The value of slavery?

Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
So you know full well you’re full of it.
And...I would add the atrocities committed to blacks in regards to civil rights, which are still in living memory and the legacy of slavery. All that is still very much alive.
The atrocities to Native Americans were a direct result of Government activity and Government policies. Our Government specifically directed the army to slaughter Native Americans. The largest mass shooting in history happened to Native Americans and was directed by the U.S. Government while Abraham Lincoln was in office. The government never did that to Blacks. Our Government stole the Native Americans land. That was not the case with Blacks. As far as the Jees are concerned, the German Government systematically murdered thousand of Jews. Any other race they deemed inferior. One cannot compare the treatment of Native Americans directly by our Government to what happened with Blacks. It is apples and oranges.

I agree with you on the atrocities to Native Americans. I totally disagree on the atrocities to blacks. Blacks couldn't own land. They were owned property themselves. They could be killed, whipped, starved and raped with inpunity. Families were forcably seperated on the auction block. They were lynched for looking at a white woman. They were used, without their consent in horrible medical experiments. And it was all legal.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
So you know full well you’re full of it.

Just like you dude :lol:

Complex problems usually don't have simple answers and things like education falls under complex.
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
So you know full well you’re full of it.

Just like you dude :lol:
Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead
And the few successful Blacks want nothing to do with the $500.90 sneaker wearers.
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.

We're going to get off topic if we keep on down this path. What does it have to do with reparations?
Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
So you know full well you’re full of it.

Just like you dude :lol:
Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead
And the few successful Blacks want nothing to do with the $500.90 sneaker wearers.

In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.

Agree with that. If people must be deemed "worthy" of reparations, then that cast's a whole different (and not very palatable) light on it. If Native Americans should receive reparations today, then so should blacks and so should women come to think of it.

And no, I disagree with your assertion that Native Americans got reparations.

Native Americans DO get reparations.

  1. the making of amends for wrong or injury done: reparation for an injustice.
  2. Usually reparations. compensation in money, material, labor, etc., payable by a defeated country to another country or to an individual for loss suffered during or as a result of war.
  3. restoration to good condition.

No. They do not. We are talking about reparations in the meaning of #1.

They got reparations Coyote. Not saying it has been appropriate or that reparations would actually right the wrongs committed against them but they are wards of the government, they do not have to pay taxes, they are considered separate nations as it pertains to reservations while getting American government money, there have been specific government legislation for Native American economic development only, just to name a few things.

It is ridiculous for some here to pretend that blacks just simply showed up here because African governments made agreements with whites to bring black slaves here. We were removed from our homes. Native Americans owned slaves. And you can use the same argument about Native Americans helping whites kill thier own as you can with that sorry excuse of Africans selling each other.
Native American Scouts

Native Americans had been utilized as Scouts as far back as white men had been settling the American continent. After the Civil War, Indians from more than a dozen tribes were enlisted to assist the Army during the Indian Campaigns of the Great Plains and Southwest regions. By 1866, the Army had been engaged in the Indian Wars for twenty years. The borderlands, however, posed particular challenges. With limited manpower, the Army, needed help because of the sheer size and difficulty of the land area involved. Congress, therefore, authorized the Army to form a corps of up to 1,000 Indian Scouts for reconnaissance and combat duty on August 1, 1866. In 1871, as Commander of the Arizona Territory, General George Crook was charged with subduing the last of the warring tribes and finally bringing order to the frontier. Facing desolate, unmapped terrain, brutal conditions, and a desperate enemy, Crook recruited White Mountain and San Carlos Apaches to chase down the elusive Chiricahua Apaches, led by Cochise.

Native American Scouts
Blacks refuse police enforcement.
They have schools which do not prepare them for college but heaven forbid they should enforce standards.
They need the bar and $500.00 sneakers.

Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.

We're going to get off topic if we keep on down this path. What does it have to do with reparations?
I’m right on target.
Blacks are given every opportunity and blow every one.
The atrocities to Native Americans were a direct result of Government activity and Government policies. Our Government specifically directed the army to slaughter Native Americans. The largest mass shooting in history happened to Native Americans and was directed by the U.S. Government while Abraham Lincoln was in office. The government never did that to Blacks. Our Government stole the Native Americans land. That was not the case with Blacks. As far as the Jees are concerned, the German Government systematically murdered thousand of Jews. Any other race they deemed inferior. One cannot compare the treatment of Native Americans directly by our Government to what happened with Blacks. It is apples and oranges.

I agree with you on the atrocities to Native Americans. I totally disagree on the atrocities to blacks. Blacks couldn't own land. They were owned property themselves. They could be killed, whipped, starved and raped with inpunity. Families were forcably seperated on the auction block. They were lynched for looking at a white woman. They were used, without their consent in horrible medical experiments. And it was all legal.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
The atrocities to Native Americans were a direct result of Government activity and Government policies. Our Government specifically directed the army to slaughter Native Americans. The largest mass shooting in history happened to Native Americans and was directed by the U.S. Government while Abraham Lincoln was in office. The government never did that to Blacks. Our Government stole the Native Americans land. That was not the case with Blacks. As far as the Jees are concerned, the German Government systematically murdered thousand of Jews. Any other race they deemed inferior. One cannot compare the treatment of Native Americans directly by our Government to what happened with Blacks. It is apples and oranges.

