harm anybody. Affirmative Action this day and age can and does. So am I okay in your eyes if I try to destroy your reputation and livelihood because you support Affirmative Action?

The worst evil of all forms of political correctness is that one group of people feels justified in ganging up on somebody just because they don't like an opinion that somebody expresses. In my view of what is civil, decent, and intelligent, that is not the best of America. It is evil.

Yes they have the right to destroy me if they can. Its protected under the 1rst amendment for them to speak out against me and call me names.

I define what racism means to me. Its pretty easy. "Does this person think his race is superior to mine?" If the answer is yes then they are a racist in my book. I disagree that AA is racist. It would have to mean that one race was superior over the other. Besides it helps white women more than anyone else. The person using politically incorrect language is showing their inability to be a leader to anyone except a racist person that enjoys that type of thing. If you felt you wanted to go there and try and destroy my reputation over AA you would be well within your rights. I dont think you would get much traction but you are free to give it a whirl.

Your last paragraph is hypocritical. Why do you feel its evil to gang up on a racist when they are espousing the same thing? Racism destroys the lives of those it is practiced against. You must have really enjoyed the fact that Blacks were enslaved then?
Thats why I said we have a difference of opinion. I do believe in punishing people what they say. Words have power. As an elected official or business person you shouldn't be supporting or advocating a racist position. You deserve to lose your livelihood and the faster the better.
Now that is where you are wrong. You don't have that right because you would never hold yourself to the same standard. You would never hold your politicians to that standard.
And THAT is the problem the non liberal world has with you people on the left.
There most certainly IS a double standard. There are those who can say and do whatever they please because they either belong to a protected class or they are in bed with liberal politicians.
The frustrating aspect of this issue that you people go through your day looking for things to bother yourself with. You are either perpetually offended or miserable when you are not being offended.
In your search for offense you expand your vocabulary of offending terms and phrases. It's gotten to the point where people are using their personal electronic devices to record everything they say out of fear of being dragged into court or in front of their boss on some silly charge of 'offense'. Employers are so shit scared of lawsuits from the perpetually offended, they don't even bother to ferret out the truth. The charged are either disciplined or fired without due process.
This has gone on long enough and now the push back has begun. No longer are people in fear of the race card. In fact most are quite bored with it. The race card has taken resemblance to the blaring car alarm in the shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares.
In other words, we've had it with your PC whining and claims of offense.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. PC will be buried some day. Hopefully soon. So we can get back to the business of living as human beings instead as objects of potential litigation.

Hit the nail on the head. In one thread he found someone guilty simply because a racial slur was written, even though it was clearly written by someone other than the white guy. His defense was that the comment was racist, thus the black girl was innocent. Now he is claiming that there is a difference between a black racist and a white one simply so that he doesn't have to call for the black racist to be punished for his racial remarks even though he claims that all racists should be punished.

I see you like taking liberty with the truth. I didnt find anyone guilty. I said he was the one that wrote it based on deduction. I also said we would have to wait and see. Why are you lying? Cant you advance your argument without resorting to lying?
Maybe you are mistaking my use of the word punishment. I don't mean jail time or making it illegal. I mean if you cant craft a comment/opinion that unites and betters the population you deserve all the consequences you invite by advocating a racist and divisive one.

You made the statement in the context of a discussion on the politics of person destruction--intentionally attempting to or destroying a person's reputation and/or livelihood for no other reason than you don't like their opinion. So yes, I think you were quite specific in what the 'punishment' should be and I don't accept that you didn't intend that.

I also believe you would assume the right to determine what is and what is not acceptable speech and who was deserving of such punishment and who is not. You would determine what a definition of racism (or any other politically correct context) would be and would agree with gestapo type censorship and discipline.

Those of us with some good education in history, Constitution, and the Founders intent with the content of the Constitution, reject giving any class of Americans authority and license to dictate to other Americans what speech shall be acceptable to use and what discipline shall be used to enforce politically correct speech. We value the liberties the Constitution recognizes and protects, and will strongly resist people like you who would take them away.

I repeat they can exercise their 1st amendment right to be stupid and racist. I can also exercise my 1st amendment right to boycott their business and spread the word they are stupid and racist.

Here's the thing, Asclepias, the way people exercise their free speech is not your decision. You fail to grasp one key concept here. You cannot use your free speech to take away from someone else's. So in so boycotting them ,you will lead the charge in hopes of ruining this person for "being stupid and racist."

I know children who act this way, but full grown adults who participate in this kind of puerility ought to be ashamed of themselves. In fact, this is what I deem to be totalitarianism.
Plainly speaking, liberals are hypocrites. They give their side a free pass for the same offences they condemn conservatives for.

What wrong? Who committed it, and how many of those are still alive?

Do you see relaxed hiring/admissions standards as a good thing? If so, why?

The wrong was slavery and the subsequent years of racial oppression. Who committed it? White controlled government and society. Yes they are still alive. What does being alive have to do with righting a wrong?

If I support AA obviously I support relaxed hiring and admissions standards. Contrary to popular belief you can learn OJT.

Government mandated racism does not excuse government mandated racism.

That would be a great statement if AA was racist.
How is destroying a persons reputation or livelihood the same as committing someone to jail time or making what they said illegal? I repeat they can exercise their 1rst amendment right to be stupid and racist. I can also exercise my 1rst amendment right to boycott their business and spread the word they are stupid and racist.

I already said public opinion is the ultimate decision maker on what consequences a stupid person faces for espousing their opinion.

I heard the star spangled banner playing while I read your last paragraph. :lol: The thing you supposedly patriotic people miss is that the founders made the framework of our country flexible. The greatness in their vision is the ability to see that there would be events or situations that they could not foresee. These will be decided by public opinion and ultimately amendments in the frame work of the Constitution. So its ok that you reject. Thats your right. However you cant impose your will unless you have a majority. Same goes for the other side. I'm hoping that decency, intelligence, and civility win out.

You have a strange view of civility, decency, and intelligence when you think it is okay to destroy somebody because YOU think they are stupid and racist. Do they have the right to destroy your reputation and livelihood with impunity because they think you are an insufferable, bigoted, judgmental, and dangerous idiot because you think it is okay to destroy people that you don't like?

Again who is to define what racism is to your standards? I think those who can't see how racist Affirmative Action is are far more dangerously racist than somebody who uses the "n" word. The person using politically incorrect language is not likely to harm anybody. Affirmative Action this day and age can and does. So am I okay in your eyes if I try to destroy your reputation and livelihood because you support Affirmative Action?

The worst evil of all forms of political correctness is that one group of people feels justified in ganging up on somebody just because they don't like an opinion that somebody expresses. In my view of what is civil, decent, and intelligent, that is not the best of America. It is evil.

Yes they have the right to destroy me if they can. Its protected under the 1rst amendment for them to speak out against me and call me names.

I define what racism means to me. Its pretty easy. "Does this person think his race is superior to mine?" If the answer is yes then they are a racist in my book. I disagree that AA is racist. It would have to mean that one race was superior over the other. Besides it helps white women more than anyone else. The person using politically incorrect language is showing their inability to be a leader to anyone except a racist person that enjoys that type of thing. If you felt you wanted to go there and try and destroy my reputation over AA you would be well within your rights. I dont think you would get much traction but you are free to give it a whirl.

Your last paragraph is hypocritical. Why do you feel its evil to gang up on a racist when they are espousing the same thing? Racism destroys the lives of those it is practiced against. You must have really enjoyed the fact that Blacks were enslaved then?

Racism destroys lives? When was the last time the KKK did any real damage? If you weren't a thin skinned child you would treat other racists exactly the way they deserve, you would ignore them.
Which is exactly why I said you would dismantle the First Amendment (and therefore the purpose of the entire Constitution) in a heartbeat. The Founders risked their families, their lives, their entire fortunes to give us a Constitution that prohibits the government from punishing people for what they say, think, read, or write short of inciting to riot or depriving others of their unalienable rights. It made absolutely no distinction between the various states, no distinction between private citizens and politicians, no distinction between political parties, and no distinction between people holding polar opposite views.

Thugs bullies, wingnuts, and PC extremists who would ignore that principle and would exert their will to control the words, thoughts, etc. of those they disapprove of or with whom they disagree are not only thugs, bullies, wingnuts, and PC extremists, but they are evil.

Maybe you are mistaking my use of the word punishment. I don't mean jail time or making it illegal. I mean if you cant craft a comment/opinion that unites and betters the population you deserve all the consequences you invite by advocating a racist and divisive one.

Maybe you can't read, people should never be punished for speech, especially when the person calling for that punishment is exactly the same as the person they want to punish.