I agree with you on the atrocities to Native Americans. I totally disagree on the atrocities to blacks. Blacks couldn't own land. They were owned property themselves. They could be killed, whipped, starved and raped with inpunity. Families were forcably seperated on the auction block. They were lynched for looking at a white woman. They were used, without their consent in horrible medical experiments. And it was all legal.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.
Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.

We're going to get off topic if we keep on down this path. What does it have to do with reparations?
I’m right on target.
Blacks are given every opportunity and blow every one.

So they ARE a monolithic group? Plenty of successful black people out there.
Love those canards don't you?
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.

We're going to get off topic if we keep on down this path. What does it have to do with reparations?
I’m right on target.
Blacks are given every opportunity and blow every one.
My tax dollars are reparations.
I agree with you on the atrocities to Native Americans. I totally disagree on the atrocities to blacks. Blacks couldn't own land. They were owned property themselves. They could be killed, whipped, starved and raped with inpunity. Families were forcably seperated on the auction block. They were lynched for looking at a white woman. They were used, without their consent in horrible medical experiments. And it was all legal.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
I agree with you on the atrocities to Native Americans. I totally disagree on the atrocities to blacks. Blacks couldn't own land. They were owned property themselves. They could be killed, whipped, starved and raped with inpunity. Families were forcably seperated on the auction block. They were lynched for looking at a white woman. They were used, without their consent in horrible medical experiments. And it was all legal.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.

They are equally detestable - slavery and the subsequent daily degradations of racist law, is just another death. Many slaves were killed and died.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.

Agree with that. If people must be deemed "worthy" of reparations, then that cast's a whole different (and not very palatable) light on it. If Native Americans should receive reparations today, then so should blacks and so should women come to think of it.

And no, I disagree with your assertion that Native Americans got reparations.

Native Americans DO get reparations.

  1. the making of amends for wrong or injury done: reparation for an injustice.
  2. Usually reparations. compensation in money, material, labor, etc., payable by a defeated country to another country or to an individual for loss suffered during or as a result of war.
  3. restoration to good condition.

No. They do not. We are talking about reparations in the meaning of #1.

They got reparations Coyote. Not saying it has been appropriate or that reparations would actually right the wrongs committed against them but they are wards of the government, they do not have to pay taxes, they are considered separate nations as it pertains to reservations while getting American government money, there have been specific government legislation for Native American economic development only, just to name a few things.

It is ridiculous for some here to pretend that blacks just simply showed up here because African governments made agreements with whites to bring black slaves here. We were removed from our homes. Native Americans owned slaves. And you can use the same argument about Native Americans helping whites kill thier own as you can with that sorry excuse of Africans selling each other.
Native American Scouts

Native Americans had been utilized as Scouts as far back as white men had been settling the American continent. After the Civil War, Indians from more than a dozen tribes were enlisted to assist the Army during the Indian Campaigns of the Great Plains and Southwest regions. By 1866, the Army had been engaged in the Indian Wars for twenty years. The borderlands, however, posed particular challenges. With limited manpower, the Army, needed help because of the sheer size and difficulty of the land area involved. Congress, therefore, authorized the Army to form a corps of up to 1,000 Indian Scouts for reconnaissance and combat duty on August 1, 1866. In 1871, as Commander of the Arizona Territory, General George Crook was charged with subduing the last of the warring tribes and finally bringing order to the frontier. Facing desolate, unmapped terrain, brutal conditions, and a desperate enemy, Crook recruited White Mountain and San Carlos Apaches to chase down the elusive Chiricahua Apaches, led by Cochise.

Native American Scouts
Now if only those were afforded to all tribes.
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
We know how upwardly mobile the DC area is.

We're going to get off topic if we keep on down this path. What does it have to do with reparations?
I’m right on target.
Blacks are given every opportunity and blow every one.

So they ARE a monolithic group? Plenty of successful black people out there.
Very small percentage or we wouldn’t have IM2 complaining.
How much was a life worth in 1865? Take that, multiply by 600,000, then adjust for inflation and add compound interest. Then, deduct that from any figure for any hypothetical reparations for slavery.
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
I agree they were treated badly and the whole incident is an atrocity. However it was not directed by the U.S. government. The Governent that did, the confederate stars of America no longer exists. Slavery was more or less individual in nature. The money paid to purchase slaves was paid by individuals to other individuals in some cases to foreign Governments. Laws unfortunately did not go far enough to protect them. However the playing field has been rectified and the opportunities afforded to Whites are also afforded to Blacks. Some specific laws favor Blacks. The idea of reparations on top of what has been done is quite frankly ridiculous.

The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.

They are equally detestable - slavery and the subsequent daily degradations of racist law, is just another death. Many slaves were killed and died.
Slaves were not killed as a directive of the Government. There in lies the difference.
I work in 3 Black neighborhoods.
Where does your hands on knowledge come from?

Working in a black neighborhood in DC in a majority black workforce.

But more to the point, I can read and find resources.
So you know full well you’re full of it.

Just like you dude :lol:
Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead
And the few successful Blacks want nothing to do with the $500.90 sneaker wearers.

In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.

I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.

They are equally detestable - slavery and the subsequent daily degradations of racist law, is just another death. Many slaves were killed and died.
Slaves were not killed as a directive of the Government. There in lies the difference.

If slavery was legalized by the government and that same government decreed that blacks had no rights and blacks were killed as a result, the government did exactly that. I'm not even going to mention the government created slave patrols.

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