Says who? I say they should be punished.
Now that is where you are wrong. You don't have that right because you would never hold yourself to the same standard. You would never hold your politicians to that standard.
And THAT is the problem the non liberal world has with you people on the left.
There most certainly IS a double standard. There are those who can say and do whatever they please because they either belong to a protected class or they are in bed with liberal politicians.
The frustrating aspect of this issue that you people go through your day looking for things to bother yourself with. You are either perpetually offended or miserable when you are not being offended.
In your search for offense you expand your vocabulary of offending terms and phrases. It's gotten to the point where people are using their personal electronic devices to record everything they say out of fear of being dragged into court or in front of their boss on some silly charge of 'offense'. Employers are so shit scared of lawsuits from the perpetually offended, they don't even bother to ferret out the truth. The charged are either disciplined or fired without due process.
This has gone on long enough and now the push back has begun. No longer are people in fear of the race card. In fact most are quite bored with it. The race card has taken resemblance to the blaring car alarm in the shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares.
In other words, we've had it with your PC whining and claims of offense.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. PC will be buried some day. Hopefully soon. So we can get back to the business of living as human beings instead as objects of potential litigation.

Hit the nail on the head. In one thread he found someone guilty simply because a racial slur was written, even though it was clearly written by someone other than the white guy. His defense was that the comment was racist, thus the black girl was innocent. Now he is claiming that there is a difference between a black racist and a white one simply so that he doesn't have to call for the black racist to be punished for his racial remarks even though he claims that all racists should be punished.

I see you like taking liberty with the truth. I didnt find anyone guilty. I said he was the one that wrote it based on deduction. I also said we would have to wait and see. Why are you lying? Cant you advance your argument without resorting to lying?

When you deem someone "stupid and racist" have you already not condemned them to guilt? Can you stay on point without obfuscating?
Yet you just tried to argue that I didn't know your position because I didn't ask.

Funny how I actually nailed it, isn't it?

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that you didn't nail it. :lol:

You wanted to punish an innocent man because you were unwilling to admit a simple truth about human nature.

I have your position down so well that I can put you into the same category as every other racist on the planet.

What innocent man?
Maybe you are mistaking my use of the word punishment. I don't mean jail time or making it illegal. I mean if you cant craft a comment/opinion that unites and betters the population you deserve all the consequences you invite by advocating a racist and divisive one.

Maybe you can't read, people should never be punished for speech, especially when the person calling for that punishment is exactly the same as the person they want to punish.

Says who? I say they should be punished.

The argument has come full circle. You are repeating this sad tired song again. And in so doing have revealed your true opinion on the subject.

"People should be punished for speech, because I say so."
Now that is where you are wrong. You don't have that right because you would never hold yourself to the same standard. You would never hold your politicians to that standard.
And THAT is the problem the non liberal world has with you people on the left.
There most certainly IS a double standard. There are those who can say and do whatever they please because they either belong to a protected class or they are in bed with liberal politicians.
The frustrating aspect of this issue that you people go through your day looking for things to bother yourself with. You are either perpetually offended or miserable when you are not being offended.
In your search for offense you expand your vocabulary of offending terms and phrases. It's gotten to the point where people are using their personal electronic devices to record everything they say out of fear of being dragged into court or in front of their boss on some silly charge of 'offense'. Employers are so shit scared of lawsuits from the perpetually offended, they don't even bother to ferret out the truth. The charged are either disciplined or fired without due process.
This has gone on long enough and now the push back has begun. No longer are people in fear of the race card. In fact most are quite bored with it. The race card has taken resemblance to the blaring car alarm in the shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares.
In other words, we've had it with your PC whining and claims of offense.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. PC will be buried some day. Hopefully soon. So we can get back to the business of living as human beings instead as objects of potential litigation.

Hit the nail on the head. In one thread he found someone guilty simply because a racial slur was written, even though it was clearly written by someone other than the white guy. His defense was that the comment was racist, thus the black girl was innocent. Now he is claiming that there is a difference between a black racist and a white one simply so that he doesn't have to call for the black racist to be punished for his racial remarks even though he claims that all racists should be punished.

I see you like taking liberty with the truth. I didnt find anyone guilty. I said he was the one that wrote it based on deduction. I also said we would have to wait and see. Why are you lying? Cant you advance your argument without resorting to lying?


You clamed an e that used 3 pen strokes was identical to one that used a single pen stroke. You then insisted that the only way the waitress could possibly have done it is if she planned to make money off it, and, since that was absurd, you concluded that he had to have done it. That isn't deduction, that is racism. You wouldn't know deduction if you were bitch slapped by Plato.
Now that is where you are wrong. You don't have that right because you would never hold yourself to the same standard. You would never hold your politicians to that standard.
And THAT is the problem the non liberal world has with you people on the left.
There most certainly IS a double standard. There are those who can say and do whatever they please because they either belong to a protected class or they are in bed with liberal politicians.
The frustrating aspect of this issue that you people go through your day looking for things to bother yourself with. You are either perpetually offended or miserable when you are not being offended.
In your search for offense you expand your vocabulary of offending terms and phrases. It's gotten to the point where people are using their personal electronic devices to record everything they say out of fear of being dragged into court or in front of their boss on some silly charge of 'offense'. Employers are so shit scared of lawsuits from the perpetually offended, they don't even bother to ferret out the truth. The charged are either disciplined or fired without due process.
This has gone on long enough and now the push back has begun. No longer are people in fear of the race card. In fact most are quite bored with it. The race card has taken resemblance to the blaring car alarm in the shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares.
In other words, we've had it with your PC whining and claims of offense.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. PC will be buried some day. Hopefully soon. So we can get back to the business of living as human beings instead as objects of potential litigation.

It seems you are another person that just assumes they know what I would do. You're wrong as 2 left shoes. I do have the right. Who's going to stop me from doing it? You seem to have me mixed up with someone that is thin skinned. I expect people like you to be racist so it doesn't get to me emotionally. I just enjoy when they bite the dust because of something stupid they said. If people stopped and realized that what they happened to think may cause someone else stress or discomfort they wouldnt have to tape themselves. Be polite. Ask permission to criticize. Be politically correct and you will get a lot more bi-partisan by in. You argue that you are frustrated. Change your approach. If you plan on waiting until the pendulum swings back remember it will always swing again to the other side and you will be back bitching and complaining. I gotta ask you this one question I always use when people whine about things. How is that working for you?

If you are actually thick skinned, why do you support destroying a person based on an internet hoax?

I dont. Where did you see me post that? Are you lying again? When you do that you admit you have nothing left. Just sayin.
The wrong was slavery and the subsequent years of racial oppression. Who committed it? White controlled government and society. Yes they are still alive. What does being alive have to do with righting a wrong?

If I support AA obviously I support relaxed hiring and admissions standards. Contrary to popular belief you can learn OJT.

Government mandated racism does not excuse government mandated racism.

That would be a great statement if AA was racist.

Tell me something, if you can, how is making decisions based on race and/or sex not racism and sexism? Do you think good intentions cancels racism somehow?
You made the statement in the context of a discussion on the politics of person destruction--intentionally attempting to or destroying a person's reputation and/or livelihood for no other reason than you don't like their opinion. So yes, I think you were quite specific in what the 'punishment' should be and I don't accept that you didn't intend that.

I also believe you would assume the right to determine what is and what is not acceptable speech and who was deserving of such punishment and who is not. You would determine what a definition of racism (or any other politically correct context) would be and would agree with gestapo type censorship and discipline.

Those of us with some good education in history, Constitution, and the Founders intent with the content of the Constitution, reject giving any class of Americans authority and license to dictate to other Americans what speech shall be acceptable to use and what discipline shall be used to enforce politically correct speech. We value the liberties the Constitution recognizes and protects, and will strongly resist people like you who would take them away.

I repeat they can exercise their 1st amendment right to be stupid and racist. I can also exercise my 1st amendment right to boycott their business and spread the word they are stupid and racist.

Here's the thing, Asclepias, the way people exercise their free speech is not your decision. You fail to grasp one key concept here. You cannot use your free speech to take away from someone else's. So in so boycotting them ,you will lead the charge in hopes of ruining this person for "being stupid and racist."

I know children who act this way, but full grown adults who participate in this kind of puerility ought to be ashamed of themselves. In fact, this is what I deem to be totalitarianism.

I guess one day I may feel guilty for destroying a racist person.....well maybe not.
Maybe you are mistaking my use of the word punishment. I don't mean jail time or making it illegal. I mean if you cant craft a comment/opinion that unites and betters the population you deserve all the consequences you invite by advocating a racist and divisive one.

Maybe you can't read, people should never be punished for speech, especially when the person calling for that punishment is exactly the same as the person they want to punish.

Says who? I say they should be punished.

You say that, but you are unwilling to actually do that unless the racism is against your side. If you really believed it you would apply it to everyone. That makes you wrong, suck it up and be honest.

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